Gambar halaman

is in the drawer of the kitchen dresser, her bag hanging on a tree in the garden, and her thimble any where but in her pocket. If Miss Lay is going a journey, the keys of her trunk are sure to be lost. If Miss P. wants a volume out of her book-case, she is certain not to find it along with the rest of the set. If you peep into Miss Place's dressing-room, you find her drawers filled with foul linen, and her best cap hanging upon the carpet broom. If you call Miss Lay to take a lesson in drawing, she is so long in gathering together her pencils, her chalk, her Indian rubber, and her drawing paper, that her master's hour is expired before she has well got her materials together.

Miss Understanding-This lady comes of a respectable family, and has a half sister distinguished for her good sense and solidity, but she herself, though not a little fond of reasoning, always takes the perverse side of any question; she is often seen with another of her intimates, Miss Representation, who is a great tale-bearer, and goes about from house to house telling people what such a one said of them behind their backs. Miss Representation is a notable story teller, and can so change, enlarge, and dress up an anecdote, that the person to whom it happened shall not know it again: how many friendships have been broken by these two, or turned into bitter enemies! The latter lady does a great deal of varnish work, which wonderfully sets off her paintings, for she pretends to use the pencil; but her productions are most miserable daubings, that is the varnish alone, which alone makes them pass to the most common eye. Though she has colours of all sorts, black varnish is what she uses most. As I wish you to be very much on your guard against this lady, whenever you meet her in company, I must tell you she is to be distinguished by a very ugly leer; it is quite out of her power to look straight at any object.

Miss Trust, a sour old creature, wrinkled and shaken with the palsy. She is continually peeping and prying about, in the expectation of finding something wrong; she watches her servants through the key-hole, and has lost all her friends by little shynesses that have arisen no one knows how; she is worn away to skin and bone, and her voice never rises above a whisper.

Miss Rule. This lady is of a very lofty spirit, and had she been married, would certainly have governed her husband: as it is, she interferes very much in the management of families; and, as she is very highly connected, she has as much influence in the fashionable world as amongst the lower orders. She even interferes with political concerns, and I have heard it whispered that there is scarcely a cabinet in Europe where she has not some share in the direction of affairs.

Miss Take-This lady is an old doting woman, who is purblind, and has lost her memory; she invites her acquaintance on wrong days, calls them wrong names, and always intends to do just the contrary thing to what she does.



"Time was called."-Boxiana.

IN the autumn of 1825, some private affairs called me into the sister kingdom; and as I did not travel, like Polyphemus, with my eye out, I gathered a few samples of Irish character, amongst which was the following incident.

I was standing one morning at the window of "mine Inn," when my attention was attracted by a scene that took place beneath. The Belfast coach was standing at the door, and on the roof, in front, sat a solitary outside passenger, a fine young fellow in the uniform of the Connaught Rangers. Below, by the front wheel, stood an old woman, seemingly his mother, a young man, and a younger woman, sister or sweetheart; and they were all earnestly entreating the young soldier to de

scend from his seat on the coach.

"Come down wid ye, Thady"--the speaker was the old woman-"Come down now to your ould mother. Sure it's flog ye they will, and strip the flesh off the bones I giv ye. Come down Thady, darlin!"

"It's honour, mother," was the short reply of the soldier; and with clenched hands and set teeth, he took a stiffer posture on the coach.

"Thady, come down-come down now ye fool of the world-come along down wid ye!" The tone of the present appeal was more impatient and peremptory than the last; and the answer was more promptly and sternly pronounced: "It's honour, .brother!" and the body of the speaker rose more rigidly erect

than ever on the roof.

"O Thady, come down, sure it's me, your
own Kathleen, that bids ye. Come down, or
ye'll break the heart of me. Thady, jewel;
come down then!" The poor girl wrung her
hands as she said it, and cast a look upward,

that had a visible effect on the muscles of the
soldier's countenance. There was more ten-
derness in his tone, but it conveyed the same
resolution as before.

"It's honour, honour bright, Kathleen!"
and, as if to defend himself from another
glance, he fixed his look steadfastly in front,
while the renewed entreaties burst from all
three in chorus, with the same answer.

"Come down, Thady, honey!--Thady, ye fool, come down-O Thady, come down to


"It's honour, mother!-It's honour, brother! -Honour bright, my own Kathleen!"

Although the poor fellow was a private, his appeal was so public, that I did not hesitate to go down and inquire into the particulars of the distress. It appeared that he had been home, on furlough, to visit his family--and having exceeded as he thought the term of his leave, he was going to rejoin his regiment, and to undergo the penalty of his neglect. I asked him when the furlough expired.

"The first of March, your honour-bad luck to it of all the black days in the world-and here it is, come sudden on me like a shot!"

"The first of March!-why, my good fellow, you have a day to spare then-the first of March will not be here till to-morrow. It is Leap Year, and February has twenty-nine days."

Miss Fortune.-This lady has the most forbidding look of any of the clan, and people are sufficiently disposed to avoid her as much as it is in their power to do; yet some pretend,❘ that, notwithstanding the sternness of her The soldier was thunder-struck.-"Twentycountenance on the first address, her physiog-nine days is it!-You're sartin of that same! nomy softens as you grow more familiar with Oh, Mother, Mother!-the Divil fly away her, and, though she has it not in her power to wid yere ould Almanack-a base cratur of a be an agreeable acquaintance, she has some- book, to be deceaven one, afther living so long times proved a valuable friend.-There are in the family of us!" lessons which none can teach so well as herself, and the wisest philosophers have not scrupled to acknowledge themselves the better for her company.-I may add, that, notwithstanding her want of external beauty, one of the best poets in our language fell in love with her, and wrote a beautiful ode in her praise.


