[Photographs, etc., to be sold.] And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized to furnish, upon application, prints and lantern slides from negatives in the possession of the Department and to charge for the same a price to cover the cost of preparation, such price to be determined and established by the Secretary of Agriculture, and the money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States. [34 Stat. L. 1281.] With the exception of the word "hereafter," which makes it permanent, this provision is found in the Appropriation Act of June 30, 1906, 34 Stat. L. 696. [Sales of waste paper, etc.] And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell as waste waste paper, or otherwise to dispose of the accитиlation of Department files which do not constitute permanent records, and all other documents and publications which have become obsolete or worthless. [34 Stat. L. 1281.] [Purchase of mileage books, etc.] And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to purchase from appropriations made for traveling expenses for employees of the Department of Agriculture, mileage and mileage books, at commercial rates, in the manner in which such mileage or mileage books are usually purchased. [34 Stat. L. 1281.] An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and nine. [Act of May 23, 1908, ch. 192, 35 Stat. L. 251.] [SEC. 1.] [Establishing grades of cotton - furnishing official standard.] *** To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a standard for the different grades of cotton, calling to his assistance for that purpose expert cotton classifiers, by fixing a standard of middling cotton and, using the same as a basis, establishing a standard of nine different grades to be designated middling fair, strict good middling, good middling, strict middling, middling, strict low middling, low middling, strict good ordinary, and good ordinary, which shall be the official standard of cotton classifications. And the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized and directed to prepare in practical form the standard of said grades and furnish the same upon request to any person, the cost thereof to be paid, when delivered, by the person requesting the same, and certified under the signature of the said Secretary and the seal of his Department. [35 Stat. L. 256.] [Establishing grades of grain for export.] To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain, at such points as he may deem expedient, laboratories for the purpose of examining and reporting upon the nature, quality, and condition of any sample, parcel, or consignment of seed or grain, including rent and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere; and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to report upon such samples, parcels, or consignments, from time to time, and the reports so made shall serve as a basis for the fixing of definite grades, and also for the issuance of certificates of inspection when requested by the consignor or consignee of any grain entering into foreign commerce. [35 Stat. L. 257.] The same provision occurs in the Agricul Appropriation Act of June 30, 1906, ch. 3913, tural Appropriation Act of March 4, 1907, ch. 34 Stat. L. 681. 2907, 34 Stat. L. 1267, and in the Agricultural [Index of agricultural experiment station literature.] And the Secretary of Agriculture hereafter may furnish to such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them copies of the card index of agricultural literature prepared by the Office of Experiment Stations, and charge for the same a price covering the additional expense involved in the preparation of these copies, the money received from such sales to be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts; [35 Stat. L. 266.] This provision with the exception of the word "hereafter" makes the provision permaword "hereafter " has occurred for many nent. years in agricultural appropriation acts. The [Card index of publications.] And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture may furnish to such institutions or individuals as may care to buy them, copies of the card index of the publications of the Department and of other agricultural literature prepared by the library, and charge for the same a price covering the additional expense involved in the preparation of these copies. [35 Stat. L. 264.] With the exception of the word "hereafter," this provision has occurred in previous agricultural appropriation acts. [Report of payments to state officials, etc.] That hereafter any sum used for compensation of or payment of expenses to any officer or other person employed by any State, county, or municipal government, shall be reported to Congress in detail, on the first Monday of December of each year. [35 Stat. L. 260.] An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and ten. [Act of March 4, 1909, ch. 301, 35 Stat. L. 1039.] *** [SEC. 1.] [Monthly crop reports - cotton crop condition reports.] That hereafter the monthly crop reports, which shall be gathered as far as practicable from practical farmers, and which shall be issued on or before the tenth of each month, shall embrace statements of the conditions of crops by States, in the United States, with such explanations, comparisons, and information as may be useful for illustrating the above matter, and that it shall be submitted to and officially approved by the Secretary of Agriculture before being issued or published: Provided further, That hereafter the condition reports of the cotton crop shall be issued on the same day in October each year as the first ginners' report of actual cotton ginned, as follows: [35 Stat. L. 1053.] This provision, except for the word "hereafter," which makes it permanent, is the same as that in the Act of May 23, 1908, ch. 192, 35 Stat. L. 264. These vary from former pro visions on the subject. See 34 Stat. L. 691, 1276. See also this work, vol. 10, p. 4; vol. 1, p. 16. [Subscriptions to publications.] That hereafter section thirty-six hundred and forty-eight of the Revised Statutes shall not apply to the subscriptions for publications for the Department of Agriculture, and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to pay in advance for any publications for the use of this department. [35 Stat. L. 1054.] This provision has occurred in many previous agricultural appropriation acts. The addition of the word "hereafter" in the provision as it appears above makes it permanent. R. S. sec. 3648, above referred to, relates to the advances of public moneys and is given in 6 Fed. Stat. Annot. 