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already perished for the bare want of food. The 1 evening of the 27th of March, and it amonnted in calamity is one that calls especially for the sympa | value to nearly £250. Sir S. M. Peto, Bart., occu. thies of Christian people, and we are glad to know 1 pied the chair, and addresses were delivered by that & large sum has been raised in England, the chairman, by Mr. E. Smith, who made the through the agency of the Lord Mayor of London, presentation, by Mr. Hinton, and by Dr. Angus, to alleviate the sufferings of those thus deprived and Messrs. Trestrail, Heaton, Katterns, and of the necessaries of Jife. Our own Mission has Stanford. Our friends have done honour abke to also appropriately undertaken to receive funds for themselves and to Mr. Hinton, in thus acknowledg. the purpose. In a letter to The Freeman, Mr. ing, on his seventieth birthday, the services Wr. Trestrail, the Secretary, says :-"As the case is Hinton hag rendered, during a long life, to his own 80 urgent, I venture to address these few lines to church and to the denomination. you, and to say that I shall be glad to take charge of any moneys which may be sent for this purpose. It will be desirable that all such contributions should be distinctly stated to be for The Indian Famine Fund,' as they will not go into the Mission accounts. The brethren Evans, Parsons, and

DOMESTIC. Broadway, of Delhi; Gregson and Rose, of Agra and Muttra ; and Williams, of Chitoura; will form

TIE Rev. C. H. SPURGEON'S METROPOLITAN an admirable local committee to distribute, wisely

TABERNACLE. This spacious and elegant build. and effectively, any aid which may be sent to ing, erected for the church and congregation them. The long experience which some of these of the Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, was opened on brethren have had, and their intimate acquaint. Monday, March 18th, by a meeting for prayer ance with the circumstances of the people, will at seven o'clock in the morning. During the enable them to apply the funds entrusted to their five latter days of the following week a fancy care to the best advantage. I need not say a word

bazaar was held in the school-rooms, and the to stimulate liberality in this crisis, except to add

amount realised exceeded £1,000. On the following that it will greatly relieve the painful anxieties Monday two sermons were preached, whes on both which our brethren must be subjeet to, in the occasions the noble edifice was filled in every part. midst of multitudes of people dying for want, to

The sermon in the afternoon was preached by the have, at least, some means of alleviating suffering,

Rev. C. H. Spurgeon, from Acts v. 42—“And daily and perhaps of saving life.”

in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not

to teach and preach Jesus Christ:" while that in Political news is not of much interest this the evening was by the Rev. William Broek, from month. In the House of Commons, Mr. Baines's Philippians i. 18-“Christ is preached; and I Reform Bill has been rejected; and that is almost therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice." Both dieall that has been done. Mr. Gladstone's Budget courses were in every respect worthy of the ecce has, however, been introduced, and has come tion and of the preachers, and were listened to by under discussion. Mr. Gladstone proposes the re the immense audiences with riveted attention. duction of the Income Tax by one penny, and, On Monday evening, March 25th, a meeting of what is still better, the total repeal of the Paper contributors was held, Sir H. Havelock in the Daty. We trust that both these proposals will be chair. Before the close of the proceedings, Mr. carried. The House of Lords will assuredly not Spurgeon announced the state of the funds. About attempt a second time to interfere with the pre three weeks since there had been £3.000 needed to rogative of the House of Commons. If it do, it complete the sum required, and, as was already well will havo its reward. The Chancellor of the Ex known, both himself and his people had resolved chequer deserves the thanks of the public for not to occupy the place on a Sunday until that this spirited maintenance of the rights of the amount had been raised. Since then, he had himpeople.

self collected £1,500, the bazaar had yielded

£1,200, the contributions of the congregation The Foreign news is chiefly indicative of un

during the evening had been £771, and other sums } easiness and uncertainty. In Poland, in Hungary,

raised the total amount to £3,700. This announcein Venetia, and even in Italy, things are far from

ment was received with loud cheers, and, at Mr. settled, and what may be the issue it is impossible

