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upon Zion! Our eyes wait for thy salva. | His affections were deep and tender, and a tion.”

judicious and loving woman could have

reached and influenced him to almost any “O God of Israel, view their race, Back to thy fold the wanderers bring,

degree through these. But Mrs. Parsons Teach them to seek thy slightest grace,

never understood her husband. She was To view in Christ their promised king. an impulsive, high-spirited, and really “ Haste, glorious day, expected long,

warm-hearted woman, with a good deal of When Jewand Greek one prayer shall raise, | petty social ambition, and she and her With eager feet one temple throng,

husband were constantly jarring each other. One God with grateful rapture praise.”

Yet all these years the barns and store-Family Treasury. houses, the lands and gold of Isaac Parsons

increased, and God sent children-two boys and a girl - to soften the hearts of the father

and mother, and to be to them angels of a CHANGE IN THE HOUSEHOLD.

new covenant of household peace and ten« THERE's no use trying any longer to derness. But alas ! alas! the sweet faces suit Isaac Parsons,” muttered this indi , and all the beautiful ministrations of childvidual's better half, as she sat in a corner hood never accomplished their mission ; of the farm-kitchen, rapidly divesting a and, with hearts and tempers fretted, and chicken of its feathers ; " I've worked and soured, and worn, Mr. and Mrs. Parsons slaved myself to death for him and his'n, counted the years growing over them, and and all the thanks I've had for the last fif. both felt that their marriage had been a teen years has been short words and general mistake and a misery, and with blind eyes growlin' and fault findin', until now I'm that would not see, and hard hearts that just determined to stand out and have my would not understand, each blamed the own way, or let things take their own other, and mutual recrimination only procourse ; and he'll find, after all, Melissy duced fresh bitterness. Talcott has got some spirit in her that At last a crisis came. Mrs. Parsons had can't be crushed out with all his abusin' set her heart that autumn upon a new parand aggravation!

lour carpet, which was in nowise unreason“ To think he should have the heart to able, and in which her husband ought to refuse me a new carpet after he had such have indulged her, but the manner of the good luck with his wheat crop, and I jest request, which was in reality a command, slaved myself through harvesting and got | at once roused the inherent stubbornness of along with one girl.

the man, and he flatly refused her. Then “ The more that man gets, the stingier followed passionate words and angry re he grows, and there isn't a woman among torts, till the husband and wife separated all my acquaintances that would stand such with mutual bitterness and rage. treatment, and I won't. I'll put my foot But now as Mrs. Parsons took up ber down from this moment," setting down denuded chicken and plunged it in a pan of most emphatically that solid member of hot water, her eyes glanced on the magazine, her comely person on the kitchen floor; which lay on the table, and they settled “ if Isaac Parsons won't come to terms, upon this passage, which completed a short I'll quit him—that's all!"

sketch :- Who, when he was reviled, reMrs. Melissa Parsons had been a remark. viled not again, but committed his cause ably pretty girl in her youth, and thirty to Him that judgeth righteously." seven years had made her a fair and comely And these words stole, in a still, serene, woman.

rebuking voice, through the stormy soul of Her husband was a somewhat phleg. | Mrs. Parsons. She had read them innumatic man, stubborn and opinionated, and merable times before, and they had for her as his early life and social atmosphere had no special message or meaning, but now not enlarged nor softened his character, the God had sent his angel to drop them in bian hardest and most disagreeable part of it heart, and in a moment something of toe expanded with his years. He loved money, real sin and wrong of her life rose up and and as the æsthetic part of his nature had confronted her, never been cultivated, he regarded it as She sat down in a low chair by her ble wastefulness and extravagance to indulge in chen-table, and rested her forehead on her much grace or beauty of surroundings. hand. The hard, fretful, angry look went Still there was another side to this man.

was another side to this man. | out from her face, and was succeeded wy"

soft, thoughtful expression, and the sun- | the hard features had an honest, intelligent shine hung in yearning, golden, shifting expression. Mrs. Parsons was cutting a beauty about her.

