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The members of this institution shall collectively represent and have cognizance of the common interests of the medical profession in every part of the United States; and shall hold their appointment to membership either as delegates from local institutions, as members by invitation, or as permanent members.

The Delegates shall receive their appointment from permanently organized State medical societies, and such county and district medical societies as are recognized by representation in their respective State societies, and from the medical department of the Army and Navy of the United States, and the Marine Hospital Service of the United States.

Each delegate shall hold his appointment for one year, and until another is appointed to succeed him, and shall participate in all the business and affairs of the Association.

Each State, county, and district medical society, entitled to representation, shall have the privilege of sending to the Association one delegate for every ten of its regular resident members, and one for every additional fraction of more than half that number; Provided, however, that the number of delegates from any particular State, Territory, county, city, or town shall not exceed the ratio of one in ten of the resident physicians who may have signed the Code of Ethics of this Association. The Medical Staffs of the Army and Navy shall be entitled to four delegates each. The Marine Hospital Service of the United States shall be entitled to one delegate.

No individual who shall be under sentence of expulsion or suspension from any State or local medical society of which he may have been a member, or whose name shall have been, for non-payment of dues, dropped from the rolls of the same, shall be received as a delegate to this Association, or be allowed any of the privi leges of a member, until he shall have been relieved from the said sentence or disability by such State or local society, or shall have paid up all arrears of membership; nor shall any person not a member and supporter of a local medical society, where such a one exists, be eligible to membership in the American Medical Association.

No one expelled from this Association shall at any time thereafter be received as a delegate or member, unless by a three-fourths vote of the members present at the meeting to which he is sent, or at which he is proposed.

Members by Invitation shall consist of practitioners of reputable standing from sections of the United States not otherwise represented at the meeting. They shall receive their appointment by invitation of the meeting, after an introduction from, and being vouched for by, at least three of the members present, or three of the absent permanent members. They shall hold their connection with the Association until the close of the annual session at which they are received; and shall be entitled to participate in all its affairs, as in the case of delegates, except the right to vote.

The Permanent Members shall consist of all those who have served in the capacity of delegates, and of such other members as may receive the appointment by unanimous vote, and shall continue such so long as they remain in good standing in the body from which they were sent as delegates, and comply with the requirements of the By-laws of the Association. Permanent members shall at all times be entitled to attend the meetings, and participate in the affairs of the Association, so long as they shall continue to conform to its regulations, but without the right of voting; and, when not in attendance, they shall be authorized to grant letters of introduction to reputable practitioners of medicine residing in their vicinity, who may wish to participate in the business of the meeting, as provided for members by invitation.

Every member elect, prior to the permanent organization of the annual meeting, or before voting on any question after the meeting has been organized, must exhibit his credentials to the proper com mittee, and sign these regulations, inscribing his name and address in full, specifying in what capacity he attends, and, if a delegate, the title of the institution from which he has received his appointment


The regular meetings of the Association shall be held annually. and commence on the first Tuesday in May or first Tuesday in June. The place of meeting shall be determined, with the time of meeting for each next successive year, by vote of the Association.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, four VicePresidents, one Permanent and one Assistant Secretary, a Treasurer, and Librarian. They shall be nominated by a special committee of one member from each State represented at the meeting, and shall be elected by vote on a general ticket.

Each officer, except the Permanent Secretary, shall hold his appointment for one year, and until another is elected to succeed him. The Permanent Secretary shall hold his appointment until removed by death, resignation, or a vote of two thirds of the members present at a regular annual meeting.

The President and Vice-Presidents shall assume the functions of their respective offices at the beginning of the annual meeting next succeeding their election; all other officers shall enter upon their duties immediately after their election.

The President shall preside at the meetings, preserve order and decorum in debate, give a casting vote when necessary, and perform all the other duties that custom and parliamentary usage may require.

The Vice Presidents, when called upon, shall assist the President in the performance of his duties, and during the absence, or at the request of the President, one of them shall officiate in his place.