Spurgeon's request, the meeting rose, and with to say. All the rumours point to war. But we

great fervour sang the doxology twice. He stated trust that war will be averted. Another European

that a further sum of £500 would be necessary to war would be most disastrous in its consequences,

complete the fittings of the schools and the erec. and it could hardly advance the cause of free

tion of the outside boundary. This amount was, dom.

however, obtained in the course of the week. We learn from The New York Independent, that Since then, a series of services, extending over the Trustees of the Plymouth Church in Brooklyn,

nearly a month, have been held. Most of the ser at the suggestion of their pastor, have had a bap

vices have been well attended. Mr. Spurgeon has tistry constructed under the pulpit. The frequent

now commenced bis regular ministry in the New cases of preference for immersion to sprinkling, Tabernacle. We are glad to hear that this spacious among those who wish to join the church, have edifice moro than equals the expectations of all led to this measure, to avoid the inconvenience of

who have visited it. For convenience of arrangehaving to resort to some Baptist church. Mr. ment, for cheerfulness of aspect, and above all have Beecher, “ for his own part, prefers sprinkling, the conveyance of sound, it is superior to any but never seeks to dissuade a candidate who prefers building of equal dimensions. The ground flower, immersion." We are told that the preference of with the exception of that part immediately under immersion over sprinkling, as the form of baptism, the eastern gallery, is level. The pews are opra; is rapidly extending in the United States.

they are of stained wood, and constructed on the

most modern plan. At the western extremity, We are glad here to give a place to the announce. about midway between the door and the arv ment of the fact, that, during the last month, & gallery, is a raised platform, surrounded by smas. well deserved testimonial has been presented to sive mabogany handrail, with iron supports painted the Rev. J. H. Hinton, H.A. The presentation was made in the Baptist Mission House, on the

white and green. In the centre of this platforas the baptistry- & beautiful specimen of maro

The Revs. R. Hofollowing Wea, Lord's-day. Ma

work. It is intended always to be open. Above 1 locality most attractive, and it being a fact that this platform, and level with the first gallery, is a 1 the church at Eythorne is probably the oldest in similar platform, but smaller, and communicating the Baptist denomination, if not the oldest in the with a lower one by a flight of stairs on each side. Nonconformist Church in England, a great number This upper platform serves for a pulpit. It will of friends assembled. allow the preacher to pace about while he is delivering his sermons. At about equal distances FARSLEY, NEAR LEEDS.-The flourishing Baptist two galleries of considerable depth stretch round Church of this village, presided over by the Rer. the building. From the basement to the arches of E. Parker, has recently honoured itself by the the roof highly ornamented columns support the erection of a commodious and beautiful house for whole. The tabernacle is lighted with some 140 its minister, at an expense of £640. In completion burners, placed round the basement of each gal of this amount about £90 were needed ; to raise lery, 320 jets adorning the capitals of the columns which collections were made on Lord's-day, March above the gallery, and several subdued lights in 17th, and the following Wednesday afternoon. the cupola. There are sittings for 4,500 persons, The Revs. R. Holmes, of Rawdon, H. J. Betts, and but it is believed that 6,000 may, without incon J. P. Chown, of Bradford, preached on the occa. vénience, be accommodated. The cost of the sion. A tea and public meeting wound up the building has exceeded £30,000.**

