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Apostle's Description.- Evils of the Tongue.-1. Gossip. Un-
profitable Talk. - Remarks on others. - How to be made.-
Gossipping a great social Evil.-2. SLANDER. Causes of it. -
Example cited. - Silence, under certain Circumstances, crim-
inal. — Slander among contending Sects: in the Religious and
Political World. - Evil Conduct of others sometimes to be no-


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ticed. How to speak of their Failings. A good Remark. –
Anecdote of Peter the Great. Story of Pambus. - Example
of Jesus.3. LYING. Christians in Danger of this Sin. — An
Example. Mrs. Opie's Classification of Lies. - Aristotle's
Remark. Addison's Statement. - Dr. Johnson's Opinion and
Practice. - Paley's Definition. — Duty of the Christian drawn
from the Scriptures. -4. CURSING and SWEARING. Cursing
contrary to the Spirit of Christianity. The Christian's Im-
precation. Prevalence of Swearing. Strange Facts in rela-
tion to it. Directions of Scripture. — Sinfulness of Swear-

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of Time

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- Need of this. - Examples cited. — Bonaparte. ·
Washington.-Franklin. — Wesley: Anecdote of him.-

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Dr. Johnson's View of Time. - Allowance for individual Cir-
- A prevalent Error considered. It should be
Extract. Fraginents of Time to be improved. -

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Characters noticed. - Extract.- Causes of neglect of Public
Worship. Lack of Inclination. - Dislike of Preacher. - Ex-



tract.- False Pride.- Conceited Wisdom.- Giving Attention
to the Word.-Parable of the Sower. Thought requisite.-
Short Memories.- Extract from Buck.- CONFERENCE MEET-
INGS.- - They should be encouraged. - Difficulties. - Benefits
of Social Meetings. Advice to Believers. - Examples cited.
-THE CHURCH INSTITUTION.- Objection to the Formation
of Churches. - Reasons in Favor. - THE LORD'S SUPPER.
-Who should join in its Observance. Scruples and Doubts
considered. - Church Relationship. - Dealing with offending
Members.-Extract from Rev. Mr. Innes.- BAPTISM.- DED-



of them. Their great Utility. — Extracts.—Christian Zeal. 140





1. LOVE. Apostle's Definition of it. - Its universal Application.


- Lack of it among Christians in past Ages.

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jection considered.


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the present Day. - Love to God. — Great Mistake on this
Subject. Poetic Illustration. - Christians should love all.
Effect of this among all professing Christians.-2. Joy. Ha-
bitual Gloom incompatible with Religion. A Mistake. -
Scripture Language. Christians should be truly Joyful. -
Reasons.-3. PEACE. Scriptural Representations. An Ob-
Christianity opposed to War, Per-
secution, and Violence. Causes of Wars and Conflicts.—
Happy Effects of Christianity. - A Definition of Chris
tian Peace. 4. LONG-SUFFERING. Forbearance: Content-
ment: Cheerful Submission to the Allotments of Provi-
dence.-5. GENTLENESS. Its Nature. — Divine Origin.
Christian's Neglect in this Matter. - Dr. Clarke's Language.




Mistake in Living. — 6. GOODNESS. Definition. - Benevo-
lence. Directions from Scripture. Covetousness among
Christians. Allan Cunningham's Remark. - Profession and
Principle contrasted.-7. FAITH. Importance of Fidelity.
- God's Faithfulness. Faithfulness of Jesus, and his Apos-
tles. Inference.-8. MEEKNESS. Illustrated by Scripture
Contrasts. Anger subdued by Meekness. — Just Indignation.
- Scripture Directions.-Humility allied to Meekness. - Lack

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of these Virtues. Meekness not opposed to moral Courage.
-Bishop Hall's Remarks.-9. TEMPERANCE. Meaning of the
Apostle. Erroneous Views.- Bad Practices of professing
Christians.Temperance and Health connected. - Present
Duty of Christians. — A crying Evil.— Drunkenness denounc-
ed in the Scriptures. - Temperance needful in all Things.



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