Gambar halaman

THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS.-We understand that the Governor-General has approved of the following permanent arrangements proposed by the Hon. Colonel W. J. Butterworth, C.B., the governor of the Straits Settlements, consequent on the demise of Captain Hay Ferrier, the resident councillor of Malacca. The salary of that office while held by Captain Ferrier was Rs. 1,000 per mensem. On the appointment of Mr. William Thomas Lewis to that post it is to be raised to Co.'s Rs. 1,080 per mensem, being the amount he enjoyed as assistant resident of Prince of Wales' Island. The salary of assistant resident at Penang is to be reduced from Co.'s Rs. 1,080 to 833 Rs. 5as. and 4 pie per mensem. Some other arrangements have also been approved of, by which an immediate saving has been made of Co.'s Rs. 400 per month.

MESSRS. TULLOH AND CO.-It is said that the firm of Tulloh, Seal, and Co. is to be dissolved, and that the sons of the late Baboo Mutty Loll Seal intend to establish an agency house.

RAMPORE.-There is a report, which, however, wants confirmation, that the Nuwab of Rampore is dead. All is not apparently right at Rampore, as a wing of the 23rd N.I. has been ordered

out from Moradabad.

MR. CUMMING, on reporting himself at Kussowlie, was ordered by Colonel Brooke, commanding the 33nd regt., into close arrest, and a guard was placed over his quarters.

BANK OF BENGAL.-A new form of note is to be issued from the Bank of Bengal to-morrow, the novel feature of which is that ciphers to complete the number of figures to five places are inserted to the left of the actual number of the note, so as to prevent the possibility of adding a figure to it, thus 00250 represents number two hundred and fifty.

LAHORE. We hear that, in consequence of the continued sickness in the 64th Native Infantry, by which the corps is almost placed hors de combat, without, however, any corresponding mortality, a move to Shadera has been recommended. Now, we cannot conceive any place less likely to benefit the corps than one across the river. Much of the land about there has been flooded, and must be still damp. Dysentery, under such circumstances, follows fever, and frequently becomes fatal, and we have not forgotten the dreadful consequences of moving the 1st Europeans to Shadera in 1850, when some 150 men were sacrificed to the stupidity of the authorities. The high land about Meean Meer would be far preferable, or the groves near Shaleemar. Although the sun is certainly hot during the day, the evenings, and especially the mornings, are becoming perceptibly cooler, and very pleasant. Occasional clouds hover about, but the rains appear to have ceased with us, though not to the eastward, if delays in the post are to be received as a criterion. The Calcutta dak was, a few days ago, rapidly approaching its fine weather rate, but has, all at once, fallen back in speed, and the metropolitan journals of the 14th only came in yesterday at two p.m.-Lahore Chronicle, Sept. 23.

CANDAHAR.We learn from Candahar that a splendid dress of honour, studded with diamonds, had arrived from the king of Persia as a present for Kohundil Khan, the Candahar chief. The governor of the fort of Ghor, which was lately taken from the Herat chief, has written to Candahar for succour, the Herat chief having stirred up the people of the district against him. Part of the Persian army at Merw has been routed by the Toorkmans, and forced to fly for shelter to Herat. Zaheer-ool-Dowlah was absent, but his mother gave the fugitives a hospitable welcome. Thirty officers and a thousand men have accompanied Sooltan Alee Khan from Persia to Ahmed Shahie, and they are engaged in disciplining the Candahar force. The king of Persia has sent plenty of "bootkees" (Russian ducats) for the pay of these men, and as a subsidy to the Candahar chief. It is said, that another equal force of men and officers will reach Candahar from Persia before the winter, and that the king of Persia has written to the chief of Candahar, that he will immediately send 10,000 troops to Farah, 10,000 to Ghoorgan, and 10,000 to Seestan; all to act under his, Kohundil Khan's orders; adding that his large force can easily be augmented by levies of Seistanees, Hazarahs, and Aimuks. Then, if the ameer of Cabul quietly surrenders possession of Khelat-i-Ghilzie, all will be well; otherwise an irresistible force will compel him to yield. The Persian Elchee at Cabul has made a similar statement to the ameer, adding that if he will yield to the wishes of his majesty in the matter of Khelati-Ghilzie, he will be raised to the highest pitch of dignity. However, the style of the shah's recent firmans has not inclined the ameer to attach himself to Persia. He does not liike the overbearing tone of the Persian court, which has been so much the subject of conversation, that ill-disposed people say that the ameer has allowed himself to be treated like the mere head of a village. The ameer will not give up Khelat-i-Ghilzie without a fight for it, and he has already sent his peshkana towards that place.-Delhi Gazette.

UNPASSED CIVIL SERVANTS ordered into the Mofussil to study the native languages are to receive travelling allowance. LUCKNOW.-The following is an extract from a private letter from Lucknow, kindly placed at our disposal :-" After all Col. Sleeman does go. It was supposed that he would return to his duties long since, but those who hoped for this were doomed to be disappointed, for there is now no doubt of his leaving, since the leave to visit the hills north of Debra for fifteen months, probably means leaving for good. It is fortunate that the Government possesses so able a man as Capt. Hayes, who now officiates for the resident. The appointment of Col. Outram to the Lucknow residency confirms me in the belief that Col. Sleeman will not come back. Capt. Shakespeare officiated for Col. Low for more than a year, and during the resident's temporary absence for however long a period, the first assistant-resident invariably officiated for the whole time. Why should Capt. Hayes be debarred the same privilege? Dr. Fayrer has been nominated officiating assistantresident. This is, I believe, an unprecedented example. Do you know anything about what is going to be done with us? They say Oudh is to be annexed, whether we like it or not? Is this true? Col. Sleeman leaves Lucknow about the end of this month. There will be an auction of his effects on the 20th."-Calcutta Englishman, Sept. 27.

