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there was no collection; for they who were to use the chapel had built it at their own cost. A lovely edifice it really is, large, strong, and elegant. But by far the most singular thing, to us who form our tastes in England, was, that the friends who attended from other places were not only not asked for a collection, but were regaled by a feast, which consisted of thirteen fat hogs, and about twenty baskets of fowls, turkeys, yams, and cocoa-nuts. Such a chapel-opening may be very useful, and I believe this was; and it did not need a Dr. Newton to make it popular. To this occasion the Rev. Matthew Wilson has reference in the following


"When I returned this morning from the place where I saw you in the boat, I met several Local Preachers who were wishful to have seen you again, but were deprived of that pleasure by your starting so early. Among them was Apollos, the Local Preacher from Haafeva, where the chapel was opened yesterday. He communicated to me the following information:-After you left us yesterday, we spent much time in conversing with our Heathen relatives who had come to the opening of the chapel. One Heathen Chief said, There was only one thing that was bad to me in Mr. Lawry's sermon; and that was, it was too short. We wanted to hear him.' Another Heathen Chief went to Apollos and Bunou, in the middle of the night, and said, 'I am come to lotu: let us kneel down and worship God; for the first words which Mr. Lawry spoke to-day darted light and conviction through my mind, and I believed that there is a God.'-Perhaps, Sir, you will remember that the sentence to which he refers, is this, being the first which you spoke: 'One only is great, and he fills the universe. This is our God who is here to-day; and if you saw Jesus Christ walking on this side, and on that side, through the congregation, he would not be more certainly present, reading our thoughts, and watching all the desires of our minds, than he is now, though we see him not. Lo! God is here! Apollos believes that the man's wife, children, and relations, will all soon follow in his steps, and embrace the truth. Notwithstanding the toil and danger which must have attended your return this morning, I trust that you have sustained no injury."

At Hihifo the schools, composed of the entire population, came to us in a procession, and made me a very hand


mea ofa for the New-Zealand Bazaar, consisting of shells, tortoiseshells, pearls, combs, native axes, native fish-hooks, clubs, spears, and wooden pillows. Their dresses were very fine; and as one party returned through the lawn, from the summer-house where we were sitting, and another entered singing a hymn, the effect was all but enchanting.

28th. We paddled fifteen miles, against a strong wind, to Nukualofa. On this day, as on the former, we started by the light of Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars, and were many miles on our way before the sun had risen. I record, with great satisfaction, my full approbation of what I saw at Hihifo, under the control of Mr. Wilson, both in his domestic circle and in the church of God.

Sunday, 29th.-A large congregation attended the morning prayer-meeting at day-break, in the large chapel at Nukua

lofa. I preached at nine o'clock: the chapel was crowded, and many remained outside. At eleven o'clock, we had English preaching, at which twentyseven persons were present. At three o'clock, we had native preaching again, which was well attended. At five P.M., we had another English service, and many prayer-meetings were held. The people all go one way here. The Sabbath is fully observed, and God's house is thronged. At this place we have a population of about two thousand, of whom five hundred and forty are members of our society. The two Missionaries visit twenty-eight places, of which Eooa is one, distant, in the open sea, some fifteen miles. They have no boat fit for such a voyage, and their lives are often in peril in the frail native canoes. A boat must be provided at Auckland for this station; and if the same were done for Hapai and Vavau, it would be a great security against the risk to which our brethren are now exposed in their frequent voyages from island to island in the open sea.

