Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and Military Establishments, Masalah 51-71

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Halaman 3524 - If the State having the primary right decides not to exercise jurisdiction, it shall notify the authorities of the other State as soon as practicable. The authorities of the State having the primary right shall give sympathetic consideration to a request from the authorities of the other State for a waiver of its right in cases where that other State considers such waiver to be of particular importance.
Halaman 3467 - A third case in which a sovereign is understood to cede a portion of his territorial jurisdiction is, where he allows the troops of a foreign prince to pass through his dominions.
Halaman 3760 - Mr. Chairman, I have a short statement which I would like to read for the record, if I may.
Halaman 3468 - A sovereign nation has exclusive jurisdiction to punish offenses against its laws committed within its borders, unless it expressly or impliedly consents to surrender its jurisdiction.
Halaman 3420 - State; b. the authorities of the receiving State shall have jurisdiction over the members of a force or civilian component and their dependents with respect to offences committed within the territory of the receiving State and punishable by the law of that State.
Halaman 3817 - The funds so made available may be expended to acquire, construct, convert, rehabilitate, or install permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition, site preparation, appurtenances, utilities, and equipment.
Halaman 3454 - Article, ( a) the military authorities of the sending State shall have the right to exercise within the receiving State all criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction conferred on them by the law of the sending State over all persons subject to the military law of that State...
Halaman 3816 - Secretary of each military department may establish or develop military installations and facilities by acquiring, constructing, converting, rehabilitating, or installing permanent or temporary public works, including land acquisition...
Halaman 3565 - State or of a dependent ; (ii) offenses arising out of any act or omission done in the performance of official duty.
Halaman 3793 - President determines that compliance with section 2313 (b) of title 10. United States Code, for contracts made under this Act for the establishment or development of military installations and facilities in foreign countries would interfere with the carrying out of this Act; and (2) the Secretary of Defense and the Comptroller General have agreed upon alternative methods of adequately auditing those contracts ; the President may exempt those contracts from the requirements of that section.

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