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before him, their productions have, in most eases, been fragmentary and local, and we have, therefore, no hesitation in recommending his volume as the most complete and satisfactory account that has yet been published. It has reached us too late in the month to be able to do more at present than call the attention of our readers to its appearance. We agree with Mr. Noel when, in his preface, he says: "This book is wanted because no connected narrative of these transactions has yet appeared; and its author has various qualifications which may recommend it to his readers. He belongs to that Christian body in Ulster, in the congregations of which God has chiefly displayed his grace. He is a native of the province, was for some years the pastor of a church within it, loves its people, feels deep interest in their spiritual progress, is acquainted with many of their ministers, has visited the places which have been blessed, and has conversed with numbers who have witnessed the remarkable scenes which he has described. On the other

hand, as a minister of Christ in London, he has, doubtless, while rejoicing in the happiness of Ulster, not forgotten the welfare of England."

The above notice was put in type for our January number, but omitted for want of room. We have now simply to add that a more careful examination of the volume has confirmed our high estimate of its value. The work is divided into three parts: the first consisting of eleven chapters on the "Origin, Early History, and Progress of the Awakening;" the second part consists of twelve chapters of "Personal Observations and Inquiry," which will be read with deep interest; and the third and last part treats of the "Physical Accidents," the "Physiological Affections," and the "Fruits." We hope, in a future number, to enrich our pages with a few extracts; meanwhile we cordially commend the work itself to the attention of our readers.

The Missing Link; or, Bible- Women in
the Homes of the London Poor. By
L. N. R., Author of "The Book and its
Story." James Nisbet & Co.

Tais valuable little book needs no recom-
mendation from us. The initials of the author
are a sufficient guarantee for its ability and
worth. What Charlotte Elizabeth was to the
poor of St. Giles's a quarter of a century ago,
-or Mrs. Ranyard, for that is the
good and gifted lady's name-has been to
them for some years past. We believe she has
been mainly instrumental in the formation
of the "London Female Bible and Domestic
Mission," which has for its object the em-
ployment of intelligent, godly women, as
visitors or female missionaries, to the abodes

of the poor. Commencing with St. Giles's, these Bible-women are being multiplied, and are now successfully prosecuting their labours in various parts of the metropolis. The volume is a brief record of some of the fruits of their labours, and therefore we read not only of "Marian's Tea-party in St. Giles's," but also of the "Bible-women among the dust-heaps," "Rebecca in Shore. ditch," "Westminster and its Biblewomen," &c., &c. It abounds with facts and narratives of great interest which ought to be read and pondered by all who take an interest in the spiritual welfare of our godless, neglected poor.

Haste to the Rescue; or, Work while it is Day. By Mrs. CHARLES W. FRITH. Preface by the Author of "English Hearts and English Hands." James Nisbet & Co. THIS volume may fitly take its place The writer appears to be the wife of a clergybeside the "Missing Link," just noticed voted lady,-who was led, mainly by a man in Shrewsbury-a godly, gifted, deHands," to try what could be done for the perusal of "English Hearts and English evangelisation of the godless poor in her husband's parish. Undaunted by the discouragements that were thrown in her way, she went to work with an earnestness and determination that seldom fail to insure success; her language was, "This, God helping me, I am resolved to do, and to be discouraged at nothing!" The result is an amount of work accomplished and good done that is truly astonishing.

"During the period of eighteen months, the writer has conversed with upwards of five hundred working men, and, with homes in the evenings, thus becoming few exceptions, has visited them at their personally acquainted with their wives and families, and entering into their domestic cares and trials, sorrows and joys, in no common way."

She soon found intemperance the main hindrance to her work, and therefore established a total abstinence society amongst the people, herself becoming one of its earliest members. More than one hundred pounds a week is now spent on the wives and families of the 230 members of this

society, which used to be spent in drink.
children rescued from misery and ruin.
Homes have been made happy, wives and
Not a few have found the Saviour, and are
now "adorning the doctrine" others have
died in faith, rejoicing in the "Lord our

The Family Treasury of Sunday Reading.
November and December, 1859. T.
Nelson & Sons.

THE December part completed the first
yearly volume of this miscellany, and a

British and Foreign Quarterly Review.
January, 1860. Nisbet & Co.

very rich treasury it is. We have no hesi- structive and elevating thoughts. The volume tation in saying that Mr. Cameron has, is a valuable contribution to this class of this year, far exceeded the efforts of any literature, and a most suitable book for the previous year - successful though they family library. were-in his particular sphere of labour. Some of the short original papers in the volume are of great excellence. We are pleased to learn that the circulation is goodit cannot be too extensive-and that so good a programme is issued for the present year. The New Congregational Tune-Book: adapted to the New Congregational Hymn-Book. By ADAM WRIGHT, Organist of Carr's Lane Chapel, Birming ham. Part I. Thomas Nelson & Sons. Or this tune-book we have three distinct editions issuing simultaneously, namely:

The Vocal Score Edition,

The Tonic Sol-fa Edition, and
The Instrumental Edition.

