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" All charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just;... "
Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners for the Year Ending ... - Halaman 98
oleh Iowa. Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1891
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Annual Report of the Board of Railroad Commissioners of the State ..., Volume 1

New York (State). Board of Railroad Commissioners - 1895 - 698 halaman
...charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, or for the...shall be reasonable and just; and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful. § 2. Unjust discrimination...
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Albany Law Journal, Volume 41

1890 - 548 halaman
...service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or iu connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage or handling of such property, shall be equal and reasonable; and every unequal and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited, and...
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The Northwestern Reporter, Volume 150

1915 - 1228 halaman or for any service in connection therewith, or for the receiving, switching, delivering, storing or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just, and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful." Section 1797 — 23...
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The Federal Reporter, Volume 118

1903 - 1116 halaman
...transportation (which includes all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage) of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of such property. The demanding or collecting, directly or indirectly, by a railroad company, from any person, of a greater...
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The Supreme Court Reporter, Volume 17

1897 - 1040 halaman
...transportation (which includes all Instrumentalities of shipment or carriage) of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of such property. The demanding or collecting, directly or indirectly, by a railroad company, from any person, of a greater...
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United States Reports: Cases Adjudged in the Supreme Court at ..., Volume 162

United States. Supreme Court, John Chandler Bancroft Davis, Henry Putzel, Henry C. Lind, Frank D. Wagner - 1896 - 768 halaman
...charges made for any service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or in connection therewith, or for the...shall be reasonable and just ; and every unjust and unreasonable charge for such service is prohibited and declared to be unlawful." From this section...
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United States Reports: ... and Rules Announced at ...

United States. Supreme Court - 1897 - 792 halaman
...transportation (which includes all instrumentalities of shipment or carriage) of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage or handling of such property ; the demanding or collecting, directly or indirectly, by a railroad company, from any person, of a...
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Interstate Commerce: Debate in Forty-Eighth Congress, Second Session ...

United States. Congress - 1884 - 634 halaman
...service rendered or to be rendered in the transportation of piiH.seiifiers ur properly aa afot4!HHid, or in connection therewith, or for the receiving, delivering, storage, or handling of sueli property, shall he reasonable and jimt: und every un.inst and unreasonable епагке for sneh...
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Annual Report of the President and Directors of the Chicago & Alton Railroad Co

Chicago and Alton Railroad Company - 1886 - 476 halaman
...made for any service rendered, or to be rendered, in the '"transportation of passengers or property, or in connection therewith, '"'or for the receiving,...'•'shall be reasonable and just, and every unjust and unreasonable charge "'for such service is prohibited, and declared to be unlawful,' does not " render...
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Proceedings of the ... Annual Meeting of the National Board of Trade, Volume 16

National Board of Trade (U.S.) - 1886 - 220 halaman
...service rendered, or to be rendered, in the transportation of passengers or property as aforesaid, or for the receiving, delivering, storage or handling of such property, shall be reasonable and just. SEC. 2. Provides against a greater or less compensation being received by any process or device, whether...
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