From Moore's Evenings in Greece.-Written and com-
posed by Thomas Moore, Esq.-With Accompaniments
for the Piano Forte. Philadelphia. Published and sold
by Geo. Willig, 171 Chesnut Street.
When the Balaika

Is heard o'er the sea,
I'll dance the Romaika

By moonlight with thee.
If waves then advancing,

Should steal o'er our track,.
Thy white feet, in dancing,
Shall chase them all back.*
When the Balaika

Is heard o'er the sea,
Thou lt dance the Romaika
My own love, with me.
Then at the closing
Of each merry lay,
We'll lie, reposing
Beneath the night ray;
Or if declining,

The moon leave the skies,
We'll talk by the shining
Of each other's eyes.
When the Balaika, &c.
Oh then, how featly

'The dance we'll renew,
Winding so fleetly

Its light mazes through,
Till stars, shining o'er us,

From Heaven's high bow'rs,
Would give their bright chorus
For one dance of ours.
When the Balaika, &c.

Colour of the Eyes.-In a scarce treatise, "De Coloribus Oculorum," by Portius, it is remarked, that in blue eyes the interior membranes are less abundantly provided with black mucus, and are thence more sensible to the action of light. That sort of eyes suits the inhabitants of the north during their long twi. lights; while the deep black of the negroes serves to support the vivacity of the light. The blue of the Laplander's eyes, however, but ill supports the light reflected from the snow, and renders them subject to cataract.

Colour of Rivers in Floods.-The reddish brown colour so common in freshes of rivers in Europe, and every where else, is almost entirely the effect of cultivation; and the natural colour of rivers even in the highest and longest continued floods, where all the country is still in woods or pastures, is ever that of a dark brown or blackish, but more diluted than that coming from peat bogs. It is comparatively very clear, and deposits but a trifling sediment.

Correspondence of Martin Luther.-The new edition of the "Letters of Martin Luther," which was commenced in 1825, has been lately completed. The collection has been formed and edited by Dr. William Lebrech de Wette, professor of theology in Basle, from the several previous editions of the works and letters of the great reformer, and from other books and manuscripts, and contains more than one hundred letters hitherto inedited.


In dancing the Romaika (says Mr. Douglas) they begin in slow and solemn step, till they have gained the line, but by degrees the His first impulse was to cut a caper on the air becomes more sprightly; the conductress roof of the coach, and throw up his cap, with a of the dance sometimes setting to her partner, loud Hurrah!-His second, was to throw him sometimes darting before the rest and leading self into the arms of his Kathleen, and the them through the most rapid evolutions; somethird, was to wring my hand off in acknowledg-times crossing under the hands which are held ment.

"It's a happy man I am, your Honour, for my word's saved, and all by your Honour's means-Long life to your Honour for the same! May yo live a long hundred-and leap years every one of them!"

up to let her pass, and giving as much liveliness and intricacy as she can to the figures, into which she conducts her companions, while their business is to follow her in all her moveinents, without breaking the chain, or losing the measure.-Douglas on the Modern Greek.

Literary Port Folio.


In our last we brought forward a proposition, that when the national debt shall have been paid off, it will perhaps be found to be the most useful, most general, most equitable, and least objectionable of all the plans which can be devised for the use of the surplus revenue, to make the post office free.

The Courier and Enquirer, before seeing our project, had spoken with much force, and with great plainness of speech, of some of the evils that must arise from a distribution of the surplus among the states, to be by them expended. And it has gone so far as "most seriously and most solemnly to declare, that, much as they despise the miserable maxim that a national debt is a national blessing, they had rather see the nation in debt, than with a large surplus revenue, to be in any way distributed and employed by the agents or dependants of either the general or state governWasteful extravagance, or woful misapplication, ever will be the result of such a disposition of the public money. It would in all probability be wasted in electioneering improvements, or impracticable schemes," &c. Thinking the suggestion we have made free from all the objections that have been made to a distribution of the surplus, and that it will "abide the scrutiny of talents and of time," we now proceed to state it more in detail.


To avoid the inconveniences that would arise in the post office department from a sudden and complete change, we would suggest that the first step toward the accomplishment of the plan should be a reduction of the rates of postage to the following scale:

One cent per sheet on newspapers, periodicals, and letters.

And in the spirit of the existing law which gives to editors of newspapers their exchange papers free-let all newspapers, periodicals, and letters to editors of newspapers or periodicals be free.

And it would perhaps be expedient to extend the privilege of franking to the legisla

tive and executive authorities of all the states and territories.

How much of the surplus revenue such a scale of postage would absorb, we are unable to guess. There would be so great an increase in the business of the post office, that we are confident the gross receipts would be larger than they now are. And when we look at the improvements making in the means of conveyance, it will hardly be thought impossible that the cost of carrying the mail may decrease in as great a proportion as the reduction of postage above recommended. We think we look but a little way ahead, when we see the mail car going between Portland and New Orleans, and between Washington and St. Louis, at the rate of thirty miles an hour.



