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and our God, by his constant intercession. and dealings are all love toward those who He is inerciful, and therefore feels for us, believe in Jesus. My soul, I charge thee and sympathises with us, under all our to renounce every other priest and sacrifice failings, infirmities, temptations, and sor- but Jesus and his perfect work; for by one rows. He is faithful, and therefore fulfils offering he hath perfected for ever them his engagements, does honour to his office, that are sanctified. Christ alone is thy performs his word, and secures the present priest. acceptance and eternal salvation of all who rely on his blood. God requires no more blood, he inflicts no penal sufferings, he is never influenced by wrath, but his nature

"We have not an high priest which cannot but one who was in all points tempted like be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; as we are, yet without sin."-HEBREWS iv. 15.



Rev. W. S. Swanson to the Treasurer.

Amoy, Feb. 25th, 1861.

MY DEAR MR. MATHESON,-As the mail is just about to start, I have only time to write you a very few lines; but, thanks be to God, these will contain some good news for those who are continuing to pray

for us.

The week before last, Mr. Douglas and I started on Tuesday morning for Anhai, and got there safely and well. On the way up, on account of a contrary wind we had a good deal of detention, but this served to give the opportunity of preaching in some towns and villages on the way. I was very much struck with the vastness of the field that here surrounds us on every side. To me (as this was my first visit in this quarter) the sight of such a field, almost yet untouched, was calculated to impress me more than ever with the need of earnestness and zeal in this work. On arriving at Anhai I was cordially welcomed by all the brethren and sisters there. With Song and Lat I was particularly struck, and indeed with all who have as yet joined this little church. I would like much to tell you how much love they all displayed, if I had time, but now I cannot.

We baptized two converts on Sabbath. Mr. Douglas baptized the one and I the other. It was a solemn scene for me-the first I had baptized in China. His name I will not soon forget. He is called Toàn. Besides these, 23 inquirers were examined, 17 men and six women. Of these, we hope soon to be able to receive a considerable number. The Lord is thus, you see, not denying us His grace. I hope that many of you are praying specially for Anhai; do ask that, if it be the Lord's will, this Church may get rest from persecution. We re

turned on Monday afternoon, having thus been nearly a week on this journey.

Kang is still open, and we hope we will soon The small chapel we have opened in E-ninghave to record some fruit from the effort in this direction.

On Saturday I went to Peh-chiu-a, staid there over Sabbath, and returned this morning. little now, and although I can do very little My tongue is beginning to loose a as yet, I hope, from that little, soon to be able to do more.

Mrs. Swanson has never had better health

than since she came to Amoy. She is longing much to be able to speak Chinese, and to do something for Christ. She is able already to say a little.

You may easily conceive how much we feel the want of dear Mackenzie here: he has nobly taken what seemed to him the path of duty; and I believe the Lord will continue to bless him. I hope the Committee may be led to a like view with him.

Be so kind as show this letter to the editor of the "Children's Messenger." I intended to have written him this mail, were it not that the steamer is just about starting.

With kindest love to you and yours,
I am, yours ever,

The following deeply interesting letter from the Rev. W. C. Burns, was lately received by a private friend.

Yam-Chow, Feb. 23rd, 1861.

THE place where I now am is a village fully twenty miles to the N. E. of Swatow, and lying on the sea-shore opposite to the

Island of Namoa. Ten years ago, Mr. Lechler, a German missionary, was located here, but he met with so many hindrances in his position and work, that after some years he removed to another field in the neighbourhood of Hong Kong. In 1856, I spent ten days at Tang-Lang, a town within five miles distance of this place, but not hearing of any here who continued interested in the Gospel, I did not at that time visit it. It appears, however, that there was at least one man in whose heart the truth had taken root, and who, amid many trials continued to cleave to the Saviour. For some time past, this man, A-Kee, has occasionally visited Mr. Smith, and has appeared to grow in Christian zeal and devotedness. He came out to Swatow several times to invite me to visit his village, and at last, on the 5th of this month, I saw my way to come with him here. We got on without any serious hindrance a great part of the way, but when passing through Ching-Linn, a wealthy place of trade close to Tang-Lang, and three or four miles from this place, the people, but few of whom knew me, got excited by the cry that a foreigner had come, and we were soon surrounded by a mass of people who were disposed to treat me rudely, and insisted that I should go back with them and see their head man. I did not go without fears that I might be detained. However, to our glad surprise, when the head man saw our party he waved with the hand to allow us to go on our way; and at once the more fiery spirits shrunk back, and we proceeded to our destination with no inconvenience but a crowd of boys, who followed us for a mile or two clamorous for books. On this occasion I said that we meant to come again soon, to preach and distribute books, and that then they would all more fully know who we were, and what object we had in coming. And so, on Wednesday last (20th), I went to Ching-Linn, again accompanied by AKee, and Philhea, a native of this region connected with the American Baptist Mission. On this occasion, we were kindly received by some, but when we began to speak in the open air, a word or two of an inflammatory kind uttered by one man excited the latent feeling of hostility at once to foreigners, and to the Gospel, and we saw at once that we had better retire. A finely-dressed young man came up to me and angrily demanded what books these were I had in my hand, and when in one of them he saw the Saviour's name, he said, "And so you're teaching the people to believe in Jesus." I said "Yes," and on this, with angry threats he ordered us to be gone, and pursued us to the gate of the village. Encouraged no doubt by this, one of the fiery youths of the place collected a