MILITARY ON DITS.-The detachment of H.M.'s 27th regiment, arrived in the Subahdar, is to proceed at once to Allahabad by river steamers. It is uncertain whether H.M.'s 98th regt. will proceed to England this year, and it is not improbable that the corps may stand fast in Fort William, in which case the 10th Foot will not, as it was said, come to Calcutta.-Major Brown, of the 18th N.I., is not now in treaty to sell out, but the regiment is to get two steps by the retirement of Majors Edwards and Davidsond.-Major Pillans, of the artillery, retires on the 1st of October, and Colonels Day and Anderson, from the 1st of January next. The Delhi Gazette states that sickness is on the increase in cantonments of the 17th N.I., some 210 out of about 400 are said to be sick, and the other regiments are no better off.-We hear that a boat containing the whole of the baggage belonging to the officers of the 48th N,I., who arrived this morning from Bar. rackpore on fort duty, capsized, in consequence of coming athwart the cable of a ship in the moorings near the Mint, the boat floated down to opposite the fort where she sunk with every thing in her. The officers, we hear, have lost the whole of their traps with the exception of those they marched down in. The only life lost was that of a child.-The order is at last out for the departure to England of H.M.'s 22nd and 96th regiments. The usual volunteering will be permitted.We understand that Major Abbott, late of Hazara, has been selected for the charge of his Highness the Putteealla Rajah on his approaching journey to England.


LIEUT. Samuel Dewe white, 3RD EUROPEAN REGIMent. Head Quarters, Simla, Sept. 29, 1854.-At a general court martial, assembled at Chinsurah, on Friday, Sept. 8, 1854, Lieut. S. D. White, 3rd Eur. reg., was arraigned on the following charges, viz. :

1st. For conduct unbecoming an officer, in having, at Chinsurah, on July 27, 1854, addressed a letter to the adjutant of the regiment, in which he importunately solicited the grant of temporary leave to proceed to Calcutta, notwithstanding that he had been three times before on that day distinctly informed, in reply to previous repeated applications, that such leave could not be granted to him.

2nd. For highly unbecoming conduct, in having, at Chinsurah, on July 29, 1854, addressed to Lieut. W. Carnell, the adjutant of the regiment, a note couched in very provoking language, and caused the same to be delivered to Lieut. Carnell, in public, in an extremely offensive manner.

Finding. On the first charge Guilty, and on the second charge Guilty, with the exception of the words "highly" and "extremely," of which they acquit him.

Sentence. To be reprimanded in such manner as his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief may be pleased to direct, and to be placed one step lower in the list of lieutenants of his regiment. Approved and confirmed.

(Signed) W. M. GOмM, General, Commander-in-Chief East Indies, Head Quarters, Simla, 27th September, 1854.

Remarks by his Excellency the Commander-in-Chief.—The Commander-in-Chief had hoped, when disposing of the former trial of Lieut. White, that the lenity he then experienced would b

a sufficient warning to him; and his Excellency is sorry to find that the lesson has proved ineffectual.

On the present occasion Lieut. White, had the opportunity offered to him of escaping the peril of arraignment before a general court-martial; but he chose rather to stand a trial, in preference to following the advice of his brother officers of experience, and making a suitable apology for his misbehaviour; and he must now suffer the consequences of his perverseness.

It appears that Lieut. White has not only passed the examination required for interpreters at the College of Fort William, but has also received from the College a certificate of high proficiency in the Hindee language. This is very creditable to him; but the advantages he might have derived in his profession from possessing such attainments, have been completely neutralized by the indifference he has shown in this and other instances to meet with cheerfulness the orders and wishes of his superiors.

The Commander-in-Chief once more appeals to Lieut. White's good sense, and again trusts that this trial will show him the absolute necessity of being more subordinate and less offensive in his conduct and bearing, if he wishes to remain in the service.

Lieut. White's name is to be transposed in the list of lieutenants of the 3rd European regiment, and in future will stand next below that of Lieut. F. J. Stephenson. He is to be released from arrest, and ordered to return to his duty.

[blocks in formation]

HARVEY, G. F. 1 mo.

HORNE, C. 20 days.

JOHNSTON, W. 1 mo.

KEENE, H. fr. Sept. 18 to Nov. 1, in ext.
LANCE, C. E. 18 mo. fr. Sept. 3, on m.c.

LE BAS, C. T. 1 mo. fr. Oct. 15.
LOCK, G. 1 mo.
MACKILLOP, J. R. 1 mo.
MONEY, W. J. 15 days.
PEPPER, G. A. 1 mo.
PROBYN, W. G. leave canc.
RAVENSHAW, J. H. 1 mo.
SANDEMAN, H. D. to Europe.
SKIPWITH, F. 2 mo. fr. Nov. 15.
THORNHILL, H. B. 1 mo.
THORNHILL, M. B. 1 mo.
TURNBULL, G. D. leave canc.
VINCENT, F. A. 5 weeks, on m.c.
WALKER, J. 6 mo. on m.c.




ALLEN, W. J. to be commissr. of Chota Nagpore.
BAILLIE, H. to be reg. of deeds and marriage regr. in Hooghly.
BROWN, W. asst. to salt ag. of Belasore, vested with powers.
Coскs, A. H. placed at disp. of govt. of India, for special duty,
Sept. 23.

GREATHED, H. H. to offic. as comm. of Meerut div. dur. abs. of.

GUBBINS, F. B. to offic. as civ. and sess. judge of Benares.

HARRIS, A. G. W. to be an asst. comm. of 2nd class, in province of Nagpore.

HUME, A. O. to offic. as mag. and coll. of Mynpoory, dur. abs. of

Low, H. M. to be collr. of customs at Meeaday, v. Moncrieff.
MANDERSON, R. to offic. as mag. and coll. of Hissar.

MARTIN, S. N. to offic. as mag. and coll. of Jounpore, dur. abs. of
Le Bas.

MONCRIEFF, R. S. resigned collrship of customs at Meeaday, Sept. 16.

MUSPRATT, H. to offic. temp. as jt. mag. and dep. coll. of Bancoorah.

OLIVER, J. H. senior assist. to supt. of Bhutteeana, prom. to 1st grade of dept. coll. fr. July 15.