Mr. Editor,-A letter of Mr. Jefferson's has been recently published in some of our papers, tending to excite a doubt in relation to a subject, upon which we really should have thought that no difference of opinion could possibly have existed-the religion of the Father of his Country. Every American is deeply interested in the character of Washington, and I will not pay so poor a compliment to your readers, as to suppose they can be ignorant of the contrast, in this respect, which it presents to that of some of the great men with whom he was associated. If a public profession of Christianity, a strict observance of its ordinances, and a long life spent, to all human observation, in the conscientious practice of its precepts, give a title to the name of Christian, that name will not be denied to our venerated Washington. The devout solemnity with which he entered upon any important undertaking is well known. A gentleman of my acquaintance lately mentioned to me, upon the authority of the late perhaps be new to some of your readers. When Charles Thomson, an anecdote which may at the meeting of the first Congress, it was proposed to invoke the Divine blessing upon their deliberations, the only individual of that august assembly who was found in a kneeling posture was Washington. OMEGA.

To confirm the statement of our correspondent, we reprint the following interesting anecdote from the Appendix, &c. of Dr. Hosack's Memoir of De Witt Clinton. Dr. H. received it from a venerable clergyman who had it from the lips of the Rev. Dr. Jones himself. At the present time it is important to show that however strongly General Washington sympa thised with the friends of liberty in France, he was not leavened with the dark scepticism and proud infidelity which then characterised some of our politicians. We think no unbeliever can be a sound politician, for he is devoid of that confidence in just principles and honest action which can be derived only from a trust in Providence.

"While the American army, under the command of Washington, lay encamped in the environs of Morristown, N. J. it occurred that the service of the communion (then observed semiannually only) was to be administered in the Presbyterian church of that village. In a morning of the previous week, the General, after his accustomed inspection of the camp, visited the house of the Rev. Dr. Jones, the pastor of that church; and after the usual preliminaries thus accosted him- Doctor, I understand that the Lord's Supper is to be celebrated with you next Sunday: I would learn if it accords with the canons of your church to admit communicants of another denomination?' The Doctor rejoined- Most certainly; ours is not the Presbyterian table, General, but the Lord's table; and we hence give the Lord's invitation to all his followers, of whatever name.' The General replied I am glad of it; that is as it ought to be; but as I was not sure of the fact, I thought I would ascertain it from yourself, as I propose to join with you on the occasion: though a member of the Church of England, I have no exclusive partialities.' The Dr. reassured him of a cordial welcome, and the General was found seated with the

communicants the next Sabbath."


Dedications.-It was no uncommon circumstance for authors of the olden times to dedicate their works to the Deity, the Virgin Mary, or our Saviour. Those who were less

piously inclined, or whose physical necessities were more pressing than their spiritual wants, sold the birthright of their independence for a purse of gold. Charles the Fifth appears to have exceeded most modern patrons in liberality, as Petrus Appianus received three thousand guilders (£250) from him as the price of a dedication. Christiana of Sweden intimated her intention of bestowing a gold chain worth 1000 pistoles on Scudery in approbation of his Alaric, provided he struck out his panegyric on Count de la Gardie; but his honesty stood proof against the temptation, and the gold

chain never shone across his bosom.

Indians in Mexico.-The Indians, in the province of Mexico, appear in mind very little superior to mules. Their apathy is beyond example. Rather than get out of the way, they will suffer themselves to be ridden over; and yet, at their feasts, they appear to possess a great deal of animation.-These poor people are as much idolaters as they were in the days of Montezuma; only, that their idolatry is now changed from the adoration of the serpent to the worship of various carved images of Christian saints, which, upon particular occasions, they exhibit and parade with great enthusiasm, and about the dresses and decorations of which they expend large sums of money. In the description, published in one of the Mexican journals, of an ascent to the snowmountain of Puebla, by a gentleman of the name of Glennie, there is a curious account of the half-christian and half-heathen worship of the Indians who reside near the edge of the On their fast-days they set off multitudes of rockets and catherine-wheels in honour of their deities; and all the money which they do not lavish in this manner is paid to the convents for relics, prints, &c. By the way, no print of any saint has any efficacy in the estimation, not only of Indians, but of the lower order of whites also in Mexico, which has not been consecrated. These are artifices by which the convents are supported; and the sums of money which are thus expended by the credulous, and obtained by the crafty, are



The Indian, however, is extremely industrious, and were it otherwise, it is probable that Mexico would soon dwindle to "the shadow of a shade." Fish, flesh, and vegetables, are all supplied by the Indians; and every species of manual labour is performed by them. The water-carriers, it is said, perform their office in the same way as before the conquest. The Indians possess a great talent at moulding figures in wax, and in making baskets. Hardy's Travels.

