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Raleigh, Sept. 25, 1865..

To his Excellency, W. W. HOLDEN,

Provisional Governor of North Carolina

In obedience to the requirment in my commission, making it my duty to report to the Convention and to the next General Assembly the amount of stock held by the State in the several Rail Road and Navigation Companies, the amount due by such companies to the State and to te and to others, and such other information as would tend to show the condition and prospects of said companies, I addressed to the President of each of them on the 23d June last, the following circular:

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Raleigh, June 23d, 1865.

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SIR:-I am required, under my appointment as Public Treasurer, by Governor Holden, to prepare and exhibit to the Convention, shortly to be assembled, and to the next General Assembly, a report showing what interest the State holds in the several Railroad and Navigation Companies, and the general condition and prospects of each of said compa anies. I deem this requirement as embracing not only the

companies in which the State holds stock, but also those which are indebted to the State.

To enable me to execute this duty, I request that you report to mo, me to exe by the 15th day of August next, what amount of stock the State holds in your company,-what is the amount of your indebtedness, distinguishing what you owe the State from what you owe others; when such debts fall due, or will fall due; the amount of your resources, and of what they consist; the condition of your track, rolling stock, boats, &c., with your views as to the future prospects of your company, and any other information which you may think it would be desirable to the Convention or the General Assembly to possess in relation to your company, or which you may think to would be likely to promote the success of your operations. Very respectfully yours,

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Pub. Treas. of North Carolina.

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Owing to the want of mails, and the uncertainties of other modes of transmission, the circular may not have reached the presiding officer of every company. I have responses from the following Compannies, viz:

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Chesapeake & Albemarle Canal Company.-:a? luize hus

12 I have reason to expect a report from the Wilmington & Manchester Rail Road. I have had no response from the Cape Fear or Roanoke Navigation Companies. bit di ebloď

I have not had time, even if it were expected of me, to examine with care these reports, and to make commentaries

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