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the distant sphere of colonial labour, if the principle is once conceded, and bishops are encouraged to regard themselves as absolute and irresponsible. In regard to societies, we have great pleasure in again quoting our old friend, Dr. Wolff. He says, "It is utterly absurd to say that all benevolent societies are to be under the directions of the bishops: even the Church of Rome, in her powerful discipline, has never followed this plan-that all benevolent societies are necessarily to be placed under episcopal control, -nor does the Church of Armenia." In regard to the plantation and working of churches, the following, which we quote from the interesting Journal of Bishop Mountain (No. 3 on our list), is nearer the truth than the high episcopal theory we have been exposing. This excellent missionary bishop says ;

"The Church, in the early days of Christianity was planted in new regions by seating, at a central point, the bishop with his cathedral and his college of presbyters, who ranged the country here and there under his direction. And this, or the nearest approach to this of which the times are susceptible, is what is wanted now."-(p. 173.)

This, however, is perhaps sufficiently refined, and we much question whether a perfected organization in the wide field of missionary labour may not be prematurely attempted. But we can fully enter into the bishop's appeal as regards the particular case—and, though a digression, we cannot help quoting one more passage from his pages.

"I feel," he says, "with an indescribable force, the necessity of establishing a bishop in these territories (Prince Rupert's Land). Perhaps I need not disclaim such an idea as that all the virtue of the gospel is centered in the episcopate, because I happen to hold that thorny office myself: but it is the Episcopal Church of England which is specially, distinctly, and loudly called to occupy that open field-it is the Episcopal Church of England which took the lead, and gave the impulse to other parties, in whatever has yet been done of any note, for planting and extending any of the forms of Christianity in that land-it is the Episcopal Church of England, its interests being represented upon the spot by the Church Missionary Society, which has been conspicuously successful, by the fruits of its schools and missions, in diffusing blessings among the people: and an Episcopal Church without a bishop, is an anomaly upon the face of it-a contradiction in terms: it is like a monarchy without a king. A bishop is necessary even for the existing establishment of clergy, and the existing congregations: who, in their extreme remoteness, and utter severance from all the rest of the world, afford a sort of revived exhibition of the ancient sect of the acephali, against their own wills." -(pp. 169, 170.)

Hence the bishop's zealous and Christian appeal (supported by the Committee of the Church Missionary Society), for the endowment of a bishopric for Prince Rupert's Land. Whatever

profits may arise from the sale of his Journal are to be devoted to this object; and we may here observe, that, concurring in the views of the excellent bishop, and feeling a more than common interest in

the mission, with which a beloved friend of our own (the late Mr. Jones), was so long and successfully connected, we should much rejoice to hear that the object had been attained, and another of the Society's stations formed into a regularly-organized branch of our Church-hoping, however, that the appointment of a bishop, whenever it is made, will show a due consideration for the views and principles of those by whom the infant church has been planted and cherished.

4. The length of this article urges us to our last remark, which is, that the projected auxiliary to the colonial episcopate-we mean the college of St. Augustine, Canterbury-must, in all fairness, clear itself of the suspicions which at present hang over it, or there will with this great colonial scheme be connected another cause of deep anxiety. We observe that at the late meeting held in the Egyptian Hall" to increase the means of religious instruction for the Emigrants and Settlers in the British Colonies," Mr. Archdeacon Manning thus alludes to it

"Within the last two or three months,' he says, ' I have received from an unknown hand in India, a remarkable printed statement. It is an urgent appeal to the Church of England to found a missionary college. Little did the writer of this paper know, at the time he put it forth, that at this very moment, on the site which is consecrated by the memory of the restoration of Christianity in England, there is rising a collegiate institution worthy of the great purpose for which it is designed and that the foundations of that work have been laid in individual munificence, unequalled by any of this day. Little did the writer know what an answer I could have sent to him, had I known the hand from which I received the appeal."-(pp. 21, 22.)

