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doubt that the result will be permanent and satisfactory.[J.E.]-Cosmos.

Dental Licentiates.

The following dental graduates have been admitted to practice dentistry by the State Board of Dental Examiners: Newton Adolph Bergman, August Joseph Cafferata, Andrew Fleming Dollin, Isabelle Dunbar Harris, Norman Henderson, Edwin P. James, Harrison Howard Keene, Francis Cecil Kleeman, George Edward Malone, Henry Alexander McNeil, Thomas O'Connell, Gideon H. Smith, Walter Alexander Twiggs, George Young Vandever, Philip J. Walton. The above successful candidates graduated from the Dental Department of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of San Francisco. S. F. Pyle, an undergraduate, was awarded a license to practice dentistry.

PREPARING ENAMEL MARGINS.-The ideal border is prepared with stones and disks, which should always be used when possible. With them, if of fine grit, the enamel can be highly polished. The disk, of course, can be of advantage in but few cases, while the stone can be used in almost all positions where enamel burs can be used. Next in effectiveness comes the enamel bur, and a very fine border can be produced with it. Its only disadvantage is that it can be used to cut in only one direction. When held in a certain position, the right side of the border will be cut from without inward, producing a sharp, welldefined border, without clipping at the outer edge. The inner surfaces, of the enamel rods, being supported by the dentin, are not broken; but when the bur is used in the same position on the left side of the cavity, the cut of the bur is from inward outward, and, the outer border of the enamel having no support, it will be broken and chipped, the resulting filling being surrounded by a rough margin— an ideal place for bacteria to lodge undisturbed and again carry on the process of destruction.-Exchange.-Cosmos.

METHOD OF ATTACHING A CUSP TO A BAND.-After the cusp has been swaged and fitted to the band it can be attached in the correct relation in a very simple manner before removing the band from the articulated model. Arrange the cusp in its correct position on the band, place

a little asbestos fiber over occlusal surface of the cusp, and close the articulator. Care must be taken that the cusp is not forced out of position when the opposite teeth are brought in contact with the asbestos. The cusps of these teeth will sink into the asbestos, holding the metal cusp firmly against the band and the articulator can be held closed with a piece of wire. The cusp and band can now be united at a convenient point with a small piece of solder and can then be removed from the model, and the soldering finished in the usual way.-Dental Review.

CLEANING GLASS CEMENT-SLABS. Every practitioner knows how difficult it is to remove the cement which adheres to a glass cement-slab. Usually a knife is resorted to and the slab presents a scratched appearance therefrom. I accidentally discovered that dilute nitric acid will remove all cement particles, no matter how hard, and the slab, after being rinsed in water and dried, will have a clean, smooth surface.-GEO. ZEDERBAUM, Dental Review.

TREATMENT OF LOCKJAW.-Baccelli's treatment of lockjaw by injection of carbolic acid has been attended with great success in Italy and elsewhere. The method consists in the injection of a 2 to 3 per cent solution of carbolic acid. About thirty to forty centigrams of carbolic acid should be injected daily. Injections of hydrogen dioxid have been tried successfully on horses, as have intravenous injections of an iodid solution. -Medical Record.

HOW TO FACILITATE THE INSERTION OF THE RUBBER DAM.To facilitate the passage of rubber dam between teeth when the latter are close together: When ready to adjust, smear a little glycerin over the holes, on the side of dam which is to pass over the teeth. This answers instead of soap, recommended for the purpose, and is much less objectionable to the taste if it should come in contact with the patient's tongue.-R. E. SPARKS, Dominion Dental Journal.

AMERICAN DENTISTS IN THE PHILIPPINES. -American dentists in the Philippine Islands are doing well and are preferred by the natives to the Spanish or Filipino dentists. The Filipino is very proud of his personal appearance, and will pay any price for gold fillings or

prosthetic dentistry. Of the two the practice of dentistry is much more remunerative than the practice of medicine and surgery among the natives. As the Philippine climate seems to have a very unfavorable influence upon the teeth of Americans, causing them to disintegrate rapidly, the dental work required among the white population is much larger than among the same class and numbers in the United States. At present the supply of dentists is not equal to the demand.-Medical Record (Philippine Letter).

