court for the district of Alaska to the circuit court of appeals for the ninth circuit shall be entered upon the docket and heard at San Francisco, in the State of California, or at Portland, in the State of Oregon, or at Seattle, in the State of Washington, as the trial court before whom the case was tried below shall fix and determine: Provided, however, That at any time before the hearing of any appeal, writ of error, or other case, the parties thereto, through their respective attorneys, may stipulate at which of the above-named places the same shall be heard, in which case the case shall be remitted to and entered upon the docket at the place so stipulated and shall be heard there. [35 Stat. L. 585.] An Act Relating to affairs in the Territories. [Act of Feb. 6, 1909, ch. 80, 35 Stat. L. 600.] [SECS. 1-6.] [Special - relate to issuance of bonds by town of Valdez.] SEC. 7. [Insane persons -care of.] That the Secretary of the Interior shall hereafter, as in his judgment may be deemed advisable, advertise for and receive bids for the care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in the district of Alaska, and in behalf of the United States shall contract, for one or more years, as he may deem best, with a responsible asylum or sanitarium west of the main range of the Rocky Mountains submitting the lowest and best responsible bid for the care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in said district of Alaska, the cost of advertising for bids, executing the contract, and caring for the insane to be paid from appropriations to be made for such service upon estimates to be submitted to Congress annually. So much of the Act approved January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and five, entitled "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, establishment and maintenance of schools, and care and support of insane persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes," as provides that five per centum of the license moneys collected outside of incorporated towns in the district of Alaska shall be devoted to the care and maintenance of such insane persons is hereby repealed, and such five per centum, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall hereafter be applied to and used for the establishment and maintenance of public schools in said district, under the supervision of the governor. [35 Stat. L. 601.] For the Act of Jan. 27, 1905, above referred to and partially repealed, see 10 Fed. Stat. Annot. 20. SEC. 8. [Liquor licenses.] That sections four hundred and sixty-four, four hundred and sixty-five, and four hundred and sixty-eight, of an Act entitled "An Act to define and punish crimes in the district of Alaska, and to provide a code of criminal procedure for said district," approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows: "SEC. 464. That before any license is granted, as provided in this Act in relation to intoxicating liquor, it shall be shown to the satisfaction of said court that a majority of the white male and female citizens over the age of twentyone years, within two miles of the place where intoxicating liquor is to be manufactured, bartered, sold, and exchanged or bartered, sold, and exchanged, have, in good faith, consented to the manufacture, barter, sale, and exchange or the barter, sale, and exchange of the same; and the burden shall be upon the applicant or applicants to show to the satisfaction of said court that a majority of the white male and female citizens of twenty-one years of age or more have consented thereto, and no license shall be granted in the absence of such evidence: Provided, That no license shall be granted for the manufacture, harter, sale, or exchange of intoxicating liquors except within incorporated towns, and such other towns, settlements, or communities in which a duly appointed United States commissioner or deputy marshal shall reside, except that the respective district judges may in their discretion grant licenses to the keepers of regularly established road houses on main traveled post-roads and post trails in the district: And provided, That when it is made to appear that a majority of said white male and female citizens over the age of twenty-one years, of any one place have consented to the manufacture, barter, sale, and exchange or the barter, sale, and exchange of intoxicating liquor, no further proof of the consent of the citizens of the place where such intoxicating liquor is to be manufactured, bartered, sold, and exchanged or bartered, sold, and exchanged, will be required for twelve months thereafter. "SEC. 465. That every person applying for a license to sell intoxicating liquors in said district shall file with the clerk of the court a petition for such license, verified by the applicant's oath, and such petition shall be considered and acted upon by the court in the order in which the same was filed and numbered. Said petition shall contain: "First. The name and residence of the applicant, and how long said applicant has resided there. "Second. The particular place for which license is desired, designating the same by reference to street, locality, or settlement in such manner that the exact location at which such sale of liquor is proposed may be clearly and definitely determined from the description given. "Third. The statement that said applicant is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his intention to become such; that said applicant is not less than twenty-one years of age, and that such applicant has not been, since the passage of this Act, adjudged guilty of violating the laws governing the sale of intoxicating liquors, or laws for the prevention of crime in said district. "Fourth. That said applicant intends to, and if so licensed will, carry on such business for himself and not as agent for any other person. "Fifth. That said applicant intends to, and if so licensed will, superintend in person the management of the business licensed. Sixth. That said applicant will not conduct, maintain, or permit the maintenance of any gambling, dance hall, or bawdy house