proceedings, and placed in the treasurer's hands

the remnant of the sum expended. The public BLACKPOOL, LANCASHIRE. - On Thursday, meeting was exceedingly well attended, and the March 28th, a new Baptist chapel was opened in speeches of the Revs, J. P. Chown, J. Stott, H. this town. For three years the Baptists in Black Hustwick, J. Adcock, W. J. Stuart, and E. pool have assembled in a large room, up to Nov. Parker, and D. Yewdaíl, Esq. (Chairman), were last, without a pastor but in that month, the Rev. thoroughly earnest. About 200 persons partook W.F. Burchell, of Rochdale, assumed the pastor of the ample fare. ate. The foundation-stone of the new chapel was laid in April, last year. The main building, now CHATHAM.-On Monday evening, April 1st, a completed, is built of brick, and finished with highly interesting service was held at Zion Chapel, moulded and polished stone dressings from the Chatham, publicly to recognise the acceptance by Catlow quarries. It is in the plain Grecian style the Rev. John Lewis of the pastorate of the church of architecture. Its outside dimensions are 89ft. assembling there. The proceedings commenced by 49ft., exclusive of a large school-room, designed with a tea-meeting. At the public meeting afterto be added to the eastern end. Inside it is fitted wards, James Watchurst, Esq., occupied the chair, with substantial open pews, in pitch pine. The and opened the business of the evening. The Rer. communion floor is raised fourteen inches above

| John Lewis followed, giving an outline of his own the aisle, under a portion of which is the baptistry ;

religious history, Warm-hearted addresses expresthe whole will be inclosed with a neat rail and or sive of congratulation and fraternal esteem were namental ballusters. Within the rail is placed a delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Roaf and Shalders. platform, on which the pulpit stands.Behind the Prayers for the church and pastor were offered by pulpit is the orchestra ; at the eastern end is a Messrs. Belsey and Love. The Rev. W. G. Lewis, of gracefully constructed gallery. The whole has Cheltenham, the father of the newly elected minis. been erected and carried out from designs and I ter, and for many years the respected and successplans furnished by Mr. James Robinson, architect, ful pastor of this church, was also present, and gave of Burnley; furnishing sitting accommodation for an impressive address. 700 persons, at a cost of at least £2,500.-On the morning of the day above-named, the Rev. W.F. EARBY, YORKSHIRE.-A series of interesting serBurchell commenced the engagements with a series vices has been lately held, designed to commemoof devotional services, after which the venerable rate the erection of an elegant and commodious Dr. Raffles preached an eloquent sermon from sanctuary in this village. On Good Friday, March John xii, 27, 28.' At half-past two, the Rev. W.J. 29th, the Rev. T. Pottenger, tutor of the Baptist Stuart commenced with reading and prayer; the College, Rawdon, preached in the morning, and the Rev. A. Murgell preached from Gal. iv. 4, 5 and Rev. 1. Stowell Brown, of Liverpool, in the afterthe Rev. W. E. Jackson concluded. In the even noon. At half past six p.m., speakers and friends ining the Rev. E. Oldfield introduced; and the Rev. terested in the erection of the new sanctuary reF. Bugby (in the absence of the Rev. H. Dowson, paired thither, when the meeting was addressed who was detained by illness) preached. At all the by the Revs. T. Pottenger, who occupied the chair; services considerable numbers were present. On

Colle . Stoweltast six p.m of the

the Revs. W. E. Goodman, of Keighley; N. Walthe following Sunday, the opening services were ton, of Cowling-hill; and T. Bennett, of Barnoldscontinued, and the Rev. T. Pottenger, of Rawdon wick. On Lord's-day, March 31st, and on the folCollege, preached.

