forfeited and open to location by others as if no location of the same had ever been made. The affidavits required hereby may be made before any officer authorized to administer oaths, and the provisions of sections fifty-three hundred and ninety-two and fifty-three hundred and ninety-three of the Revised Statu[t]es are hereby extended to such affidavits. Said affidavits shall be filed not later than ninety days after the close of the year in which such work is performed. [34 Stat. L. 1243.] R. S. sec. 5392 is given in 5 Fed. Stat. Annot. 701, and R. S. sec. 5393 is given in 5 Fed. Stat. Annot. 705. SEC. 2. [Fee.] That the recorders for the several divisions or districts of Alaska shall collect the sum of one dollar and fifty cents as a fee for the filing, recording, and indexing said annual proofs of work and improvements for each claim so recorded. [34 Stat. L. 1243.] An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act for the protection of game in Alaska, and for other purposes," approved June seventh, nineteen hundred and two. [Act of May 11, 1908, ch. 162, 35 Stat. L. 102.] That an Act entitled "An Act for the protection of game in Alaska, and for other purposes," approved June seventh, nineteen hundred and two, be amended to read as follows: The Act of June 7, 1902, hereby amended, is given in 1 Fed. Stat. Annot. 432. "[SEC. 1.] [Wanton destruction of game animals and birds prohibited.] From and after the passage of this Act the wanton destruction of wild game animals or wild birds, except eagles, ravens, and cormorants, the destruction of nests and eggs of such birds, or the killing of any wild birds, other than game birds, except eagles, for the purposes of selling the same or the skins or any part thereof, except as hereinafter provided, is hereby prohibited. 66 GAME DEFINED. The term 'game animals' shall include deer, moose, caribou, mountain sheep, mountain goats, brown bear, sea lions, and walrus. The term 'game birds' shall include water fowl, commonly known as ducks, geese, brant, and swans; shore birds, commonly known as plover, snipe, and curlew, and the several species of grouse and ptarmigan. "EXEMPTIONS. Nothing in this Act shall affect any law now in force in Alaska relating to the fur seal, sea otter, or any fur-bearing animal or prevent the killing of any game animal or bird for food or clothing at any time by natives, or by miners or explorers, when in need of food; but the game animals or birds so killed during close season shall not be shipped or sold. [35 Stat. L. 102.] "SEC. 2. SEASON. That it shall be unlawful for any person in Alaska to kill any wild game animals or birds, except during the season hereinafter provided: North of latitude sixty-two degrees, brown bear may be killed at any time; moose, caribou, sheep, walrus, and sea lions from August first to December tenth, both inclusive; south of latitude sixty-two degrees, moose, caribou, and mountain sheep from August twentieth to December thirty-first, both inclusive; brown bear from October first to July first, both inclusive; deer and mountain goats from April first to February first, both inclusive; grouse, ptarmigan, shore birds, and waterfowl from September first to March first, both inclusive: Provided, That no caribou shall be killed on the Kenai Peninsula before August twentieth, nineteen hundred and twelve: And provided further, That the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, whenever he shall deem it necessary for the preservation of game animals or birds, to make and publish rules and regulations prohibiting the sale of any game in any locality modifying the close seasons hereinbefore established, providing different close seasons for different parts of Alaska, placing further restrictions and limitations on the killing of such animals or birds in any given locality, or prohibiting killing entirely for a period not exceeding two years in such locality. [35 Stat. L. 102.] "SEC. 3. NUMBER. -That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill any female or yearling moose or for any one person to kill in any one year more than the number specified of each of the following animals: Two moose, one walrus or sea lion, three caribou, three mountain sheep, three brown bear, or to kill or have in his possession in any one day more than twenty-five grouse or ptarmigan or twenty-five shore birds or waterfowl. "GUNS AND BOATS. That it shall be unlawful for any person at any time to hunt with dogs any of the game animals specified in this Act; to use a shotgun larger than number ten gauge, or any gun other than that which can be fired from the shoulder; or to use steam launches or any boats other than those propelled by oars or paddles in the pursuit of game animals or birds. [35 Stat. L. 103.] "SEC. 4. SALE. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons at any time to sell or offer for sale any hides, skins, or heads of any game animals or game birds in Alaska, or to sell, offer for sale, or purchase, or offer to purchase, any game animals or game birds, or parts thereof, during the time when the killing of such animals or birds is prohibited: Provided, That it shall be lawful for dealers having in possession game animals or game birds legally killed during the open season to dispose of the same within fifteen days after the close of said season. [35 Stat. L. 103.] SEC. 5. LICENSES. That it shall be unlawful for any nonresident of Alaska to hunt any of the game animals protected by this Act, except deer and goats, without first obtaining a hunting license, or to hunt on the Kenai Penin sula without a registered guide, and such license shall not be transferable and shall be valid only during the calendar year in which issued. Each applicant shall pay a fee of one hundred dollars for such license, unless he be a citizen of the United States, in which case he shall pay a fee of fifty dollars. Each license shall be accompanied by coupons authorizing the shipment of two moose if killed north of latitude sixty-two