FILL a suitable vessel with a saturated solution of stannous chlorid (chlorid of tin) in distilled water. Immerse the rusty instruments and let remain in the solution over night. Rub dry with chamois after rinsing in running water, and they will be of a bright silvery whiteness.Dental Digest.

As a result of numerous clinical tests, it has been found that an injection of Tongaline is a specific for hydrocele.


In nervousness due to indigestion, Neurilla has given satisfaction in every case, and is readily borne by the stomach. I believe in all such cases it will prove most valuable. J. Q. LEMMON, M. D.

Latrobe, Pa. «


BEAR in mind that when the genuine Tongaline is dispensed your patient gets salicylic acid from purest natural oil of wintergreen, which, according to most eminent medical authorities, is the only salicylic acid that should be administered internally.

Displacement of the Uterus.

Many cases have been recently reported of success in treating displacement by first reducing the inflammation which led to the enlargement and subsequent displacement of the organ. Versions and flexions often originate in inflammation of the parenchyma of the womb, pelvic peritonitis, and diseases of the appendages. The result of hot water douches followed by the astringent, antiseptic, alterative Medicated Uterine Wafers (Micajah & Co.), is in some cases marvelous.

Therapeutic Notes.

No More Danger from Thermometers.

The possibility of transmitting diseases by means of the thermometer has long been known. Syphilis, for instance, could readily be communicated in this manner. Typhoid fever it is claimed has been transmitted in the same way. Johnson & Johnson's latest article, the Wood Coverette,


consists of a transparent absolutely water and odor proof cover for the thermometer, which does not interfere with the registration in the slightest. A sample package of Wood's Coverettes will be mailed on receipt of 35 cents. Single cover will be sent free of charge.

Severe Reflex Pain.

J. H. Tilden, M.D., of Denver, in the June number of the Chicago Medical Times, in an article advocating the use of tampons in gynecological practice, reports, among others, a case which was characterized by severe reflex symptoms, and which had not yielded to the treatment accorded by two other practitioners. Dr. Tilden's procedure was the introduction of a glycerine tampon and the administration of Antikamnia in ten grain doses (two fivegrain tablets) to relieve the pain. The tampon was removed each night at bedtime, and followed with hot water injections. The patient, on being discharged, remarked that since following this treatment she could run the sewing machine without the usual pain and tired feeling.

Daniels' Conc. Tr. Passiflora Incarnata. Daniels' Conc. Tr. Passiflora Incarnata gives tone, vigor and resisting power to the entire nervous system, especially is this apparent in the treatment of typhoid fever. Its results in this disease are excellent, because it acts promptly and without unduly disturbing the general system. It is not accumulative and can be pushed, exhibiting almost immediate vitalizing effects. None of the usual complications ensue. The course of the disease is shortened, the symptoms controlled and convalescence is natural and perfect.

Hagee's Cordial of Cod Liver Oil

Is one of the most popular cod liver oil preparations on the market. All the nutritive properties of the oil are retained and the disgusting and nauseating elements are eliminated. Combined with hypophosphites of lime and soda it offers to the profession a reconstructive of great value.-International Journal of Surgery.

Rational Treatment of Infantile Diarrhea.

For years the treatment of diarrhea in children, commonly known as summer complaint, has been the stumbling block for the practitioner mainly because the true nature of the disease never was thoroughly understood. As a matter of fact, the prevention of the disease is quite easy, but as it depends altogether upon the parents who have the children in charge, neglect is always accountable for the sickness. The result is that the physician is seldom called until mischief has been done. Under the circumstances, rapid treatment has to be resorted to if fatalities are to be avoided. The main point is to modify the diet, suppressing objectionable food, particularly milk not properly modified in strength and sterilized. Meanwhile the bowels should be kept in a thoroughly aseptic condition. An experience of ten years or more has demonstrated that this is better accomplished through the use of Tyree's Antiseptic Powder, one teaspoonful or less of this powder diluted in a pint of tepid water makes an ideal washing for the intestine as an enema. The same antiseptic powder proves also eminently beneficial administered internally. This fact is amply demonstrated by physicians who have for years made a clinical use of Tyree's Antiseptic Powder.

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