Australian Birds.-The birds of New South Wales vary in size, from the emu which stands the humming-bird, in the West Indies. Black about six feet high, to the birds little larger than swans, cranes of various colours, white hawks, black and white cockatoos, and thousands of parrots of the most splendid plumage, ducks and quails, are also common. Birds resembling our pigeon, pheasant, and turkey, are also got in numbers. Among the birds peculiar to the country, may be mentioned, one called the laughing-bird; another the coachman, from its whistle ending in a smack like a whip; another the bell-bird, from its voice being like the sound of a bell; and so on. There are swallows all the season, exactly resembling those in England.

taken from a volume of Murray's Family LiFrench Police-[The following anecdote is brary. It seems almost too monstrous to be believed.]-A man who had lost his two sons in the Russian campaign was suspected of not being very heartily attached to the existing government: such, indeed, was the fact, but he was prudent enough to speak his mind only in presence of his most intimate friends; before the rest of the world he was mute, thereby baffling the efforts of the numerous hired spies whom Savary had placed over him. As he

was one day seated in the garden of the Luxembourg, accompanied by a tried friend, the conversation began with the battle of Leipsic, which had recently taken place. In the sequel neither spared the despot, whose downfall they hoped was near at hand. In the midst of this confidential intercourse, a lovely little boy, apparently in his sixth year, came weeping towards them, crying that he had lost his nurse. They endeavoured to comfort him, telling him not to sob, for his nurse would not fail to seek him. During the quarter of an hour which he remained with them, they continued to converse on the same subject. Then a woman was seen to approach, with a child in her arms: no sooner did the boy perceive her, than he cried, "there is my nurse!" and hastened to rejoin her. The very next morning both were arrested, and conducted to the Conciergerie. The childless parent was the first interrogated, and his surprise was not little to hear repeated, word for word, a portion of his conversation with his friend. His natural impression was that that friend had betrayed him, but he soon found his mistake. Both were immediately imprisoned, nor were they enlarged before the fall of Napoleon. Children of both sexes were employed in this execrable system of espionage.

The London Literary Gazette says "The remarkable documents known by the name of the Stuart Papers, which were brought from Rome after the death of Cardinal York, the last of the family, and placed in the hands of commissioners appointed by his majesty, we are glad to find that they are no longer likely to remain in the obscurity of St. James's Palace, where they were deposited. The King, we are informed, has now transferred these papers to Sir Walter Scott, for examination and publication; and we have reason to know, that his son-in-law, Mr. Lockhart, is already engaged in this important duty, and actively employed in arranging the mass, which certainly could not be in better hands.

Conspiracy of Dogs.-At Horton, in Buckinghamshire (a village where Milton passed some of his early days), about the year 1818, a gentleman from London took possession of a house, the former tenant of which had moved to a farm about half a mile off. The new inmate brought with him a large French poodle, to take the duty of watchman in the place of a fine Newfoundland dog, which went away with his master; but a puppy of the same breed was left behind; and he was incessantly persecuted by the poodle. As the puppy grew up the persecution still continued. At length he was one day missing for some hours, but he did not come back alone; he returned with his old friend, the large house-dog, to whom he had made a communication; and in an instant the two fell upon the unhappy poodle, and killed him before he could be rescued from their fury. In this case the injuries of the young dog must have been made known to his friend; a plan of revenge concerted; and the determi nation to carry that plan into effect, formed and executed with equal promptitude.-Library of Entertaining Knowledge—the Menageries.

English and French Whist Players.-[How

earnest the Noble Lord must be in defence of the honour and interests of the country whose representative he was!]-It appears by an article in the Courier Francoise, that a Noble Lord, until lately English ambassador at Paris, has humbled the French whist-players, by a challenge to play a hundred rubbers for £50,000 in twenty days, besides, £100, on each rubber, in order to decide the superiority of play, which he claims for the English. He had the money ready and his partner named, but the Frenchman, who took up the glove for the honour of his country, could neither get his stake subscribed, nor the partner he wished to play with; he could not therefore fight.

Remarkable Migrations of Birds. By wonderful instinct birds will follow cultivation, and make themselves denizens of new regions. The cross-bill has followed the apple into England. Glenco, in the Highlands of Scotland, never knew the partridge till its farmers, of late years, introduced corn into their lands; nor did sparrows ever appear in Siberia until after the Russians had made arable the vast wastes of those parts of their dominions. Finally, the rice buntings, natives of Cuba, after the planting of rice in the Carolinas, annually quit the island in myriads, and fly over sea and land to partake of a harvest introduced there from the distant India. It is, however, only the female rice-bird which migrates. Of the myriads which visit Carolina, a single cock is never found.

Steamboats Constitution and Constellation.These boats are now laid up until next season; they have made 207 trips, and have run thirtyone thousand and fifty miles each, since 1st of April last; and what is more remarkable, have lost but one trip in three years.

A new Episcopal Church is about to be erected at Nashville, Ten., to which the Rev. Geo. Weller, late of Philadelphia, has been invited, and has accepted the charge.

Opium of a quality superior to that imported from Turkey, has been obtained near Norfolk, from the white poppy, cultivated in that neigh. bourhood. Much larger quantities from a single plant are gained, and the value is $2 per pound more than the imported article.

The Menagerie of Messrs. Doolittle & Co. was sold at public auction yesterday morning: the following is a list of the Animals and the prices they brought.-Terms, Cash.

Philad. Jan, 13, 1830. No. 1. The Elephant, with wagon, sign and cage,

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2. 3 young Leopards, without cage, $100 each,

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&c. 3. African Lion, with cage,

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4. Royal Tiger, with do.

300 2,000 1,400

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5. White Bear, with do.


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6. Hyena, with do.