31st. I went again to the Mua, and fully delivered my soul in the midst of this people. This was the place where I opened my commission a quarter of a century ago. It has always been the stronghold of Pagan superstition in the Friendly Islands. We have now again entered this colo; and Mr. Miller's resi dence is on the very beautiful spot which I formerly occupied. The Chief with whom I lived as my protector died calling upon the Saviour, and professing to trust only in Him. His wife lived and died a steady believer in Christ. The present

Chief, Tungi, is their son, and has had powerful convictions and loud calls; but, though he is friendly towards us, he has not yet yielded himself to the Lord. One higher in rank than he, is Eliza Ann, the eldest daughter of the late Chief. She tells me in one of her letters that the good seed sowed in her mind, when I was there at first, has sprung up. She is now one of our steady Leaders, and a powerful Chief as to rank, character, and influence. I delivered a discourse to a full house: most that were present were our people; but many Heathen also were there. The power of the Gospel, which was "present to heal," will yet overcome all opposition at poor, superstitious Mua. I trust the labours of Mr. Miller will be greatly owned of God in this place. His prospects are fair; and, being a medical man, he will be able to win some who would otherwise stand aloof. A Popish Priest has settled here, by consent of the Tui Tonga, for the purpose, he says, of dispensing medicine: we shall see. At the Bea, a Chief, named Lavaka, has, I am told, embraced Popery; but he retains his wives as before. Is not this a great privilege? Who beside Antichrist can reconcile sin with safety?

While passing up between the islands and reefs on the way to the Mua, and while there, what a succession of recollections and emotions passed through my mind! Many a time have I sat and heard the Chiefs discuss the question, whether we should be killed and our boxes taken, or whether it might not be better to await the coming of our vessel, by which means they would have greater gain. Almost every new spot recalled some instance of injustice, insult, or menace, practised upon us in those times of their ignorance. But, enough! Tonga has heard the Gospel, and that has leavened all Vavau, all Hapai, and by far the greater part of Tonga; and still the leaven works, until the whole lump shall be leavened. Was it to be expected that such a triumph could be won without a struggle?

It was not a little gratifying to see the young people, whose dwelling was under my roof at the Mua in days gone by, coming with their mea ofa (offerings of love). Among them was Malungahu, now called Malachi, who accompanied me to Sydney, but is now a Leader and Local Preacher. There was Watson Now, who went to London with me: he is also a Local Preacher. And Eliza Ann was there, a dignified female Chief, and a Christian Class-Leader.

September 1st.-I examined our schooloperations here, as I have done those in every other place. The children were few in comparison with every other that I have witnessed, and the system adopted did not seem to interest the people generally. Mrs. Thoinas has exerted herself to the utmost; but, from various circumstances, our school-operations languish at Nukualofa, while they prosper in other places. The arrival of Mr. Amos at this time may be considered as most providential; and hopes are entertained that in due time his efforts will be crowned with success, and that a better state of things will be seen among the youth of Tonga. At Hihifo the schools are already yielding a rich harvest; and why should we despair of any other part of the island? I think the Glasgow system will go far to meet the taste of this romantic and showy people. They must and will have varied evolutions and processions, displays and changes, which, as they are capable of being kept within the bounds of innocence, may very well subserve the ends of the schoolmaster, and prove the handmaids of instruction. No one can deny that where these have been admitted, and properly regulated, the schools have succeeded; and where they have not been adopted, but the old sombre plan of village schools in England adhered to, the trial has proved a complete failure. Our difficulty is to get the natives to put up suitable erections and fences, for the purposes of our training-school here. They are unwilling to labour, and extravagant in their demands for payment. They have before their eyes the ruins of the old school, but say they should like to see what Mr. Amos will do, before they expend their time and labour on large and troublesome buildings. They do not seem well to comprehend our meaning when we urge that he must have a suitable building before he can bring his system to bear upon them. This doctrine is not easily grasped by a people who can perform all their deeds on the sand of the sea-shore, or under the ample shade of their forest-trees.

