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cate of election for such precinct received from the clerk of the court, and may canvass and compile the same with the other election returns. Said board, upon the completion of said canvass, shall declare the person who has received the greatest number of votes for Delegate to be the duly elected Delegate from Alaska for the term for which he has been so elected, and shall issue and deliver to him in writing under their hands and seals a certificate of his election. [34 Stat. L. 173.]

SEC. 13. [Fees - publication in newspapers posting notices in polling places - rental - election officers.] That each newspaper in Alaska authorized to publish the notice of election provided for herein, and having published the same according to law, shall be entitled to receive therefor not more than ten dollars for the entire publications of any one election; that each commissioner in the Territory of Alaska is authorized to contract for the proper posting of all elections notices, as provided herein, in each voting precinct created in his said election district, and that not more than the sum of ten dollars shall be allowed at each election for the posting of said notices in any one voting precinct in Alaska; that not more than ten dollars at each election shall be allowed for the rental of a proper polling place in each voting precinct in Alaska; that each of the judges of election who shall qualify and serve as such in any precinct on said election day and each of the clerks of election in an incorporated town shall be entitled to a compensation of five dollars for all services performed. [34 Stat. L. 174.]

SEC. 14. [Payment of expenses - audit of.] That the compensation for said newspaper publications, the proper posting of said notices, the rental of said polling places, the fees of the judges and clerks of election in each precinct, together with the cost of securing a ballot box and the cost of necessary postage and stationery, shall be certified with proper vouchers and receipts attached by the various election officials to the judge of the district court in the said judicial division in which said voting precinct is situate, and the same shall be audited by said judge and shall be paid by the clerk of the court of said division out of the same fund and in the same manner as the incidental expenses of said district court are paid. [34 Stat. L. 174.]

SEC. 15. [Penalties - for illegal voting, etc. - intimidation, bribery, etc. - changing returns, etc. - neglect of duty, etc., by officers - jurisdiction.] That any person who, by any means, shall hinder, delay, prevent, or obstruct any other person from qualifying himself to vote or from lawfully voting at any election herein provided for, or who shall knowingly personate and vote or attempt to vote in the name of any other person, or who shall vote more than once at the same election, or shall vote at a place where or at a time when he may not lawfully be entitled to vote, or shall do any unlawful act to secure an opportunity to vote, for himself or for any other person, or who, by or through any force, threat, intimidation, bribery, reward or offer thereof, unlawfully vote himself or procures another to vote, or prevents or induces another to refrain from exercising his right of suffrage, or induces by any means any officer of an election to do any unlawful act or omit to do his duty in any manner, or who, directly or indirectly, in any manner shall fraudulently change or cause to be changed the returns or the true and lawful result of any election hereunder or shall attempt to do the same, or who shall delay, cause to be delayed, or connive at the delay of election returns in any manner or attempt to do so, shall be guilty of a crime, and upon the conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars nor less than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both, in the discretion of the court, and pay the costs of the prosecution; and every officer of an election held hereunder who neglects to perform or violates any duty imposed upon him as such officer, or knowingly does any unauthorized act with the intent to affect the election or the result thereof, or who shall permit, make, or connive at any false count or certificate of election, or who shall conceal, withhold, destroy, or willfully delay the returns of election, or connive at the same being done, or who shall aid, counsel, or procure any person to do or attempt to do any act made a crime hereinbefore, or shall attempt to do any of the acts hereinbefore mentioned, shall be guilty of a crime, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than five years, or both, in the discretion of the court, and shall pay all costs of the prosecution; and jurisdiction of all such matters is hereby conferred upon the district court of Alaska. [34 Stat. L. 174.]

SEC. 16. [Effect.] That this act shall take effect upon its passage. [34 Stat. L. 175.]

An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved January twentyseventh, nineteen hundred and five.

[Act of May 14, 1906, ch. 2458, 34 Stat. L. 192.]

That section one of an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the construction and maintenance of roads, the establishment and maintenance of schools, and the care and support of insane persons in the district of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved January twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred and five, be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows:

The Act of Jan. 27, 1905, above referred to, is given in 10 Fed. Stat. Annot. 20.


