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1778 February 6.

that the said United States, or any of them, are at liberty, when they shall judge it proper, to establish a duty equivalent in the same case.

Vessels &c. belonging to U. S. citizens to be protected in French ports, rnd by French ships of war, whilst in company.

French vessels

&c. to be protected by the

armed vessels

ART. 6. The most christian king shall endeavor, by all the means in his power, to protect and defend all vessels and the effects belonging to the subjects, people, or inhabitants of the said United States, or any of them, being in his ports, havens, or roads, or on the seas near to his countries, islands, cities, or towns; and to recover and restore to the right owners, their agents or attorneys, all such vessels and effects, which shall be taken within his jurisdiction; and the ships of war of his most christian majesty, or any convoy sailing under his authority, chall, upon all occasions, take under their protection all vessels belonging to the subjects, people or inhabitants of the said United States, or any of them, and holding the same course, or going the same way, and shall defend such vessels as long as they hold the same course, or go the same way, against all attacks, force, and violence, in the same manner as they ought to protect and defend the vessels belonging to the subjects of the most christian king.

ART. 7. In like manner, the said United States, and their ships of war, sailing under their authority, shall protect and of the U.States. defend, conformable to the tenor of the preceding article, all the vessels and effects belonging to the subjects of the most christian king, and use all their endeavors to recover, and cause to be restored, the said vessels and effects that shall have been taken within the jurisdiction of the said United States, or any of them.

The French king to employ

with the Barba

ro powers, in behalf of the United States.

ART. 8. The most christian king will employ his good his good offices offices and interposition with the king or emperor of Morocco or Fez, the regencies of Algier, Tunis, and Tripoli, or with any of them; and also with every other prince, state, or power, of the coast of Barbary, in Africa, and the subjects of the said king, emperor, states, and powers, and each of them, in order to provide as fully and efficaciously as possible for the benefit, conveniency, and safety of the said United States, and each of them, their subjects, people, and inhabitants, and their vessels and effects, against all violence, insult, attacks, or depredations, on the part of the said princes, and states of Barbary, or their subjects.

favorisées seront obligées de l'acquiter. Bien entendu qu'il sera libre aux dits Etats Unis, ou à aucun d'iceux d'établir, quand ils le jugeront àpropos, un droit equivalent à celui dont il est question pour le même cas pour lequel il est établi dans les ports de sa majesté très chrétienne.

ART. 6 Le roi très chrétien fera usage de tous les moïens qui sont en son pouvoir, pour protéger et defendre tous les vaisseaux et effets appartenants aux sujets, peuples et habitans des dits Etats Unis et de chacun d'iceux, qui seront dans ses ports, havres, ou rades, ou dans les mers près de ces pays, contrées, isles, villes et places, et fera tous ses efforts pour recouvrer et faire restituer aux propriétaires légitimes, leurs agens ou mandataires, tous les vaisseaux et efféts qui leur seront pris dans l'entenduë de sa jurisdiction: Et les vaisseaux de guerre de sa majesté très chrétienne ou les convois quelconques faisant voile sous son autorité, prendront, en toute occasion, sous leur protection tous les vaisseaux appartenants aux sujets, peuples et habitans des dits Etats Unis ou d'aucun d'iceux, les quels tiendront le même cours, et feront la même route, et ils defendront les dits vaisseaux aussi long-tems qu'ils tiendront le même cours et suivront la même route, contre toute attaque force ou violence de la même manière qu'il sont tenus de défendre et de protéger les vaisseaux appartenans aux sujets de sa majesté très chrétienne.

ART. 7. Pareillement les dits Etats Unis et leurs vaisseaux de guerre faisent voile sous leur autorité protégeront et défendront conformément au contenu ne l'article précédent, tous les vaisseaux et effets appartenants aux sujets du roi très chrétien et feront tous leurs efforts pour recouvrer et faire restituer les dits vaisseaux et effets qui auront été pris dans l'étenduë de la jurisdiction des dits Etats et de chacun d'iceux.

