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"Then I shouldn't like to go there, miss; for I can't abear music and singing. When Miss Susan sings and thumps that pianny, I always stop my ears and run out of the room."

"Oh, but Miss Susan screams so! The angels sing so soft and sweet, and so beautifully; and you'll sing, too, Tom!"

"Na, miss, na! I be's sartain sure that if I began to shout, they'd soon sing out, 'Hold your jaw!' and to hear them angels go on sing, sing, sing all day, and all night too, would soon send me mad in no time at all."

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"I'll tell 'e what, miss unless you've been to Heaven, and seen it yourself, I doesn't believe a jot about it; those things are said to amuse folks. I remember all the tales that were told about 'Meriky-that the trees were so big, that a hundred men could stand in a hollow one; that there was such lots of gold in some parts that the chairs and tables were made out it; but when Bill O'Flannigan went out, he said that none of that was true, that he never see a gold chair or table, and that he never could get any gold at all-that all the accounts were humbug! So I never believes anything unless I sees it. I'd believe if you'd see'd it, miss," adds the philosopher, "because you be so awfully petticular about what you calls a lie."

For the rest of Lily's adventures, her apprenticeship to a London dressmaker, her misfortunes while there, and the ultimate discovery of her remaining parent, we must refer to the little book. There are some well-drawn characters in it, besides Tom, such as Phoebe, the servant at the Heslopes', and the old apple-woman with whom Lily finds refuge when lost in London; and the story is not at all deficient in interest to the class of readers for whom it is intended.


A VERY prolific writer-Jacques-Albin-Simon Collin, better known as Collin de Planey-has passed away, at the ripe age of 87. Although brought up a Catholic, his first efforts in literature were directed against the Church, principally against the Jesuits; but, like Louis Veuillt, Paul Féval, and many others, he saw the error of his ways, and became the defender of those whom he had so bitterly attacked. His repentance was sincere, for he undertook to destroy all his bad works and to re-write them in a Catholic tone. The Society of St. Victor was founded by him for the propagation of good books among the poorer classes, and more than a million of books were distributed. He is credited by the Polybiblion with the authorship of one hundred volumes. His "Biographie pittoresque des Jésuites, ou Notices abrégés, théologiques et historiques sur les Jésuites célèbres," "Resumé des Constitutions des Jésuites," "Légendes de la Ste. Vierge," "Vie de Ste. Adélaide," "Vies des Stes. et des Bienheureuses pour tous les jours de l'année" (two volumes in 12mo), "Grande Vie des Saints," written in conjunction with the Abbé Darras, will be best known to English Catholic readers.-Polybiblion.

At the beginning of the century there were in Germany 250 booksellers, now there are 5,360.

There are about 25,000 printing establishments in the world, and about the same number of newspapers. A tiny French paper, called Le Petit Journal, has the largest circulation-viz., 650,000.

It may be said that the number of newspapers has doubled itself since 1867.

In the fifteenth century, a private individual was rich in the possession of a library of fifty or sixty volumes; now, a gentleman's library of five or ten thousand volumes is not considered out of the common. The National Library at Paris is supposed to possess 600,000 volumes.-Journal Général du l'Imprimérie, &c.

The Sale of Autographs.-A letter from the Count de Chambord to M. Villemain fetched close upon £40, in February last; one written by Pius IX., £1 3s. Twentytwo letters of Prince Metternich were knocked down at £9 per letter, while some letters of Madame de Maintenon fetched £15.

Calderon.-The Royal Academy of Spain is offering a gold medal to the author of the best essay upon Calderon. The essay may be written in any European language, and will be printed at the expense of the Royal Academy.

That Wetzer and Welte's Church Lexicon (in German) is one of the best Lexicons is proved not only by the rapid sale of the first edition of 10,000 copies, but also by the fact that several translations have been made of the work. We have before us the first four parts of the second edition of this work, which will be completed in 10 vols., each vol. containing about twelve parts. The task of editing the new and improved edition was confided to the Rev. Josef Hergenröther, but since his elevation to the Cardinalate he has been succeeded by Dr. Franz Kaulen, Professor of Exegesis in Bonn, on the Rhine, who is assisted by 250 other theologians. The first literary newspaper of Germany (Literarischer Hand-Weiser) says, in No. 281, "As regards the solidity of this Lexicon there is only one voice amongst learned men." A full description of the book is given in the list of Recent Publications.