"SECTION 1. [Alaska fund - liquor, trade, etc., license fees outside incorporated towns to constitute the "Alaska fund use of fees collection of license fees - marshal's deputies to act as license inspectors - fees.] That all moneys derived from and collected for liquor licenses, occupation or trade licenses outside of the incorporated towns in the district of Alaska shall be deposited in the Treasury Department of the United States, there to remain as a separate and distinct fund, to be known as the 'Alaska fund,' and to be wholly devoted to the purposes hereinafter stated in the district of Alaska. One-fourth of said fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, shall be devoted to the establishment and maintenance of public schools in said district; five per centum of said fund shall be devoted to the care and maintenance of insane persons in said district, or so much of said five per centum as may be needed; and all the residue of said fund shall be devoted to the construction and maintenance of wagon roads, bridges, and trails in said district: And provided further, That the clerk of the court of each judicial division of said district is authorized, and he is hereby directed, whenever considered necessary, to call upon the United States marshal of said judicial division to aid in the collection of said license moneys by designating regular or special deputies of his office to act as temporary license inspectors, and it shall be the duty of said United States marshal to render such aid; and the said regular or special deputies, while actually engaged in the performance of this duty, shall receive

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the same fees and allowances and be paid in the same manner as when performing their regular duties." [34 Stat. L. 192.]

This section in its original form is given in 10 Fed. Stat. Annot. 20.

SEC. 2. That section two of said Act be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read as follows:

"SEC. 2. [Construction of wagon roads - appointment of road commissioners powers maps, etc. - bids when actual construction cost aggregates over $20,000 disbursements - reimbursement for actual expenses, etc.] That there shall be a board of road commissioners in said district, to be composed of an engineer officer of the United States "Army to be detailed and appointed by the Secretary of War, and two other officers of that part of the Army stationed in said district and to be designated by the Secretary of War. The said engineer officer shall, during the term of his said detail and appointment, abide in said district. The said board shall have the power, and it shall be their duty, upon their own motion or upon petition, to locate, lay out, construct, and maintain wagon roads and pack trails from any point on the navigable waters of said district to any town, mining or other industrial camp or settlement, or between any such town, camps, or settlements therein, if in their judgment such roads or trails are needed and will be of permanent value for the development of the district; but no such road or trail shall be constructed to any town, camp, or settlement which is wholly transitory or of no substantial value or importance for mining, trade, agricultural, or manufacturing purposes. The said board shall prepare maps, plans, and specifications of every road or trail they may locate and lay out, and whenever more than twenty thousand dollars, in the aggregate, shall have to be expended upon the actual construction of any road or section of road designed to be permanent, contract for the work shall be let by them to the lowest responsible bidder, upon sealed bids, after due notice, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. The board may reject any bid if they deem the same unreasonably high or if they find that there is a combination among bidders. In case no responsible and reasonable bid can be secured, then the work may be carried on with material and men procured and hired by the board. The engineer officer of the board shall in all cases supervise the work of construction and see that the same is properly performed. As soon as any road or trail laid out by the board has been constructed and completed they shall examine the same and make a full and detailed report of the work done on the same to the Secretary of War, and in such report they shall state whether the road or trail has been completed conformably to the maps, plans, and specifications of the same. It shall be the duty of said board, as far as practicable, to keep in proper repair all roads and trails constructed under their supervision, and the same rules as to the manner in which the work of repair shall be done, whether by contract or ctherwise, shall govern as in the case of the original construction of the road or trail. The cost and expenses of laying out, constructing, and repairing such roads and trails shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury, through the authorized disbursing officer of the board designated by the Secretary of War, out of the road and trail portion of said 'Alaska fund' upon vouchers approved and certified by said board. The Secretary of the Treasury shall, at the end of each month, send by mail to each of the members of said board a statement of the amount available of said 'Alaska fund' for the construction and repair of roads and trails, and no greater liability for construction or repair shall at any time be incurred by said board than the money available therefor at that time in said fund. The members of said board shall, in addition to their salaries, be reimbursed in the sums actually paid or incurred by them in traveling expenses in the performance of their duties, and shall be entitled to receive their actual expenses of living while serving as members of said board within the limits of the district and not stationed at a military post," [34 Stat. L. 192.]

This section in its original form is given in 10 Fed. Stat. Annot. 20.

An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to allot homesteads to the natives of Alaska. [Act of May 17, 1906, ch. 2469, 34 Stat. L. 197.]

[Homestead allotments to natives - allotments inalienable and nontaxable - preference rights.] That the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and empowered, in his discretion and under such rules as he may prescribe, to allot not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres of nonmineral land in the district of Alaska to any Indian or Eskimo of full or mixed blood who resides in and is a native of said district, and who is the head of a family, or is twenty-one years of age; and the land so allotted shall be deemed the homestead of the allottee and his heirs in perpetuity, and shall be inalienable and nontaxable until otherwise provided by Congress. Any person qualified for an allotment as aforesaid shall have the preference right to secure by allotment the nonmineral land occupied by him not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres. [34 Stat. L. 197.]