ART. 8. Le roi très chrétien emploïera ses bons offices et son entremise auprès des roi ou empereur de Maroc ou Fez, des régences d'Alger, Tunis et Tripoli, ou auprès aucune d'entr' elles ainsi qu'auprès de tout autre prince, état, ou puissance des côtes de Barbarie en Afrique, et des sujets des dits roi, empereur, états et puissance, et de chacun d'iceux à l'effect de pourvoir aussi pleinement et aussi efficacement qu'il sera possible à l'avantage commodité et sureté des dits Etats Unis et de chacun d'iceux, ainsi que de leurs sujets, peuples et habitans, leurs vaisseaux et effets contre toute violence, insulte,attaque, ou déprédations de la part des dits princes et états Barbaresques ou de leurs sujets.

1778. February 6.

1778. February 6.

Fishing reci

that object by the other, &c.

ART. 9. The subjects, inhabitants, merchants, commanders of ships, masters, and mariners, of the states, provinces, and dominions of each party respectively, shall abstain and forprocally prohi- bear to fish in all places possessed, or which shall be possessed, bited to each party, in places by the other party; the most christian king's subjects shall occupied for not fish in the havens, bays, creeks, roads, coasts, or places, which the said United States hold, or shall hereafter hold, and in like manner the subjects, people, and inhabitants of the said United States, shall not fish in the havens, bays, creeks roads, coasts, or places, which the most christian king possesses, or shall hereafter possess; and if any ship or vessel shall be found fishing contrary to the tenor of this treaty, the said Prohibitions in ship or vessel, with its lading, proof being made thereof, shall relation to fish- be confiscated; it is however understood that the exclusion stiing, to be governed by indul- pulated in the present article, shall take place only so long, gences granted and so far as the most christian king, or the United States, shall not in this respect, have granted an exemption to some other nation.

to other nations.

The rights of France to be respected by the U. States

with regard to

fishing on the banks of New


as established
by the treaties
of Utrecht and


(1) See end of

treaty, page 56. (2) Vide the


citizens to be exempt from the law of escheat, in case of dying aliens in France

ART. 10. The United States, their citizens and inhabitants, shall never disturb the subjects of the most christian king in the enjoyment and exercise of the right of fishing on the banks of Newfoundland, nor in the indefinite and exclusive right which belongs to them on that part of the coast of that island which is designed by the treaty of Utrecht, nor in the rights relative to all and each of the isles which belong to his most christian majesty, the whole conformable to the true sense of the treaties of Utrecht and Paris. (1)

(2) ART. 11. The subjects and inhabitants of the said United States or any one of them, shall not be reputed aubins in France, and consequently shall be exempted from the droit United States' d'aubaine, or other similar duty, under what name soever. They may by testament, donation, or otherwise dispose of their goods, moveable, and immoveable, in favor of such persons as to them shall seem good, and their heirs, subjects of the said United States, residing whether in France or elsewhere, may succeed them ab intestat, without being obliged to obtain letters of naturalization, and without having the effect of this concession contested or impeded under pretext of any rights or prerogatives of provinces, cities, or private persons; and the said heirs, whether such by particular title, or ab intestat shall be exempt from all duty called droit de détraction, or other duty of the same kind, saving, nevertheless, the local rights or duties as much, and as long as similar ones are not established by the United States, or any of them. The subjects of the most christian king shall enjoy on their part in all the dominions

and French subjects to enjoy the same privilege in the United States.


ART. 9. Les sujets, habitans, marchands, commandans des navires, maitres et gens de mer, des états, provinces et do- February 6. maines des deux parties, s'absteindront et éviteront recipro quement de pêcher dans toutes les places possédées, ou qui seront possédées par l'autre partie. Les sujets de sa majesté très chrétienne ne pêcheront pas dans les havres, bayes,criques, rades, côtes et places que les dits Etats Unis, possédent ou posséderont à l'avenir; et de la même manière les sujets, peuples et habitans des dits Etats Unis, ne pêcheront pas dans les havres, bayes, criques, rades, côtes et places que sa majesté très chrétienne posséde actuellement ou possédera à l'avenir, et si quelque navire ou bâtiment étoit surpris pêchant en violation du present traité, le dit navire ou bâtiment et sa cargaison seront confisqués après que la preuve en aura été faite duëment. Bien entendu que l'exclusion stipulée dans le present article n'aura lieu qu'autant, et si long tems que le roi et les Etats Unis n'auront point accordé à cet égard d'exception à quelque nation que ce puisse être.