loaf of rye bread at the kitchen-table. Her į And then the woman's memory went | husband turned and looked at her a mo

back to her first acquaintance with Isaac ment, as though he half doubted whether El Parsons-he had chosen her from among a he had heard aright. His wife's face was

score of others who envied her that good bent over the bread, and he could not see

fortune--and how those early days of their it; but the words came a second time :--courtship came over the softened heart of “ Are you tired, Isaac ?”

the woman, as the first winds of spring It was a long time since Mr. Parsons had come up from the south, and go softly over heard that soft, quiet voice. It stole over the bare, despairing earth. Then she saw his heart like a wind from the land of his herself once more a shy, tremulous, joyful youth. bride at the altar, leaning on the strong “ Well, yes, I do feel kind of tuckered arm and tender heart, to whom she gave out. It's hard work to get in all that corn herself gladly and trustingly, as a woman with only one hand besides Roger.” should.

“I reckoned so ; and I thought I'd broil And she remembered that morning a the chicken for tea, and bake the sweet little later, when her proud and happy potatoes, as you'd relish them best so.” young husband brought her to the house Mr. Parsons did not say one word; he which had been his father's, and how for a sat down and took the weekly paper out of little while the thought of her being mis his pocket, but his thoughts were too busy tress of the great old farm-house fairly to let him read one word. He knew very frightened the wits out of her.

well his wife's aversion to broiled chickens, She meant to make it a sweet and happy and as the kitchen was her undisputed home for Isaac Parsons. She remembered, territory, he was obliged to submit and is though it had all happened yesterday, | have his chickens stewed, and his potatoes the little plans and contrivances she had served up in sauce, notwithstanding she made for his surprise, and their mutual was perfectly aware that he preferred the comfort.

former broiled, and the latter baked; and But the quarrel came. How well she this unusual deference to his taste fairly remembered it, and how clearly she saw struck the farmer dumb with astonishment, now the foolish and sinful part she had and he sat still and watched his wife as she borne in that! If she had controlled her hurried from the pantry to the table, in her emper then-if she had only been gentle preparations for tea; and then there came ind patient, forbearing and forgiving, in across him the memory of some of the stead of being proud and passionate, fret. harsh, angry words he had spoken during ful and stubborn! If she had only borne their quarrel that morning, and the words her woman's burdens, and done her woman's smote the man's heart. duties! Here the wife and the mother And while Mrs. Parsons was in the broke down; she buried her face in her midst of taking up the daintily broiled apron, and cried like a child.

chicken, two boys and a girl burst into the Mrs. Parsons was an energetic, deter- kitchen.. mined woman, and when she had once “Hush, hush, children," wound in among made up her mind on any course of action, the obstreperous mirth, like a silver chime, she would not shrink back from it. What the soft voice of the mother. “Father's went on in the softened woman's heart that busy reading the paper, and you'll disturb morning, as she sat with her apron at her

him.” eyes, and the sobs in her rocking to and fro | The children were silenced at once, not in her low chair, and the sweet, restless | in fear of the reproof, but in wonder at it; sunshine all about her—what went on in for the wife as seldom consulted her husthe woman's softened heart, only God and band's taste and convenience in these small, the angels know.

every-day matters which make the happi. " Are you tired, Isaac?”.

ness or irritation of our lives, as he did The farmer was wiping his face and hers. hands on the brown crash towel which hung In a few moments the hungry family near the window. He was a tall, stalwart, 1 gathered round the table. There was little muscular man, sun-browned and weather spoken at the meal, but a softer, kindlier beaten, yet he had keen, kindly eyes, and l atmosphere seemed to pervade the room. The children felt, though they did not been absent all day in the city, and the speak of it.

supper had been awaiting him nearly an " Are you going out this evening, hour, and the children had grown hungry Isaac ?”

and impatient. “Well, yes, I thought I'd step round to “Oh, father, what have you got there?" the town meetin'. Want anything at the they all clamoured, as he came into the store?" continued Mr. Parsons, as he house tugging along an immense bundle tried to button his collar before the small, tied with cords. old-fashioned looking-glass, whose maho “It is something for your mother, gany frame was mounted with boughs of | children," was the rather unsatisfactory evergreen, around which scarlet berries | answer. hung their charm of rubies.

