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An Act to ratify an Agreement between the Municipality
of the County of Pictou and the Town of
New Glasgow.

(Passed the 4th day of April, A. D., 1901).


SECTION I. Agreement between county of Pictou and town of New Glasgow ratified and confirmed.

Whereas, by an agreement made between the municipality of the county of Pictou and the town of New Glasgow, it was agreed to transfer to said town of New Glasgow the court house therein, subject to certain conditions as in said agreement set out:

Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

of Pictou and

Glasgow ratified

1. The said agreement made between the said munici- Agreement bepality of the county of Pictou and the said town of New tween the county Glasgow is hereby ratified and confirmed, and the said town of New court house is hereby transferred to said town of New and confirmed. Glasgow, subject to the conditions of said agreement, leave being hereby given to said municipality to so transfer said court house, and to said town to accept such transfer.


An Act to enable the Trustees of Trenton School Section
Number 33, in the District of South Pictou, to

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The trustees of Trenton school section, number 33, Trustees of Trenin the district of South Pictou, are hereby authorized to authorized to borrow on debentures a sum not exceeding twenty-five

ton school section borrow.

Provision respecting issue of debentures.

Provision for payment of


hundred dollars, for building a new and repairing and enlarging the old school house.

2. Such debentures shall be issued under the hands of the trustees of said school section, and shall be countersigned by the secretary of the trustees, and shall be in the form in schedule "A" to this Act, and shall be for two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents each, or some multiple thereof, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum, and shall extend over a period. not exceeding twelve years, and the same when issued shall be a charge on all the real and personal property liable to be rated for school purposes for the said school section insaid county.


The trustees for the time being of said school section debentures and shall, and they are hereby authorized to rate upon and collect from said section in addition to the amount rated upon said school section for school purposes each year, a sum sufficient to pay the interest on the principal, or such part thereof as may from year to year be still due and payable, and a yearly instalment for repayment of said principal of two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents, and such instalment of two hundred and eight dollars and thirty-three cents shall be applied each year by said trustees towards the payment of said loan and for no other purpose.




Under authority of the Legislature of Nova Scotia,

chapter 120, Acts of 1901.

The bearer hereof is entitled to receive from the trustees:
of Trenton school section No. 33, in the district of South
Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, the sum of two hundred
and eight dollars and thirty-three cents, of lawful money
of Canada, in.
years from the date hereof, and

interest for the same at the rate of
. per centum
per annum, payable yearly at the office of the secretary of
the school trustees for said section.

Dated at Trenton, in the county of Pictou, and Province aforesaid, of.... A. D., 190....




An Act to amend Chapter 120 of the Acts of 1888, "An
Act for supplying the Town of Pictou with water.

(Passed the 4th day of April, A. D., 1901).

SECTION 1. Section 9 of chapter 120, Acts of 1888, amended.

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

of cap. 9 120, Acts of 1888,

1. Section 9 of chapter 120 of the Acts of 1888, is Section hereby amended by striking out the words "and two coun- amended. cillors of the town of Pictou," in lines thirteen and fourteen of said section. Provided, however, that this amendment shall not in any way affect debentures heretofore issued under this chapter.


An Act to enable the Town of New Glasgow to borrow money to provide a Fire Alarm System.

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Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly,

as follows:

authorized to

1. The town council of the town of New Glasgow, in Town council the county of Pictou and province of Nova Scotia, is issue debentures.. hereby authorized and empowered to make and issue from time to time as they may deem expedient, debentures in the form specified in schedule "A" to this Act, bearing interest at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable half yearly, the whole amount of such debentures not to exceeed the sum of three thousand dollars. Such debentures shall be issued for three hundred dollars each, or some multiple thereof, and shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the town clerk of said town.

Money received

from sale of de

2. The money arising from the sale of such debentures bentures, how shall be appropriated by the town council towards equipping said town with an efficient fire alarm system and for no other purpose whatsoever.


Debentures to be

a charge on funds

3. The debentures hereby authorized to be made and of town, &c. issued shall be a charge on the funds, revenues and property of the town generally, until the same are fully paid and discharged.

Provision for

payment of loan and interest.

Penalty for di

verting any por. tion of loan to any other object.

Prosecution, how instituted.

4. The town council of said town shall for ten years annually rate and levy and is hereby authorized and empowered so to do, upon the ratepayers of said town the sum of three hundred dollars and interest, including the interest upon the whole sum borrowed or such part thereof as may from year to year be still due and payable, to be rated, levied and collected with and in like manner as the taxes for the ordinary authorized services of the town are rated, levied and collected, which said sum and interest shall be applied towards the payment of said loan, and for no other purpose. The first of said sums of three hundred dollars and interest shall be rated, levied and collected in the year 1902, and shall be due and payable at the town office in said town on the first day of September in said


5. Every member of the town council who moves, seconds, puts or supports by his vote any motion, resolution or proposal to divert to any other object the whole or any part of the money borrowed under the authority of this Act than that directed herein, shall for each such offence be liable to a penalty of four hundred dollars and to forfeit his seat in the council.

6. A prosecution in respect to any offence against any of the provisions of this Act may be instituted by any ratepayer of the town or by any holder of a debenture issued under this Act, and any money collected in any such prosecution shall be paid, one-half to the prosecutor and the other half into the treasury of the town.

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Under authority of chapter 122 of the Acts of 1901 of the Legislature of Nova Scotia.

The bearer hereof is entitled to receive from the town of New Glasgow, in the county of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia, the sum of three hundred dollars of lawful money of the Dominion of Canada, in ... ... years from the date hereof, and interest for the same at the rate of per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly at the office of the town clerk, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, as per coupons hereto attached.

Dated, New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, of

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An Act to enable the Town of Stellarton to borrow money.

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Whereas, at a public meeting of the ratepayers of the town of Stellarton, held at Stellarton on the ninth day of March, A. D.. 1901, legal notice having been given in accordance with the provisions of the Towns' Incorporation Act,

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