few of his companions, and overtook us at the side of a pond, into which they seriously threatened to push us. However, in this they stopped short, and contented themselves with pushing us about, and taking away some part of our dress. As we slowly moved on, one man struck A-Kee rather heavily on the back of the head with a carrying pole, so as to cause bleeding; his cap had been previously taken away. And when again we got to a distance of a few hundred yards, we were overtaken by a party who rifled our pockets of what pleased them. After this we returned home, thankful that in their blind rage they had not been allowed to harm us in any serious way, and rejoicing that we had been counted worthy to suffer even the least indignity for the name of Jesus.

But what you will think the most wonderful part of the whole remains to be told. We had been at home little more than an hour, when a message was brought from one of the merchant Hongs, at Ching-Linn, to say that the principal things (as they thought the whole,) that had been taken from us were in their hands, and would be returned to any one we should send for them. Accordingly on Thursday, our landlord here kindly went with a list of all that we had lost, and with very trifling exception all the things were found and restored to us. In my own case I had nothing lost and nothing injured; and we hear that the showily dressed young man, who was the chief instigator of the attack, was the person called on to go round and find out the missing things. Among the things taken and again restored, is the knife which my dear mother sent to me in lieu of one which I lost by robbery in 1856, at NanYong, seven miles from Ching-Linn, on the way to Swatow.

The people of this place (Yam-Chow,) have received us very kindly, and from more than one place in the surrounding country, we have invitations to go and let them hear our message. The first Sabbath after our coming here was the Chinese New-year's day, and we had many about us who heard more or less of the truth, and exceeding all in interest were a large number of children, who were taken with the new colloquial hymns, and continued during the first few days of their year to recite and sing them with great zeal. A number of these dear children still continue to come in the evening when they are at leisure, and join quietly in our worship. The "Happy Land," both hymn and tune, is the great favourite here, as at Foo-Chow. There are also several women who have been devoted Buddhists, who are interested more or less in the Gospel, and one man who has excited our hopes, although for the last two days he

years, will hope for almost nothing from them in the way of a permanent government, at least until they succeed in overturning the Tartar power at its seat. They have overrun and devastated nearly entire provinces, but have maintained a settled government almost nowhere except at Nankin, and there it is the government of a camp not of a country. But it is needless for me or others to give opinions on the matter; the communications lately published from those who have been at Nankin, enable friends at home to judge for themselves nearly as well as those who are in China, but are yet at a distance from the scene of conflict. Let us pray that soon an end may be put to the miseries of civil war in China, either by the success of the rebel movement, or in some other way which shall more subserve the best interests of this heathen empire.

has, for some reason, not been with us. You watched their movements for the last ten will see from these statements that we are not without encouragement in entering anew on Mr. Lechler's old position. We have nothing now to fear from Mandarin interference; if only the people are friendly, we may go among them without hindrance. You will be happy to hear that Mr. Mackenzie has at last made up his mind and come down from Amoy to join the Tie-Chin mission. He is at Swatow, and seems to feel himself in some degree at home there, as both Mr. Smith and myself have formerly done, although the people are far from being uniformly friendly. One day there A-Kee and I, when speaking in the vicinity of a play, were in some danger of being abused by the rabble, and sometimes Mr. Mackenzie feels himself not quite at ease in going out to take his afternoon walk. Hitherto, however, none of us have been injured, and going out in the Lord's name, there does not seem to be much to fear. I had been getting Mr. Smith's house at Swatow finished, and just an hour after the workmen were done, on a Saturday afternoon, Mr. Mackenzie came. He was brought on shore from the steamer by some of the wildest of the people, and certainly met with an unusually kind reception both from them and others. We trust that he will be spared to be a blessing to many of the natives here, as well as to our own countrymen, to whom he preaches on board ship on the Sabbaths.