At this moment Mrs. Parsons entered But the man's large fingers were clumsy, | the kitchen. Her husband snapped the and after several ineffectual attempts to ac cords and a breadth of ingrain carpeting complish his purpose, Mr. Parsons dropped rolled upon the floor, through whose dark his hand with an angry grunt, that “ the green ground-work trailed a russet vine thing would not work."

and golden leaves—a most tasteful and Let me try, father.” Mrs. Parsons graceful pattern. stepped quickly to her husband's side, and Isaac Parsons turned to his amazed wife in a moment her hand had managed the -“There, Melissy, there's the parlour refractory button.

carpet you asked me for yesterday mornm'. Then she smoothed down a lock or two | I reckon there ain't many that will beat it of black hair, which had strayed over the in West Farms." sun-burnt forehead, and the touch of those A quick change went over Mrs. Parsoft fingers felt very pleasant about the sons' face, half of joy, half of something farmer's brow, and woke up in his heart deeper. old sweet memories of times when he used « Oh, Isaac !” She put her arms to feel them fluttering like a dream through around the strong man's neck, and burst his hair.

into tears. He looked on his wife with a softness in The trio of children stood still, and his face, and a smile in his keen eye, I looked on in stolid amazement. I thma which he little suspected. And the soft- the sight of their faces was the first thing ness and the smile stirred a fountain warm which recalled Isaac Parsons to himself. and tender in Mrs. Parsons' heart, which had “Come, come, mother,” he said, but his not for years yielded one drop of its sweet voice was not just steady, “don't give way waters. She reached up her lips impul now like this. I'm as hungry as a panthe sively, and kissed his cheek. Any one who | now, and want my supper before I do any had witnessed that little domestic scene thing but put up my horse;" and be stroce would scarcely have suspected that the off to that impatient quadruped in the baš married life of Isaac Parsons and his wife counted three-quarters of a score of years. So the new carpet proved an olive-branca

The woman's comely face was as full of of peace to the household of Isaac Per shy blushes as a girl's of sixteen, and Isaac sons. While others admired its patterne Parsons seized his hat and plunged out of praised its quality, it spoke to Mrs. Per the house without speaking one word, but sons' heart a story of all that which lore with a mixture of amazement, and some and patience may accomplish. After man thing deeper, on his face, not easily des struggles and much prayer, the triumpa cribed.

over pride, and passion, and evil habits, But at last he cleared his throat, and

was at last achieved ; and this was not ac. muttered to himself,—“Melissy sha'nt re complished in a day, or a month, or a Feit, pent that act-I say she sha'nt !” and but the “small leaven that leaveneth the when Isaac Parsons said a thing, everybody whole lump," working silently and surely, knew he meant it.

completed at last its pure and perfect woth, * * * * * *

and in the farm-house of Isaac Parscona The sunset of another autumn day was reigned the spirit of forbearance and se rolling its vestures of purple and gold about relinquishment, of gentleness and the mountains, when the waggon of Isaac, which was given unto those“ who learli Parsons rolled into the farm-yard. He had and keep his holy commandments."

Gems from Golden Mines.


from heaven, where would they look ? How TAKE heed of those deceits of being

could they say that they had never read the above ordinances, lest you lose true happi

precious book throughout? Wherever you ness through pride and vain conceit.

go, learn not of those. Take the Bible in Abandon the vain fancy of living nearer to

your hand ; make it the companion of your God in the neglect of them. God is

way. In the thirsty desert of this world glorious in himself, but he has appointed

it will supply you with the water of life; ordinances as means whereby we may ap

in the darkness of doubt and apprehension proach and see him. Some stars, though

it will cast a gleam of heaven over your arge in themselves, yet are not visible

paths; in the struggle of temptation and without glasses ; and others that are visi

the hour of affliction it will lift up the sle to the naked eye, yet appear much

voice of warning, encouragement, and comairer and larger by this help. Even so

fort. Never let the Bible be by you unhose glories of God, which are unknown perused. It is the only helm that can o reason, and to the light of nature, are

guide you through the ocean of life, and fiscovered in the ministrations of his word;

bring you safely to the immortal shores. uch are his subsistence in three persons,

