Gambar halaman

1829 Sep. 26, Venezuela separated from the Republic of Colombia.

1829 Oct. 7, Proclamation of the king of the Sandwich islands, respecting the treatment of foreigners within his territories.

1829 Nov. 16, Conception declared independent of Chili.

1829 Dec. 21, Convention of commerce and navigation, between Great Britain and Austria, concluded at London.

1830 March 28, treaty of Indemnification, between the U. States and Denmark, concluded at Copenhagen. Denmark agrees to pay $650,000 on account of citizens of the U. S. 1830 April 4, Yucatan declares itself independent.

1830 April 13, the navigation of the Black Sea opened to American vessels.

1830 May 7, treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and the Ottoman Porte, concluded at Constantinople.

1830 May 13, Gen. Flores issues a proclamation at Quito, declaring the south part of Colombia an independent government.

1830 June 18, a treaty of peace ratified at Monte Video by the Gov. Gen. Lavalleja and Gen. Rivera, by which the latter acknowledged the existing government.

1830 July 5, Algiers taken by the French.

1850 July 15, The funeral ceremonies of George IV. of England.

1830 July 27, Revolution in France; Charles X. dethroned, and Louis Philippe Duke of Orleans declared King, August 9.

1830 Aug. 9, a treaty of peace concluded between France and Tunis, by which the commerce of the latter is opened to all nations. A similar treaty was concl. with Tripoli, Aug. 11. 1830 Aug. 25, Revolution in Belgium commenced at Brussels; independence delared Oct. 4. 1830 Sep. 30, Independence of the South American Republics acknowledged by France. 1830 Oct. 4, President's Proclamation declaring the ports of the United States open to British vessels from the West Indies.

1830 Oct. 8, Insurrection in Brunswick; grand Duke abdicates.

1830 Oct. 16, Change in the British ministry, the Wellington cabinet resigns.

1830 Nov. 29, Revolution in Poland commences at Warsaw.

1830 Dec. 24, the emperor Nicholas issues a proclamation, in which he declares his intention of maintaining entire the rights of his throne, and pronounces those who have assumed the government of Poland to be traitors.

1830 Dec. 27, Independence of Belgium acknowledged.

1831 Jan. 10, the King of the Netherlands selected as the umpire between the United States and Great Britain, under the Convention of Sept. 29, 1827, makes his award. 1831 Jan. 24, The Polish diet declare the absolute independence of Poland.

1831 March 18, first Congress of Venezuela meets at Valentia, of 15 senators & 23 repre's. 1831 April 5, a commercial treaty between the United States and Mexico ratified by the Mexican Government.

1831 April 6, Revolution in Brazil, the Emperor Don Pedro abdicates in favour of his son. 1831 June 4, Prince Leopold of Saxe Coburg elected King by the Belgian Congress. 1831 July 4, convention between the United States and France, concluded at Paris, for the settlement of claims of American citizens on the French Government.

1831 Sept. 8, Coronation of William IV. of England.

1831 Sept. 13, treaty between the United States and Turkey, signed at Constantinople. 1831 Nov. 17, New Grenada erected into an independent state by the Bogota convention. 1832 Jan. 27, Convention of indemnities negotiated with France, ratified by senate of U. States. 1832 March 9, Gen. Santander elected president of New Grenada.

1832 March, Emperor of Russia issues a decree by which Poland is united to Russia. 1832 July 12, treaty of commerce between Peru and the state of Equator. 1832 July 21, the Sultan of Turkey signs a protocol by which he gives his assent to the extension of the Greek frontier, as required by the London conference.

1832 July 26, Died, at Schoenbrunn, near Vienna, Austria, Duke de Reichstadt, son of Napol'n 1832 Oct. 14, treaty between the United States and the king of the Two Sicilies. 2,115,000 Neapolitan ducats, to be paid the U. States for commercial depredations. Ratifications exchanged at Naples, June 8, 1833.


Ministers of the United States Abroad.

[*.*Copied from the United States' Official Biennial Register, for 1834. The abbreviation, after the name of the Officer, stands for the State "where born."]

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Barbary Powers. Algiers.