564. : *** [Sale of products of experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and Guam.] and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell such products as are obtained on the land belonging to the agricultural experinent stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, and the island of Guam, and to apply the money received from the sale of such products to the maintenance of said stations, and this fund shall be available until used. [35 Stat. L. 1055.] This provision has appeared in former agricultural appropriation acts. See 35 Stat. L. 266; 34 Stat. L. 1279, etc. [Watchmen given police powers.) And hereafter all duly and lawfully constituted and appointed watchmen of the Department of Agriculture stationed in and upon the buildings and premises of said department in the city of Washington, District of Columbia, shall have and perform the same powers and duties, while on duty in and about said premises, as the Metropolitan police of the District of Columbia. [35 Stat. L. 1057.] [Assignments of pay allowed employees.] And hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to permit employees of the Department of Agriculture to make assignments of their pay, under such regulations as he may prescribe, during such time as they may be in the employ of the said department. [35 Stat. L. 1057.] etc.] [Seeds, grain, and plants - purchase and distribution - tests - grades, The provisions in this act on these subjects vary somewhat from those in former appropriation acts. It now seems that there is no 8 element of permanency in the legislation on these subjects, and it is, accordingly, omitted from this volume. ALASKA. Act of May 7, 1906, Ch. 2083, 11. Sec. 1. Delegate to Be Elected - Qualifications - Compensation - Allowance for Mileage, etc. 11. 2. First Election - Terms - Salary, etc., II. 3. Voting Qualifications, 12. 4. Election Districts in Towns - Officers - Polls, etc. - Notices, 12. 5. Election Districts Outside of Towns - Commissioners' Duties - Voting Precincts Minimum Number of Voters - Election Notice - Publication of Fudges of Election, 12. 6. Election Board - Duties Oath - Administering Oaths to Voters Clerks of Election Outside of Towns - Duties, 13. 7. Watchers at Polls - Rights Allowed, 14. 8. Filling Vacancies on Election Day, 14. 9. Voting Hours - Ballots, Form, etc. - Casting Ballots - Register of Votes, 14. 10. Challenges - Oath Required - Acceptance or Rejection - Penalty for False Swearing, 14. 11. Canvass of Votes Cast - Certificates in Duplicate - One Mailed to Gov- 12. Territorial Canvassing Board - Canvass of Result - Certified Copy of Rental - Election Officers, 16. 15. Penalties For Illegal Voting, etc. - Intimidation, Bribery, etc. Changing Returns, etc. - Neglect of Duty, etc., by Officers - Furisdiction, 16. 16. Effect, 17. Act of May 14, 1906, Ch. 2458, 17. Alaska Fund-Liquor, Trade, etc., License Fees Outside Incorporated Construction of Wagon Roads - Appointment of Road Commissioners - Act of May 17, 1906, Ch. 2469, 19. Homestead Allotments to Natives - Allotments Inalienable and Nontaxable - Preference Rights, 19. Act of June 14, 1906, Ch. 3299, 19. Sec. 1. Fishing in Waters of, by Aliens, Except with Rod, etc., Prohibited - Sale of Fish to Aliens Permitted - Alien Labor May Be Employed, 19. 2. Penalty for Violations, 19. 3. Prosecution, 20. 4. Seizures and Arrests, 20. 5. Enforcement of Regulations - Existing Treaties, etc., Not Affected, 20. Act of June 26, 1906, Ch. 3547, 20 Sec. 1. Salmon, etc., Canneries - License Tax on Products - Collection, 20. 2. Private Hatcheries Exemption for Fry Liberated - Rate - Inspection - Approval - Proof of Amount Liberated - Statements to Be FiledIssue of Certificates - Acceptance for Taxes - Efficiency Required, 21.
Sec. 3. Stationary Obstructions for Taking Salmon in Waters, Unlawful, 21. 4. Restriction on Nets, Seines, etc., 22. 5. Weekly Close Season for Taking Salmon - Night Seining in Small Streams Prohibited - Release of Obstructions, etc., During Close 6. Spawn Grounds to Be Set Aside -Close Season Authorized - Notices Required - Not Applicable to Artificially Stocked Streams, 22. 7. Canning Prohibited Forty-eight Hours After Killing, 23. 8. Wanton Waste of Fish Unlawful, 23. 9. False Branding Prohibited - Terms Permitted, 23. 10. Annual Reports of Fish Establishments, 23. 11. Provisions Applicable to All Species of Fish, 23. Act of March 2, 1907, Ch. 2537, 24. Sec. 1. Public Lands - Nome and Fairbanks Districts, Alaska, Created, 24. 2. Registers and Receivers - Clerks of Court and Marshals to Act, 24. Act of March 2, 1907, Ch. 2559, 25 Sec. 1. Annual Improvements, etc., Required on Mining Claims - Filing Affidavits - Contents - Prima Facie Evidence of Performance of Work, etc. - Forfeiture - Officer Before Whom Affidavits May Be Sec. 1. Development of Coal Deposits - Consolidation of Claims, etc., Permitted - Limit of Acreage - Restriction, 30. 2. Preference Right to Purchase Product for Army and Navy Reserved, 30. Act of Jan. 11, 1909, Ch. 15, 30. Appeals, etc., from District Court of Alaska - Place of Hearing, 30. |