In addition to the ordinary standard tunes,
the work is to contain a selection from the
great masters; also a selection of ancient
hymn-tunes from various sources, and a
selection of Scripture passages adapted for
chanting. In each edition, the hymns are
printed in full, and marked for expressive
singing by variety of type. Each of the
editions is to be completed in five monthly
parts, and as the price per part is 4d., 6d.,
and 1s. respectively, they may be said to be
within the reach of all classes. The names
of the publishers are a sufficient guarantee
for the excellency of paper and type,
and we have no doubt that the future parts
will be quite equal to the one before us.

THIS number opens with an able article, taken from the Princeton Review, on Dr. N. W. Taylor's" Lectures on the Moral Government of God;" which is followed by a paper on "Barnes on the Atonement," wherein the

erroneous views of that popular, and, in many
respects, useful writer are clearly and ably
exposed. The article on "Sunday Laws,"
supposed to be from the pen of Dr. Hodge,
has excited great attention in the United
States, and will be perused with interest by
English readers. The original articles in
the number are "Ballantyne's Christianity
Contrasted with Hindoo Philosophy," "The
Geography of Palestine," "Bayne's Christian
Life," and "The Life and Times of Carey,
Marshman, and Ward."

The Quarterly Journal of Prophesy. Janu-
ary, 1860.
RECENT events give interest to the views of
which this journal is the exponent. The
present number concludes the eleventh vo-
lume. It opens with a long and well-written
paper, written fifty years ago, but not before
published, entitled "The Kingdom of Christ,
and Nature of the Age to Come." The sixth
article is curious, and, in some respects, in-
structive, being simply an alphabetical list
of works on the Book of Revelation, extend-
ing over ten pages. The two expository
articles, or readings in Genesis and First
Chronicles, will repay perusal.

M'Comb's Presbyterian Almanack for 1860.
Belfast: William M'Comb.

Central Truths. By the Rev. CHARLES STANFORD. London: Jackson & Walford. WE have here a collection of thirteen discourses, to which their author has given the name "Central Truths," because they "all MR. M'COMB's excellent Almanack may be mainly aim to set forth those elementary said to have reached its majority, this being doctrines of the gospel from which all others its twenty-first annual impression. It teems seem to radiate and grow." The reader will with interesting information on all useful form an idea of the nature of the volume subjects, but it is of special value to Presbyfrom the following enumeration of the sub-terians from the very large amount of Presjects:-"Foundation-Stones," "The Apos- byterian information which it contains, such tles' Doctrine," "The Apostles' Fellowship," as we have not found in any other publication "The Unction of the Holy One," "Preva- in this country. lent Errors on Justification Considered," "The Anchor within the Veil," "The Tempted High Priest," "Causes of Unsuccessful Prayer," "Peculiar Hindrances to the Efficacy of Social Prayer," &c., &c.

So peculiarly applicable are many of the "hindrances" pointed out in the last-named chapter to many of the prayer-meetings held in our own places of worship, that we intended to reprint several passages at length, but space forbids us.

The discourses are thoughtful, ear ret sound, and practical, abounding with in

Good Words, a Weekly Magazine, Edited by NORMAN MACLEOD, D.D. Edinburgh: Strachan & Co. London: Sampson Lowe. For many years the "Christian Treasury" enjoyed a wide, uncontested field, and much good it was the means of doing, but it has now the companionship of some sturdy competitors. Last year the "Family Treasury" and "Christian Guest" made their first appearance; and now Dr. Norman Macleod comes forth with another, entitled "Good Words." Judging from sample and circula

tion, he has made an excellent commence- anecdotes, adventures, tales, and articles on ment, which, we trust, may be but the popular science. In this latter department, earnest of greater prosperity. The contents chemistry and zoology have hitherto enjoyed of this first number are not so fragmentary an almost absolute monopoly: but one adas those of the publications above named, vantage of the latter has been, that it has and it contains more original writing. It is beautified the pages with a series of engrava magazine of the "right sort," for which ings which would have made the eye of old there is yet ample room, and most earnestly Bewick dazzle with delight. Seldom have do we wish its excellent editor "God speed we been more impressed with the progress of in his new enterprise. art in England than in turning over these wood-cuts, which might adorn the most sumptuous Christmas keepsake, and which are here lavished on a penny paper for children. The numbers, if carefully kept, will bind up into a charming volume, and thus prove a lasting source of amusement and instruction. Our only regret is, that its pages are encumbered with a story of, to the young, questionable value-Mrs. Beecher Stowe's "Minister's Wooing;" but that is now completed, and will leave the coast clear for more appropriate contributions.

