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MY CLASSMATES:-This Record was ready to present to you in August, but, thinking that a delay of a few months, just at the period when mail communication was being restored throughout the South, would add materially to the interest of the book, its publication has been delayed.

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Its preparation has developed much warm and kind feeling. My forebodings have been as uniformly disproved as the War prophecies of the London Times. Where I thought to find indifference to Class affairs, I have found deep interest, and where, after addressing a Classmate two or three times for additional items, I have at length felt it necessary to enclose a stamp, and have expected to get a letter beginning "Dear Sir," I have always received a cordial "My dear Bacon,"—and once received a stamp besides!

It has been work, but a work of love; and if the perusal of the book shall afford you a tithe of the pleasure that its compilation has afforded me, I shall feel amply repaid.

It has perplexed me to decide what character to give the work in hand, and whether any particular character could be impressed upon the whole work. Members of or candidates for the Happy Family have answered the Circular in the comic vein exclusively, while others have taken the serious line; and while some have taken it for granted that I knew certain items, many, after sending me one date of birth, for instance, have sent me another, perhaps thinking that all those numbers might have been taken. Could I have inserted the letters in the first person, the record would have been more piquant; but many seem to contain much written in confidence,—one covers six foolscap pages, and some answer the description of the Yankee, who was so short that he made a hole in the ground.

Doubtless there are errors; if you will notify me of any, I will gladly correct them. I ask, besides, that if any one of you can ever communicate aught concerning himself or others, that he thinks will be of interest to the Class, individually or collectively, he will do so. Future records will doubtless be issued, and it is desirable that every one should enlist in the work of collecting and forwarding material therefor to the Secretary.

I desire especially to acknowledge the kind assistance of CHALMERS, RILEY and WOODRUFF, in the collection of information, and of MANICE, STEVENS, and G. WELLS,- -a trio whose names should be written on the Scroll of Fame,-for having

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