2d. The King has just now announced his intention to quit Tonga, and live at Hapai; but he intends first to visit Samoa, and to carry the Teachers thither. This has operated all at once as a thunderbolt. On the part of the congregated Chiefs there is consternation. Yesterday I delivered a lecture to them and the King, on various public matters, connected with education, laws, government, and public morals; all of which ought

to be in accordance with Christianity. About five hundred persons listened with marked attention for an hour and a-half. The matters then discussed have since been fully canvassed, and pronounced to be "the truth, and just what they required." Some Chiefs have just called upon Mr. Thomas to say, that if I will step in at this critical juncture, and say, "King George, you should not leave Tonga at this time, but stay where you are for the good of your people," he will hearken to my voice, and do as I say. In this opinion Mr. Thomas concurs: both he and I feel extremely anxious, and are looking up to God for His aid and directions in this important and delicate



The King has not been treated by his people while at Tonga, as he has been accustomed to be treated while at Vavau and Hapai; and he very naturally feels it. At the same time he is most needed here. The prospects of Tonga brighten daily under his Christian reign; Heathenism every where nods to fall, and Popery, its first cousin, is anything but prosperous. As the King will dine with us to-day, I shall reason the matter over with him, and pray that right words and right views may be given me. Every eye is now turned this way, and the issue is waited for with sleepless anxiety.

3d. I have learned from the King that he only intends to turn his back on this offending colo for a season, till they become penitent, and sue for his return. There are also reasons which may not be named, but which weigh upon his mind; and I cannot say another word to him about staying.

Mr. Thomas has this morning signified to me his wish to return with Mrs. Thomas to England; and I have consented to his doing so the next time the brig shall visit the islands.

4th. The King of Niua came to pray for a Missionary, and promised how many things they would do for his support.

I urged him to come away with all his people to Vavau, where there was land enough, and where they could have all that they desired respecting the holy ordinances of religion; for there we had sent a good supply of Missionaries. He replied, that "such a thing might be very good, only it could never be done. Was it ever heard that a people had abandoned their country, where they and their fathers had lived happily ever since the land was drawn up out of the sea ?"

I wish we could spare a Missionary

for this people. We have there one of the most pure and prosperous churches I have seen in any land, at home or abroad. In it the Gospel leaven has done more than in any place I have yet seen, towards leavening the whole mass of the population. A Missionary might guide them into all truth, no man gainsaying. These people, without a Pastor, will find weeds and tares growing up amongst them; and upon us lies the solemn responsibility of caring for this little flock surrounded by the ocean.

King George has committed to me a letter to his Excellency Governor Grey, of New-Zealand, desiring to be under the shadow of British power, and asking the Governor to inquire respecting a letter which had been sent by a former King of Tonga to the Queen, but to which no answer had been received. The King renews the proposal therein made, that he and his people become not merely the allies, but the subjects, of the British crown. This is done because they fear the French, whose base conduct towards the people of Tahiti is fully known here. I am glad the King has taken this step; inasmuch as I am satisfied Governor Grey is just the kind-hearted and farseeing man that will befriend a fine people who seek to be kept from the spoiler.

A man called on Mr. Thomas to mend a pair of spectacles, supplied from the Mission-store some time ago, but which, he said, did not answer very well, though he had taken the greatest care of them, covering them all over with cocoa-nut oil. Another had come for some medicine which was carefully wrapped up in a pretty substantial piece of brown paper, and accompanied with this verbal direction, "Take this when you get home." The man accordingly did so; but complained to one of his neighbours, that the medicine (a small portion of calomel) was very difficult to take. The other said, that, as to the difficulty, he, for his part, had taken the same kind of medicine, and found no difficulty whatever. which the first replied, that he should not have minded the mere medicine, but he found it very hard to swallow such a lump of brown paper. This poor Tongan seems to have reasoned very much like those who are able to swallow the dogma of transubstantiation.