George F. Brown, Vir. comm. agent, Algiers

Samuel D. Heap, Penn. Consul, Tunis

D. S. McCauley, Penn. Consul, Tripoli

James R. Leib, Penn. Consul, Tangier.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ire-
land, and its Dependencies
Thomas Aspinwall, Mass. consul and agent,
&c. at London

Francis B. Ogden, N. J. consul, Liverpool
Patrick Macaulay, consul, Bristol
Robert W. Fox, Eng. consul, Falmouth
Thomas Were Fox, Eng. Consul, Plymouth
Albert Davy, Pa. consul, Kingston upon Hull
Robert R. Hunter, N. Y. consul, Cowes
Alexander Thomson, consul, Glasgow

Thomas Wilson, consul, Dublin
Reuben Harvey, consul, Cork
Thomas W. Gilpin, Del. consul, Belfast
Horatio Sprague, consul, Gibraltar
Paul Froberville, consul, Isle of France
Thomas Wynns, N. C. consul, Turks' Isl'd
Wm. T. Tucker, comm. agent, Bermuda
George Huyler, comm. agent Nassau, N. P.
R. Higinbotham, of Maryland, commercial
agent, at Antigua and St. Christopher
R. M. Harrison, Vir. consul, Kingston Jam.
C. L. Bartlett, commercial agent, Trinidad
John Haly, commercial agent, Barbadoes
Paul Eynaud, consul, Malta

Wm. Carroll, commercial agent, St Helena
Moses Benjamin, consul, British Guyana
Thomas M. Perrse, consul, Galway
John Morrow, consul, Halifax, N. S.
Robert Grieve, consul, Leith, Scotland
W. M. Haxton, consul, Bathurst Island

France, and its Dependencies. Daniel Brent, Vir. consul and agent, Paris George Strobel, S. C. consul, Bordeaux Daniel C. Croxall, N. J. consul, Marseilles F. C. Fenwick, consul, Nantes

R. G. Beasley, Virginia, Havre de Grace Samuel Allison, N. J. consul, Lyons Theodore Privat, consul, Cette

Jas. Jos Debesse, consul, La Rochelle

P. Suau, consul, comm. agent, Gaudaloupe Switzerland.

J. G. Boker, consul general, Switzerland


A. P. Gibson, N. Y. consul, St. Petersburg
John Ralli, consul, Odessa

Henry Schielen, consul, Taganrog
Edmund Brandt, consul, Archangel

Spain, and its Dependencies.
Alexander Burton, Penn. consul, Cadiz
William Sterling, consul, Barcelona

George G. Barrel, Mass. consul, Malaga
George B. Adams, Penn. consul, Alicante
Maximode Aguirre, consul, Bilboa
A. H. P. Edwards, cor.sul, Manilla
Payton Gay, consul, Teneriffe
George T. Ladico, consul, Balearic Islands
Nicholas P. Trist, Vir. consul, Havana
Rob.R.Stewart, Penn. consul, Trinidad,Cuba
J. Leonard, commercial agent, St. Jago, do
Fra's Thomassin, comm. agent, Baracoa, do
L. Shoemaker, Penn. consul, Matanzas, do
John Owen, consul, Puerto del Principe
Hopeful Toler, consul, Ponce, P. Rico
W. H. Tracy, Conn. comm. agent, Guayama
S. C. Russel, comm. agent, Mayaguez, do
Sydney Mason, N. Y. consul, St. Johns, do

Portugal, and its Dependencies.

I. P. Hutchinson, Penn. consul, Lisbon
John H. March, N. Hamp. consul, Madeira
Charles W. Dabney, Mass. consul, Fayal
Wm. G. Merrill, N. Y. consul, Cape Verd
J. Balestier, con. RhioIsland, Bintaug,Mal.Sea
The Netherlands, and its Dependencies
J. W. Parker, Vir. consul, Amsterdam
John Wambersie, Geo. consul, Rotterdam
W. D. Patterson, N.York, consul, Antwerp
Thomas Trask, consul, Surinam
L. Paimboef, consul, Isle of Curacoa
John Schillaber, Mass. consul, Batavia
Louis Mark, N. Y. consul, Ostend

J. Hollingsworth, Penn. consul, St. Eustacia


Charles Barnet, N. J. consul, Venice
George Moore, G. Britain, consul, Trieste
J. G. Schwarz, consul, Vienna

Fred'k Kahl, consul, Darmstadt
Frederic List, consul, Duchy of Baden
Robt. de Ruedorffer, consul, Munich

Sweden, and its Dependencies. David Erskine, G. B. consul, Stockholm C. A. Murray, do. consul, Gottenburg Helmich Janson, do. Bergen, Norway

Denmark, and its Dependencies

C. J. Hambro, consul, Copenhagen
Nathan Levy, Md. consul, St. Thomas
Jos. Ridgeway, do. St. Croix

Thomas H. Barker, N. Y. consul, Elsineur


W. T. Simons, Prussia, consul, Elbervelt
Frederick Schillow, consul, Stettin
C. F. Goehring, consul, Leipzig
Hanseatic Towns.

John Cuthbert, consul, Hamburg
Joshua Dodge, consul, Bremen
Ernest Schwendler, consul, Frankfort
Italian States.

