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For maintaining an agricultural experimental station at the Massachusetts agricultural college, in the town of Amherst, the sum of five thousand dollars.

For the Massachusetts agricultural college, for the purpose of providing eighty free scholarships, the sum of ten thousand dollars.

The fees under section twelve of chapter sixty of the Public Statutes are hereby appropriated to be used in accordance with the provisions of said section.

MISCELLANEOUS. For expenses in connection with the removal of wrecks and other obstructions from tide waters, a sum not exceeding five thousand dollars.

For the payment of unclaimed moneys in the hands of receivers of certain insolvent corporations, after the same has been deposited in the state treasury, a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars; and for expenses in connection therewith, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars.

To carry out the provisions of the act relative to the payment by the treasurer of the Commonwealth of funds received from public administrators, a sum not exceeding four thousand dollars.

For additional compensation for the clerks of the senate and house of representatives for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, one thousand dollars.

For expenses incurred in the construction and repair of roads in the town of Mashpee during the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three, the sum of three hundred dollars.

To the sheriffs of the different counties for distributing proclamations, blanks, and making return of votes, a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars.

For weights, measures, balances and reports for sundry newly incorporated towns, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars.

For travelling and other necessary expenses of the trustees of the state primary, reform and industrial schools, a sum not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars.

Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved February 29, 1884.

[CHAP. 40.] An Act to divide the county of Worcester into two Districts for the Reg

istry of Deeds. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. The county of Worcester is divided into two districts for the registry of deeds, as follows:— The city of Fitchburg and the towns of Lunenburg, Leominster, Westminster and Ashburnham constitute the Northern District, and the office thereof shall be kept in the court-house in the city of Fitchburg. The remainder of said county constitutes the Worcester District, and the office thereof shall be kept in the city of Worcester.

SECT. 2. The present register of deeds for Worcester county shall be the register of said Worcester District until some other person is chosen and qualified in his stead. All laws in force when this act shall take effect, relative to registers and registries of deeds, shall apply to the above districts hereby created.

SECT. 3. The governor and council shall, on or before the first day of June next, appoint some suitable person to be the register of deeds for said Northern District, until some person is chosen and qualified in his stead.

SECT. 4. The register of deeds for said Worcester District shall, on demand, deliver to the custody of the register of deeds for said Northern District all the original deeds and other instruments recorded and remaining in the office of the former, conveying or relating to land or estates situated in said last named district.

SECT. 5. This act shall take effect on the first day of August next, excepting as to the appointment of register as is provided in the third section hereof, and for this latter purpose it shall take effect on the first day of May next. [Approved February 29, 1884.

[CHAP. 41.]

AN ACT to authorize the Trustees of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge to hold additional real and personal estate.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

The Trustees of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge are hereby authorized to hold real and personal estate to the amount of one million and five hundred thousand dollars, for the purposes named in their act of incorporation; and no devise, bequest or conveyance heretofore made to said corporation shall be invalid by reason of the limit heretofore imposed by their act of incorporation. [Approved February 29, 1884.

[CHAP. 42.]

AN ACT to authorize Towns to grant and vote Money for certain memorial purposes.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. Towns may at legal meetings grant and vote such sums as they judge necessary for the purpose of erecting headstones or other monuments to the memory of persons who, accredited to their respective quotas, served in the military or naval service of the United States in the revolutionary war, the war of eighteen hundred and twelve, the Seminole war, and the Mexican war, and for keeping in repair and decorating such monuments and the graves of such persons.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved February 29, 1884.

[CHAP. 43.]

AN ACT in relation to the Salaries and duties of certain officers of the Reformatory Prison for Women.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. The chaplain of the reformatory prison for women shall in addition to her other duties act as teacher, and shall in that capacity have charge of the prison school and instruction of the prisoners, under such rules as shall from time to time be established by the superintendent and approved by the commissioners of prisons.

SECT. 2. The office of school-mistress in said prison is hereby abolished.

SECT. 3. The salary of the deputy superintendent of said prison shall be fixed by the commissioners of prisons, but shall not exceed eight hundred dollars per annum.

SECT. 4. So much of chapter two hundred and twenty-one of the Public Statutes as is inconsistent with this act is hereby repealed.

SECT. 5. 1, 1884.

This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March

[CHAP. 44.]

AN ACT to authorize the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester to purchase and hold additional real estate.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. The State Mutual Life Assurance Company of Worcester, incorporated under chapter one hundred and seventy-seven of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and forty-four, is authorized to purchase and hold real estate to an amount not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars, subject, however, to the provisions of chapter twenty-five of the acts of the year eighteen hundred and sixty-six.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[СНАР. 45.]

AN ACT to provide for an allowance to certain Officers in the Volunteer Militia.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. There shall be allowed and paid to each cadet corps commander and to each company commander in the volunteer militia, for the care of and responsibility for the military property of the Commonwealth in their charge, the sum of fifty dollars per annum.

SECT. 2.