ROBERTS, A. A. to offic. as civ. and sess. judge of Saugor, dur. abs. of Thomas.

SPANKIE, J. S. to offic. as jt. mag. and dep. coll. of Bancoorah. SPANKIE, H. to offic. as mag. and coll. of Benares.

SPENCER, W. C. to be jun. asst. to commr. of Chota Nagpore. STEPHEN, K. H. dep. mag. of Serampore, vested with powers of a dep. coll. in Hooghly.

STRACHEY, J. to offic. as mag, and coll. of Moradabad, dur. abs. of Roberts.

THOMPSON, A. R. to be jun. asst. to commr. of Chota Nagpore.
TUCKER, H. C. placed at disp. of Govt. of India, for special duty,
to retain ch. of duty as commr. of Benares div. Sept. 23.
TYLOR, W. H. perm. to res. fr. Aug. 8.

WATSON, J. superint. rev. survey, 4th or west. div. vested with full power of a coll. in Jessore and other districts, also with full power of a coll. in the Sunderbuns.

WATSON, W. C. to offic. as senior asst. com. of Gurhwul, dur. abs. of Strachey.

WHITE, C. P. dep. coll. in Mymensing, transf. to Sylhet. WIGRAM, F. S. to offic. as mag, and coll. of Muttra, dur. abs. of M. B. Thornhill, Sept. 21.

[blocks in formation]

POYNDER, Rev. J. 1 mo. leave of abs.

SPRY, Rev. A. B. chaplain of Allahabad, placed at disp. of Govt. of India. STUBBINS, Rev. J. to be a marriage regr. in dist. of Cuttack.


BATTYE, 1st Lieut. G. M. 1st Eur. fus. placed at disp. of foreign dept. for re-employ. in rev. survey in Punjab, Sept. 21.

BIRCH, Capt. T. C. 37th N.I. to be supt. of Abkaree, in cantonment of Allahabad.

BLACK, Lieut. G. A. offic. asst. to gov. gen's. ag. in Rajpootana,, to act for Lieut. Mildmay during his abs.; ditto for Lieut. E. J. Hardcastle.

BOILEAU, Brig. T. B. posted to Ferozepore.

BOILEAU, Ens. T. B. 3rd N.I. permitted to continue doing duty with 70th regt. until arrival of his own corps at Phillour.

CLAY, Lieut. E. B. 66th, or Goorka regiment, to ch. of 12th co. sappers and miners, v. Cumine.

COTTON, Brig. S. J. posted to Umballah.

CUMINE, Lieut. A. 4th N.I. to act as asst. to exec. eng. Rawul Pindee div.

DAVIES, Lieut. J. S. 23rd N.I. to be capt. by brev. fr. Sept. 18;

to be a sen. asst. to commr. of Chota Nagpore. DAWSON, Lieut. J. 43rd L.I. qual. in surveying. DOBBIN, Ens. R. A. to do duty with 42nd L.I. at Benares. EMERSON, Lieut. J. to be a sen. asst. to commr. of Chota Nagpore.

FAGAN, Ens. H. 56th N.I. to continue to do duty with 42nd L.1. at Benares, until arrival there of his own corps in progress to Barrackpore.

FANE, Lieut. W. 1st Punjab cav. 2nd in com. to hold com. of reg. dur. abs. of Hughes.

FRANKLAND, Lieut. 2nd in com. to offic. as commt. of 6th inf Hyderabad contingent, fr. Sept. 16.

GORDON, Capt. W. 49th N.I. qual. as surveyor.

GREME, Lieut. C. H. E. 5th N.I. qual. in civ. engineering. HANNYNGTON, Maj. J. C. to be dep. commiss. of Chota Nagpore. Howe, Col. R. 43rd L.I. perm. to draw his pay and allowances fr. pres. pay office.

HUNTER, Lieut. M. 18th N.I. qual. in surveying and civ. engi、 » neering.

JOHNSTONE, Brig. M. C. posted to Jullundur.

LLOYD, Maj. Gen. G. W. A. C.B. to div. staff of the army in suc.. to Maj. Gen. Young, Sept. 26.

LOWE, Lieut. J. R. A. S. 11th N.I. to be sub asst. com. gen. MACKENZIE, Lieut. H. asst. commiss. to be a marriage regr. för dist. Kangra, v. Forsyth, on leave.

MACTIER, Col. W. 2nd L.C. to be a brig. of 2nd class, to complete estab. in suc. to Wilkinson, res.

MCBARNET, Capt. G. G. 55th N.I. to be an extra asst. in Saugor and Nerbudda territories.

MEARES, Brev. maj. W. P. 42nd N.I. ret. to du. Sept. 13.

MEYERN, Capt. Baron F. A. Von, 53rd N.I. to be a comdt. of

inf. Nagpore in. force, Sept. 26.

MILLS, Capt. H. 2nd N. I. vested with powers of jt. mag. in camp of C.-in-C. Sept. 26.

MOFFAT, Capt. A. K. 58th N.I. to be perm. asst. to chief engr. in Punjab.

OAKES, Capt. W. H. to be prin. asst. to commisr. of Chota Nagpore.

OAKES, Capt. G. N. to be a sen. asst. to commissr. of Chota Nagpore.

PAUL, Lieut. W. 7th N.I. to be adj. of 4th regt. inf. Punjab irr. force, v. Steel.

RAMSAY, Lieut. E. B. jun. asst. to commissr. of Mysore, perm. to res. with a view to furl.

SHAKESPEAR, Capt. H. J. C. 25th N.I. to be commdt. of Nagpore irr. force, and commdt. of cav. Sept. 26.

SIMPSON, Capt. T. to be prin. asst. to commissr. of Chota Nagpore.

SMALLEY, Lieut. E. T. 51st N.I. to be capt. of a comp. fr. Sept. 7, in suc. to Baseley, dec.

SMYLY, Lieut. J. B. 29th N.I. to act as interp. to H.M.'s 60th rifles.