ART. 10. Les Etats Unis leur citoïens et habitans ne troubleront jamais les sujets du roi très chrétien dans la jouissance et exercise du droit de pêche sur les hancs de Terreneuve, non plus que dans la jouissance indéfinie et exclusive que leur apartient sur la partie des côtes de cette isle, designée dans le traité d'Utrecht, ni dans les droits relatifs à toutes et chacune des isles qui apartiennent à sa majesté très chrétienne; le tout conformement au véritable sens des traités d'Utrecht et de Paris.

ART. 11. Les sujets et habitans des dits Etats Unis ou de l'un d'eux ne seront point reputés aubains en France, et consequemment seront exemts du droit d'aubaine ou autre droit semblable quelque nom qu'il puisse avoir; pourront disposer par testament, donation, ou autrement de leurs biens meubles et immeubles en faveur de telles personnes qui bon leur semblera; et leurs héritiers, sujets des dits Etats Unis, residans soit en France soit allieurs, pourront leur succéder ab intestat, sans qu'ils aïent besoin d'obtenir des lettres de naturalité, et sans que l'effet de cette concession leur puisse être contesté ou empêché sous pretext de quelques droits ou prérogatives des provinces, villes ou personnes privées. Et seront les dits héritiers soit à titre particulier soit ab intestat exemts de tout droit de detaction ou autre droit de ce genre; sauf néanmoins les droits locaux tant, et si long tems, qu'il n'en sera point établi de pareils par les dits Etats Unis ou aucun d'iceux. Les sujets du roi très chrétien jouiront de leur côté, dans tout les


February 6.

Suspected ships may be compelled to exhibit their papers on entering the ports of an ene

my to either party.

Manner of proceding in relation to vessels having contraband goods on board, &c.

of the said states, an entire and perfect reciprocity relative to the stipulations contained in the present article, but it is at the same time agreed that its contents shall not affect the laws made, or that may be made hereafter in France against emigrations, which shall remain in all their force and vigor, and the United States on their part, or any of them, shall be at liberty to enact such laws, relative to that matter, as to them shall seem proper.

ART. 12. The merchant ships of either of the parties which shall be making into a port belonging to the enemy of the other ally, and concerning whose voyage, and the species of goods on board her, there shall be just ground of suspicion, shall be obliged to exhibit as well upon the high seas, as in the ports and havens, not only her passports, but likewise certificates, expressly showing that her goods are not of the number of those which have been prohibited as contraband.

ART. 13. If by the exhibiting of the aforesaid certificates, the other party discover there are any of those sorts of goods which are prohibited and declared contraband, and consigned for a port under the obedience of his enemies, it shall not be lawful to break up the hatches of such ships, or to open any chest, coffers, packs, casks, or any other vessels found therein, or to remove the smallest parcels of her goods, whethersuch ship belongs to the subjects of France, or the inhabitants of the said United States, unless the lading be brought on shore in the presence of the officers of the court of admiralty, and an inventory thereof made; but there shall be no allowance to sell, exchange, or alienate the same, in any manner, until after that due and lawful process shall have been had against such prohibited goods, and the court of admiralty shall, by a sentence pronounced, have confiscated the same: saving always as well as the ship itself as any other goods found therein,. which by this treaty are to be esteemed free, neither may they be detained on pretence of their being as it were infected by the prohibited goods, much less shall they be confiscated as lawful prize: but if not the whole crago, but only part thereof shall consist of prohibited or contraband goods, and the commander of the ship shall be ready and willing to deliver them to the captor, who has discovered them, in such case, the captor having received those goods, shall, forthwith, discharge the ship, and not hinder her by any means, freely to prosecute the voyage on which she was bound. But in case the contraband

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