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7. 2 Leopards, male and female,

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The Richmond Whig of Friday contains the intelligence that the Convention has at length adopted a ConstiLution, by a majority of 15. It adds,

"And what has long been foreseen, but which is not the less remarkable-by the votes of that part of the Convention chiefly, representing the portion of the people opposed to the call of a Convention and to any change, and in opposition to the votes of those, by the instrumentality of whose constituents the Convention was called. Upon this result-the manner in which it was effected

and the history of the Convention, we shall in a few days speak our minds freely.-Meantime, we congratulate the people that the mountain so long in labour, is delivered at last-and we give them this advice, satisfied from observation of its soundness-that if, in the exercise of their vention, to elect to it fewer lawyers, and more men of sovereign discretion, they ever see fit to call another Conevery-day sense-for if the distinction was not known be fore, the history of the last three months has clearly established the wide difference that exists between talents and common sense.

A horse attached to the Litchfield Line of Stages, having broke from his keeper while putting on his harness. started off from the stable, and in turning the corner came in contact with another horse. The heads of the horses came precisely together, and the conçussion was so powerful that both fell, and in a short time expired, neither of them being able to rise again.

The Emperor Nicholas was taken sick on the 8th of November; and the London journalists indulged in speculations on the probable consequences of his demise, of which, however, there seems to have yet appeared no reasonable ground to entertain strong apprehensions.

A few days since, as two men were riding at full gallop through the town of St. George, in Delaware, their horses met so violently that both were killed. The riders were but slightly hurt.

Arnold Naudain is chosen a Senator of the United States from Delaware.

John Floyd is elected Governor of Virginia.

There is in the Quebec Gazette an article in favour of throwing open the navigation of the St. Lawrence to the United States.

Thomas Moore is to receive 6000l. for his Life of Byron. The Legislature of South Carolina has made a loan of $100,000 to the South Carolina Rail Road Company, for the purpose of opening a Rail Road from Charleston to Hamburg,

The project of establishing a new University in New York, somewhat on the plan, as it is understood, of the London University, begins to be a subject of general conversation. A meeting of the citizens called for the purpose of taking the subject into consideration was held on the 6th instant, at which General Lewis was called to the chair, and Mr. Maxwell appointed Secretary. At this meeting a communication was read on the expe diency and means of establishing a University, and a resolution adopted purporting that it is highly desirable and expedient to establish an institution of the kind in the city of New York on a liberal foundation, which shall correspond with the spirit and wants of cor age." The communication read at the meeting was then ordered to be published.

The Trustees of Columbia College have sent the Com. mittee of the New University a plan for uniting the two institutions in such a manner as to meet the views for the attainment of which the project discussed in this pam phlet has been proposed to the public. What the precise nature of this plan is, or how it is likely to be received, we have no certain information.-Post.

British National Railway.-The experiments that have taken place show how desirable it is that a line of railway should be constructed, if possible, through the island, from south to north, or at all events from London to Edinburgh. A work of this kind would be of prodigious importance, not ingrely for the purpose of facilitating the ordinary interse which takes place between different parts of the country, but also in a political and military point of view. In case of invasion or internal commotion, the whole disposable force of the country could, with the aid of such means of conveyance, be brought to act on any given point in an amazingly short space of time; a circumstance which would enable government considerably to diminish the number of troops. In order to secure the execution of a work of such first-rate importance, ministers ought to cause a survey to be made of the best line which presents itself for the formation of a railway such as we have described, without paying the slightest attention to the towns or districts through which it may happen to pass. A power should be obtained from the legislature to grant a certain sum per mile to any company, who, being about to construct a railway, would make it wholly or partly upon the line laid down, and in a manner which should be prescribed to them. By the adoption of this plan it is probable that a considerable portion of the national railway might be constructed at a moderate cost, and the remainder then be completed at the public expense. If some plan of this kind be not adopted, it is probable that many railways will be so formed as to afford little assistance in the construction of that national work, which, at some period or other, must be undertaken.-Manchester paper.

RELIGIOUS MAGAZINE, No. 25, For January, 1839.


A Visit to the Seven Churches of Asia. On the Nature and Value of the Christian's Hope. Earl Mount Cashel's "Statement." On Trust in God. Gethsemane. The Festival of the Translation of the Scriptures. The Crucifixion. The Neophytes. Wonders and Murmurs. The Human Heart. The Character of Nicodemus. The Christian Warfare. Village Bells. Hagar and Ishmael. The Sabbath on the Seas. Autumnal Emblems. The Lost Life. The Daughter of Jairus. The Madonna and Child. The Offering. Heaven and Earth. The Mourn ing of Rachel. The Incredulity of St. Thomas. On an Engraving of the Magdalen. Sonnet to the Stars. Published monthly, at 83 per annum, by E. LITTELL & BROTHER, Chestnut Street.

No. 4.


Terms.-Published every Thursday by E. Littell & Brother, corner of Chestnut and Seventh Streets, Philadelphia. It will contain four handsome engravings every year. Price Two Dollars and a Half a year, payable in advance.

Agents who procure and forward payment for four subscribers, shall receive the fifth copy for one year; and so in proportion for a larger number.

[From Dillon's Voyage in search of La Perouse.] FIGHT WITH SOUTH SEA ISLANDERS. Captain Dillon, from the year 1809, had been much engaged in the navigation of the South Seas, and in visiting and residing at several of the innumerable islands with which that vast ocean is studded. He thus acquired a knowledge of the natives, and an insight into their language, which led the way to the remarkable discovery that crowned his later efforts. But one of his earlier adventures among these savages is so painfully characteristic, that we are tempted to pause on the very outset of the work, and present the dreadful relation in the writer's own language to our readers.