on or in connection with the premises, nor permit any female or minor in or about the rooms where liquor is sold or served. "That if any false material statement is made in any part of such petition. or affidavit the petitioner or petitioners shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and upon conviction thereof said license shall be revoked and said licensee shall be subject to the penalties provided by law for the crime of perjury. That should it appear to the district judge that any of the statements above enumerated, required to be made in the petition, are untrue at the time of application for such license, such application shall be denied. That should it appear to the district judge, after the granting of any such license, that any of the statements above enumerated, required to be made in the petition, are untrue, or that the applicant is permitting any of the things to be done or exist on or about the premises contrary to the statements required in the petition, it shall be the duty of such judge to forthwith enter an order revoking such license, and all license moneys deposited by the applicant shall be thereby forfeited, and it shall be the duty of the United States marshals and their deputies and the United States attorneys and their deputies in said district to investigate and report to the district judge any violations of any of the provisions of this section: Provided, That this Act shall not be so construed as to prevent any innkeeper or any person operating a hotel in good faith from receiving as guests women and minors. "SEC. 468. That the liquor licenses authorized and provided for by this Act shall be of two classes, namely, wholesale and barroom. Every applicant for a license shall deposit the amount of the license fee with the clerk of the court at the time of filing his application therefor; and if upon consideration of such application by the court, as provided for in this Act, the court shall determine to grant the license prayed for, it shall notify the clerk of the court and the applicant in writing and the applicant shall thereupon receive his license. "That the fee for a wholesale license shall be two thousand dollars per annum, and for a barroom of retail license one thousand dollars per annum: Provided, That the fee for a retail license for road houses on regular post roads or trails where the population within two miles of the place where the business is to be conducted does not exceed fifty people, or for a steamboat or steamer operating on the inland rivers of Alaska during the season of open navigation, shall be five hundred dollars per annum: Provided, That said steamboat or steamer shall not be authorized to sell intoxicating liquor while in port or dock: And provided, That the words towns, camps, or settlements, as used in this Act shall be construed to embrace the population within a radius of two miles of the place wherein the business is to be conducted under the license. "That a retail or barroom license shall be required for every hotel, tavern, boat, barroom, or other place in which intoxicating liquors are sold at retail. "That a wholesale license shall only authorize the licensee to sell distilled, malt, or fermented liquors, wines, and cordials in quantities not less than four gallons, not to be drunk upon the premises where sold; and no such license shall be granted until it is satisfactorily shown that the place where it is intended to carry on such business is properly arranged for selling such liquor as merchandise. "That every place where distilled, malt, or fermented wines, liquors, or cordials are sold in quantities as prescribed for retail dealers by section thirtytwo hundred and forty-four of the Revised Statutes of the United States, to be drunk upon the premises, shall be regarded as a barroom; and the possession of malt, distilled, fermented, or any other intoxicating liquors, with the means and appliances for carrying on the business of dispensing the same to be drunk where sold, shall be prima facie evidence of a barroom within the meaning of this Act, and the license therefor shall be known as a barroom license: Provided, That no license shall be granted for the sale of liquors at either wholesale or retail in any other than a substantial building which shall have cost for construction not less than five hundred dollars." [35 Stat. L. 601.] For secs. 464, 465, 468, of the Act of March 3, 1899, above amended, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 410, 411. SEC. 9. [Sale of liquor to Indians.] That section one hundred and fortytwo of said Act of March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows: "SEC. 142. That if any person shall, without the authority of the United States, or some authorized officer thereof, sell, barter, or give to any Indian or half-breed who lives and associates with Indians, any spirituous, malt, or F. S. A. Supp.-3 83 vinous liquor or intoxicating extracts, such person shall be fined not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars or be imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term not to exceed two years. "That the term 'Indian' in this Act shall be construed to include the aboriginal races inhabiting Alaska when annexed to the United States, and their descendants of the whole or half blood, who have not become citizens of the United States. "That section nineteen hundred and fifty-five of the Revised Statutes of the United States and all that part of section fourteen of 'An Act providing a civil government for Alaska,' approved May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, after the word 'provided,' is hereby repealed." [35 Stat. L. 603.] For sec. 142 of the Act of March 3, 1899, as it read prior to this amendment, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 328. For R. S. sec. 1955, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 42. For sec. 14 of the Act of May 17, 1884, see 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 41. SEC. 10. [License for practice of medicine.] That it shall be unlawful for any person to practice