M. C. Rohault de Fleury has just published "Mémoire sur les Instruments de la Passion de N. S. Jesus Christ." The relics of the Passion have, since the earliest days of Christianity, been the object of enthusiastic and persevering adoration; but they have also formed a butt at which the heretic and the scoffer have aimed their blows. The legitimacy of their worship has been contested, and their authenticity ridiculed. To treat the scoffings of our adversaries with scorn serves no purpose-it is necessary to prove our point by arguments. at once scientific and irresistible. The author of the work before us has left nothing undone, and has spared no pains to place before the public a work which is calculated to answer all objections. He has travelled far and wide, and has drawn his authorities from the best sources. The late Holy Father Pius IX. bestowed a special blessing on the

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Richardson (Derby)

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Feb. 1881

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Kegan Paul (London)

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The Church and the Moral World: Considerations on the Holiness of the Church. By the Rev. AUG. J. THEBAUD, S.J. 8vo. pp. 483 Demostracion de la Armonia entres la religion Catolica y la ciencia. Por DON ANTONIO COMELLOS Y CLUET, Presbiten. Un tomo de xvi, 374 paginas


Heavenward. From


Opened." By Rev. F. COLLINS. Demy 18mo. Handsome cloth, pp. 70

The Will of God. Translated from the French. Pp. 100. 32mo, cloth, red edges Instructions for First Communion. Translated from the German of the Rev. D. J. SCHMITT, of Freiburg, in Bresgau, Germany, with Questions and Answers. Pp. 288 St. Bernard on the Love of God. Translated by MarianneCaroline and Coventry Patmore. Pp. 156, crown 8vo. History of the Holy Eucharist in Great Britain. By J. E. BRIDGETT, of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. Author of " Ritual of the New Testament," "Our Lady's Dowry," &c. 2 vols. Vol. I. "Britons, Picts, Scots, and Anglo-Saxons," pp. 257. Vol. II. Anglo-Normans, later English and Scotch," pp. 322. The Christian Mother: the Edu cation of her Children, and her Prayer. From the German of Rev. W. CRAMER. Translated

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Price. £ s. d.

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E. Lopez (Madrid)

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Estudios sobre la Historia de América, sus Ruinas y Antigüedades, Comparadas con lo mas Notable que se conoce del otro Continente en los Tiempos mas Remotos y sobre el Origen de sus Habitantes, por MANUEL LARRAINZAR. México, 18751878. 5 volúmenes en 4°, con 37 láminas.


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Université Catholique de Louvain Bibliographie Académique, pp. 311. I vol. 8vo Biographies Evangéliques, par Mgr. GAUME (Les Premiers adorateurs du Messie; avant propos, les Bergers, les Mages, les Maîtres de la Judée, Hérode), &c. 2 vols. 18mo St. Catherine de Gènes. Sa vie et son esprit. Par Mgr. FLICHE. I vol. 12mo

Life of Bernadette-Sister Marie Bernard. The sequel to "Our Lady of Lourdes," translated with the special permission of the Author. By Mrs. F. RAYMOND-BARKER. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 300

Life of St. Frederick, Bishop and Martyr. By FREDERICK G. MAPLES, Missionary Apostolic. With Photo of the Saint. 32mo. Pp. 63, cloth

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Rivadeneyra: Vida de Santo Do-
mingo de Guzman, fundador.
Sacada de la que escribió el Padre
Rivadeneyra, de la compañía de
Jesús. Con permiso de la autori-
eclesiástica. Barcelona,
1880. En 8°, 32 págs.

The History and Grammar of the
English Language, adapted to
the use of Pupil Teachers.
Rt. Rev. C. H. BROMLEY, D.D.,
Lord Bishop of Tasmania. Re-
vised and partly re-written by
J. L REYNOLDS. 2nd edition.
Moffatt's Scholarship. Answers.

Midsummer, 1881. By THOS.
J. LIVESEY. pp. 112. Paper
Historical Reader. No. I. By T.
J. LIVESEY. pp. 96. Illustrated.
The Granville Series of Illustrated
Standard Reading Books.
Standard I. pp. 96

The Young Scholar's Table Book.