With all our respect for the venerable Archdeacon and his accomplished friends, we must take leave to say, that the college of St. Augustine has not yet established its claims as an institution of the Church, or as a safe and sound seminary for colonial training. Where is the responsibility lodged? who are to be the tutors and active managers? what the class of students to be admitted as candidates for missionary service? These and similar inquiries may fairly be proposed-and must be answered, before general confidence can be conciliated, or anxiety removed. It would also, in our opinion, have been much more modest and graceful to have sought to provide additional means of missionary training without the invidious, and, to some extent, groundless remark-" Another great and signal defect in our missionary system has been the want of any institution for the education and discipline of a body of clergy and catechists for the work of Christ among the heathen. It is literally true to say that no such thing has existed. The institution formed of late years by the Church Missionary Society is no exception: for that institution is no work of the Church

as such."--It is literally true, we reply, that the college of St. Augustine is no work of the Church as such. We heartily wish, however, that it may rival the humbler institution in the character of its men: and that both institutions may be prospered to send out a succession of missionaries not inferior to Mr. Jones, Mr. Ridsdale, and others whom we could name, trained up in no institution whatever-but the humble pupils of a humble country pastor-men, nevertheless, who, through the grace of God, could found and build up churches which we trust will long stand and flourish,-monuments that it is not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of the Lord. We are fully aware of the peculiar requirements of India and some other parts of the missionary field but we are not without our fears as to the projected refinements in missionary training: we much doubt, again, whether “a large supply of (suitable) missionary students" can be found by drawing more largely on the pupils of our endowed grammarschools;" ;" but most of all are we fearful lest the grafting of a system

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"You are, no doubt, fully aware," says the originator of St. Augustine's College, in a private circular, sent to certain earnest friends of his design," that the want of an adequate supply of ministers, duly prepared in heart and mind to labour with effect in the dependencies of the British empire, has long been felt and deplored by those who have been called to preside over the colonial churches. Few, in proportion to the daily increasing demand, have been found willing to devote themselves to a work demanding so many sacrifices in the beginning, and so full of difficulty in the accomplishment; and of those who have left all for Christ's sake, men full of zeal and sincerity, some, it must be confessed, have failed altogether, and others have only partially succeeded, from a want of appropriate training for the duties to be discharged, the difficulties to be encountered, and the hardships to be endured.

"To apply a remedy, under God's blessing, to this great and, I fear, increasing evil, it seems to me that two measures are primarily necessary: the first, to provide an education, embracing, as nearly as may be, all the advantages which our ancient universities now offer to those who are destined to holy orders, but at a less expense, and with greater simplicity and frugality of habits: the second, which is, in part, consequent on the former, the drawing more largely on the pupils of our endowed grammar-schools. From very recent communications with the masters of these schools, I am induced to believe that a large supply of missionary students may be derived from them, provided the foundation, laid in those preliminary institutions, can be completed at less expense than is at present necessary at either University. I would propose, then, with these objects in view, to found a college for the education and training of such young men as may be willing to dedicate themselves to the ministry of the Church in the British colonies. Such an institution will, I believe, meet with the general concurrence and approval of the colonial bishops: especially when it is known that the project itself emanates in great measure from the suggestions of the Bishops of Australia, New Zealand, and Tasmania: and that it will, if established, be under the immediate management and control of Bishop Coleridge, who has most kindly expressed his readiness to undertake the office of honorary principal." Such are the views of Mr. Hope. (English Review, October 1, 1844.) We should like to know how many missionary-students have been received into the Institution at Islington from our endowed grammar-schools. The foundation laid in those schools may, it is well known, be completed in the Church Missionary College free of expense, and in a manner of the efficiency of which the Bishop of London is probably the best judge. But we much fear our grammar-schools are at present but poor nurseries for suitable missionary candidates. It is probable, however, that Mr. Hope's standard would not be the same as that of the Church Missionary Committee, in "singling out" for this work the class of youths whom he, with Archdeacon Manning, regards as the choicest sons of the Church, . . . those whose

of asceticism upon the institution of which we have lately heard so much, should prove fatal to the simplicity which is in Christ, and the times be revived when "bodily exercise" shall take the place of "godliness," and "the wisdom of this world" be substituted for the Spirit "of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."