medicine or surgery, or any of the departments thereof, within the Territory of Alaska, until he or she shall have first obtained a license therefor as hereinafter in this Act prescribed. [35 Stat. L. 603.] SEC. 11. [Requirements.] That no person shall receive a license to practice medicine or surgery, or any of the departments thereof, within the Territory of Alaska until he or she shall have, first, submitted a diploma issued by some legally chartered medical school authorizing the holder thereof to practice medicine or surgery, the requirements for graduation of which medical school shall have been at the time of granting said diploma in no particular less than those prescribed by the Association of American Medical Colleges for that year, or, second, submitted proof of having practiced medicine or surgery, or both, for a period of not less than three successive years continuously prior to the passage of this Act and within the jurisdiction of one of the judicial districts of Alaska. [35 Stat. L. 603.] SEC. 12. [Applications.] That any person desiring to obtain a license to practice medicine or surgery within the Territory of Alaska shall first make application therefor to the clerk of the court of the district in which he desires to practice. The application shall be in writing, and shall state the name of the applicant, his age, his residence, the name and location of the college whence his diploma issued, the length of time, if at all, he has practiced medicine, and where, giving specifically the names of places wherein he has so practiced medicine. The application shall be accompanied by the diploma of the applicant, or duly authenticated copy, as must also an affidavit setting forth that he or she is the person therein named, and that the diploma was procured in the regular manner after the regular course of study prescribed by the medical school granting the same, without fraud or misrepresentation. [35 Stat. L. 604.] SEC. 13. [License to resident practitioners — requirements.] That any applicant for license to practice medicine or surgery within the Territory of Alaska, not in possession of the credentials specified in section three of this Act, may cbtain a license at the discretion of the clerk of the district court to whom he applies upon furnishing a properly attested statement, to wit: That he or she is a bona fide resident of Alaska, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine exclusively within the Territory of Alaska for a period of not less than three successive years immediately prior to the passage of this Act. The appli cation shall be accompanied by the written recommendation of three bona fide residents of the judicial district wherein the applicant desires to practice, one of whom must be a physician holding a license under section three of this Act, and shall state in a general way applicant's character and professional ability. [35 Stat. L. 604.] SEC. 14. [Recording license, etc.] That every person receiving a license to practice medicine or surgery within the Territory of Alaska shall have such license recorded in the office of the clerk of the court of the district wherein he is practicing, or proposes to practice, within thirty days from date of issuance. And when such licentiate moves into another district for the purpose of continuing the practice of medicine, he shall first file for record with the clerk of the court of the district to which he moves a certified copy of the license. [35 Stat. L. 604.] SEC. 15. [Prima facie evidence of practice commisemergency cases sioned medical officers, etc.] That any person shall be regarded as practicing medicine within the meaning of this Act who shall within the Territory of Alaska append the letters M. D. to his name, or who shall prescribe or administer or make known his ability or willingness to prescribe or administer drugs, medicines, electricity, magnetism, hydrotherapy, or perform any operation or manipulation, or apply any apparatus or appliance for the cure, alleviation, correction, or reduction of any human disease, ill, deformity, defect, wound, or injury, including midwifery for hire, fee, compensation, or reward, promised, offered, or accepted, directly or indirectly. The doing of any of the acts of this section above mentioned shall be taken to be prima facie evidence on the part of the person so doing to represent himself or herself as engaged in the practice of medicine or surgery or both. But nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to inhibit service in case of emergency, medical or surgical relief of natives of Alaska by employees of the Bureau of Education, or to the domestic administration of family remedies, nor to legally qualified dentists when engaged exclusively in the practice of dentistry. Nor shall this Act apply to any commissioned medical officer in the United States Army or Marine-Hospital Service or Bureau of Education in the discharge of his professional duties, or to any ship's doctor attached to any vessel plying or operating in Alaska. [35 Stat. L. 604.] SEC. 16. [Recording licenses, etc.-fee.] That applications for license to practice medicine within the Territory of Alaska shall be recorded by the clerk of the district court in which they are presented within five days of date of presentation. Said record shall specify under which section of this Act the license be issued, if issued, and the date thereof. The record containing said applications shall be accessible to the public during office hours of the clerk of the court for inspection. A fee of ten dollars shall accompany each application for license. [35 Stat. L. 604.] SEC. 17. [Penalty for violation.] That every person who shall practice, or shall attempt to practice medicine within the meaning of this Act without having first obtained a license therefor as prescribed in this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for not less than thirty nor more than one hundred days, or by both fine and imprisonment, and each day of such practice shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. [35 Stat, L. 605.] |