lowing Tuesday, the opening services were con

tinued. The attendance at the different serEYTHORNE, KENT.-On Good Friday, interesting vices was large, and the collections, which services were held in connection with the public evinced great, liberality on the part of the people, recognition of the Rev. C. W. Skemp, late of Mis realised the sum of 1451. 16s. 11d. senden, as pastor of the ancient Baptist Church in this place. The Rev. C. Kirtland, of Canterbury, ASTLEY BRIDGE, NEAR BOLTON.-The foundacommenced the service in the afternoon by reading tion-stone of a new chapel was laid at this place on and prayer, and a brief introductory address, and Good Friday. The ceremony commenced with then requested Mr. Skemp to give a statement of singing and prayer by the Rev. J. Harvey, of his ecclesiastical and theological views; after which Leigh. Mr. Harvey afterwards gave an interest. the Rey. A. Ibberson, of Dover, offered an appro ing historical address. The stone was laid by T. priate recognition prayer. The Rev. B. c. Barnes, Esq., M.P., who also gave an address, and Etheridge, of Ramsgate, then gave an excellent deposited under the stone bottles containing The and pertinent address. In the evening, the Rev. Freeman and other papers, “THE CHURCU,” The T.T. Barham, of Deal (Independent), the Rey. Primitive Church, and The Baptist Magazine, Charles Kirtland, the Rev. David Jones, B.A., of and a written history of the cause at Astley Folkestone and the Rev. J. T. Bartram, took part Bridge. In the evening, a tea-meeting was held in n the service. The day being most auspicious, the the school-room, at which T. Barnes, Esq., M.P.,


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presided, and addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Harvey and G. Davis, and by Messrs. Cameron, Taylor, Brindle, Smith, and Brown. The total amount given and promised was announced to be 5341. The cost of the building, which is to be fifty-fire feet long by thirty-two wide, and to have, with the galleries, accommodation for 500 persons, is expected to be about 1,0001.

CARDIFF.-It has been already intimated that the Rev. Alfred Tilly has resigned the charge of the Bethany English Baptist Church at Cardiff. He has done so for the purpose of establishing a new Baptist interest at Roath, a flourishing suburb east of Cardiff. Mr. Tilly concluded his labours at Bethany on the last Sabbath in March, and began his new enterprise by holding prayer-meetings every evening last week, in a temporary building adjoining the spot on which the new chapel will be erected. A church will soon be formed of more than 100 members who will be dismissed from Bethany; but this number, though large, will not impoverish the old church, as it now numbers 500 members, a clear increase of 300 of which are the result of Mr. Tilly's devoted labours during the four years of his pastorate. Nearly £1,000 are already promised towards the erection of the new chapel, which will be a handsome Gothic structure, worthy of the neighbourhood and of the denomination, which flourishes at Cardiff, this being the sixth Baptist Chapel (Welsh and English) which will have been erected there within five years,

BURTON-ON-TRENT.-On Thursday, March 28th, the foundation-stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid in this town. It will be remembered that on the 31st of December the former edifice was des. troyed by fire; and it became, therefore, necessary to erect a new building with as little delay as possible. The proceedings commenced with singing and prayer, after which the Rev. A. Pitt read a document, which was to be enclosed in a bottle under the stone, and which detailed the circumstances under which the new chapel was built. R. Harris, Esq., of Leicester, then laid the stone, and addresses were delivered by the Revs, A. Mackennal (Independent), S. Lambrick, and Ban. foot, after which Mr. Pitt made a financial state. ment, enumerating the amounts given towards the cost of the erection, and expressing his gratitude and that of his people for the aid that had been rendered them in their afflictive circumstances. In the evening, the Rev. W. Landels preached an eloquent and impressive sermon in George-street Chapel, The collections during the day were 621. 10.

RAUSBOTTOM, LANCASHIBB.-On Good Friday the foundation stone of a new Baptist chapel was laid in this place. The proceedings commenced with singing and prayer; after which the Rev. R. Maden, pastor of the church, held to view & bottle containing the history of the Baptist Church in Ramsbottom, the circular letter of the Lancashire and Cheshire Association for 1860, a copy of the Freeman, and other papers. The Rev. S. G. Green, B.A., classical tutor of Rawdon College, gave so excellent address, and the stone was laid in the usual manner. After the ceremony & public tes. meeting was held, presided over by S. Knowles, Esq. The Rev. R. Maden read a statement of the amount of money already obtained towards the new chapel; a little over 8441. has been given and promised. Addresses were delivered by S. Knowles, Esq.; Rev. P. Prout, of Haslingden: Rev. S. B. Brown, B.A., of Salford; Rev. C. Williams, of Accrington; Rev. W. Stokes, of Manchester; Rer. S. G. Green, B.A., of Rawdon College ; and the Rev. J. Bliss.