degrees, four deer, three caribou, three mountain sheep, three goats, and three brown bear, or any part of said animals, but no more of any one kind. "A resident of Alaska desiring to export heads or trophies of any of the game animals mentioned in this Act shall first obtain a shipping license, for which he shall pay a fee of forty dollars, permitting the shipment of heads or trophies of one moose, if killed north of latitude sixty-two degrees, four deer, two caribou, two sheep, two goats, and two brown bear, but no more of any one kind; or a shipping license, for which he shall pay a fee of ten dollars, permitting the shipment of a single head or trophy of caribou or sheep; or a shipping license, for which he shall pay a fee of five dollars, permitting the shipment of a single head or trophy of any goat, deer, or brown bear. Any person wishing to ship moose killed south of latitude sixty-two degrees must first obtain a special shipping license, for which he shall pay a fee of one hundred and fifty dollars, permitting the shipment of one moose, or any part thereof. Not more than one general license and two special moose licenses shall be issued to any one person in one year: Provided, That before any trophy shall be shipped from Alaska under the provisions of this Act the person desiring to make such shipment shall first make and file with the customs office at the port were such shipment is to be made an affidavit to the effect that he has not violated any of the provisions of this Act; that the trophy which he desires to ship has not been bought or purchased and has not been sold and is not being shipped for the purpose of being sold, and that he is the owner of the trophy which he desires to ship, and if the trophy is that of moose, whether the animal from which it was taken was killed north or south of latitude sixtytwo degrees: Provided further, That any resident of Alaska prior to September first, nineteen hundred and eight, may without permit or license ship any head or trophy of any of the game animals herein mentioned upon filing an affidavit with the customs office at the port where such shipment is to be made that the animal from which said head or trophy was taken was killed prior to the passage of this Act. Any affidavit required by the provisions of this Act may be subscribed and sworn to before any customs officer or before any officer competent to administer an oath. "The governor of Alaska is hereby authorized to issue licenses for hunting. and shipping big game. On issuing a license he shall require the applicant to state whether the heads or trophies to be obtained or shipped under said license will pass through the ports of entry at Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, or San Francisco, California, and he shall forthwith notify the collector of customs at the proper port of entry as to the name of the holder of the license and the name and address of the consignee. All proceeds from licenses, except one dollar from each fee, which shall be retained by the clerk issuing the license to cover the cost of printing and issue, shall be paid into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts; the amount necessary for the enforcement of this Act shall be estimated for annually by the Agricultural Department and appropriated for including the employment and salaries to be paid to game wardens herein authorized. And the governor shall annually make a detailed and itemized report to the Secretary of Agriculture, in which he shall state the number and kind of licenses issued, the money received, which report shall also include a full statement of all trophies exported and all animals and birds exported for any purpose. "And the governor of Alaska is further authorized to employ game wardens, to make regulations for the registration and employment of guides, and fix the rates for licensing guides and rates of compensation for guiding. Every person applying for a guide license shall, at the time of making such application, make and file with the person issuing such license an affidavit to the effect that he will obey all the conditions of this Act and of the regulations thereunder, that he will not violate any of the game laws or regulations of Alaska, and that he will report all violations of such laws and regulations that come to his knowledge. Any American citizen or native of Alaska, of good character, upon compliance with the requirements of this Act, shall be entitled to a guide license. Any guide who shall fail or refuse to report any violation of this Act, or who shall himself violate any of the provisions of this Act, shall have his license revoked, and in addition shall be liable to the penalty provided in section seven of this Act, and shall be ineligible to act as guide for a period of five years from the date of conviction. [35 Stat. L. 103.] "SEC. 6. [Shipments of wild game.] That it shall be unlawful for any persons, firm, or corporation, or their officers or agents, to deliver to any common carrier, or for the owner, agent, or master of any vessel, or for any other person, to receive for shipment or have in possession with intent to ship out of Alaska, any wild birds, except eagles, or parts thereof, or any heads, hides, or carcasses of brown bear, caribou, deer, moose, mountain sheep, or mountain goats, or parts thereof, unless said heads, hides, or carcasses are accompanied by the required license or coupon and by a copy of the affidavit required by section five of this Act: Provided, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the collection of specimens for scientific purposes, the capture or shipment of live animals and birds for exhibition or propagation, or the export from Alaska of specimens under permit from the Secretary of Agriculture, and under such restrictions and limitations as he may prescribe and publish. "It shall be the duty of the collector of customs at Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco to keep strict account of all consignments of game animals received from Alaska, and no consignment of game shall be entered until due notice thereof has been received from the governor of Alaska or the Secretary of Agriculture, and found to agree with the name and address on the shipment. In case consignments arrive without licenses they shall be detained for sixty days, and if a license be not then produced said consignments shall be forfeited. to the United States and shall be delivered by the collector of customs to the United States marshal of the district for such disposition as the court may direct. [35 Stat. L. 104.] "SEC. 7. PENALTIES.