Thomas Appleton, Mass. consul, Leghorn
James Ombrosi, Florence, consul, Florence
Robert Campbell, G. Britain, consul, Genoa
Victor A. Sasserno, Nice, consul, Nice
Roman States.

Felix Cicognani, Italy, consul, Rome
Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.
Alexander Hammet, Md. consul, Naples
Benjamin Gardner, Mass. consul, Palermo
John L. Payson, do. consul, Messina

David Offley, Penn. consul, Smyrna
United Mexican States.
J. S. Wilcocks, Penn. consul, Mexico
G. R. Robertson, N Y consul, Tampico
Thomas Reily, Penn. consul, Aguatulco
Harvey Gregg, Indiana, consul, Acapulco
James James, consul, Vera Cruz & Alverado
Daniel W. Smith, Conn.consul, Matamoros
J. S. Langham, consul, Chihuahua
James Davis, consul, Santa Fe

J. W. McGoffin, Ken'y, consul, Saltillo
Henry Perrine, N. J. consul, Campeche
J. L. Kennedy, Scot'd, consul, Guaymas &e.


David G. Burnet, consul, Galvezton

C. W. Davis, consul, Petic and Guayamas
Daniel N. Pope, consul, Tabasco

J.W. Langdon, con. Laguna, Island del Carmen
A. J.Raines,con. Monterey, N.California,Texas
Thos. Wooldridge, consul, Brazoria,

Republic of Colombia.

J. M. Macpherson, Pa. consul, Carthagena
J. G. A. Williamson, N C consul, La Guayra
Alexander Danouille, consul, Santa Martha
F. Litchfield, Conn. consul, Porto Cabello
J. B. Ferand, consul, Panama

Thomas F. Knox, Vir. consul, Angostura

J. M. Baker, Minorca, consul, R. de Janeiro
Woodbridge Odlin, Pa. consul, San Salvador
J. T. Mansfield, Mass. consul, Pernambuco
Abraham R. Smith, N. Y. consul, Para
Joshua Bond, Md. consul, Montevideo
Cha. B. Allen, Mass. consul, I. of Maranham
Isaac Austin Hayes, consul, Rio Grande
George Black, N.Y. consul, Santos
Lemuel Well, do. consul, I. of St. Catherine
Republic of Central America.

Charles Savage, consul, Guatemala
G. Coursalt, consul, Truxillo

Republic of Buenos Ayres.

G. W. Slacum, Va. consul, Buenos Ayres COMMISSIONERS under the Convention with France, concluded July 4th, 1831.

George W. Campbell, of Tennessee.
John K. Kane, of Pennsylvania.
Romulus M. Saunders, of North Carolina.
John E.Frost, of the Dist.Col'bia, Secretary.
John H. Wheeler, of North Carolina, Clerk.



Thomas S. Russel, consul, Valparaiso

Daniel Wynne, N.Y. consul, St.Jago de Chili Republic of Peru.

Wm. F. Taylor, N. Y. consul, Quilca Arica and Arequipa

A sa Worthington, do. consul, Lima
Hayti, (St. Domingo.)

F. M. Dimond, Rhode Island, commercial agent, Port au Prince

Wm. Miles, commercial agent, Aux Cayes Samuel Israel, Pa. comm.agt. Cape Haytien Sandwich Islands.

J.C.Jones, Jr. Mass.comm.agt. S. Islands China.

J.H.Grosvenor, consul, Canton

Consular Agents, recently appointed.
W. B. Llewellen, Salonica
Dalmas Devenant, Stancho
Emanuel Samarissa, Tenedos
John Gliddon, Alexandria

Jasper Chasseaud, Damascus, Beiront, Balbec, Said, and the towns within their limits David Darmon, Jerusalem, and the city and port of Jaffa.

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Commandeur Torlade d'Azambuja, charge d'affaires.


W. Steen Bille, charge d'affaires.
Sweden & Norway.

Chevalier Ankarloo, charge d'affaires.

Adr. Martini, charge d'affaires.


Baron Behr, minister resident.


J. M. de Castillo y Lanzas, charge d'affaires. Colombia.

Don Domingo Acosta, charge d'affaires and consul general.


Manual G. Dos Reis, charge d'affaires, ad interim, and consul general.

PRESIDENTS, SECRETARIES OF STATE, AND DIPLOMATIC AGENTS, since the Federal Constitution went into Operation, in 1789.


Geo. Washington, of Va. from 1789 to 1797. John Adams, of Mass. from 1797 to 1801. Thos. Jefferson, of Va. from 1801 to-1809. James Madison, of Va. from 1809 to 1817. James Monroe, of Va. from 1817 to 1825. John Q. Adams, of Mass. from 1825 to 1829. Andrew Jackson, of Tenn. from 1829.