NINISTERIAL CHANGES.-The Rev. Dr. Baunis. ter,of Berwick-on-Tweed, has accepted a unanimos and cordial call to the pastorate of the first Baptis church in Sunderland; and commenced his labour on Easter Sunday.-The Rev. A. J. Ashworth of Wrexham, having accepted an invitation to the pe torate of the church in Uley, Gloucestershire, bu commenced his labours in that place. The Rer. John Jones has resigned the pastorate of the Church at Conway, Carnarvonshire, and has taken charge of the churches at Pandyr Capel and Llant lidan, Denbighshire.-The Rev. William Radbura late of Hampstead, has accepted the pastorster the Baptist Church at Henley-in-Arden, in W wickshire, and commenced his labours there Lord's-day, April 7th.-The Rev. J. A. Sparges has resigned the pastorate of the church at Portland Chapel, Southampton, and concluded his ministry there at the end of the past month.-The Rev. I. Flecker has resigned his pastorate at Road, and will be glad to supply vacant pulpits. Address: Rev. I. Flecker, Roade, Northampton.


THE RRY. WILLIAM SPURGBOX.-Died, at W mot Street, Derby, on Monday, April 1st, the 1. Rev. William Spurgeon, in the 76th year of his sze,

and for nearly forty-seven years pastor of the | Baptist church, Neatishead, Norfolk.

THE BUNYAN LIBRARY. HAVING already introduced the project of “The Bunyan Library” to the notice of our readers, we venture now still further to announce, that, a sufficient number of subscribers having been obtained to justify the Publishers in proceeding with the publication, the first volume will appear definitely on the First of June. That volume will be Dr. Wayland's admirable work, “The Principles and Practices of Baptist Churches ;" and the value of the volume will be increased by an able Introductory Essay, from the pen of the Rev. J. L. Hinton, M.A. The other volumes for the year have been sufficiently announced. We art able to mention that the volumes for the second year will be quite as attractive, and sa valuable, as those chosen for the first. The subscription, for four volumes a year, is only twelve shillings and sixpence. We trust that those of our readers who have not done so, till at once send their names to the Publishers as subscribers.


“Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the

chief corner-stone."

JUNE, 1861.


BY THE REV. J. H. HINTON, M.A. “Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him.”—Romans vi. 6. The apostle states this as a fact of Christian experience. If we are believer in Christ, “ our old man is crucified.”

I. Let us see, in the first place, whether we can arrive at a clear understanding of this important and interesting fact.

1. And, in order to this, let us examine the terms in which it is expressed : "Our old man is crucified.”

The word to be first noticed is “man.” This cannot mean the body, neither can it mean the entire man, consisting of the body and the soul; for in neither of these respects are believers in Christ in any sense“ crucified.” It must mean the moral man, or the entire group of cherished affections, impulses, and habits, of which a man, morally considered, consists. This “man” may, in a certain sense (of which we shall speak presently), be “ crucified.”

Let us now examine the phrase, “our old man.” The period to which the Ford "old" is to be referred is the period anterior to conversion; and by a

believer's “ old manis to be understood the group of cherished affections, | mpulses, and habits, which characterised him before his conversion in a ingle phrase, his former self. What, then, in the last place, are we to understand by a believer's " old man," r his former self, being "crucified”? The language is, of course, metaphorical. * means, not that the “old man” is literally crucified, which, in fact, would le impossible, but that it is figuratively crucified; or in some respects treated sa man is who is literally crucified. Now, in the case of a crucified man there re three applicable particulars. A person crucified is, first, under present estraint; he is, secondly, in a state of progressive exhaustion ; and he is, thirdly, pproaching to certain death. So a believer's old man is crucified. His former elf, including the entire group of unholy affections, impulses, and habits, which onstituted his ante-Christian character, is placed under present restraint; is uttering progressive exhaustion; and in the end is sure to die. 12. Having thus examined the terms in which this fact of Christian experience ? expressed, let us proceed to notice some connected facts, by which further Eight may be thrown upon it.