An Act To prohibit aliens from fishing in the waters of Alaska.
[Act of June 14, 1906, ch. 3299, 34 Stat. L. 263.]

[SEC. 1.] [Fishing in waters of, by aliens, except with rod, etc., prohibited - sale of fish to aliens permitted - alien labor may be employed.] That it shall be unlawful for any person not a citizen of the United States, or who has declared his intention to become a citizen of the United States, and is not a bona fide resident therein, or for any company, corporation, or association not organized or authorized to transact business under the laws of the United States or under the laws of any State, Territory, or district thereof, or for any person not a native of Alaska, to catch or kill, or attempt to catch or kill, except with rod, spear, or gaff, any fish of any kind or species whatsoever in any of the waters of Alaska under the jurisdiction of the United States: Provided, however, That nothing contained in this Act shall prevent those lawfully taking fish in the said waters from selling the same, fresh or cured, in Alaska or in Alaskan waters, to any alien person, company, or vessel then being lawfully in said waters: And provided further, That nothing contained in this Act shall prevent any person, firm, corporation, or association lawfully entitled to fish in the waters of Alaska from employing as laborers any aliens who can now be lawfully employed under the existing laws of the United States, either at stated wages or by piecework, or both, in connection with Alaskan fisheries, or with the canning, salting or otherwise preserving of fish. [34 Stat. L. 263.]

SEC. 2. [Penalty for violations.] That every person, company, corporation, or association found guilty of a violation of any provision of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder shall, for each offense, be fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, which fine shall be a lien against any vessel or other property of the offending party or which was used in the commission of such unlawful act. Every vessel used or employed in violation of any provision of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder shall be liable to a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, and may be seized and proceeded against by way of libel in any court having jurisdiction of the offense. [34 Stat. L. 264.]

SEC. 3. [Prosecution.] That the violation of any provision of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder may be prosecuted in any United States district court of Alaska, California, Oregon, or Washington. [34 Stat. L. 264.]

SEC. 4. [Seizures and arrests.) That the collector of customs of the district of Alaska is hereby authorized to search and seize every foreign vessel and arrest every person violating any provision of this Act or any regulation made thereunder, and the Secretary of Commerce and Lábor shall have power to authorize officers of the Navy and of the Revenue-Cutter Service and agents of the Department of Commerce and Labor to likewise make such searches, seizures, and arrests. If any foreign vessel shall be found within the waters to which this Act applies, having on board fresh or cured fish and apparatus or implements suitable for killing or taking fish, it shall be presumed that the vessel and apparatus were used in violation of this Act until it is otherwise sufficiently proved. And every vessel, its tackle, apparatus, or implements so seized shall be given into the custody of the United States marshal of either of the districts mentioned in section three of this Act, and shall be held by him subject to the proceedings provided for in section two of this Act. The facts in connection with such seizure shall be at once reported to the United States district attorney for the district to which the vessel so seized shall be taken, whose duty it shall be to institute the proper proceedings. [34 Stat. L. 264.]

SEC. 5. [Enforcement of regulations - existing treaties, etc., not affected.] That the Secretary of Commerce and Labor shall have power to make rules and regulations not inconsistent with law to carry into effect the provisions of this Act. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor to enforce the provisions of this Act and the rules and regulations made thereunder, and for that purpose he may employ, through the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of the Navy, the vessels of the United States Revenue-Cutter Service and of the Navy: Provided, however, That nothing contained in this Act shall be construed as affecting any existing treaty or convention between the United States and any foreign power. [34 Stat. L. 264.]

An Act For the protection and regulation of the fisheries of Alaska.

[Act of June 26, 1906, ch. 3547, 34 Stat. L. 478.]

[SEC. 1.] [Salmon, etc., canneries license tax on products - collection.] That every person, company, or corporation carrying on the business of canning, curing, or preserving fish or manufacturing fish products within the territory known as Alaska, ceded to the United States by Russia by the treaty of March thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, or in any of the waters of Alaska over which the United States has jurisdiction, shall, in lieu of all other license fees and taxes therefor and thereon, pay license taxes on their said business and output as follows: Canned salmon, four cents per case; pickled salmon, ten cents per barrel; salt salmon in bulk, five cents per one hundred pounds; fish oil, ten cents per barrel; fertilizer, twenty cents per ton.

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