As I shall not be able to write separately on this occasion to Mr. Matheson or Mr. Barbour, perhaps any part of the above which you may think suitable might be correctly copied and forwarded to them both, that they may know something of where I am, and how I am engaged. Since the colloquial hymns were printed we have got two additional ones ready, viz., "Just as I am without one plea," &c., and a missionary hymn, founded on "From Greenland's icy mountains," &c., both of the same measure as the originals. It is now getting You seem to wonder that in my late late, (Saturday evening,) and as my mesletters I make no allusion to the Nankin senger goes early on Monday morning to rebels, about whom so much is at present Swatow, I must conclude with love to all said and written. My reason is probably | friends, and Christian regards to all who this. I want to see whether they are at last pray for the coming of God's kingdom in to wage a successful war against the present China. rulers of China, or only continue as at present a horde of marauding plunderers in the country. I am not sure that the foreign authorities at Shanghae were wrong in refusing to allow them to occupy that city, and I think that any one who has carefully

(Signed) WM. C. BURNS.

My letters may now be addressed "Swatow," as we have now an English consul and a post-office.


see no reason to retract any of my criticisms-confess with yourself that there is need for apology, holding, at the same time, that yours is insufficient.

OUR HOME MISSION. II. To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR,-Notwithstanding your apology for the short-comings of the Let me now proceed to offer a reHome Mission Committee in the first mark or two on the second department branch of their labours-for the fact of their labours, viz., the Supplemental. that during the past year of its exist- 1. This, they tell us, is confined ence it has done literally nothing-I" chiefly to the rural districts." This

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is a mistake. The largest part of their funds do not go to the rural districts. If we look into the accounts, we find that the Presbytery most dependent for supplement in the Home Mission is none other than the Presbytery of Lancashire. There are only two Presbyteries in the Church which have a preponderance of rural charges; yet these two, taken together, do not receive half of what is expended in this way. We must conclude, therefore, that this part of their labours is chiefly confined to poor congregations in towns. 2. The impression which is often conveyed is that these charges are heavy burdens; are taxes upon larger congregations, of which they have a right to complain; and often is the assurance reiterated that the present 66 powers will be wiser than the past, and take good care to plant charges only where they will pay. Now, if the older Committees planted charges in unfortunate localities, they at least saved themselves from the charge which, as has been shown, may with justice be brought against our wiser Committee of doing nothing at all in the way of Church extension. But we would like to know if it be the principle of Christ's kingdom to preach the Gospel only where it will pay? We can find nothing of such a law in the Scripture at least. Would, again, our wealthier congregations prefer it, look upon it as the very beau ideal of a Church, were there no poor congregations to help? Then we can only say there is a wide gulf between Christ's will and theirs. It is an arrangement of Divine Providence : The poor ye have with you always." And if we are to carry out the unholy principle in opposition to this, let us begin by casting out of our churches all the members, however pious and useful, who are not able to pay; and then, to be consistent, the poor congregations will get the cold shoulder next.


3. Are the poorer congregations only burdens on the Church? We speak not, as we fear it would be vain to the class we are reasoning with, of the spiritual blessings they are able to send back to those who assist them. But even in directions which will be better understood, it would be easy to prove their value. They send, for instance, into large towns the very best members which these congregations pos

sess. The minister of the large congregation is inclined to boast of his success, but the fact is, most of his success is directly traceable to the labours of the poor country minister. He is more of a pastor than the town minister. He has carefully trained up those noble youths who make themselves useful in large congregations. He has imparted to them their attachment to the Church. And thus the town minister is really a debtor to the country minister. Again, the best town ministers have obtained their capacity for usefulness in these smaller charges. Some of the ministers in the Church who have at this day the largest salaries once could be satisfied with their congregations contributing £50 a year to the Sustentation Fund.

4. But we have too many small charges? Not so. Our proportion is smaller than that of any other Church in the British Isles. We say this advisedly. Try the Free Church of Scotland. There are in that Church 788 charges. Of these, 466 contribute to the Sustentation Fund less than £100. The average cost of each of these congregations to the Church is £75 per annum. Where is the solitary congregation among us which is supplemented to this extent? Again, of the aid-receiving congrega. tions, 110 average, as contributions to the Sustentation Fund, £35. Among us there is at most only one congregation which could have been numbered among this class. Then what would some of our friends think of £103 being given by way of supplement to these 110 congregations? Let any one compare these figures with ours, and then say whether our proportion of small congregations is anything like so great as that of our neighbours.

