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My remarks had their use, at least for that evening; which we paffed in great good nature; and I hope it may lead my friends to fome advantageous reflections. However, as theirs, I believe, is an epidemical diftemper, these hints may be generally useful. As fo much focial happiness depends upon each other, let hufband and wife ftudy to foften alternate cares; and learning to take the world as it paffes, let them bear with chearfulness unavoidable evils, and not double thofe evils by their own impetuosity, imprudence, and absurdity.

I am,


Your's, &c.



Sevit et in lucem Stygiis emiffa tenebris
Pallida Tifiphone; morbos agit ante metumque,
Inque dies avidum furgens caput altius effert.





HAVE often obferved with fecret concern, that when the Small-pox prevails in a community, the families who by a kind interpofition of Providence, were formerly carried with safety through the diftemper, feldom pay a religious regard to this formidable vifitation. Although the funeral bell is daily apprising them of the dreadful havock, which the disease is making in the houses of their neighbours-although death is come up into our windows, and is entered into our palaces, to cut off the children from without, and the young men from the streets; yet such, as by prior ficknefs are fecured against the present evil, feldom think themselves interested in this general devastation; but pursue their feveral pleasures with eagerness and alacrity.

Doch not this conduct betray in them the fouleft ingratitude for their own deliverance,


and a cruel infenfibility of the forrows of others? Methinks the tender laws of humanity, and the common bonds of friendship were alone fufficient to arrest the mind in its giddy career after trifles and vanity; and more than sufficient to reprefs all licentious fallies of intemperate mirth and jollity. But when this levity and diffipation are beheld with an eye of religion, how exceedingly culpable muft they appear to the fober and ferious thinker !


Undoubtedly it is one part of the defign of Providence, in fuch melancholy difpenfations, to put the whole community upon thought and confideration. We stand impeached of the most flagitious folly in the fight of heaven, when we will not permit the death of our friends to raise in us proper reflections upon that diffolution which awaits ourselves. Oh! that they were wife; that they would confider their latter end, was the compaffionate exclamation of infinite Wisdom.

That the contagious nature of the fmall-pox often precludes the fick from the attendance of their dearest relations, and thereby aggravates the sufferings of the diseased, is too obvious a truth. But, what is many times of far fuperior confequence, this fore calamity often debars the minifter from the dying bed; who, through a juft fenfe of the danger, arifing either perhaps to his own perfon, or to his family connexions, is compelled to abfent himself

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from the infected chamber.

Hence the foul,

in the laft moments of her feparation, is left deftitute of fpiritual affiftance, when her wants and emergencies are the most importunate. Naked and discomforted fhe now ftands upon the beach, eyes the vast ocean of eternity which lies before her, and fhudders at the multitude of its terrors. Then with all the tremblings of anxiety, she turns over the register of her former life, marks the numerous fins, errors, and mifcarriages of it, and is overwhelmed with confufion at the painful retrofpect. In all this tumultuous perplexity of thought, she cafts her despairing countenance around, looking, but there is none to fave; wondering, but there is none to upbold. Surely amidst such distracting scenes, those venerable perfonages who officiate at the altar of the LIVING GOD, might greatly avail the agonizing heart, by the prudent and pious exercise of their functions. The facred oracles are an inexhauftible fource of the best confolations in the worft extremities: therefore every Scribe which is inftructed unto the kingdom of heaven, knows where to fetch rich fupplies for every exigence.

Is any fick among you? fays the apoftle St. James, let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him. Not perhaps that minifters are always to wait for fuch invitations. But doubtless they must counteract the foft emotions


of nature, and ftifle the fuggestions of duty,
who upon frivolous pretences refufe the dying fol-
licitations of the penfive, dejected christian, or
of the awakened, enquiring finner.

It is in fome degree incumbent upon every
man to attend the couches of those who are
languishing under infirmities and pains. The
enquiry which will be made at the last day after
this fort of charity, demonftrates how impor-
tant a place it holds in all our practical reli-
gion; and those words, fick and ye vifited me, or
vifited me not, abundantly shew what a mighty
influence it will have upon our fentence, either
of abfolution or condemnation. But much more
does this doctrine concern those whofe appro-
priated office it is to prepare the foul for her en-
trance upon a new state of existence; who are
fet as watchmen to the house of Ifrael; and
whofe indifference, carelessness and neglect will af-
furedly render them obnoxious to the severity
of the divine difpleasure.


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