Such are some of our fears. We pray our gentle readers to excuse these "disjecta membra," and to take heed that they be not unskilful in the "signs of the times."

hearts God has kindled with a pure and burning enthusiasm," and who in the new Colonial College are to be "brought under the strengthening and chastening discipline of prayers, fastings, and meditations, in a system where all things breathe the spirit of apostolic charity: where sufferings and martyrdom for Christ are emblazoned as the bearings and legends of their holy fellowship: and the white raiment and branch of palm are held forth as the only true reward." Those who hold the theory of baptismal purity may have no hesitation in accepting for colonial service any clever youth who brings with him a good character for moral conduct; and, in that case, they may succeed perhaps in drawing pretty largely from our grammar-schools, at least when once the tide of enthusiasm begins to flow in that direction, and the heraldic blazonry of a true Churchinstitution is brought to a finish: but here is the danger, and hence our fears as expressed above in regard to the Canterbury College. We know too much of the views and tastes of certain members of the defunct, or rather now metamorphosed, Camden Society, to allow ourselves to be beguiled by the episcopal and arch-episcopal guarantees which the original promoters have drawn around them: i.e. unless all alliance with Camdenites and Tractarians is candidly disavowed. Educational training is the key of our success or failure in missionary enterprise-and none understand this better than some we could


Our readers will be aware that the new College is now advancing towards completion, and that the following Provisional Committee has been appointed by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury:

The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Lichfield.

Bishop Coleridge.

The Very Rev. the Dean of Canterbury.

The Rev. Dr. Jelf.

The Ven. Archdeacon Harrison.

Joshua Watson, Esq.

A. J. B. Hope, Esq., M.P.

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SERMONS CHIEFLY PRACTICAL, Preached in the Chapel Royal, Whitehall, during the years 1813, 1844, 1845. By the Rev. JAMES HILDYARD, M.A. Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College, Cambridge, and one of Her Majesty's Preachers at Whitehall. London: Parker. 1815.

THE office of University Preacher at Whitehall was established, we believe, by George the First, in 1724. The preachers were originally twenty-four in number-twelve from each university; but within the last few years, they have been reduced to two-one from each, who hold the office for two years; the appointment being with the Bishop of London, as dean of Her Majesty's chapel. We need not say that the responsibility connected with such an appointment is great-or that when a Whitehall preacher appeals from the chapel-royal to the press and the public, his published sermons become in some special and peculiar sense public property they have been delivered under peculiar circumstances: they come forth with more than common pretensions: and the deliberate appeal to public opinion which is certainly implied when they are once committed to the press, not only warrants, but seems absolutely to require, that public opinion should be expressed. We shall therefore not take shelter under the dictum of certain high authorities, who have recently favoured us with their judgment as to the law of the case; or think it necessary to protect ourselves against the imputation of libel, if we venture to speak freely as to the impression we have received from a perusal of the sermons before us. If our vocation be legitimate, we are bound faithfully to discharge it; and thankless as the office may be, we see reason to think that it is by no means the least responsible office of a Christian reviewer, in the present day, to take note of the sermons preached in high quarters, and appealing to the public under the sanction of distinguished names. In discharging, however, what must sometimes be a very painful duty, we would not be unmindful of justice or charity; and, in the present instance, we can truly say, that our temptation has been to content ourselves with a partial, rather than to take a severe, or even a strict, view of our author's claims as a public teacher. Our only regret is, that we feel bound by our sense of responsibility, to express but a very qualified approbation of Mr. Hildyard's sermons. We wish we could add, that they did not appear to us open to just censure. A brief notice, however, will probably satisfy our readers that their intrinsic worth is not in proportion to their ostensible claims.

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