If a believer's "old man is crucified,” this implies the existence of a new man, by whom this characteristic deed has been done. And, in truth, by faith in BUhrist, a new man, that is, a new character-an entirely new group of cherished

affections, impulses, and habits-has been produced in the believer. His prefailing desire, love, and pursuit, are now directed to dissimilar, and even

contrary objects ; "old things are passed away, and all things are become new.”

It is further implied in the statement before us, that these two men, the old and the new, exist and act in the believer at one and the same time. The old does not retire before the new, neither does the new expel the old. Still has the old man, or the group of unholy affections, impulses, and habits, life and vigour ; and so likewise has the new man, or the group of holy affections, impulses, and habits, which faith in Christ bas produced.

It follows from the contradictory nature of these powers within a believer that they should be at deadly feud; in their operation irreconcilably contrary the one i to the other, and aiming, so to speak, each at the other's extinction. Each asserting dominion for itself, thwarts, and frustrates, and would annihilate its opposite.

In the statement before us is implied, finally, the practical superiority of the new man over the old. He is no feeble opponent. He has carried on the strife so far successfully, that he has bound his antagonist, and fastened him to the cross. No longer reigning, no longer, indeed, ranging at large in the enjoyment of his liberty, the old man is now crucified; the new-born group of holy affec. tions, impulses, and habits, possessing a power and energy altogether superior, and constituting a permanent supremacy.

The fact of Christian experience here stated by the apostle is thus brought fully before us, and is sufficiently intelligible.

II. But now, in the second place, let us inquire upon what grounds the state. "; ment rests. Whence does it appear that, in a believer in Christ, the old man is crucified ?

First, from a believer's likeness to his Lord. “Our old man,” says the apostle, “is crucified with Christ ;' or, as from the context the meaning seems to be, like Christ.

If the former part of the chapter be attentively considered, there will be found running through the whole of it the idea that a general resemblance prevails between Christ and believers in him, and the resemblance is brought out in several particulars. Thus, in the act of Christian profession, we are said to be o baptized into his death,” or in resemblance of his death; and, by this baptism in resemblance of death, we are said to be “buried with him," or like him; while our rising to a new life is “like as Christ was raised from the dead” (ver. 3, 4). :

And, as this likeness to Christ is indicated by the act of Christian professione so it is characteristic of Christian experience. Christ was crucified, and so are those who believe in him ; he literally, they in a figure-exhibiting, not an identity, but a similarity. And since this similarity prevails and is to be maintained, as Christ was crucified so must believers be. “Our old man is crucified, like Christ.”.

Secondly, from the natural tendency and inevitable influence of faith.

Faith in Christ is primarily the instrument of a sinner's justification, that by which he attains deliverance from condemnation, and peace with God: but the operation of faith does not stop here; it has an energy much beyond this. "Faith, says the apostle, “ worketh," and it“ worketh by love." It implies love to Gods which is the essential element of reconciliation to him. It immediately generate love to Christ, a love so deep, and tender, and strong, as to become, at once and for ever, the ruling passion of heart and life. And love to Christ is identical with hatred of sin ; the latter is but another form of the same passion. Hence it is that a be liever in Jesus, while enjoying the full gladness of a perfect peace with God through atoning blood, immediately enters into conflict with his former self, and, in the strength of divine grace, overcomes. His old man is crucified. Viewed in the light of the cross, every sin becomes intolerably hateful to him, and there is none which, animated by love to Christ, he cannot resist and vanquish, Sweetly 15 this expressed by the chief of the sweet singers of Israel:

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