In 1813, the ship Hunter, Captain Robson, arrived at the Beclee (commonly called the Feejee) Islands, and the commander joined one of the chiefs, at the place where he had anchored to procure sandal wood, in an expedition against some other tribe. Captain R., however, soon after quarrelled with his cannibal allies; and the author tells us

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Early in September two large canoes from Bow, carrying about two hundred and twenty or two hundred and thirty men, visited the ship, for the purpose of taking home the Europeans and their wives who joined us in May. Captain Robson about that time being sixty miles distant from the ship in the tender, attacked a fleet of Vilear canoes, and took fourteen of them; on which occasion a native of the latter place was shot dead by a small cannon-shot. On the ship and cutter rejoining company, the captain proposed to heave the cutter down, to repair some damage she had sustained in her bottom. However, he deemed it prudent, before doing so, to endeavour to possess himself of the remainder of the Vilear canoes, to prevent, as he said, their attacking the people while employed about the cutter, as it would be necessary to haul her on shore at high water. On the morning of the 6th of September, the Europeans belonging to the ship were all armed with muskets, also those Europeans from Bow, and placed under the direction of Mr. Norman, the first officer. We landed at a place called the Black Rock, a little way to the eastward of the river: the two canoes shortly afterwards landed at the same place. We were joined by the Bow chiefs and a hundred of their men. The canoes and boats then put off into deep water, which precaution was used to prevent their getting a-ground by the tide ebbing. On landing, the Europeans began to disperse into straggling parties of two, three, and four in a group. I begged of Mr. Norman, our commander, to cause them to keep close together, in case of a sudden attack from the islanders; but no attention was paid to my remonstrance. We proceeded by a narrow path over a small level plain without interruption until we arrived at the foot of a hill, which we ascended, and soon gained the level or table-land on its top. There a few natives showed themselves, and by shouts and gestures tried to irritate us. Mr. Norman turned to the right along a narrow path, which led through a thicket to sonie native houses: I followed him with seven other Europeans and the two Bow chiefs, with one of their men. Here a few natives tried to dispute our passage: they were fired at--one shot dead, and the others retreated. Mr.

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Norman then directed the chief's house, with some others, to be set on fire. The order was immediately complied with, and all were in flames in a few seconds. A few minutes after, we heard dreadful yells and shoutings of the savages proceeding from the road by which we had ascended to the table-land. The Bow chiefs understood from the yells that some of their men as well as Europeans were killed by the Vilear people, who lay concealed in ambush until they got us on the table-land, where they attacked our straggling parties, who having discharged their muskets, were killed before they had time to reload. Others, I afterwards understood, on seeing themselves nearly surrounded by the savages, threw down their muskets and ran towards the boat: only two of whom escaped. In Mr. Norman's party there were ten musket-men, with the two Bow chiefs and one of their followers. We determined to keep close together and fight our way to the boats. We immediately got out of the thicket on to the table-land, where there were not more than three of the islanders, who shouted and called out to us that several of our men were killed, as also a number of the Bow men, and that we should immediately share a similar fate. On reaching the brink of the path by which we were to descend to the plain, we found Terence Dun lying dead with his brains beaten out by a native club, and the whole plain between us and the boats covered with thousands of infuriated savages, all armed. Before descending to the plain, a young man named John Graham separated from us, and ran into a thicket of bushes on the left hand side of the road, where he was quickly pursued by the three savages abovementioned, who despatched him. | The remainder of us proceeded down the precipice. On getting to the bottom the savages prepared to receive us; they stood in thousands on each side of the path, brandishing their weapons, with their faces and bodies besmeared over with the blood of our slaughtered companions. At this moment a native who came down the precipice after us, threw a lance at Mr. Norman, which entered his back and passed out of his breast: he ran a few yards and fell down apparently dead. I fired at this native and reloaded my musket as soon as possible,-when on turning round I found my companions had all run off by dif ferent routes. Taking advantage of the absence of the natives, who had all quitted the path and pursued our unfortunate flying men, I dashed along with all the speed that was possible; but had not proceeded more than a few yards when I came on the dead body of William Parker, who was prostrated across the path with his musket by him, which I took up and retreated with. About this time the natives observed me and gave chase. One of them came up so close to me that I was obliged to throw Parker's musket away, as also a pistol which I had in ny belt. In a moment after this I reached the foot of a small steep rock that stood on the plain. Finding it impossible to get to the boat through the crowds of natives that intercepted the pathway, I called out to my companions (some of whom were on my right), take the hill! take the hill! We then got to the top of it, where I joined the following persons: Charles Savage, Luis a Chinaman, and Martin Bushart, with Thomas Dafny and William Wilson. The three former men resided at Bow, and joined us at this island for the purpose before mentioned; the two latter were seamen belonging to the ship. Mic Micabe, with Joseph Atkinson and the two Bow chiefs, were killed: those men had joined us also here. Dafny fired his musket on the plain, and then broke it off at the butt in defending himself. He was wounded in several parts of


the body, and he had four arrows stuck in his back: the point of a spear had pierced his shoulder, having entered from behind and came out in the fore part under the collar bone. It fortunately happened that the rock or hill to which we escaped was so steep that few persons could ascend it at a time; and it was too elevated for the natives to annoy us much with their spears or slings. They, however, shot several arrows at us, which were impeded by a strong gale of wind that blew them off their intended course. Our chief officer having fallen, I now, as next in rank, took command of the party, and stationed them in the best way I could to defend our post. I did not allow more than one or two muskets to be fired at a time, and kept the wounded man loading for us. Several of the natives ascended the hill to within a few yards, and were shot by us in self-defence as fast as they approached. After some of them had been killed in this manner the rest kept off. Having but little ammunition left, we were as sparing of it as possible; besides which, we did not wish to irritate the natives more than they already were by firing, except when driven to it by necessity. From our elevated situation we had a clear view of the landing-place, the boats at anchor waiting our return, the two Bow canoes, and the ship. This we had but little prospect of ever again rejoining, though I had some hopes that Captain Robson would make an effort to rescue us, by arming himself, six Indian soldiers that were on board, two or three Europeans, and the Bow people in the canoes. These hopes soon vanished, when I saw the Bow canoes set sail and steer towards their island without passing alongside the ship."