5th.-Respecting the cannibalism of these people, I have long had abundant evidence; but the testimony of one of our most holy and useful Chiefs, called David, who was one of the Tui-vakano family, and in his early days a mighty man in

battle, may be worth recording. David died in the Lord, after many years of deep piety and eminent usefulness. Before his health declined, he often related the following incident in his early career:

He was engaged in a sanguinary war at Faahefa, where he was hotly pursued into the wood by several strong warriors, fell under their powerful clubs, and was left for dead. After a while, however, he found himself able to crawl away upon his hands and knees into a small native hut, where he arrived in the dark night, with all his swollen wounds and bruises thick upon him. In this state he was unknown to the family whose dwelling he had reached. He was permitted to remain for some days in quiet, and partook with them of a little food. But one night he observed them preparing an umu, (to cook food,) which is not a usual thing under such circumstances. His apprehensions being awakened, he listened, and overheard them making arrangements to cook him in the heated oven, and then to eat him. The case was so clear, that mistake was out of the question. But David was a man of great resources in himself; and while they were outside preparing the oven, supposing their victim quite safe, he crept away under cover of the night, and ultimately made his escape to his friends, by whom he was received as one alive from the dead. To them he related the affair of his escape from the cannibal jaws of the native family, who were sent for immediately. They there and then confessed the truth of David's report, but excused themselves on the ground of their not knowing that he was the person they now found him to be; for it was not then their custom for poor people to eat a Chief. On this ground their punishment was mitigated; but the mere cannibal part of the business was no matter of surprise to any party.

We are busy to-day embarking the families for Feejee,-with Messrs. Ford and Malvern, to proceed to their field of labour. They are thoroughly tired of their Tonga sojourn of three months, and sigh to reach their destination. One full year will have passed away from the time they left home to the period of their settlement in their stations at Feejee. Having now completed my work in the Friendly Isles, we are getting all ready to sail, with the first fair wind, for Ono, Lakemba, and Vewa. The native fleet of six canoes, with about six hundred men on board, will sail for Hapa about the same time, with King George and King Melchisedec Taka

pontolo: the latter is King of Niuafoou.

The wind being from the north, the heat and musquitoes have been outright tormenting. The children are blistered by the sun; the prickly heat has broken out upon them; and now the sting of the never-tiring musquitoes leaves scarcely a sound place in their skin, where it is at all exposed. This is rather a severe seasoning; but I hear no murmur: all hands are assured that the worst is yet to come in torrid Feejee.

6th. The Lord's day. Our large chapel here was filled from end to end at the early dawn prayer-meeting. At nine I preached, Mr. Thomas interpreting. The chapel was not merely filled, but, outside, the green grass was the seat of a multitude. These could both see and hear; for our chapels here are not encumbered with walls, seats, doors, and windows. There is a beautiful roof above, and the earth is covered with clean mats below. There are no pews, nor any seats but the mats, which are all they desire. They all seemed to hear with solemn attention, and deep interest; and the power of the Lord was evidently there. At eleven o'clock, the English service was conducted by Mr. Amos; about thirty persons were present, and felt that it was good to be there. Several of these were converted seamen from the brig; and others are runaways, who have become religious while living among the natives. At three o'clock our native lovefeast began: it continued till sun-down. The chapel was thinly sprinkled over with from five hundred to six hundred members, among whom there was great order and solemnity. The speaking was without any long intervals, and no one seemed devoid of interest during the time occupied by those who bore their testimony that Christ had saved them, and that they loved him in return. Thomas took down the following:1. Louisa Majiva, the Class-Leader from Holouga, said, "I rise to make known the state of my soul. I have been looking forward with pleasure to this love-feast, and expecting much from it. Now I rise up, not, however, in pride, but with feelings of joy. I rise to speak before his Ministers, and the friends of the Lord now assembled together, of what He has done for me. My soul is now happy, and I love the Lord Jesus. It is he, and only he, that I set my mind upon. There is by no means any one thing in this world that I trust in, or expect anything from, but Him only. I wish to do so always; and


am looking forward and trusting in Him, that I shall be in that great love-feast which is held in heaven above."