TAYLOR, Lieut. R. N. asst. commr. of 1st cl. to act as dep. commr. dur. abs. of Balmain.

THATCHER, Capt. R. to stud dept. to act as dep. supt. dur. abs. of Wollaston.

THOMSON, Ens. G. C. 51st N.I. to be lieut. fr. Sept. 14, in suc. to

Smalley, prom.

WATSON, Lieut. J. adjt. 1st Punjaub cav. to act as 2nd in com. dur. abs. of Hughes.

WILKINSON, Brig. C. D. Sind Sagur dist. Rawul Pindee, on leave, res. appt. on staff.

WILLOUGHBY, Lieut. E. H. art. to be an asst. in 3rd surv. partly to be emp. in Saugor and Nerbudda terr. under Lieut. Blagrave.

[blocks in formation]

ANDERSON, Lieut. H. J. 38th L.I. 1 mo. fr. Oct. 15, in ext. to remain at hills north of Deyrah, old regs.

BALMAIN, Capt. J. G. dep. commis. west div. Raichore Doab, Hyderabad, 5 months.

BAX, Lieut. A. G. 50th N.I. fr. Aug. 8 to Oct. 10, to Calcutta, on m.c. old regs. prep. to app. for furl. to Europe.

BEYNON, Lieut. W. H. adj. Kotah conting. to Feb. 15.

BIRD, Capt. H. L. 48th N.I. 2 mo. fr. Dec. 1, to pres. prep. to app. for furl. to Europe.

COOKSON, Capt. G. R. 15 days, in ext.

COOPER, Maj. J. C. 49th N.I. 2 mo. fr. Oct. 1, to Mooltan, prep. to app. for leave to Bombay.

EKINS, Lieut. C. C. engs. fr. July 30. to Nov. 1, to hills north of Deyrah, on m.c. old regs.

ELLICE, Lieut. W. G. 15th N.I. to Nov. 15, Hazara and Murree hills, m.c.

FAGAN, Brev. maj. C. G. 8th L.I. 2 mo. fr. Sept. 15, in ext. to Mussoorie and Calcutta, on m.c. prep. to retire.

FOQUETT, Maj. H. 56th N.I. 4 mos. to pres. prep. to Europe. GORDON, Capt. J. 6th N.I. fr. Oct. 12 to Jan. 15, to Calcutta, old regs.

GROVE, Brev. Lieut. col. S. J. 68th N.I. 3 mo. 10 days to Calcutta, new regs. prep. to app. for furl. to Europe. HAY, Capt. W. E. asst. commis. at Kangra, 1 mo. HILLERSDON, Capt. W. R. 53rd N.I. 2 mo. fr. Oct. 15, in ext. to remain at Mussoorie, on m.c. old regs. HUGHES, Lieut. W. T. 48th N.1. 3 mo. m.c. INGELBY, Lieut. W. art. 1 year, without pay. MACGREGOR, Lieut. E. A. M. 9th L.C. 3 mo. fr. Dec. 15, to pres. prep. to app. for furl. to Europe.

MILLER, Lieut. H. N. capt. of pol. Jhelum div. to Oct. 31. MORRISON, Capt. W. A. 63rd N I. 1 year fr. Oct. 8, to Simla and hills north of Deyrah, on m.c. old regs.

PEARCE, Lieut. G. G. asst. comm. of Hazara, 1 mo.

RAMSAY, Lieut. E. B. jun. asst. to comm. of Mysore, prep. to Europe.

RICE, Ens. H. C. P. 73rd N.I. 3 mo. fr. Aug. 30, to remain at pres. old regs.

RICHARDS, Ens. C. 63rd N.I. 3 yrs. on m.c.

Ross, Lieut. J. A. 5th L.C. 6 mo. fr. Sept. 15, to Calcutta, on m.c. old regs. prep. to app. for furl. to Europe.

UTTERSON, Lieut. E. V. 27th N.I. 2 mo. to Calcutta, old regs.



BEALE, Surg. A. fr. 40th to 37th N.I.

CHALDECOTT, Asst. surg. F. J. M.D. passed colloq. exam. CHALMERS, Asst. surg. C. B. to be surg. fr. Sept. 28, v. Francis, dec.

CLARK, Asst. surg. W. F. to do du. with art. at Dum Dum. CURRIE, Asst. surg. G. V. to rec. med. ch. of regt. head qrs. staff and band, until arrival of Surg. McRae.

DALY, Asst. Surg. G. H. M.D. attached to 6th batt. art. to med. ch. of 30th N.I. in add. to other duties, v. Cheep. DOPPING, Asst. surg. A. M.D. passed colloq. exam.

DOUGLAS, surg. C. M.D. 5th N.I. to aff. med. aid to 39th N.I. v. Sampson.

ETESON, Assist. surg. A. to proc. and to du. under supt. surg.
Pegu circle.

FRANCIS, Supt. surg. C. B. attached to Dacca circle, to make over
ch. of office. to surg. W. A. Green, on his own. dept. on leave.
GERRARD, Vet. surg. J. W. posted to 9th L.C. at Mattra.
HAY, Assist surg. J. M. to med. ch. of station and dispensary of
Budaon, in add. to his other appts.

IRWIN, Surg. H. fr. 59th to 51st N.I.

KENSEY, Surg. R. B. fr. 44th to 40th N.I. fr. date of dept. of Surg. Beale.

SHILLITO, Surg. W. 66th N.I. to retain med. ch. of 51st. N.I. WALLICH, Surg. G. C. M.D. 72nd N.I. to aff. med. aid to the regt. of Ferozepore, v. Hilliard.


COWIE, A. J. Sept. 13. HALLS, J. J. Sept. 29.


BEALE, Surg. A. 40th N.I. 3 mo. fr. Oct. 20 to pres. prep. to app. for furl. to Australia and Europe.

BRUCE, Surg. H. A. M.D. fr. Oct. 15 to Nov. 1, in ext. to remain in hills north of Deyrah.

