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serve that in those places where the taste and good sense of the Missionary permit them to enjoy this innocent preference, there everything flourishes, and success attends the Mission; and that the contrary is equally true where a cold and merely northern taste prevails. Our excellent and promising Chief, Elijah Varani, was very conspicuous and happy in the proceedings of this delightful day.

7th. Captain Buck attempted to get water at a Heathen place, where there is a fine water-fall; but the miserable natives demanded such large payment for the water, that he was obliged to come away without it. This, considering the very great difficulty of obtaining any water at the places we visit, is a heavy disappointment. Feejee is generally high land; but the shores are surrounded by reefs and mud flats, so that few places are accessible to boats. In the low and flat islands the difficulties are

still greater. Water is very precious


8th. We are now six-and-thirty persons at Vewa, belonging to the Missionfamilies of Feejee, met at the DistrictMeeting; and for these there are three small houses, just sufficient for a small family in each. How the ladies contrive their part of the business, I am at a loss to know; but the families have been long since they saw one another, especially Messrs. Williams and Hazlewood, from Somosomo, and they seem never to know anything about inconvenience or trouble. They are met together with Christian views and feelings, delighted once more to see each other, and to indulge the social principle so long shut up in solitude, to talk over past events, escapes, and mercies, to project new plans of useful enterprise, and to "edify one another, as also they do."

I observe that each wife has her hands full from morning till night, attending to the children, superintending the native nurses, the native cooks, the native washerwomen, and many things beside, among which is the doling out medicine to the sick, and carrying on the marketing with the natives who come to sell yams, fowls, and other food needed for the house. I would, therefore, earnestly advise all the young females, who may hereafter enter upon the Mission work, to give up at once all thought of a piano, or other heavy instrument intended for amusement. Forsake all such things, which will be worse than useless in such Stations as Tonga or Feejee; forsake them utterly, as those now here have VOL. IV.-FOURTH SERIES.

done, and seek all your pleasure in your duties; in serving God and His servants; and great will be your reward in heaven. I may also say a word to my junior brethren who may have thoughts of entering upon the Mission work. There are two classes of men who should never dream of entering upon the South-Sea Mission work. The first is, those who feel a thirst for popularity, and who would like to shine before the people. Be it known to all such persons that they will never get one particle of applause from any one in these seas, and that the whole cargo of such desires must be thrown overboard at the very entrance, or disappointment will attend on this popularity-man to the end of his days. A second class of persons who should never come to these Stations are those who have been bred and cooped up all their days in artificial society, who have everything to learn concerning the common affairs of life: they are strangers to travelling by sea or land, they cannot build the house, or contrive its simple furniture; whereas many of our best Missionaries can do these things with ease and expedition, and many such like things they actually do; the consequence is, that they are happy at home, and they are at home anywhere, where duty calls them. They are" willing to live anyhow, and die anywhere." Their conduct has the best effect on the natives, who are keen observers of external matters. They go in and out before their people. They have time to learn the language and to teach religion, and are happy and useful in their labours: while the mere artificially-trained man is always busy in preparing to learn the alphabet of common life; he is ever learning, and never able to come to an adequate degree of practical knowledge: he soon becomes miserable and discouraged. His home is in confusion, and he spends his strength for nought, and in vain. The poor man has no resources in himself; for he does not understand how to begin to work with the mere raw material, and there is none to prepare it to his hand. Such a man is not qualified to be an Apostle to the Gentiles of the Southern isles.

I have cases and facts before me at this moment, which, were it proper to record them, would illustrate and establish these views, beyond all doubt; but I prefer to conceal the particulars, lest I might wound the church of Christ, and give pain to living men. Be assured, it requires rare qualities to be a happy and efficient Missionary in these islands. A man and his wife set down in a wood on the island, 4 x

having none to communicate with, but the staring, pilfering, idle, nude, and deceitful barbarians, must have patience, courage, wisdom, and resources within them, of no ordinary kind and degree. "And who is sufficient for these things?" The answer is, All those whom the Master calls to this great work; and by His mercy and gracious providence we have many such in the work; and other angels are no doubt preparing to sound their trumpets in every part of the earth. Let us more and more pray the Lord of the harvest that He will send forth labourers into His vineyard; for the harvest truly is great, and the labourers few.