Secretaries of State.

Thomas Jefferson, of Va. 26 Sept. 1789.
Edmund Randolph, of Va, 2 Jan. 1794.
Timothy Pickering, of Penn. 10 Dec. 1795.
John Marshall, of Va. 13 May, 1800
James Madison, of Va. 5 March, 1801.
Robert Smith, of Md. 6 March, 1809.
James Monroe, of Va. 26 Nov. 1811.
James Monroe, recom. 28 Feb. 1815.
John Quincy Adams of Mass., March 5, 1817
Henry Clay, of Ky. 7 March, 1825.
Martin Van Buren, of N. Y. 6 March, 1829
Eelw. Livingston, of La. 24 May, 1831.
Louis McLane of Del. 1st July, 1853.

To Great Britain.

Gouverneur Morris, of New Jersey, commissioner, 13th October, 1789. Thos. Pinckney, of South Carolina, Minister Plenipotentiary, 2 January, 1792 John Jay, of New-York, Envoy Extraordinary, 19th of April, 1794.

Rutus King, of New York, Minister Plenipotentiary, 21st May, 1796.

James Monroe, of Virginia, Minister Plenipotentiary, 18th April, 1805.

James Monroe and Wm. Pinkney jointly and severally, Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy, 12 May, 1796.

Wm. Pinkney, of Maryland, Minister Plenipotentiary, 12 May,1806; renewed 26 February, 1808.

John Q. Adams, of Mass. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 28 February, 1815

R. Rush, of Pennsylvania, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 16 December, 1817

Rufus King, of New York, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis'r Plenipotent'y, 5 May 1825 Albert Gallatin, Pa. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 10 May, 1826. James Barbour, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 23d May, 1828 Louis M'Lane, Delaware, En'y Extraordi

nary and Minis'rPlenipotent'y 18Apr. 1829 Martin Van Buren, N. Y. Envoy Extraordinary and Minis'r Plenipoten'y, 1 Aug. 1831 To France. Wm. Short, Va. Charge d'Affaires, April 6th, 1790 Gouverneur Morris, New-Jersey, Minister Plenipotentiary, 12th January, 1792 James Monroe, Virginia, Minister Plenipotentiary, 28th of May, 1794

Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, S. C. Minis

ter Plenipotentiary, 9th September, 1796 Charles C. Pinckney, Eldridge Gerry, and John Marshall, jointly and severally, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 5th June, 1797

Oliver Ellsworth, Patrick Henry, and Wm.

Vans Murray, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 26th Feb. 1799 Wm. Richardson Davie, of N. Carolina in place of Patrick Henry, 10 Decem. 1799 James A. Bayard, Delaware, Minister Plenipotentiary, 19th February, 1801 Robert R. Livingston, New-York, Minister Plenipotentiary, 2d of October, 1801 John Armstrong, New York, Minister Plenipotentiary, 30th June, 1804

Joel Barlow, Connecticut, Minister Plenipotentiary, 27th February, 1811

Wm. H. Crawford, Georgia, Minister Plenipotentiary, 9th April, 1813

Albert Gallatin, Pennsylvania, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 28 February, 1815

James Brown, Louisiana, Envoy Extraordi nary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 9 December, 1823

Wm.C. Rives, Virginia, Envoy Extraordinary and Minis'r Plenipotent'y, 1 June, 1829 William C. Rives, with special powers to negotiate concerning Claims, and Commerce generally, 18th March, 1831

To Spain. William Carmichael, Md. Charge d'Affaires, 11th of April, 1790

Wm. Carmichael and Wm. Short, Commissioners, 18th March, 1792

William Short, Virginia, Minister Resident. 28th of May, 1794

Thomas Pinckney, South Carolina, Envoy
Extraordinary, 24th November, 1794
David Humphreys, of Connecticut, Minister
Plenipotentiary, 28th May, 1796
Charles Pinckney, South Carolina, Minister
Plenipotentiary, 6th of June, 1801
James Monroe, Virginia, Minister Extraor
dinary and Plenipotentiary, 14th Oct. 1804
James Bowdoin, of Massachusetts, Minister
Plenipotentiary, 22d of November, 1804
George W. Irving, Massachusetts, Minister
Plenipotentiary, 10th August, 1814
John Forsyth, Georgia, Minister Plenipo
tentiary, 16th February, 1819
Hugh Nelson, Virginia, Envoy Extraordi
nary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 15th of
January, 1823

Alex'r H. Everett, Mass. Envoy Extraordi-
nary and Minis'r Plenipoten'y, 9 Mar. 1825
Charles S. Walsh, Secretary of Legation, 17
June, 1828

Cornelius P. Van Ness, Ver. Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, 1st of June, 1829

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