It is the only star that leads the wandering nd his forgiving grace; and those glories

seanian by the rocks, and breakers, and of his nature which are traced out by

fiery tempests of utter destruction, and inman reason, stand in a diviner light,

points him away to the heights of everwith all their splendour about them, in the

lasting blessedness. The Bible contains Gospel and the sanctuary.

the only food that can satisfy the hungerNever rest satisfied without approaching ings of the soul ; it presents us with the to God in spirit and in truth, when you

only laver in which we can wash ourselves ttend on his ordinances. This is the

and be clean; it alone tells us of the garoodness of his house that must satisfy the

ments that are worn in the courts of oly soul of the Psalmist, as he expresses

heaven; it is from the Bible alone that we in the following words :-“We shall be

learn to prepare a torch to conduct on r tisfied with the goodness of thine

footsteps throughout the valley of the puse."

shadow of death; and it is the Bible alone What a folly it is to be pleased with

which can introduce us at last to the glories mpty ordinances without God! (1 Tim. of immortality.--Dr. Pollock. 6.8.) Bodily exercise profits little. To lake a serious matter of mere external tings, and to make nothing of spiritual

MOTIVES TO HOLINESS. hes! These formal and silly creatures ime to the palace of the king, and turn A Man who has been redeemed by the leir backs on his person to play with his blood of the Son of God should be pure. adow upon the wall. Ridiculous and He who is an heir of life should be holy. ildish folly! And yet how often is this He who is attended by celestial beings, and e trifling practice of many who attend who is soon- he knows not how soon-to son the ordinances of religion.-Dr. be translated to heaven, should be holy.

Are angels my attendants? Then I should walk worthy of their companionship. Am I soon to go and dwell with angels? Then

I should be pure. Are these feet soon to NEGLECT NOT THE BIBLE.

tread the court of heaven? Is this tongue It is surprising to notice how this sacred soon to unite with heavenly beings in lok is neglected by sinful men. The vo praising God? Are these eyes of mine ries of taste and fashion will spend their soon to look on the throne of eternal glory, tys and nights poring over the morbid and on the ascended Redeemer? Then iges of sensual and fictitious narratives ; these feet and eyes and lips should be pure it if their God were to ask them if they and holy; and I should be dead to the ad read the book which he sent them | world and live for heaven.-Albert Barnes.


Our Missions.

in was, and the steadfast.' Thugh often imprison

high in


The religion of Haiti is the Roman Catholic. It

is declared by the fundamental laws of Haiti to be THE island of Haiti is one of the largest and the religion of the state. At the same time liberty of grandest of all the West Indies. Mountains of conscience is assured, and other forms of faith noble proportions occupy the centre, which break allowed. The people are superstitiously attached to down into extensive plains well watered and fertile, the rites of the Roman Church, which are per beyond even the fertility of Cuba. It was the first formed by priests of the worst character, whopny land on which Columbus, when on his voyage to upon the fears of the worshippers. With these the discovery of America, found a numerous popu rites are mixed up many practices which owe thar lation. He took possession, and called the country origin to the fetish worship of Africa, and whick Hispaniola, or, Little Spain. The kind reception have been engrafted with priestly sanction, fu given to the Spaniards by the native chiefs was priestly gain, upon the ceremonies of Rome. During soon turned into hostility; through their cruelties, Soulouque's reign, Vaudouism was rampant. It war commenced. In a few years the aborigines were votaries are initiated with oaths and offerings oi exterminated. Wbat fire and sword spared, blood blood. Its worship consists of wild dances and hounds hunted, and the flesh of men was given by midnight revelries, round a box containing a yelthese barbarous invaders to dogs for food. To re low snake. The emperor himself and his wife are place the population thus cruelly destroyed, the said to have been high priest and priestess of the Spaniards introduced slaves from Africa, and shocking superstition. With the incoming of the gradually peopled the land with the inhabitants of present government, this vile system has retired to another continent. For many years their settlements the forests and the mountains, where occasionally were confined to the northern and eastern part of in the darkness of the night may be heard the the island. In the 17th century, French buccaneers screams and songs, the dances and shouts of the began to invade the western portion, conquered the worshippers. few occupants of the soil, and established a French The Wesleyans were the first of the Evangelica colony. The island thus became divided into two Christian bodies of England to commence missionsections--a French and a Spanish part. This dis ary operations in Haiti. This was in 1816, 3 tinction continues to the present day. The French Port-au-Prince. Converts were made; but perse part is now called Haiti; the Spanish part, St. cution arose, and the missionaries were driven Domingo. The French or western side of the away. They resumed the work in 1824. They island is the smallest, but it is the most populous. found that the converts, though often imprisonet, The Spanish side is more mountainous, and is very had remained steadfast. The work spread to other thinly peopled.