CHUCKERBUTTY, Dr. S. G. offic. prof. of materia medica, 6 mo. JEFFERY, Vet. surg. T. W. 4th L.C. fr. Sept. 4, to Umballah, old regs.

LOCH, Surg. W. J. 27th N.I. 3 mo. fr. Oct. 1, to pres. prep. to app. for furl. to Eur.

MARSHALL, Surg. M. M.D. 10th N.I. 3 mo. fr. Nov. 20, to Calcutta, prep. to app. for furl. to Europe.

M'EGAN, Asst. surg. M.D. leave canc.

OGILVIE, Surg. 1st inf. Hyderabad contingent, leave canc.



Lieut. col. the Hon. R. W. P. Curzon, gren. gds. to be mil. sec. to c.-in-c. of Madras; Major C. A. Denison, 52nd L.I. to be a.-d-c. to c.-in-c. of Madras.


10th Lieut. Havelock, Sept. 1 to Oct. 31, to Simla.-24th. Lieut. R. Hallahan, to act as qr. mr. v. Airey, on leave.-32nd. Assist. surg. W. Boyd, to med. ch. of detach. of volunteers attach. to 98th.-43rd. Ens. R. M. Pakenham, to be lieut. fr. Sept. 18 v. Nott, ret.-60th. Capt. D. D. Muter, Oct. 3 to Dec. 4, to rem. at Calcutta.-61st. Lieut. T. J. Sadlier, passed exam. in civ. eng. -83rd. Lieut. S. Read, Jan. 13 to June 1, 1855, in exten.-86th. Major W. L. Tudor, to be lieut. col. fr. Sept. 18, v. Aplin, ret.; Capt. W. K. Stuart, to be major fr. Sept. 18, in succ. to Apling Lieut. J. J. Gordon, to be capt. fr. Sept. 18, in succ. to Aplin; Ens. A. N. Wilson, to be lieut. fr. Sept. 18, in succ. to Aplin.96th. Capt. F. D. Middleton, passed exam. as surveyor.


AUCHIRLECK, wife of Surg. H.M.'s 81st, d. at Meerut, Sept. 17.
BELLAMY, Mrs. J. T. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 28.
BEST, wife of R. c.s. d.'at Ghazeepore, Sept. 24.
BURNETT, wife of W. s. at Calcutta, Sept. 28.
CUMMING, Mrs. A. s. at Baeekula, Sept. 20.

DENNYS, wife of Capt. J. B. 38th L.I. s. at Nynee Tal, Sept. 27.
DRAKE, wife of Maj. J. M. d. at Meean Meer, Sept. 23.
DUMERGUE, wife of J. S. c.s. s. at Mussoorie, Sept. 18.
DUMMELOW, wife of S. s. (still-born), Sept. 22.

ELDER, wife of Capt. W. s. at Howrah, Oct. 2.

FANSHAWE, wife of Capt. R. W. H. d. at Meerut, Sept. 16.
FINNEY, Mrs. R. d. at Chinsurah, Sept. 25.

FORBES, wife of T. C. c.s. d. at Agra, Sept. 14.

GARSTIN, wife of the Rev. A. d. at Cherra Poonjee, Sept. 21.

GILBERT, wife of James, d. at Calcutta, Sept. 25.

GOUTIERE, wife of A. F. s. at Gurruckpore, Sept. 13.

HOLMES, wife of Capt. G. E. s. at Sealkote, Sept.

HYPPOLITE, wife of J. J. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 17.

IRONMONGER, wife of Lieut. H. E. 21st N.J. d. at Sealkote, Sept. 28.

IRWIN, wife of Lieut. A. 24th N.I. s. at Wuzeerabad, Sept. 19. JENKINS, wife of W. E. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 19.

KEEP, wife of W. s. at Calcutta, Sept. 23.

LAMB, the lady of Lieut. C. F. G. 62nd N.I. s. at Darjeeling, Sept. 13.

LEFEUVRE, Mrs. L. T. d. at Dacca, Sept. 29.

LINDEMAN, wife of F. P. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 13.

MACDONALD, Wife of Lieut. J. 18th N.I. s. at Dhurmsala, Sept. 24.

MACKINTOSH, Mrs. Alex. d. at Calcutta, Oct. 1.

MACPHERSON, wife of Maj. J. D. s. at Murree, Sept. 30.
M'CULLOCH, wife of R. D. s. near Burdwan, Sept. 22.
NEAME, wife of A. C. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 29.

NEDHAM, wife of Lieut. A. G. 11th irr. cav. s. at Benares,
Sept. 23.

NEWNHAM, wife of Lieut. W. d. at Dhoolie, Sept. 3.

OATTS, wife of H. d. at Jessore, Sept. 15.

ORR, wife of Capt. P. J. king of Oudh, 6th L.I. d. at Lucknow,
Sept. 17.

PATERSON, the lady of W. S. s. at Garuckpore, Sept. 12.
PLOWDEN, wife of G. c.s. d. at Calcutta, Oct. 2.

RAE, wife of J. s. at Simla, Sept. 25.

RAMSAY, wife of Capt. H. s. at Nynee Tal, Sept. 15.

REID, wife of Lieut. 37th N.I. s. at Barrackpore, Sept. 14.
SMITH, wife of C. M. s. at Anarkullee, Sept. 16.
SOMERVILLE, Mrs. James, d. at Calcutta, Sept. 18.
TAYLOR, the lady of P. G. E. c.s. d. at Bancoorah, Sept. 19.
TAYLOR, wife of John, d. at Kussowlee, Sept. 29.
THUILLIER, the lady of Capt. H. art. d. at Calcutta, Sept. 29.
TICKELL, wife of Capt. J. 73rd N.I. d. at Agra, Sept. 19.
TREVOR, wife of E. T. c.s. s. at Calcutta, Sept. 28.
TULLOCH, Mrs. R. C. s. at Calcutta, Oct. 1.
WILKINS, wife of G. D. c.s. d. at Sirhoot, Sept. 25.
WRAY, wife of Capt. J. d. at Belgaum, Sept. 17.