The Permanent Secretary shall record the minutes and authenticate the proceedings; give due notice of the time and place of each next ensuing annual meeting; notify all members of committees of their appointment, and of the duties assigned to them; hold correspondence with other permanently organized medical societies, both domestic and foreign; serve as a member of the Committee of Publication; see that the published Transactions are promptly distributed to all the members who have paid the annual assessment, and carefully preserve the archives and unpublished transactions of the Association.

The Assistant Secretary shall aid the Permanent Secretary in recording and authenticating the proceedings of the Association; serve as a member of the Committee of Arrangements, and perform all the duties of Permanent Secretary temporarily, whenever that office shall be vacant, either by death, resignation, or removal.

The Treasurer shall have the immediate charge and management of the funds and property of the Association. He shall be a member of the Committee of Publication, to which committee he shall give bonds for the safe keeping and proper use and disposal of his trust. And through the same committee he shall present his accounts, duly authenticated, at every regular meeting..

The Librarian shall receive and preserve all the property in books, pamphlets, journals, and manuscripts presented to or acquired by the Association, record their titles in a book prepared for the purpose, acknowledge the receipt of the same, and he shall be a member of the Committee of Publication.


The following standing committees, each composed of seven members, shall be organized at every annual meeting, for preparing, arranging, and expediting business for each next ensuing year, and for carrying into effect the orders of the Association not otherwise assigned, namely, a Committee of Arrangements and a Committee of Publication.

The Committee of Arrangements shall, if no sufficient reasons prevent, be mainly composed of seven members, of whom the Assistant Secretary shall be one, residing in the place at which the Associa tion is to hold its next annual meeting; and shall be required to provide suitable accommodations for the meeting, to verify and report upon the credentials of membership, to receive and announce all essays and memoirs voluntarily communicated, either by members of the Association, or by others through them, and to deter mine the order in which such papers are to be read and considered.

The Committee of Publication, of which the Secretaries, Treasurer, and Librarian must constitute a part, shall have charge of preparing for the press, and of publishing and distributing such of the proceed. ings, transactions, and memoirs of the Association as may be ordered to be published. The six members of this Committee, who have not the immediate management of the funds, shall also, in their own names as agents for the Association, hold the bond of the Treasurer for the faithful execution of his office, and shall annually audit and authenticate his accounts, and present a statement of the same in the annual report of the Committee; which report shall specify the character and cost of the publications of the Association during the year, the number of copies still at the disposal of the meeting, the funds on hand for further operations, and the probable amount of the assessment to be laid on each member of the Association for covering its annual expenditures.


Funds shall be raised by the Association for meeting its current expenses and awards from year to year, but never with the view of creating a permanent income from investments. Funds may be obtained by an equal assessment of not more than five dollars annually, on each of the delegates and permanent members; by voluntary contributions for specific objects; and by the sale and disposal of publications, or of works prepared for publication.

The funds may be appropriated for defraying the expenses of the annual meetings, including the necessary expenses of the Permanent Secretary in maintaining the necessary correspondence of the Association; for publishing the proceedings, memoirs, and transactions of the Association; for enabling the Standing Committees to fulfil their respective duties, conduct their correspondence, and procure the materials necessary for the completion of their stated annual reports; for the encouragement of scientific investigation by prizes and awards of merit; and for defraying the expenses incidental to specific investigations under the instruction of the Association, where such investigations have been accompanied with an order on the Treasurer to supply the funds necessary for carrying them into effect.


No amendment or alteration shall be made in any of these articles, except at the annual meeting next subsequent to that at which such amendment or alteration may have been proposed; and then only by the voice of three-fourths of all the delegates in attendance.

Provided, however, that when an amendment is properly under consideration, and an amendment is offered thereto, germane to the subject, it shall be in order, and if adopted, shall have the same standing and force as if proposed at the preceding meeting of the Association.

And, in acknowledgment of having adopted the foregoing propositions, and of our willingness to abide by them, and use our endeavors to carry into effect the objects of this Association as above set forth, we have hereunto affixed our names.




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