towns, and they now have seven or eight stations The revolutionary fever which ran so high in in various places. France at the close of the last century, reached Our own mission began in 1843.when Mr.Francies, Haiti. There also the royal authority of Louis then a missionary in Jamaica, in company wila XVI. was overthrown, and the forms of a republic Mrs. Job (then Miss Harris), and one or two other adopted for the government of the country. In the female teachers, went to Jacmel, and there comwars that ensued, the slaves, nearly a million in menced the ministry of the Gospel. They were number, were set free. They were employed by well received. A good school was opened, when all parties in the sanguinary strife, and eventually under Mrs. Job's admirable superintendence turned their armies on the colonists, and expelled the fruitful source of many conversions. ART. them from the land. Independence of every Euro Francis, after only six months' labour, died, but not pean power was proclaimed, a president chosen, without seeing the blessing of God upon his work, and the Government assumed by native chiefs. A Some months elapsed, during which the succession of black and coloured men now endea. and Sunday services were carried on by Mrs. **; voured to rule, sometimes under the title of presi. when at length the present missionary, the ka. dent, then of king, then of emperor. Civil wars W. H. Webley, entered upon the field. His labout devastated the country. It was split up into sec God has blessed; and notwithstanding many ds tions. At Cape Haitien, a black man would exer couragements, the word of the Lord has taken a cise sovereignty; at Port-au-Prince, a brown and many have been brought to God. A few year man would become chief of the republic. Then ago Mrs. Job was obliged, by failure of health, both sections would be reunited, only again to sepa give up the school and return to England. Alle rate. The last of the emperors was a black man, à time the school itself was closed, to the deas by name Soulouque. All parts of Haiti acknow ment of the mission. The efforts of the Code ledged his sway, but his rule was that of a savage. mittee to provide a colleague for Mr. Webley sus He was ignorant, unable to read or write, the prey failed, so that on the visit of Mr. Underhill, at the of vile superstitions, under the control of sorcery, close of the year 1859, he found Mr. Webley labour avaricious, lustful. Whatever of commerce or ing alone and much discouraged. Nevertheles civil order was left after previous reigns, was there was an interesting church of about fifty me rapidly departing under the oppressive, cruel, and rapidvidenantins the perc

bers, and a very neat and elegant chapel, 17 dark authority of this barbarian. He encouraged 1 dwelling-house for the missionary. the system of the Vaudoux, closed all schools, hin. With the sanction of the Committee two baca dered the evangelisation and enlightenment of the readers were engaged. whose labours have people. Everywhere life and propertywere insecure. greatly blessed. One of them is said to have been

Early in 1859, his power was overthrown by & the means in the hand of God of the converse successful revolution, which placed a General not fewer than twenty-four or twenty-five Gefirard at the head of affairs under the title of countrymen. And now two young brethren, president. He is still the ruler of Haiti. Under about to go to the work, to the joy of Mr. Went) his enlightened rule commerce is reviving, justice and with the prospect of great usefulness. One is administered, constitutional laws are enforced, these, Mr. Bouhon, is of French parentage. schools are opened, and every effort to spread and Mrs. Bouhon sailed on the 17th of last mc knowledge is encouraged.

The other, Mr. Baumann, is of German of

of king. thres under the titlow, endea.

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