9th. I was surprised this morning to learn from Mr. Williams, that he knew one white man at Somosomo, usually known by the name of Tom, who went about with nothing to cover him, save the small strip of native massi, which the Ferjeeans wear, and he ate human flesh as eagerly as any Feejeean cannibal would do. It seems that our brethren have had several narrow escapes with their lives at Somosomo. Mr. Lyth, when sent for by the late Tuithekau, talked to him so closely about the interests of his soul and eternity, that the savage became enraged, and laid hold of Mr. Lyth's garment, calling out for a club that he might kill him. Mr. Lyth left the skirt of his calico coat in his hand, and escaped away to his own house. The sick man relented, and sent to beg pardon, before he died. Mr. Lyth had been sent for by this Chief in the character of a medical man; but even this did not screen him. Another case occurred the other day, when Mr. Williams was getting his baggage on board the "John Wesley." A Chief who had been attempting to steal, and was prevented, ran up to Mr. Williams, shaking his club over him, and shouting that there and then he would settle him. Mr. Calvert stepped up to the succour of our brother, and prevented the fall of the club; but so frightful was the sight, that the ship's crew cleared off to the brig with all convenient speed. Mr. Williams says he never felt any fear. The same Chief, on a former occasion, wanted to get into Mr. Williams's house at the time of taking dinner, that he might assist them in eating the food; but a large dog was chained in the passage to secure the family from intrusion, at which this savage became so enraged that he took up one of Mrs. Williams's little boys, about two years old, and threw him with great violence at the dog. The mother saw it with the feel

ings of a mother! The child was injured, but not seriously. Good nerves, and full confidence in divine Providence, are necessary here. God has hitherto kept His servants, and all belonging to them, in Feejee; so that they have not yet received any fatal injury from the warlike eaters of one another.

10th. The Sabbath-day. The fleet of Thakombau sailed out this morning, with not less than two hundred warriors on board each canoe. They are bound for Natewa, a part of Somosomo; their object is not clearly known.

Our services closed with the Lord's supper; and it was good for the sailors and Mission-families to be there.

11th. It seems necessary that extensive and scriptural revivals of primitive Christianity should be looked for and promoted among this people. They cannot be made practically Christian without sound New-Testament principles; but in order to this they require an impulse, which must rise in power and energy sufficient to bear on high these sunken, heavy "vessels of wrath fitted for destruction," but now taken up from their low estate, because "His mercy endureth for ever." In the last religious revival at Vewa, the anguish of many was awfully severe, and showed the work of the Holy Spirit to be very deep and powerful, producing such pungent sorrow for sin as to startle even the men of God who witnessed what was passing. Their cries and agony admitted of no control, and seemed incapable of restraint. They said a fire was consuming their vitals, and their souls were filled with horror at the sight of their sins. Mr. Hunt pointed out one man to me whose sister had buried her husband, and strangling was to be her lot; and this was to be executed by the hand of this brother. Two Missionaries did their best to prevent this atrocity, in which they only succeeded while they remained present with the savage; but no sooner were they gone, than he twisted a piece of native cloth, and, placing it around his sister's neck, she was strangled instantly. This man was convinced of sin in the time of the general religious awakening here; and who can wonder if "the pains of hell gat hold upon him?" His bitter howlings could not be described, and none could pacify him but the Lord Jesus, against whom he had so long rebelled. When he did find peace through believing, his ecstasy was equal to his former anguish, and he did not cease for a long time together to shout with heartfelt joy.

About seventy such cases in one small town would create no small stir about "this way," and many Heathens came to see what was going on, several of whom seemed to be solemnly impressed. In Tonga, they were slightly persecuted under similar circumstances, and several wild young men came to the chapel with the intention to interrupt the praying people, one of whom, being exceedingly filled with the power of truth and love, went boldly up to this band of scoffers, and commanded them with a loud voice to boono, that is, to kneel and pray; and such was the spiritual influence with which he spoke, that they all fell down on their knees at once. I do not know that they became pious, but they went

away and reported that God was in the lotu people.

This people will require rousing from their deep slumber: like Noah, they must be "moved with fear." They are so firmly attached to their old customs, and so generally careless and thoughtless, that ordinary means will not be sufficient to gain their attention, aud keep hold of their hearts, that they may be converted. Our Missionaries seem fully aware of this, and therefore look for the promise of the Spirit, and teach their people to expect and pray that the Spirit may be poured out from on high; that the valley of dry bones may have a shaking among them, and that breath may come into them.