The miserable remnant stationed on the rock beheld the cannibals preparing their ovens to bake those they had killed; and this occupation having in some degree abated their fury, Captain Dillon reminded them that eight of their people were prisoners in the ship, and that unless he and his companions were safely conveyed on board, they would certainly be put to death. The high priest's brother being one of the captives, this representation induced him to consent to a man being sent to the ship for their release.

"This man proceeded as directed, and I did not lose sight of him from the time he left us until he got on the ship's deck. A cessation of arms took place in the mean time, which might have continued unbroken, had it not been for the imprudence of Charles Savage, who put a greater temptation in the way of the natives than they could withstand. During this interval, several native chiefs ascended the hill, and came within a few paces of us with protestations of friendship, and proffered us security if we would go down among them. To these promises I would not accede, nor allow any of my men to do so, till Charles Savage, who had resided on the islands for more than five years, and spoke the native dialect fluently, begged of me to permit him to go down among the natives with the chiefs to whom we were speaking, as he had no doubt their promises would be kept, and that, if I allowed him to go, he would cer tainly procure a peace, and enable us all to return safe to the ship. Overcome by his importunities, I at last gave my consent, but reminded him that I did not wish him to do so, and that he must leave his musket and ammunition with me, This he did, and proceeded about two hundred yards from the foot of the rock to where Bonasar was seated, surrounded by chiefs, who were happy to receive him, their secret determination being to kill and eat him. They conversed with him, however, for some time, and then called out to me, in the native dialect, Come down, Peter; we will not hurt

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turned to Martin Bushart, and harangued him on the policy of our complying. At this mo. ment the thought entered my head of making the priest a prisoner, and either to destroy him or regain my liberty. I tied Charles Savage's musket with my neck-handkerchief to the belt of my cartridge-box, and presenting my own musket to the priest's head, told him that I would shoot him dead if he attempted to run away, or if any of his countrymen offered to molest me or my companions. I then directed him to proceed before me to the boat, threatening him with instant death in case of noncompliance. The priest proceeded as directed, and as we passed along through the multitude, he exhorted them to sit down, and upon no account to molest Peter or his countrymen, because if they attempted to hurt us he would be shot; and they of course must be aware they would consequently incur the wrath of the gods in the clouds, who would be angry at their disobedience of the divine orders, and cause the sea to rise and swallow up the island, with all its inhabitants. The multitude treated their priest's injunctions with profound respect, and sat down on the grass. The Nambety, (which is the term for priest) proceeded as directed, towards the boats, with the muzzles of Martin Bushart's and Wilson's muskets at each of his ears, while the muzzle of mine was placed between his shoulders. Finding that night was approaching, and anxious to prolong life, I had recourse to this dreadful expedient, being aware of the influence and sway which the priests in all barbarous nations have over their votaries. On getting to the boats, Nam. bety made a sudden stop. I ordered him to proceed. This he refused doing in the most

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you: you see we do not hurt Charley!' I replied that I would not go down until the prisoners landed. During this discussion the Chinaman, Luis, stole down the opposite side of the hill unknown to me, with his arms, for the purpose of placing himself under the protection of a chief with whom he was intimately acquainted, and to whom he had rendered inportant service in former wars. The islanders, finding they could not prevail on me to place myself in their power, set up a screetch that rent the air: at that moment Charles Savage was seized by the legs, and held in that state by six men, with his head placed in a well of fresh water until he was suffocated; whilst at the same instant a powerful savage got behind the Chinaman, and with his huge club knocked the upper part of his skull to pieces. These wretched men were scarcely lifeless, when they were cut up and put into ovens ready prepared for the purpose. We, the three defenders of the hill, were then furiously attacked on all sides by the cannibals, whom our muskets, however, kept in great dread, though the chiefs stimulated their men to ascend and bring us down, promising to confer the greatest honours on the man who should kill me, and frequently inquired of their people if they were afraid of three white men, when they had killed several that day. Thus encouraged, they pressed close on us. Having four muskets between three of us, two always remained loaded; for Wilson being a bad shot, we kept him loading the muskets, while Martin Bushart and I fired them off. Bushart had been a rifleman in his own country, and was an excellent marksman. He shot twenty-seven of the cannibals with twenty-eight discharges, only missing once; I also killed and wounded a few of them in self-positive manner, declaring that he would go no defence. Finding they could not conquer us without great sacrifice on their part, they kept off and vowed vengeance. These people sometimes, but not very often, torture their prisoners in the following manner. They skin the soles of the feet and then torment their victims with fire-brands, so as to make them jump about in that wretched state. At other times they cut off the prisoner's eye-lids and turn his face to the sun, at which he is obliged to look with his bare eyes: this is said to be a dreadful punishment. From the fingers of others they pull off the nails. By all accounts, however, these punishments are very rare, and only inflicted on persons who have given the greatest provocation; such as we had done this day, by shooting so many men in our own defence. Having no more than sixteen or seventeen cartridges left, we determined, as soon as it was dark, to place the muzzles of our muskets to our hearts, with the butts on the ground, and discharge them into our breasts, thus to avoid the danger of falling alive into the hands of these cannibal monsters. At this moment the boat put off from the ship and soon got close to the landing-place, where we counted the eight prisoners landing from her. I could not imagine how the captain could have acted in this strange way, as the only hope presented of our lives being spared was by allowing a part of the prisoners to land, who would, of course, intercede with their friends on shore to save us, that we might in return protect their countrymen when we returned to the ship. But this precaution not having been attended to, all hope seemed now fled, and the only means of relief left consisted in the dreadful determination of destroying our own lives in the mode already mentioned. Shortly after the eight prisoners landed, they were conveyed unarmed up the rock to me, preceded by the priest, who informed me that Captain Robson had released the eight men, and sent a chest of cutlery, ironmongery, &c. on shore for the chiefs, with orders that we were to deliver our muskets to them, and that he should see us safe to the boat. I replied, that as long as I lived I would not part with my musket, which was my own property, as I was certain they would slaughter me and my companions, as they had done Charles Savage and Luis. The priest then