1, 1884.

This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March

[CHAP. 46.]

AN ACT to enable the Town of Everett to raise money to extend its Water

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:


SECT. 1. The town of Everett is hereby authorized to raise by taxation, annually, a sum of money not exceeding two thousand dollars, and appropriate the same to repairing, laying and extending the water-pipes of said town used for supplying the inhabitants thereof with water.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[CHAP. 47.]

AN ACT to provide for the abandonment of the Melville Avenue Station and the re-location of the Centre Street Station on the Old Colony Railroad.

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. The board of railroad commissioners is hereby authorized, at 2 any time prior to the first day of October in the year eighteen hundred . eighty-four, to allow the Old Colony Railroad Company to abandon its staabtion known as the "Melville Station," on that part of its road known as the "Shawmut Branch," and without further authority to re-locate its station

known as the “ Centre Street Station " at some convenient point to be designated by the board between where said “ Melville” and “ Centre Street" stations now stand.

SECT. 2. Before authorizing such abandonment or re-location said board shall give a hearing, after such public notice as it may deem proper, to all parties interested, and if it grants such authority may impose upon said Old Colony Railroad Company such terms and conditions as it may consider just and equitable to all parties concerned.

Sect. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[CHAP. 48.] An Act to incorporate the Blackstone Valley Agricultural Society. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

SECT. 1. Moses Taft, Robert Taft, Daniel W. Taft, Henry M. Taft and George W. Hobbs and their associates and successors within the towns of Uxbridge, Blackstone, Douglas, Northbridge, Upton, Mendon and Milford are hereby made a corporation under the name of the Blackstone Valley Agricultural Society, to be located at Uxbridge, for the encouragement of agriculture, horticulture and the arts, by premiums and other means, with the powers and privileges and subject to all the duties, restrictions and liabilities set forth in all general laws which now are or may hereafter be in force applicable to such corporations; and said corporation is hereby authorized to hold by purchase, gift, devise or otherwise real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars.

Şect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[CHAP 49.] An Act making additional Appropriations for certain expenses authorized

in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

Sect. 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, for the purposes specified herein, to wit::

For incidental expenses in the department of the secretary of the Commonwealth, three hundred and fifteen dollars and twenty-seven cents, which sum shall be paid from the appropriation of said department for incidental expenses for the present year.

For the support of state lunatic paupers at the Danvers lunatic hospital, forty-two dollars and seventy-one cents.

For the support of state lunatic paupers at the Worcester lunatic hospital, two thousand and twenty-four dollars and sixty-two cents.

For current expenses at the state almshouse at Tewksbury, seven thousand six hundred and thirty-one dollars and thirty-eight cents.

For expenses in connection with the extra repairs, improvements nd furniture at the state house, ten thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars and ten cents.

For contingent expenses of the senate and house of representatives, and necessary expenses in and about the state house, four hundred and fiftyseven dollars and forty-five cents.

For fuel and lights for the state house, four hundred and seventy-five dollars and eighty-two cents.

For sundry expenses in connection with house numbered thirty-three Pemberton Square, and the removal therefrom, three hundred and sixtynine dollars and seventy-six cents.

SECT. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[CHAP. 50.] An Act making Appropriations for Salaries and Expenses at the State

Prison, the Reformatory Prison for Women, and for expenses in con

nection therewith. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

Sect. 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, for the purposes herein specified, from the ordinary revenue, to meet expenses for the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, to wit:

For payment of salaries at the state prison at Concord, a sum not exceeding fifty-seven thousand dollars; and for other current expenses at said institution, a sum not exceeding seventy-three thousand dollars.

For the payment of salaries at the reformatory prison for women at Sherborn, a sum not exceeding twenty-one thousand dollars; and for other current expenses at said institution, a sum not exceeding forty-one thousand eight hundred dollars.

For the salary of the agent for aiding convicts discharged from the state prison, one thousand dollars; and for expenses of said agent, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars, to be used in rendering assistance to said convicts.

For the salary of the agent for aiding female convicts discharged from the prisons of this Commonwealth, a sum not exceeding seven hundred dollars; and for expenses of said agent, and for assistance to said convicts, a sum not exceeding twenty-three hundred dollars.

For expenses incurred in removing prisoners to and from the reformatory prison for women, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars.

For payment of the cost of supporting prisoners removed from the reformatory prison for women, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars.

For incidental and contingent expenses of the commissioners of prisons, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars.

For travelling expenses of the commissioners of prisons and the secretary thereof, a sum not exceeding eight hundred dollars.

For expenses incurred in the arrest of fugitives from justice, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars.

Sect. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. [Approved March 1, 1884.

[CHAP. 51.] An Act making Appropriations for Salaries and Expenses at the State

Reform School for Boys and the State Industrial School for Girls. Be it enacted, etc., as follows:

Sect. 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appropriated, to be paid out of the treasury of the Commonwealth, from the ordinary revenue, for the purposes specified herein.

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