(To be continued.)


THE following Statement will furnish a more complete view of the Statistics of this important and prosperous Mission, than it has before been in our power to publish.

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. D. J. Draper, dated Adelaide, April 19th, 1848.

WESLEYAN MISSION IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA:-12 chapels, 18 other preaching-places, 4 Missionaries, (including 1 Supernumerary,) 85 Sundayschool Teachers, 35 Local Preachers, 30 Class-Leaders, 500 members, 40 on trial for membership, 12 Sunday-schools which have about 800 children in them. Not less than 2,200 persons attend our ministry. The income of the Circuit is quite sufficient to support the Missionaries now employed, and two more are absolutely necessary in order to reach the numbers who are settling in all parts of the colony. I think there cannot be less than five hundred persons in the colony, who were members of the Wesleyan societies at home, and are not now in connexion with us or any other church; and the principal reason is the want of Missionaries to seek and find them out in their scattered and remote localities. Many lose ground, religiously, during the voyage, and are ashamed to

report themselves when they arrive. Consequently we know nothing of them for months, until some circumstance or other throws them in our way. Many go into the interior, where we have no means, at present, of seeing them; and thus for a while, at least, they are lost to us. Our present Circuit is one hundred and thirty miles long, by forty broad. I reside in Adelaide, Mr. Harcourt at the Burra-Burra, one hundred miles north, and Mr. Thrum at Willunga, thirty miles south. By this distribution of labour we save a great deal of travelling; but, even now, it is really more than can be well done. Considering the number of persons who come out from our societies and congregations in Cornwall, and are here like sheep without a shepherd, it would be very desirable for the Missionary Society to support two additional Missionaries here for a year or two, that they may be sought, and gathered in to God and to his church.


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE.-Extract of a Letter from the Rev. G. H. Green, dated Cradock, May 15th, 1848.

OUR congregations in the Circuit town, Cradock, have so much improved, as to render it necessary to erect a new chapel, so as to afford more accommodation to our hearers, and also to enable us to appropriate the present building solely

to the use of the coloured congregation. Very liberal subscriptions have been raised for this purpose, and the work has been already commenced. The ceremony of laying the foundation-stone took place last week, in which W. Gil

fillan, Esq., Civil Commissioner of the district, and the Rev. John Taylor, Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, were so kind as to take a part. The new chapel, when completed, will accommodate more than twice as many hearers as the present one; and we trust that when this additional room shall have been provided, our congregation will be proportionably increased.

The zeal of our people in this Circuit for the Mission cause has suffered no diminution in consequence of the disasters with which this country has lately been visited. Our late Anniversary Services were well attended, and the subscriptions and collections better than

usual. The total sum collected during this year for the Mission cause is about £83, being £25 more than last year. Nearly £17 of this was subscribed by natives.

But while these efforts mark the good feeling of our people, we do not feel by any means satisfied with the slow progress which is made in the great work of personal conversion. We feel that we need a baptism from on high, before we can have such results as we desire to see. For this we are praying, and we trust it will not long be withheld. "Then shall the desert rejoice, and blossom as the rose."

MISSIONS IN WESTERN AFRICA.-THE GOLD-COAST. Extract of a Letter from the Rev. John Harrop, dated Anamabu, May 30th, 1848.

I FEEL thankful to the God of all mercies, that he continues to manifest himself in mercy to his church in this part of the world. By the last DistrictMeeting I was appointed to this place, where I arrived in the latter part of the month of January in the present year. I find that the effects of the truths of the Gospel upon the human mind are the same here as at home. Religion is able to bear up the spirit of man in affliction, and open to it a clear prospect beyond the grave. Of this we had a pleasing proof in the experience and death of one of the oldest Leaders and members of our society in this place, a short time ago. Peter Brawn was his name. As far as I have been able to learn, he appears to have been a consistent member of the society at Anamabu from the commencement of the Mission. That

he had experienced a saving change, there can be no doubt: the whole tenor of his life establishes the fact. His love to God and his people, his diligent attention to the means of grace, his anxiety for the prosperity of the work of God, and the willingness which he always showed to do anything in his power to promote that object,-all go to prove the truth of his Christian profession, as well

as the statements he made just before his death. I called upon him about two days before that event. On that occasion he expressed himself with the greatest clearness on points of religious experience. "My trust," said he, "is in Christ for all I want." His death produced great excitement amongst the people; and I hope it will have a good effect, not only upon the society, but also upon the Heathen who noticed the consistency of his conduct, and who have now seen his peaceful end. The Rev. T. B. Freeman, at the request of the Leaders, preached a sermon on the occasion.