BROWNE, B. R. to Helen J. d. of Surg. J. Barber, at Mean Meer, Sept. 15.

DICKENSON, B. to Jane A. d. of A. Lingham, at Calcutta, Sept. 16. GILBERT, J. at Calcutta, aged 32, Sept. 30.

GERARD, H. C. to Esther H. d. of the late R. Erskine, at Calcutta, Sept. 14.

HICKS, D. W. to Agnes H. d. of the late Jean Le Blond, at Dhurrumtallah, Sept. 25.

KING, H. E. H.M.'s 32nd regt. to Elizabeth P. d. of the late Lieut. col. W. R. Poyson, at Simla, Sept. 28.

NEWCOMEN, R. G. to Harriet, d. of the late G. H. Poole, at Calcutta, Sept. 23.

PALMER, W. P. c.s. to Amelia, d. of the late A. Smelt, c.s. at Calcutta, Sept. 25.

RAIKES, Capt. R. N. 67th N.I. to Harriet, d. of the late Capt. W. Berbett, 9th N.I. at Mussoorie, Sept. 25.

REES, W. P. to Mary Ann, d. of D. E. Malloch, at Caleutta, Sept. 29.

SHAW, Lieut. C. R. 37th N.I. to Eliza M. d. of T. Savi, at Kishnaghur, Sept. 19.

SIMPSON, Lieut. C. F. 8th N.I. to Letitia A. d. of G. W. Llewellyn, at Mussoorie, Sept. 26.

VAUGHAN, J. M. to Miss Mary Neison, at Calcutta, Sept. 20.


BROWN, Lieut. J. 27th N.I. at Agra, aged 27, Sept. 28.

CARROL, Mary, wife of C. M. at Rawul Pindee, Sept. 18.

CRICHTON, P. at Calcutta, aged 73, Sept. 29.

DUMBLETON, John, at Allahabad, aged 70, Sept. 19.

FEATHERSTONHAUGH, H. W. s. of S. at Rungpore, aged 1, Sept. 13.

FRANCIS, Surg. C. B. at Calcutta, Sept. 28.

HAY, W. at Calcutta, aged 39, Sept. 19.

JENKINS, inf. d. of W. E. at Calcutta, Sept. 19.

LEMON, J. at Simla, aged 29, Sept. 18.

MARLEY, Helen, wife of W. F. at Calcutta, Sept. 24.

MARLEY, C. M. inf. s. of W. F. at Calcutta, Sept. 24.

Calderwood, Glasgow; James Hall, Rose, Vizagapatam; Augusta, Peraso, Madras; Venice, Brevour.-3. Steamer Precursor, Farquhar, Suez; Hamoody, Tingate, Mauritius, Muscat, and Bombay.-4. Gloucester, Hialt, Madras, Atalanta, Sandall, Coringa; steamer Zenobia, Rennie, Rangoon.


Per Nile (Sept. 28), from LONDON-Mrs. W. Knyvett and 2 children, Mrs. F. Knyvett, Miss Knyvett, Miss Kemp, Capt. and Mrs. Bird, 36th M.N.I. Dr. and Mrs. Halls, Mr. and Mrs. Chalke, Madam Filliars, Miss Woodin, Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Browne, Mrs. Thorp, Capt. French, H.M.'s 53rd, Messrs. Bridges, Upperton, and 2 Knyvett infantry cadets, Messrs. Urquhart, Scott, and Jarrett, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Church, Mrs. Murphy, Mrs. Garratty, and Miss Gray. From MADRAS-The Hon. Sir L. Peel, and Capt. and Mrs. Hewson, and 4 children, Hon. Company's recruits-100 men.

Per Mary Ann-Miss Gomier and servant, and ten deck passengers.
Per Electric-Mrs. Spear and child.

Per Bombay-Mr. Brown.

Per Forres--Mr. Smithson.

Per Marcellus-J. E. Parkmen.

Per Deogaum-J. C. Bayley (cadet), M.N.I.

Per Tenasserim (Sept. 30), from RANGOON-Mr. and Mrs. Brunton, Lieuts. Stevenson, Moberly, and Macmahon, Ensign Brown, Messrs. Eales, Clodon, and Withers.

Per Shoe Gong-Lieut. Blair of the Madras army, J. Mackey, and 17


Per Gevalia-Mrs. Leberg.

Per Nugget (Sept. 30)-Dr. A. White.

Per steamer Precursor (Oct. 3), from SOUTHAMPTON-Madame Secundi, Messrs. Harris, Anderson, Lessant, Greenacre, Goldschmidt, J. Stone, F. Slussor Glinn, F. Brown, S. Hoskins, R. Heathcote, Herbeden, H. Carbery, H. Livenge, and Letouche, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott and child, Mrs. Heman, Mr. and Mrs. Sperriot, and Mr. and Mrs. Williams. From SOUTHAMPTON-Dr. J. Palmer, Revds. H. D'Cruiz and N. Baretto. From CEYLON to CALCUTTA-Mr. and Mrs Craig and two Miss Craigs, Master Smyth, Lieut. Anderson, Messrs. Barnes and Cummins, Drs. Keen and Bush. From MADRAS-Lieut. col. Nott and Mr. and Mrs. Ellis, Capt. Holland, Mr. J. Cowan, Messrs. Smith, Spence, and Umphelby.