2. Solomon Naa, of Nukualofa, an old Chief, spoke as follows :-" I stand up before you. I am very happy. I thank the Lord Jesus. I praise him much. I do this; yet I am not wise, but a very ignorant, uninstructed man. My mind is yet dark and foolish, and I am nearly blind: I cannot read the sacred Scriptures; this I regret. I am a poor, weak, ignorant creature; yet I love the Lord Jesus. I love his Ministers and his people, and am very happy and comfortable. It is true that there is evil at Nukualofa; but it does not spring from the religion. There are many disorders here; but I love the Lord, and look to him."

3. Mary Taukeiako, a Class-Leader of this place, rose and, with a strong, clear voice, said, "I rejoice this day in the Lord. I am very happy to be at this love-feast this day. Praise the Lord! My Christian friends, I am very happy this day. This day is a day which causes joy, not vain and worldly, but joy in the Lord, in his love. Here are his Ministers likewise, whom he has sent to us. I praise the Lord, and give him thanks. I know he has saved my soul. My soul is very happy, and I have got up to speak before you all of what the Lord has done, and is still doing. It is not on account of anything else, but on account of the death of Christ, that my soul is saved. The death of Jesus is the cause of my soul's life from the dead. This is the cause of my joy. And is it unbecoming in me to be joyful? Do angels rejoice in heaven when a sinner is converted to God, and shall not I rejoice when God saves me? I, who am a sinner, a condemned slave, once in danger of everlasting death, shall not I rejoice? I will rejoice,-I do rejoice in the Lord, who came that I might be saved."

foou, and my heart has rejoiced. I set off, because I was directed, for Vavau, where I saw the work of the Lord, and rejoiced. I then came to Hapai, where also I saw the work of the Lord Jesus amongst his people, and was glad. And now, having reached Tonga with the Tui Niua and his people, even here I see the work of God and his Ministers, and am happy. My soul is happy in the Lord. I make known this work of the Lord in my heart. I know the forgiving love of the Lord Jesus. He does now save me, and I do trust in him that he will save me to the end."

5. Benjamin Luani, a Chief of this place, said, "I stand up before you to make known my feelings on this occasion: not, however, in pride or show, but simply to declare the work of the Lord in my soul. When I heard of this religion, I thought it was a good thing, and began to attend, so as to find out. I soon found out many things which I did not like, and which were hard to be endured. I then said, 'Religion is an evil thing: but I was not happy; I was very foolish. find out.

was true.

I sought again to try to Then I found that religion

The Lord pitied me, and has saved me; and I am now happy, yet very weak and ignorant: but I wish to be separated from the world, and to live for the Lord only. I wish to do that which is right before the Lord, to fear God, and to act as becometh his holy word at all times."

6. Joel Mafileo, or Tui Hapai, rose and spoke as follows:-" I had lived in all kinds of sin; but when the true religion began to be known at Tonga, and the true God spoken about, I was afraid, and began to seek God. Still I lived in sin and wickedness, and found it hard to practise that which I knew to be good; but I sought again and again, and the Lord made himself known unto me, pardoned my sins, and made me happy. Then it was I learned how easy it is to practise that which is right and good. As I love God, and delight myself in him, the Lord is carrying on his work in my soul. I am happy, and find it good to be here. I find it good to draw nigh to him in secret: the Lord is there; he is in my soul. In voyaging from Hapai hither, I found him with me. My spirit rejoiced in him. He is near me. I am happy. The morning sermon was very good to my soul. I love the family which was then spoken

4. Philip Jiji, the Head Teacher, from Niuafoou, said, "I rise up to speak of the state of my mind. I know that God has saved my soul: my sins are forgiven, and I am happy. It is not for any works of righteousness which I have done; for I have been a great sinner; but he has had mercy on me, and saved me from my sins, and I still know his love. I still retain this sense of the love of God to me. In reference to my situation as a Teacher, I find nothing difficult to me, either to remain at my post of duty, or of. I am one of that family. Praise

to leave it for another to take. I have seen what the Lord has done at Niua

the Lord! I do not wish to do my own mind or will, or to walk in my own way.

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