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ALETRIS CORDIAL (RIO) is indicated as a prophylactic remedy against post-partum hemorrhage, uterine weakness, great development of the fetus and of the adnexa, and in those cases in which there is disposition to hemorrhages.

IN CASES of enuresis that do not call for surgical attention results will follow the use of lithiated sorghum comp. (S. & D.). In the words of one who speaks by book, having had much experience among children, "it succeeds where everything else fails."

GYNECOLOGICAL HINT.-In ulcerations of the uterus, most excellent results follow the use of medicated uterine wafers (Micajah & Co.) A careful analysis of the various special methods of therapeutic treatment used by successful gynecologists the world over, shows that they are but varied ways of accomphishing three necessary changes of condition. 1. Equalize the circulation of the pelvis; 2. Stimulate absorption and excretion; 3. Tone up the muscular tissue, all the time keeping the genital canal as clean as possible. The use of the hot water douch in connection with these medicated uterine wafers seems to fulfill every requirement of the ideal method.

"INVALIDISM IN GIRLS AND YOUNG WOMEN" was recently discussed in a most interesting and instructive way by Dr. W. E. Anthony of Providence, Rhode Island, ex-president of the Providence Medical Society. Dr. Anthony laid especial stress on guarding girls from overstudy during the first climacteric, recommending that they should not be kept in school more than three or four hours up to the age of seventeen, and suggested that not only were their nervous systems bankrupted by too great burdening during school life, but that their reproductive organs were not permitted to properly develop, and serious diseases and permanent injury of the uterus and ovaries frequently resulted. Dr. Anthony emphasized the fact that these run down states were often accompanied by vaginal catarrhs most distressing. He recommended for such cases general internal tonics, blood and nerve builders and the local use of douches daily, of a teaspoonful of Tyree's antiseptic powder to a pint of water, and this treatment has been endorsed by leading practitioners for many years.

VITAL STATISTICS.-At the recent meeting of the American Public Health Association held at Washington the committee on vital statistics reported that effective co-operation had been instituted between that association, the conference of the State Board Health, the American Medical Association, The United States Census Bureau and the United States Public Health and Marine Hospital Service for the improvement of the vitalstatistics of this country. Among the objects sought are the extension of adequate methods of registration,the use of uniform and comparative tables and rates in bulletins and reports, and the improvemont of the international classification of causes of death. A pamphlet on "Statistical Treatment of Causes of Death" has been issued by the United States Census Bureau, requests for which should be addressed to Mr. W. A. King, Chief Statistician for Vital Statistics, Census Bureau. It has special reference to the difficulties encountered in compiling deaths returned from several causes, and asks for the co-operation of the profession in framing a throughly satisfactory method of procedure in such cases.

GOOD RETURNS.-We are informed by the Globe Manufacturing Co. that an unusual number of inquiries were received by them in response to their special offer made in October and November. They were naturally quite pleased over this showing, and have decided to make another attractive offer during December. They call this their holiday bargain. Intending purchasers will doubtless be interested, in view of the standard quality of the goods offered by this firm. Incidentally this testimony indicates that our subscribers read the advertising pages, and are on the alert to avail themselves of a good thing in the way of a bargain when it is placed before them. For further information write direct to the Globe Mfg. Co., Battle Creek, Mich., asking for their special "Holiday Bargain." It will pay you to do this today.

BATTLE & CO., Chemists, St. Louis :

I have the pleasure of telling you of a most remarkable experience I had with the bottle of ecthol you kindly forwarded me last month. When I received the sample of ecthol I had been treating a man about ten days for what I diagnosed as ulcer of the stomach. For a year before coming to me he had occasionally seen dark colored blood in his alvine discharges, and now and then, he had vomited blood of a lighter hue. There was an indurated spot on the body of the stomach about twice the size of a silver dollar which had been giving him trouble for some time. Could trace no history of cancer in the family. After putting him on teaspoonful doses of ecthol four times a day, he came to my office and smilingly told me the hard spot was gone. I examined him and found it to be true. During last week he had been on ecthol alone. The vomiting had also ceased and he had gained in bodily vigor. Gave him a second vial of same, cautioned him as to eating and exercise, and discharged him in fine spirits. I wonder if this case can be matched? JOHN F. NEAL, M. D., Lytle, Texas., Oct. 14, 1903.