As I cannot venture to trespass farther upon your space, I beg to conclude, Yours, &c.,


To the Editor of the English Presbyterian Messenger.

SIR, AS lotteries are so common at bazaars in connection with the Church, and seeing the great evils which result therefrom to the Church and the world, I crave a space in your "Messenger' for the insertion of the following remarks:—

of his spiritual kingdom, such as placing
ministers, elders, and deacons. Not
that we may have what we think best,
but what pleases Him, and what He
knows is best for us.
"And they gave
forth their lots and the lot fell upon
Mathias, and he was numbered with
the eleven Apostles." Acts i. 26.

peal to him in this dispensation to
decide who stole this or that trifle. It
is quite right to appeal to God to de-
cide what congregation shall possess a
certain minister, elder, or deacon, but
certainly very sinful to appeal to him
to decide who shall be the possessor of
a certain twopenny doll, a cushion, or
screen. And yet this is the very thing
we encourage at our bazaars, believing
that so small a matter is nothing when
compared with the object in view;
that the means, however questionable,
and condemned by the law when con-
nected with the tavern, is sanctified
and proper when connected with the
Church. Ah, God never works by
questionable or sinful means.
God's blessing does not rest there.

"The lot is cast into the lap, but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord." Prov. xvi. 33. "Therefore Saul said unto the Lord God of Israel, Give a perfect lot." 1 Saml. xiv. 41. Here we have a direct appeal to the Lord, who disposes of the lot as he will. Indeed, I question there is such a thing as chance. The following texts seem to teach there The lot, then, is a solemn thing, and is not. "Are not five sparrows sold for when properly used, valuable, but two farthings, and not one of them is when abused is fraught with direful forgotten before God?" showing that consequences. It may be quite lawful the most insignificant things are not to appeal to God to appoint a king, but left to "hap hazard," but their every very unlawful to appeal to him to movement is controlled by the great appoint what is to be the "trump" Disposer of all things. "And one of card. It may be proper to appeal to them shall not fall to the ground with- God to decide who the Achan is in the out your Father." "But the very camp; but certainly improper to aphairs of your head are all numbered." Again, "For promotion cometh neither from the east nor from the west, nor from the south, for God is the judge: he putteth down one and setteth up another." Psal. lxxv. 6, 7. And again, “A man's heart deviseth his way but the Lord directeth his steps." Žud. During God's theocratic government of the world, the Lord was pleased to use the lot as a medium of conveying his will in the settlement of important questions, as in the division of the land among the tribes of Israel. "The land shall be divided by lot: according to the names of the tribes of their fathers they shall inherit. According to the lot shall the possession thereof be divided between many and few." Numb. xxvi. 25, 26. Also in the case of Achan. "In the The minister is raising his voice morning therefore ye shall be brought against sin on the Sabbath, and counaccording to your tribes: and it shall tenancing it in the lottery through the be, that the tribe which the Lord week, telling us.that "all unrighteoustaketh shall come according to the ness is sin," and yet winking at unfamilies thereof... And he brought righteousness at the bazaar. But it is his household man by man; and Achan, not the mere appeal to the Almighty the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the that is the sin of gambling. It is the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was unholy feelings and desires which it taken." Jos.vii. 14, 18. And again, when engenders, such as covetousness, selfishthe people rejected God, and would ness, exulting at the disappointment have an earthly king to reign over and envying at the success of others; them, they had recourse to the lot. the inordinate thirst for gain without And when Samuel had caused all the giving an equivalent, which often leads tribes of Israel to come near, the tribe to the most heinous crimes, such as of Benjamin was taken. When he untruthfulness, thefts, and even murcaused the tribe of Benjamin to come ders. Then there is the example to near by their families, the family of our children. That is a beautiful pasMatri was taken, and Saul, the son of Kish, was taken." 1 Sam. x. 20. The setting apart of the scape goat is another instance. The great Head of the Church is pleased also to permit the use of the lot in directing the affairs


sage in Scripture where the children ask, "What is this?" and the parent is commanded to tell him that "By strength of hand the Lord brought us out from Egypt." Ex. xiii. 14. When a child comes into our bazaars and

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