You have no doubt heard of the expedition to Appolonia, undertaken by the Government, for the purpose of bringing the King into proper subjection. Nearly all the male part of our members went to the war. I was afraid that they might suffer spiritually. Since their return, however, I am glad to find that their attention to all the means of grace is much better than I expected.

The boys' school here is in a good state. Several of the first-class boys have of late given their hearts to God, and promise fair for the kingdom.


Extract of a Letter from the Rev. Enoch Wood, dated Toronto,
August 9th, 1848.

ALDERVILLE presents signs of improvement. Mr. Case speaks encouragingly of his Station. What a contrast

do the former roaming, houseless habits of this tribe present to their now settled and industrious pursuits! Their houses

are good and well kept. Most of the farms, small as they are, yield sufficient to supply their wants; while several, which exhibit a superior state of cultivation, furnish an excess for market. When addressing them on different topics, I did not fail to commend their labour and toil, as shown by their clearances. While on this subject, as many of them could read as well as speak English, I recommended to their use Johnston's "Agricultural Catechisms." Twelve years ago this place was a wilderness, and in 1824 the whole of the tribe were untutored savages. Here are now three hundred and fifty acres of cleared land, fifty houses, forty-five families, numbering two hundred and twenty souls.

In ten years before their conversion to Christianity, this tribe diminished fifty: in eleven years after their conversion, they increased twenty. As the knowledge of domestic economy increases among the females, no doubt the prosperity of the people will be in proportion to that of other civilized communities. Can anything be more exciting to a religiously-benevolent mind, than to pause as you emerge out of the woods on the plains leading to this settlement of Christian Indians, and from the brow of the hill, when about to enter the cultivated vale before you, look at their gardens, their pastures, their fields of wheat and oats, their cows and oxen,

and sprinkled among them may be seen a few horses? Look at that holy sanctuary, with its tower and bell; the neat school-house, used also for a councilchamber; and on the other side of the church is the Missionary's residence, in the vicinity of which an improved brick structure is advancing to maturity, built by the Indians' own money, by which the labours and studies of the industrial school, containing thirty boys and girls, will be conducted with greater efficiency. By what has this amazing change been wrought? This is the work of God, who hath put this honour upon the Wesleyan ministry here, that through their instrumentality the first of the Chippeway race were brought to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus.

Rice-Lake Mission is distant from Alderville about nine miles, five or six of which are water, so agitated by a strong breeze, that crossing in a skiff or canoe is sometimes both unpleasant and dangerous. Our Indian brethren here seem quietly settled down to the improvement of their lands: the tribe is small, but doing well under Mr. Brooking's pastoral care. If the Indians at Mud-Lake and Schoogog could be induced to change their unhealthy abodes, and come to this salubrious soil, or to Alderville, it would be greatly to their secular and religious advantage.


IN committing to the Press this closing Number for the present Year, we have thought that it was due to the pre-eminent and peculiar services of Two departed Friends of the Wesleyan Missionary Society to place on special and public record the grateful sense of those services which the Committee deemed it right, soon after their decease, to express in their private Minutes. Other bereavements which the Society has been called to lament, during the course of the expiring year, have occasioned deep and solemn feeling. Some of those friends who have been recently taken from us, had been very old, and, in their respective stations and localities, most active and useful, promoters of the Missionary Cause, in our section of the Christian Church. They rest from their labours, their works do follow them, and their memory is blessed and honoured. May HE who gave them to us, and whose grace made them what they were, raise up many others, both at home and abroad, to fill up their vacant places, and be "baptized for the dead;”—baptized for similar services with a similar spirit of zeal, assiduity, and abounding liberality. The two individuals particularly, though by no means exclusively, referred to in these observations, are the late Mr. Hunter of London, and Dr. Lindoe of Clifton; and we now subjoin the Resolutions of the Committee respecting them.

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