- That any person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit to the United States all game or birds in his possession, and all guns, traps, nets, or boats used in killing or capturing said game or birds, and shall be punished for each offense by a fine of not more than two hundred dollars or imprisonment not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. Any person making any false or untrue statements in any affidavit required by this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall forfeit to the United States all trophies in his possession, and shall be punished by a fine in any sum not more than two hundred dollars or imprisonment not more than three months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court. "ENFORCEMENT. It is hereby made the duty of all marshals and deputy marshals, collectors or deputy collectors of customs, all officers of revenue cutters, and all game wardens to assist in the enforcement of this Act. Any marshal, deputy marshal, or warden in or out of Alaska may arrest without warrant any person found violating any of the provisions of this Act or any of the regulations herein provided, and may seize any game, birds, or hides, and any traps, nets, guns, boats, or other paraphernalia used in the capture of such game or birds and found in the possession of said person in or out of Alaska, and any collector or deputy collector of customs, or warden, or licensed guide, or any person authorized in writing by a marshal shall have the power above provided to arrest persons found violating this Act or said regulations and seize said property without warrant to keep and deliver the same to a marshal or a deputy marshal. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, upon request of the governor or Secretary of Agriculture, to aid in carrying out the provisions of this Act. [35 Stat. L. 105.] "SEC. 8. [Repeal.] That all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed." [35 Stat, L. 105.] An Act To encourage the development of coal deposits in the Territory of Alaska. [Act of May 28, 1908, ch. 911, 35 Stat. L. 424.] [SEC. 1.] [Development of coal deposits consolidation of claims, etc., permitted limit of acreage.] That all persons, their heirs or assigns, who have in good faith personally or by an attorney in fact made locations of coal land in the Territory of Alaska in their own interest, prior to November twelfth, nineteen hundred and six, or in accordance with circular of instructions issued by the Secretary of the Interior May sixteenth, nineteen hundred and seven, may consolidate their said claims or locations by including in a single claim, location, or purchase not to exceed two thousand five hundred and sixty acres of contiguous lands, not exceeding in length twice the width of the tract thus consolidated and for this purpose such persons, their heirs or assigns, may form associations or corporations who may perfect entry of and acquire title to such lands in accordance with the other provisions of law under which said locations were originally made: Provided, That no corporation shall be permitted to consolidate its claims under this Act unless seventy-five per centum of its stock shall be held by persons qualified to enter coal lands in Alaska. [35 Stat. L. 424.] SEC. 2. [Preference right to purchase product for army and navy reserved.] That the United States shall, at all times, have the preference right to purchase so much of the product of any mine or mines opened upon the lands sold under the provisions of this Act as may be necessary for the use of the Army and Navy, and at such reasonable and remunerative price as may be fixed by the President; but the producers of any coal so purchased who may be dissatisfied with the price thus fixed shall have the right to prosecute suits against the United States in the Court of Claims for the recovery of any additional sum or sums they may claim as justly due upon such purchase. [35 Stat. L. 424.] SEC. 3. [Unlawful trust, etc., forbidden.] That if any of the lands or deposits purchased under the provisions of this Act shall be owned, leased, trusteed, possessed, or controlled by any device permanently, temporarily, directly, indirectly, tacitly, or in any manner whatsoever so that they form part of, or in any way effect any combination, or are in anywise controlled by any combination in the form of an unlawful trust, or form the subject of any contract or conspiracy in restraint of trade in the mining or selling of coal, or of any holding of such lands by any individual, partnership, association, corporation, mortgage, stock ownership, or control, in excess of two thousand five hundred and sixty acres in the district of Alaska, the title thereto shall be forfeited to the United States by proceedings instituted by the Attorney-General of the United States in the courts for that purpose. [35 Stat. L. 424.] SEC. 4. [Patents.] That every patent issued under this Act shall expressly recite the terms and conditions prescribed in sections two and three hereof. [35 Stat. L. 424.] An Act Providing for the hearing of cases upon appeal from the district court for the district of Alaska in the circuit court of appeals for the ninth circuit. [Act of Jan. 11, 1909, ch. 15, 35 Stat. L. 585.] [Appeals, etc., from district court of Alaska-place of hearing.] That hereafter all appeals, writs of error, and other cases coming from the district |