Gambar halaman

land was delivered, and that ye sevearall bounds & lines of ye S'd land was justly & truely explained unto ye Sachem Anashuecut as it is Expressed in ye Deed of Saile Bearing date first day of Janua'y, 1671, Being now Read & Interpreted unto me, and that ye sevearall lines of ye lands as is in ye S'd Deed of Saile Expressed, was to run Straight only ye line upon Masquechuang river, and further saith that Anashuecutt, his two Brothers, with his three sons did also Sell ye S'd lands & sett their hands unto ye S'd Deed of Saile unto which I am a witnes, The S'd Absolome further. declared that he thanked God he had this opertunity to declare ye truth before Authority [A] nashuecutt, being conveyed out of ye country, Washaucutt his brother nor their sonnes never having sold any part of it before unto any English, Mr. Browne being left as as [sic] a Guardian by his father Tocomminon that ye other Indian sachems should not deprive him of his land.

This above written was Interpreted as ye Indian spake Before Peleg Sanford, Assist.

Daniel Stanton aged aboute thirty one yeares, upon his Engagement Testifieth that he did truly & Justly Interpret what is above written, that was Spoken by ye Indian Absolom, Taken ye 3th January, 1677-8.

Before Peleg Sanford, Assistant.

Entered upon Record


24th day of July, 1703.

P. J. F.

NOTE. the following items are found on the first blank leaves in this book which explaine themselves by the text. The Compiler.

Acco't of Disburse by Sundry proprieot'rs of ye Mortgage & other Lands at ye Narragansett.

March 9, Then Ordered for defraying mr. Saffins Charges Conecticutt, 10 Shillings each share. p'd Viz.

Capt. Waite Winthrop,

Elisha Hutchinson,

Jno. Williams for mr. Alcocke.


Oct. 5, 1679, Expenses at ye Committys Meeting at

[blocks in formation]

An Acco't of Disbursements by sundry proprietors of Nor'r & South Tracts, Aug. 5, when Ordered & Agreed in paym't for bill Exchange £19-5-8 sent to mr Harris, bought of Elias Parkman for £22-5-3, p'd Viz. by,

[blocks in formation]

Major Atherton,

Northern & Southern Tract of Land


I finde in a paper this written, Charges upon the southern

business to be borne by ye whole Comp'a 8'm Sixty-two.

mr. Smith,



[blocks in formation]

I finde in a paper this Account of Peage yt was paid at first to Gov. Winthrop being 735 fathems by

Edward Hutchinson,

Capt. Wm. Hudson,

Capt. Denison,

mr. Tho. Stanton, (Stoningtown,

& his son,

Maj'r Atherton,

mr. Alcock,


[blocks in formation]

Gov'r Winthrop,

Capt. Lord,

[blocks in formation]

mr. Richeson,

mr. Smiths.



more Edw. Hutchinson paid severall as per his booke

besides ye said above £25-19-4.

Note. The following is found in the last 480 leaves of this Proprietors book. The Compiler.

(1*) At a Comisoners Court, held at Wickford, in Conecticot Collonie.

22 August, 1672.

Present mr. Sam'l Willis, Edward Hutchinson, Capt. Wm. Hudson.

Edward Hutchinson was apointed recorder of ye Court.

The Court being set, John Johnson being called appeared to prosecute according to his bond, ye wife of Edmond Cosons for felloniusly takeing out of his house divers goods & other misdemeanors, ye wife of Edmund Cosons also appeared, but by reason some witnesses in ye caise was not p'sent, ye caise was deferred until next morning and warant sent for ye witnesses then to appeare, presently after this there came a writeing to ye Court sent by one upon ye magestraites of Roade Island, termed ye offercer wch was as followeth, To mr. Samuel Willis, Esq'r, Capt. Edward Hutchinson & Capt. William Hudson and all others whom it may concerne Gent❜lm.

We being informed yt yo'r selves by Authority of ye Collony of Conecticot are intended to hould a Court & Exercise Authority wth in ye Naraganset Cuntry in ye Kings province, the governm't whereof is for clearely by his Maj'ts Authority Comited unto us That we dare not in obedience to his Maj'ts declare our duties or suit others to exercise Authoritie in ye Kings province aforesaid, And therefore in obedience to his Maj'ts and in ye execution there of We doe hereby in his Maj'ts name, Charles ye Second King of England, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland & desire & require you & all others by any Authority from Conecticot Collonie derived to desist & not to hould any Courte or any otherwise exercise any Authority in any part of ye Kings province aforesaid until his Maj'ts pleasure be otherwise knowne, And we doe hereby further Certify and assure yo'r Selves & all others yt in obedience to his Maj'ts, We are and shall be ready to p'forme

our duties & in order there unto if there be any ocation for ye houlding a Court of Justice or other Exercise of Authority, we shall apply our Selves to afford all lawfull inshare to such p'sons who have just complaint and adress them Selves accordingly.

Signed by order of ye Gen'll Councill of his Maj'ts Collony of Rhoad Island & providence plantations & Siting at mr. Smith's house in Naraganset ye 21 day of August, 1672. John Sanford, Secritary. The mesinger demanded an answer to this writeing but ye Court see not any cause to send them any at present, The Court being informed, by ye Constable mr. Eldred, of same contempt yt others had cast upon ye Authority of Conecti cot, ordered warant to call them before them.

Copie of ye warant for Steven Northrop, you are hereby required in his Maj'ts name to warne Steven Northrop & him require in his Maj'ts name to appeare forth wth before ye Court now siting by order of ye Collonie of Conecticot at Capt. Hudson's house to Answer for his casting contempt upon his Maj'ts Authority of Conecticot Collony Setled by charter & hereof not to faile upon yo'r perill, dated 22 Aug'st, 1672, by order of ye Court.

Edward Hutchinson, Recorder. To Samuel Eldred, Constable of Wickford.

The Answer of Steven Northrop when ye Constable Served this warant upon him I denie to obey any warant from ye Authority of Conecticot, If ye governm't of Roade Island send any I will obay them but not this warant nor any from Conecticot Collony.

Capt. Jonathan Atherton upon oath testifies to ye truth of this his answer to the above warant & ye constable also affirmes ye same.

Thomas Nicols also upon oath testifies before ye Court yt Steven Northrop refused to obay ye warant above, 22 August, 1672, Sworne before ye Court by boke.

Edward Hutchinson, Recorder.

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