Young England; an Illustrated Newspaper
for the Youth of the British Empire.
London: Kent & Co. Nos. 1 to 14.
THE idea of such a periodical is excellent;
and the spirit with which it has been carried
out entitles it to the hearty support of parents
and teachers, and of our young friends them-
selves. Although entitled a newspaper, it
is more strictly a monthly miscellany, the
news of the day occupying a very limited
space, and its columns being chiefly devoted to

Presbyterian Church in England.

[blocks in formation]

of congregations. The experience of the Committee, as to the benefits derivable from its operation, is so far highly satis factory, and they anticipate that many ulterior advantages will result from it. It is obvious, however, that without increased funds the arrangement cannot be carried out. The Committee believe that the funds will be forthcoming, and so that they will be in a position to redeem the pledge given by the Synod to the weaker congregations, and thus promote, to some extent, the comfort of ministers in the less favoured localities of the Church.

2ndly. At the present moment the funds of the mission are exhausted. Not only so; there are liabilities actually incurred for the closing year to the amount of £100, and it is very doubtful whether contributions yet to be received will reach this amount. As the forthcoming collection, therefore, will be available only for the coming year, it will require an extra effort to be made by the Church, in order that the Committee may enter on the labours of a new year free from embarrassment and anxiety.

1st. At last meeting of Synod, new rules were adopted for the administration of the Home Mission Fund, which will involve a considerably increased expenditure on the part of the Committee. The main principles embodied in those rules are these two :-first, that, subject to certain clearly defined conditions, no minister of the Church have a smaller annual income than £100. Indeed the Committee have been aiming at this for many years. And, secondly, that beyond this point the voluntary efforts of a congregation shall be aided by a grant out of the Mission Fund equal to one-half the amount raised by such efforts, till the stipend reach £150. This arrangement, 3rdly. England presents a noble field if carried out, will materially improve the for Home Missionary enterprise. Amid condition of the ministry, especially in all her privileges and glories, there are the rural districts, whilst it will stimu- yet masses of people in her large cities late and encourage the voluntary efforts and towns that are sunk in spiritual


darkness and degradation. The great end STUDENTS' APARTMENTS AT THE of this mission is to do somewhat, in common with the agencies of other evangelical churches, to raise up these precious souls from their degradation, to the enjoy ment of the grace and peace of the gospel. The efforts of the Committee have been put forth in this direction, but they have necessarily been limited by the limited means placed at their disposal. They are assured that much more might| be done by the Church. Let her be roused to a sense of the responsibilities that lie on her; and whilst she abounds in prayer for the advancement of the Lord's work, let her replenish His treasury liberally with the silver and the gold, and then she will have the satis faction of having done what she could to reclaim the lapsed masses of the people, and so convert the moral wilderness into a fruitful field.

To the Editor of the Presbyterian Messenger. DEAR SIR,-May I beg of you to insert the following note just received, as it may be interesting to the friends of the college, and especially to those who have contributed towards the furnishing of the students' apartments.

WILLIAM M'CAW, Convener.

THE JUVENILE MESSENGER. WITH this number we have stitched up a specimen copy of the "Juvenile Messenger," which some of our readers may perhaps see for the first time. As will be seen from

its wrappers, it is doing a good and important work amongst the young of our congregations. One of our missionaries now on his way to China is to be supported mainly by the contributions of its young readers. But why should its circulation be so much confined to our Sabbath schools? There are thousands of children belonging to the families of our Church who do not go to Sabbath schools, and who never see the "Juvenile Messenger," not because of the expense, but because their parents do not take the trouble to procure it for them.

Will the ministers and office-bearers of the Church kindly try to help us in this matter? If so much good can be done by encouraging the poor children of our schools to do something for Christ in the mission-field, how much more might be accomplished if the children of those families whom God has blessed with abundance were engaged in the work too?


I have good reason to believe that the sentiments expressed by Mr. warmly entertained by each of the other nine, for all have now been accommodated, and are enjoying comfort and happiness under the wholesome though strict regulations imposed for the internal government of those who are thus located in the institu


At the same time, I avail myself of the opportunity to mention that the rooms are by no means completely equipped; on the contrary, with the exception of napery, which my sisters themselves provided, and of bedsteads and bedding, they are but scantily supplied.

Carpets, dinning-room chairs and furniture, bed curtains and coverlets, are still wanting, and will be thankfully received as donations; the intending donors of any thing taking the precaution to inquire of me, or at the college, whether not intermediately supplied, that they may make their gift in another way.