SEPT. 17. John Henry, Wilson, London; John Hepburne, Holland, Rangoon.-19. Revenue, Howes, Boston; Monsoon, M'Kirdy, London; Steadfast, Spencer, London; Estelle, Gerand, Mauritius; Napoleon, Chatfield, Boston.-20. Echo, Gravonille, Bourbon; Sarah and Ann, Dick, Liverpool; steamer Hindostan, Black, Madras, Ceylon, and Suez; steamer Zenobia, Rennie, Rangoon; steamer Shanghai, Munro, Singapore and China.-21. Circassian, Kinsey, Maulmein; Macedon, Taylor, London; Ridderkirk, Noltie, London; Alfred, Fladseried, Mauritius; Adelaide, Cochrane, Akyab; Orixa, Draper, Liverpool; Iona, Middleton, Mauritius; Queen of the Seas, Tay, Boston; Valparaiso, Landry, Bourbon; Mazeppa, Gilbert, Sydney; Newton, Whitney, Mauritius.-22. Triumph, Jackson, Bombay; Ayrshire, Macpherson, Penang and Singapore.-28. Arratoon Apcar, Connow, Singapore and China; Geneviève, Guilband, Bourbon; Parthenon, Baker, London; Eliza Penelope, Ramage, Madras; John Melhuish, Tothill, Liverpool; General Godwin, Hicks, Swan River; Isabella Blyth, Hale, London; Tubal Cain, Mendham, Rangoon; Helen Douglas, London; Arrarat, Cochrane, Maulmein; Neptune, Lakeman, Maulmein; Ganjam, Penguern, Mauritius; Highlander, Thompson, London.-28. Cato, Henry, Boston; Godavery, Mathieu, Bourbon; Ballarat, Thirkill, London; William Goddard, M'Kay, Boston. Ocг. 9. Steamer Bombay, -, Madras and Suez.


Per steamer Bombay, to MADRAS.-Lieut. Moberly, Lieut. Swanston, Miss Liard, Mr. and Mrs. Brunton, Capt. and Mrs. Ramsay, To GALLE. -Mr. Hall and Mr. Leighton. To BoxBAY.-Mr. and Mrs. Rich and infant, Syed Mohsin, and Mr. Owen and child. To SUEZ.-Dr. White. To ALEXANDRIA.-Lieut. Ingleby. To MARSEILLES.-Capt. and Mrs. Chambre, Mr. Bray, and Mr. Colburne. To SOUTHAMPTON.-Mr. Macdonald, Dr. Vye, and Mr. James M'Queen.

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SNEYD, Alice, d. of Capt. E. C. at Umballah, Sept. 28.
TUCKER, Henry C. s. of W. H. at Agra, aged 3, Sept. 23.
VALPY, inf. d. of Lieut. De Vic, H.M.'s 27th, at Darjeeling,
Sept. 29.

WILTON, T. H. s. of T. C. at Koolawur, Sept. 24.


SEPT. 20.-Balder, Savensson, London; Juniata, Wilson, Liverpool; Atiet Rohoman, Nacoda, Juddah and Cannanore; Forres, Johnston, Sydney; Bombay, Wilson, China; Singapore Futtay, Sultan, Fox.-21. Tigris, Selkerk, Liverpool.-22. Conway, Dugnid, Port Phillip; Marcellus, Bartlett, Boston; Ferdinand, Grote, Mauritius; Stree Ankeetrungum, Nacoda, Coringa.-23. Sir Robert Seppings, Clark, Mauritius.-27. Thomas Lourie, Dobson, Port Louis and Madras.-28. Nile, Nisbitt, London and Madras; Sabrina, Allan, Sydney; Julia, Purchase, Mauritius; steamer Berenice, Berthon, Singapore and Penang; Janet Mitchell, Hood, Melbourne and Madras; Teak, Stonhouse, Maulmein; Sea Queen, Rowe, Kurrachee and Bombay.-29. Fatai Rohomay, Nacoda, Point de Galle; Deogaum, Murphy, Liverpool; Maria, Peterson, Valparaiso.-30. Shoe Gong, Wright, Rangoon; steamer Tenasserim, Fryer, Rangoon; Gevalia, Leberg, London; Hydroose, Nacoda, Bombay, Cannanore and Allippe ; Hamoody, Nacoda, Muscat and Allipee; Mary Cannon, Davidson, Liverpool; Humayoon Shaw, Nacoda, Muscat and Allipee; Koh-i-noor, Auld, Melbourne; Nugget, Renton, Adelaide; Graham, Henderson, Sydney; Fatel Rohoman, Nacoda, Point de Galle; Emily Smith, Watts, Algoa Bay. Ocr. 1. Islay, Cone, Pondicherry; Anglia, Bull, Liverpool.-2. Öriental,

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Six months' sight Bills are 1s. 11d. to 1s. 11d. Treasury Bills, at 30 days' sight, 1s. 10d. Navy Bills, at 3 days' sight, and Bank of England Post Bills at sight, 1s. 10d. to 1s. 10d.


To London and Liverpool, 47. 15s. to 51. 5s.


IMPORTS.-Calcutta, Oct. 4, 1854.-The Piece Goods market is in a depressed state. Holders show considerable firmness. Twists have been in moderate demand at previous rates. Woollens are improving in demand, though we cannot report any advance in prices. In Metals, Copper for all dockyard purposes is still in excellent demand, with a further tendency upwards; other kinds are not so much sought for. Iron is dull of sale though there is no further decline in price. Spelter is quite neglected. Lead is steady. Tin is fair demand but easier. Salt Liverpool has improved to Rs. 95, including dustoorie. Beer no altteraion.


THE LONDON MAIL of September 9th arrived at Madras on Oct. 7th (per Bentinck), en route to Calcutta. The portion for China was transferred to the Malta, which left next day for China.

THE GOVERNMENT OF MADRAS has just published an intimation of an exhibition of raw materials and manufactured products from the presidency and neighbourhood to take place next year.

DEATH OF MAJOR LOCKHART.-We regret to record the death of Major William Elliot Lockhart, of the 45th regt. N.I., in camp at Pondigal, on the 20th instant, of cholera. This casualty promotes Captain (Brevet-Major) Frank Bryan Lys to major, Lieut. James Miles Townsend Reilly to captain, and Ensign Frank Stephenson to lieutenant.-Athanæum, Sept. 28.