further, and that I might shoot him if I liked. I threatened to do so, and asked him why he would not go to the water's edge? He replied, You want to take me on board alive, and put me to the torture." There being no time to spare, I told him to stand still, and turned my face to him with my musket presented, threatening to shoot him if he attempted to move until I got into the boat. We then walked backwards to the water side, and up to our breasts in water, where we joined the boat, and had no sooner got into her than the islanders came down and saluted us with a shower of arrows, and stones from slings. Being thus once more out of danger, we returned thanks to Divine Providence for our escape, and proceeded towards the ship, which we reached just as the sun was setting."


"To a Lady's question, respecting the accomplishments most desirable in an Instructress of Children.

"O'ER wayward children wouldest thou hold firm rule,

And sun thee in the light of happy faces: LovE, HOPE, and PATIENCE,-these must be thy GRACES,

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And in thy own heart let them first keep school!
For, as old Atlas on his broad neck places
Heaven's starry globe, and there sustains it: so
Do these upbear the little world below
Of Education-PATIENCE, HOPE, and LOVE!
Methinks I see them group'd in seemly show,-
The straiten'd arms upraised,-the palms

And robes that touching, as adown they flow,
Distinctly blend, like snow emboss'd in snow.

O part them never! If HOPE prostrate lie,
LOVE too will sink and die!
But Love is subtle; and will proof derive,
From her own life, that HOPE is yet alive.
And bending o'er, with soul-transfusing eyes,
And the soft murmurs of the Mother Dove,
Woos back the fleeting spirit, and half supplies:
Thus Love repays to HOPE what HOPE first
gave to LovE!

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To meet the eye of lady gay?

I have no voice for lady's bowers-
For page like this no fitting lay.

Yet though my heart no more must bound
At witching call of sprightly joys,
Mine is the brow that never frown'd

On laughing lips or sparkling eyes.
No-though behind me now is closed
The youthful paradise of love,
Yet I can bless, with soul composed,

The lingerers in that happy grove.
Take, then, fair girls, my blessing take,
Where'er amid its charms you roam,
Or where, by western hill or lake,
You brighten a serener home.
And while the youthful lover's name,

Here with the sister's beauty blends, Laugh not to scorn the humbler aim, That to their list would add a friend's."


PREVIOUS to the year 1753, the country west of the Allegheny mountains, and particularly the point which Pittsburg now occupies, was the subject of controversy between Great Bri tain and France.-In the early part of that year, a party of Frenchmen from Presque Isle, now Erie, seized three English traders at Loggstown, and carried them back with them as prisoners. In the fall of that year Robert Dinwiddie, Governor of Virginia, despatched George Washington, then in the 22d year of his age, to the French commander on Le Boeuf, to demand that he should desist from farther aggressions. In performance of this duty, Washington arrived at "The Forks," on the 23d of November, 1753. While here, be examined the site immediately at the junction of the rivers, and recommended it as a suitable position for a fort. On the next day he proceeded from this place, and called on King Shingiss, near M'Kee's Rocks, who accompa nied him on his way to Loggstown, where they met Monakatoocha, and other Indian Chiefs, and held several councils with them.

While at Loggstown, it became a question which road he should take on his way to the French commandant at Le Bœuf, and Shingiss advised him not to take the road by Beaver, because it was low and swampy. Proceeding on his journey, he arrived at Le Bœuf, and learned from the French commandant that they were determined to take possession of the Forks, in the spring. With this answer he left the French commandant in company with Gist, his guide, on foot, and arrived at the Allegheny river below the mouth of Pine creek, on the 28th of Dec. The next day they spent in making a raft with tomahawks, and towards evening embarked, and attempted to cross the river; but the ice driving very thick, they made very little progress, and were finally compelled to take refuge upon Herr's or Wainwright's island-which of the two is


During the night it froze so hard, that they crossed on the ice in the morning. This circumstance affords a pretty strong inference that it must have been Wainwright's island, it lying close to the eastern shore, the narrow passage between it and the shore would be

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