New edition. Sixtieth Thousand.

New Songs for Elementary Schools.

Edited by J. M. MORGAN, AS-

sistant to one of H.M. Inspec-

tors of Schools. Book I.

The South Kensington Series of

Drawing Cards.

[ocr errors]

The Pupil Teacher's Course. Edited

by THOMAS PAGE. 4th year

Reprint of Pupil Teacher's Ques-
tions, 1880. Edited by Au-
thors of "Papers and Teachers"
A Manual of Music. Prepared
specially for Pupil Teachers,
Students in Training Colleges,
&c. By J. L. WATSON

Fine Arts.

Zwei Antique Elfenbeintafeln der
K.Staats-Bibliothek in München.
I vol. 4to

Les Pierres gravées du trésor de la
Cathédral de Troyes. Le BRUN-
DALBONNE. I vol. 8vo
Hervorragende Bildhauer Archi-
tekten der Renaissance, Mino da
ROVEZZANO. I vol. folio



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Shams. The Working of the
Curse-Chap. XIII.

L'Athenæum Belge. Journal univer-

sel de la Littérature, des Sciences,

des Arts, paraissant le 1er et le

15 de chaque mois.

Per annum, post free

SOMMAIRE.-H. Düntzer, vie

de Schiller, A. Bartoli, L'Anci-

enne Comédie impiousée en

Italie. E. Schulze, Poètes Grecs.

Bulletin. Revues étrangères.

George Eliot (X. de Reul). Le

Mouvement théois (C. J. Han-

sen). Calderon en Belgique.

Chroniques. Sociétés Savantes.


Boletin de la Real Academia de
Bellas Artes de San Fernando.
Ano Primero. Numero 2.

SUMARIO: Acuerdos tomados
por la Real Academia durante
el mes de Enero de 1881.
Nota de los expedientes des-
pachados por la Seccion de Ar-
quitectura durante el ano de
1880, y en el mes de Enero de
1881. Trabajos de la Comision
Central de Monumentos durante
el ano de 1880. Los tapices de
las monjas Teresas, existentes
en el Museo Arqueológico
nacional. Proyecto de obras
en la Catedral de Santander.
Documentos oficiales. Restau-
racion de obras de arte. Dona-
tivos de libros hechos á la Real
Academia en el mes de Enero
último. Comisiones provinciales
de Monumentos. Memoria
sobre el Monasterio de Santas
Creus por D. Buenaventura Her-
nandez de Sanahuja. Noticias.

Bases de la Publicacion-El Bole-

tin de la Real Academia de

Bellas Artes de San Fernando,

se publicará, por ahora, una

sola vez al mes, durante los

diez del ano en que aquella

celebra sus sesiones. Cada

número contendrá dos pliegos

de 16 páginas en 4°, mayor, con

su correspondiente cubierta de

color. Los diez cuadernos del

ano formarán un volúmen de

320 páginas sin la portada é

indices, que se distriburán

oportunamente. Las suscri-

ciones han de entenderse por

volúmenes completos, con suje-

cion á esta tarifa. En Francia

y demas países de la Union


The Irish Monthly


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The Ave Maria, a Catholic Journal
devoted to the honour of the
Mother of God. Per annum

CONTENTS:-1. Lady Day.

2. Warp and Woof. A Life

Story. By Mrs. Anna H. Dor-

sey-Chapter II.-(continued).

3. Via Crucis (Poetry). By

Mary E. Mannix. 4. The Tomb

of St. Martin at Tours-George

Goldie in The Month. 5. Lon-

don in the Olden Time. By the

Author of " Christian Schools

and Scholars." 6. To Keep a

True Lent (Poetry). By Robt.

Herrick. 7. Lætare Sunday.

8. Gethsemane. 9. Notes and

Comments. 10. New Publica-
tions. 11. Obituary. 12. Con-
fraternity of the Immaculate
Conception (or of our Lady of
Lourdes). Youth's Department.
13. Flowers without Fruit
(Poetry). By Cardinal Newman.
14. The Young King's Trial-By
H.B.C. 15. Anecdote of Chief
Justice Taney.

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(Bar le Duc)




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Le Purgatoire d'après les révéla-

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