LORD DALHOUSIE'S EXPECTED VISIT TO MADRAS.-There is, we understand, every probability of Lord Dalhousie paying a visit to Madras after the monsoon, and proceeding to the Neilgherries to spend there the next hot season. His lordship returns home in February, 1856. We heartily hope that the event will turn out as promised, since the Governor-General's presence here, and personal conference with Lord Harris, might be productive of happy results for the presidency. He would also see with his own eyes some of the many interior sufferings and wants of these provinces. It is most probable, indeed, that Lord Dalhousie would travel about a good deal, and we deem it likely that the Court have expressed a wish to have the benefit of his inspection of this presidency prior to his departure for England.-Spectator, Sept. 29.

PUBLIC WORKS.-The dealers in Indian securities may rest perfectly satisfied that no attempt will be made to reduce the interest of any portion of the public debt during the continuance of the present ministry in office. Something in the nature of a positive pledge has been given that the whole available surplus of the Indian revenue shall in future be devoted to public works, every encouragement in the mean time being given to the schemes of private capitalists. Amongst the latter Mr. John Bright has come forward as the chairman of a company prepared to expend whatever sums are needful to make the Godavery perfectly navigable; and other projects scarcely less important are in contemplation. If one could only count on living long enough, it would seem that there is actually a chance of seeing the benighted presidency ranking one day with the foremost countries of the East; but black heads will, we fear, grow grey, and ardent hopes be chilled in the interim.-Athenæum, Sept. 9.


Fort St. George, Sept. 23, 1854.-The steamer Hindostan, having on board his Excellency Lieut.-General the Hon. George Anson, appointed to the office of Commander-in-Chief at this presidency, anchored in the Madras Roads this morning, and his Excellency landed at half-past 10 A.M., under a salute of seventeen guns. In the afternoon his Excellency proceeded to the Government-house in the fort, where the prescribed oaths of office having been administered, his Excellency took his seat as second member of Council, under the usual salute from the ramparts.


H. C. MONTGOMERY, Chief Seo..

GENERAL ANSON'S ADDRESS TO THE ARMY. Head-Quarters, Choultry Plain, Sept. 23, 1854.-His Excellency Lieut.-General the Hon. George Anson, in entering upon his office as Commander-in-Chief of the Madras army, feels called upon to express his sense of the honour conferred on him, in having been intrusted with so distinguished a charge.

It will be Lieut.-General Anson's constant endeavour to maintain the efficiency of that army, and to augment its just renown. With such objects in view, his Excellency looks with confidence to officers commanding divisions and brigades, strictly to enforce all existing "General Regulations;" and to regimental commanding officers for a careful observance on their part, as well as of those under them, of the "Standing Orders" of their respective services. General and commanding officers may rely upon his Excellency's cordial support in the just exercise of their legitimate authority.

From all ranks Lieutenant-General Anson anticipates cheerful co-operation and individual efficiency.

He will expect proof of that zeal, subordination, and sobriety of conduct in quarters, and of that fidelity and gallantry in the field, which have elicited the approbation of his predecessors, and have obtained for the Madras army its present distinguished position. It will be the Lieutenant-General's duty rigidly to enforce discipline he will promote individual comfort and interest in every way consistent with the public good; and it will gratify him at all times to be enabled to reward meritorious or distin.. guished conduct, whether found in the private soldier or the officer.


All reports to be made to his Excellency from this date.



BIRCH, S. D. to be a lay trustee of St George's Cathedral, v.. Stonehouse, res.

BOURDILLON, J. D. to be a mem. of Board of Revenue, Oct. 3.. ELLIOT, E. F. to be commissrs. inq. into alleg. use of torture in collection of pub. rev.

ELLIS, R. S. serv. pl. at disp. of Govt. of India, for emp. in Nagpore terr.; to be a dept. commr. of 2nd class, in Nagpore commission.

ELLIS, G. H. civ. and sess. judge of zillah of Combaconum, deliv. over ch. of court, Sept. 25.

GOLDINGHAM, J. to be 1st mem, of Board of Revenue, and comm. in Northern Circars, Oct. 3.

GRÆME, H. M. to act as hd. asst. to coll. and mag. of Salem, dur. emp. of Hodgson.

HUDLESTON, W. to be hd. asst. to regr. of court of Sudr and Foujdaree Udalut, and to act as dep. regr. dur. emp. of Arbuthnot on other du.

LEWIN, R. C. to be hd. asst. to coll. and mag. of Trichinopoly. MASTER, J. H. serv. pl. at disp. of Govt. of India for empl. in Nagpore territory; to be an asst. com. of 3rd class in Nagpore commission.

PAUNCEFOTE, B. to be hd. asst. to coll. and mag. of Chingleput. SCOTT, S. civ. and sess. judge of Zillah of Combaconum, res. ch. of court, Sept. 26.

STOKES, H. coll. of Madras, to be a commis. for inq. into alleg. use of torture in collection of public revenue. WITTINGHAM, C. to be coll. and mag. of northern div. of Arcot.

[blocks in formation]

ASHE, Lieut. B. T. 10th N.I. to be an asst. commr. of 3rd class in Nagpore commission.

BAYLEY, Brev. maj. S. 26th. N.I. dept. judge adv. gen. posted to Pegu div. Sept. 27.

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BEAUCHAMP, Ens. G. E. H. posted to 45th N.I.s to rank fr. July 23.

BEATH, EDS. W. A. posted to 45th N.I.. to join on arrival at pres.

BELL, Lieut. T. E. 2nd Eur. L.I. to be an assist. comm. of 2nd class in Nagpore commission.

BORRADAILE, Ens. G. E. 16th N.I. to join, Sept. 22.

BOWIE, Ens. G, M. posted to 48th N.I.; to rank fr. June 20.
BRADFORD, Ens. W. H. K. 3rd Eur. regt. to join, Sept. 22.
BRINE, Capt. J. 4th N.I. to be an exec. offr. for emp. on Coim
batore Roads (appt. of Sept. 19 cancelled).

BUDD, Ens. R. C. posted 34th L.I. to rank fr. July 20.
CHAPMAN, Lieut. W. 1st N.V.B. to be dep. asst. commissary ▼
Norris, prom. to be a dep, commissary, fr. March 15, v. Norrisp.

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