THE SCARCITY OF COD LIVER OIL.-It is doubtful if the condition created by the present great scarcity of cod liver oil can find a parallel in the history of medicine. That an article of such large popularity and great use as cod liver oil should become so scarce and high in price is an incident that gives rise to serious thought. Never before, perhaps, has it been so clearly shown how great the constant demand is for this product. From all parts of the country come urgent inquiries regarding the outlook in the future and in some sections it is almost impossible to get the pure oil at any price. This famine in cod liver oil, if continued for any length of time, might easily result very seriously. There are thousands of people, young and old, who use this oil continually and whose health depends upon it. To deprive them of cod liver oil for even a short period would be to deprive them of a very valuable life food, and as there is nothing to take the place of cod liver oil the seriousness of a prolonged famine can be better imagined than described. It is a source of satisfaction to know that Scott's emulsion will bridge the temporary scarcity of pure oil and will keep this valuable article within the reach of every one who needs it. It is not alone dangerous but unnecessary to experiment with the numerous cheap substitutes for cod liver oil. While Scott's emulsion is known to be the standard emulsion of cod liver oil, containing only the purest and best ingredients, there can be no excuse for using the cheap, worthless substitutes.

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Original Articles, Clinical Reports, Society Proceedings, Correspondence and News invited.

Illustrations will be furnished free for all articles requiring same, if drawings are furnished.

Address all correspondence, articles for publication, books for review and exchanges to the Managing Editor.

FOR SALE-A physician desiring a location, can secure one by purchasing office furniture. For particulars address, with a stamp, Lock Box 8, Highland, Kansas.

INSTRUMENTS AT COST-Physicians desiring a battery chair, or a good nebulizer at a bargain can learn price by addressing "Bargain," care Medical Herald Co.

LOCATION-Anyone desiring a good location in which to practice the specialties, eye, ear, nose and throat, address DR. HUGH T. MILLER, Clinton, Mo.

NEW ORLEANS POLYCLINIC-Seventeenth annual session opens November 2d, 1903, and closes May 28, 1904. Physicians will find the Polyclinic an excellent means for posting themselves upon modern progress in all branches of medicine and surgery. The specialties are fully taught, including laboratory work. For further information, address, New Orleans Polyclinic, Postoffice box 797, New Orleans, La.

SANDER & SONS EUCALPTOL (pure volatile Eucalypti Extract) In an article on inhalations of Eucalpytus in Diphtheria, by Prof. Dr. Mosler, Director of the Medical Clinic of the University at Griefswald (Berlin, Klin. Wochenschrift) it is stated: "The ol.eucalpyti e folies I employed in my tests I received through Holzle & Chelius, Frankfurt, it must not be mistaken for the more frequently offered ol. eucaly-pti australe, which is obtained from the eucalyptus tree. This latter is used for mechanical purposes only, and has a far cheaper price; it is however, no longer employed as an internal medicament."

In a direct communication Dr. Mosler says: "At your special request I gladly certify that the ol. eucalypti e folies with which I experimented in 1878 and 1879 was taken from the stock maintained by the firm of SANDER & Sons, Bendyo, Australia, with Holzle & Chelius of Frankfort. It has ever since rendered me the most excellent services."

Samples and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol gratis through Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents.

Pharmaceutical preparations that have been advertised for years in the medical press certainly have merit, or physicians would not continue to prescribe them. Substitutes are usually unknown quantities, and should be avoided.

There are thousands of conscientious, upright, honorable pharmacists who would no more think of substituting than they would of trying to pass a counterfeit bill. Some of these are located in your city. Patronize them exclusively.

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