such violation, to be recovered in a suit or suits to be brought by the United States district attorney in the district court of the United States having jurisdiction in the locality where such violation shall have been committed; and it shall be the duty of such district attorney to bring such suits upon duly verified information being lodged with him of such violation having occurred; and it shall also be the duty of the Interstate Commerce Commission to lodge with the proper district attorneys information of any such violations as may come to its knowledge. [35 Stat. L. 476.] SEC. 4. [Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce Act.] That it shall be the duty of the Interstate Commerce Commission to enforce the provisions of this Act, and all powers heretofore granted to said Commission are hereby extended to it for the purpose of the enforcement of this Act. [35 Stat. L. 476.] SEC. 5. [Receivers, etc., included in term common carrier."] That the term common carrier" as used in this Act shall include the receiver or receivers or other persons or corporations charged with the duty of the management and operation of the business of a common carrier. [35 Stat. L. 476.] SEC. 6. [Exception.] That nothing in this Act contained shall apply to any locomotive upon which, by reason of the use of oil, electricity, or other such agency, an ash pan is not necessary. [35 Stat. L. 476.] RECLAMATION. See PUBLIC LANDS. RED CROSS. See CHARITIES. REPORTS. See ESTIMATES, APPROPRIATIONS, AND REPORTS. RESCUE. See PENAL LAWS. RESERVATIONS. Indian Reservations, see INDIANS, REVENUE. See CUSTOMS DUTIES; INTERNAL REVENUE. REVENUE MARINE – REVENUE- Act of Feb. 27, 1906, Ch. 510, 592. Sec. 1. Revenue-cutter Service Expenses - Office of Captain of Engineers Abolished - Appointment of Engineer-in-Chief - Rank, Pay, etc., 592. Act of May 26, 1906, Ch. 2556, 592. Sec. 1. Revenue-cutter Service - Regulations Governing Enlistments and Punish ments, 592. 2. Punishments by Commander - Of Officers - Of Other Persons - Confine- 3. Trials by Revenue-cutter Service Courts - Composition - List of Offenses 4. Place of Punishment, 593. 5. Arrests, etc., for Desertion - Rewards - Re-enlistment, etc., of Deserters, 594 6. Furisdiction of Civil Authorities, 594. 7. Prosecution of Other Offenses, 594. Act of June 23, 1906, Ch. 3520, 594 Sec. 1. Revenue-Cutter Service - Third Lieutenants Limited - Promotion of Cadets, 594. 2. Cadets - Number Allowed - Qualifications - Competitive Examinations Disqualifications - Service Required - Dismissals, 594. 3. Second Assistant Engineers - Probationary Term - Age Requirement, 595 4. Civilian Instructors, 595. 5. Pay Accounts, 595. 6. Constructor - Commission, Pay, etc. - No Vacancy Created, 595. Act of April 16, 1908, Ch. 145, 595. Sec. 1. Appointment of Officers Authorized, 595. 2. Selections Made from Active List - Vacancies, 596. 3. Reduction in Active List, 596. 4. Examinations for Promotion, 596. 5. Civil War Officers - Rank and Pay on Retirement, 597. 6. Retired Chief of the Division, 597. 8. Enlisted Force - Pay Increased Examination - Waiting Orders 7. Constructor or Surgeon - Pay and Allowance, 597. Assignment, 597. 9. Eligibility for Promotion, 597 10. Title of Engineers - Precedence, 597. 11. Enlisted Men - Allowance for Clothing, 598. 12. Oaths, 598. 13. Increase of Officers, 598. 14. Repeal, 598. Act of May 27, 1908, Ch. 200, 598. No Pension to Be Allowed, 598. CROSS-REFERENCE. Removal of Derelicts, see WRECKS AND WRECKERS. [Act of Feb. 27, 1906, ch. 510.] [SEC. 1.] [Revenue-cutter service expenses - office of captain of engineers abolished - appointment of engineer-in-chief - rank, pay, etc.] * * * To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for expenses of RevenueCutter Service for the fiscal year ended June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and four, one thousand two hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty-two cents: Provided, That the office of Captain of Engineers in the Revenue-Cutter Service of the United States is hereby abolished from the date of the death of the late incumbent thereof, and that on and after the passage of this Act, the President may select and appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a chief engineer of said service, who has served not less than three years in that grade, as Engineer-in-Chief of the Revenue-Cutter Service, for a period of four years, and no longer, unless reappointed or sooner retired by reason of age or disability; And provided further, That the Engineer-in-Chief thus appointed shall thereafter receive the rank, pay, and allowances, while holding said appointment, that are now or may hereafter be prescribed for a Captain of the Revenue-Cutter Service, but nothing herein shall operate to increase the number of Chief Engineers now in the Revenue-Cutter Service. [34 Stat. L. 30.] This is from the Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Act of Feb. 27, 1906, ch. 510. An Act To regulate enlistments and punishments in the United States Revenue-Cutter Service. [Act of May 26, 1906, ch. 2556, 34 Stat. L. 200.] [SEC. 1.] [Revenue-cutter service - regulations governing enlistments and punishments.) That all persons composing the enlisted force of the Revenue-Cutter Service shall be enlisted for a term not to exceed three years, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall prepare regulations governing such enlistments and for the general government of the Service. [34 Stat. L. 200.] SEC. 2. [Punishments by commander - of officers - of other persons confinement - records.] That no commander of a vessel of the Revenue-Cutter Service shall inflict upon any commissioned or warrant officer under his command any other punishment than private reprimand, suspension from duty, arrest, or confinement, and such suspension, arrest, or confinement shall not continue longer than ten days, unless a further period be necessary to bring the offender to trial; nor shall he inflict or cause to be inflicted upon any other person under his command for a single offense, or at any one time, any other punishment than confinement, with or without single irons, on board ship; confinement, on bread and water, with or without single irons, on board ship; deprivation of liberty on shore for a period not exceeding three months; extra duties, and, in case of absence without leave falling short of desertion, forfeiture of two days' pay for each day of unauthorized absence: Provided, That such confinement shall not continue longer than ten days, unless further confinement be necessary to bring the offender to trial, and, when on bread and water, a full ration shall be served every third day: Provided, That all punishments inflicted by the commander or by his order, except reprimand, shall be fully entered upon the ship's log. [34 Stat. L. 200.] SEC. 3. [Trials by revenue-cutter service courts - composition - list of offenses - punishments - of officers - of other persons - prosecutor - review, etc. - sentence of dismissal.] That offenses against the discipline of the Revenue-Cutter Service too grave in character to be adequately dealt with directly by the commanding officer, as hereinbefore provided, may be punished by Revenue-Cutter Service courts, to be convened by or under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury. Such courts shall consist of not less than three commissioned officers of the Revenue-Cutter Service, and shall, under rules approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, be governed in their organization and procedure substantially in accordance with naval courts, but the jurisdiction of Revenue-Cutter Service courts shall be limited to the following offenses, namely: Disobeying lawful order of superior officer, refusing to obey lawful crder of superior officer; striking, assaulting, or attempting or threatening to strike or assault a superior officer while in the execution of the duties of his office; drunkenness on duty; drunkenness; gambling; misappropriation of mess funds; misuse of Government property or supplies; fraudulently signing vouchers; theft in an amount under one hundred dollars; scandalous conduct tending to the destruction of good morals; desertion; absence from duty without leave or after leave has expired; neglect of duty; conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman; malicious or willful destruction of public property; aiding or enticing others to desert; smuggling liquor on board a vessel of the RevenueCutter Service; cruelty toward or oppression or maltreatment of any subordinate person in the Service; using obscene or abusive language; violating or refusing obedience to any lawful order or regulation issued by the Secretary of the Treasury or the President. Such courts shall have power to impose upon a commissioned officer none other than the following punishments, namely: Summary dismissal from the Service; suspension from duty for a period of two years or any part thereof upon reduced pay, which shall in no case be less than one-half nor more than three-fourths of the duty pay of such officer; reduction of rank in his own grade; retention of his present number on the official register for a specified time; imprisonment for a period not to exceed two years; official reprimand. The only punishments that may be imposed by such courts upon any person in the Revenue-Cutter Service other than a commissioned officer shall be the following, namely: Dishonorable discharge; forfeiture of not to exceed two months' pay; imprisonment on land for a period not to exceed one year; confinement aboard ship not to exceed one month; confinement in single irons, on bread and water, or on diminished rations, not exceeding thirty days, but a full ration shall in all cases be given at least every third day; confinement in single irons; reduction to next inferior rating; deprivation of liberty for a period not to exceed three months; extra duties, and the imposing of these punishments will be regulated in accordance with rules prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. A commissioned officer of the said service may be designated by the convening authority as official prosecutor to prosecute the case in the interests of the Government, and whose general powers and duties will be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The proceedings, findings, and sentences of Revenue-Cutter Service courts shall be subject to review by the Secretary of the Treasury, as the convening authority, and the records of such courts shall be filed in the division of Revenue-Cutter Service, Treasury Department, and no sentence of such court shall be carried into effect until approved by the said Secretary: Provided, That in the case of a commissioned officer a sentence of dismissal shall not be carried into effect until approved by the President of the United States. [34 Stat. L. 200.] SEC. 4. [Place of punishment.] That the Secretary of the Treasury may designate, as the place of execution of the sentence of a Revenue-Cutter Service court involving imprisonment, any prison or penitentiary that receives Federal prisoners. [3.4 Stat. L. 201.] |