Perhaps I need scarcely add-the sooner the better, as we may expect the cold will increase with the easterly winds of spring. Yours faithfully,

ARCHD. T. RITCHIE, Hon. Treasurer.

29, Queen Square,

21st January, 1860. DEAR MR. RITCHIE,-There are now eight of us accommodated in the college, and two others have applied for apartments.

Really if the friends of the college and of the church had any idea of the advantages which we now enjoy there would be no need of a second appeal in behalf of the furnishing scheme. We are exceedingly comfortable, notwithstanding we are still short of furniture. We now feel at home. I cannot but contrast the condition of a student arriving in London for the first time now with what it was three years ago.

Picture him then he arrives in London an utter stranger; he appears at the classes; all strange faces there; class-hours over, he wanders about the streets in search of a coffee-house, or a dining-room. All strange faces there too, and strange ways. The heart feels cold and heavy. A chill like living ice seems to crawl along his veins and rankle about his heart. He goes home;

[blocks in formation]

You hear it often said, that we want more esprit de corps in our Church. I don't think there ever was so much among the students of this college as there is now, and that will tell upon the Church in after years.

I need not speak of the pecuniary advantages of living in the college. With the present number of students it is equal to distributing among them the sum of £2 weekly. Multiply that by 36, and you have a boon of £72 per annum conferred upon them, and no one feels a penny the poorer for it.

And besides this actual saving in rent, our lodgings are much more comfortable; and being in the house we have constant access to the library, which greatly facilitates our studies. We have now opportunity for the practice of elocution. Why! we had no opportunity for this in private lodgings. If a few of us met together for this purpose, we were in constant danger of giving offence to other parties in the house. We feel that all these advantages must tend to increase our efficiency as ministers. Our affections will be warmer towards the interests of the Church, for nothing tends more to concentrate these upon self than a hard struggle for maintenance with no sympathy from others. Besides, our constitutions will be stronger. There are many ministers now suffering from impaired health who trace their present infirmities to the hardships endured while at college. You know of one student who finished his course at this college, and went home to die. You know of several cases almost as sad.

Were our benevolent friends seriously to weigh these matters, there would be no want of such ladies as Miss Ritchie and Mrs. Brown, and others, who have so espoused the cause of the student on the present occasion; and they in their turn would not want warm hearts breathing gratitude for their kindness and liberality. That your efforts in this cause may soon be crowned with success is the ardent desire of

Your sincere friend,


Archd. T. Ritchie, Esq.,

26, Poultry.

Presbyteries' Proceedings.


THIS Presbytery met at Liverpool, 4th Jan., 1860. Present: Rev. Robert H. Lundie, moderator pro tem.; Dr. White, Messrs. Blyth, J. C. Paterson, Johnstone, Hunter, Jas. Paterson, Henderson, Welsh, Robinson, and Inglis, ministers; and Dr. Walker,

Messrs. William Henderson, Robert Lockhart, John Sorley, and Wm. M'Connechie, elders.

The consideration of Mr. Blyth's motion on the Lady Hewley Fund was delayed till next meeting.

Owing to the small attendance of members at this stage of the proceedings, the consideration of the motion proposed by Mr. Inglis, on the subject of ministers giving an account of their congregations at the meetings of Presbytery, was delayed till next meeting.

By a majority, the Presbytery resolved to recommend to the Home Mission Committee to give the Chester congregation a grant of £20 for the present year, on the ground that the state of the congregation is exceptional on account of the Home Missionary efforts it has been making during the past year.

An interim Church Session was appointed for the congregation at Warrington; Mr. Inglis, moderator. Mr. Robinson was appointed to preach at Warrington on Sabbath next, and, by edict, to declare the church


Mr. Lundie gave in a report from the committee appointed to visit the Mission near Ruabon, in North Wales. The committee recommended the Presbytery to erect this mission into a preaching-station, under the charge of the Church Session of Chester, with leave to dispense the Communion when it seems meet to do so. After discussion, the further consideration of the report was delayed till next meeting.

Mr. J. C. Paterson reported for the committee appointed to inquire into the circumstances of the preaching-station at Swinton, to the effect that the people, though few, are earnest; that the funds available for the support of the station are £86 per annum; and recommended that the station be continued. According to another recommendation of the report, a committee was appointed to consider whether the station could be available for supplying preaching in some of the neighbouring districts.

A report was given in from the Committee on Church Extension, to the effect that they did not think it expedient to proceed further at present with the business committed to them. The matter was remitted to the committee Mr. Johnstone, convener-to be prosecuted and reported upon again at next meeting.

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