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of stage move backward, face each other and raise flags, forming arch under which the first four couples march, then these two fall into line and turn thus:


The couples march to right corner of front, up right side, across to center of back, where one of each couple steps ahead and single file is formed, reaching down center of stage from back to front. Music changes to AMERICA. Position with flags is taken on first note of each line and held during one line, then changed on first note of next line: 1. All hold flag out at right side.

2. Hold flag out at left side.

3. All raise flags above head, looking up.

4. Flags are held out at right side, first flag held high, second lower, third high, fourth low, etc.

5. First flag is held out at right side, second out at left, third at right, etc.

6. First flag rests against right shoulder, second against left shoulder, third against right, etc.

7. All wave flags above head.

Music changes to YANKEE DOODLE and march is resumed. Each one rests staff of flag horizontally across top of head, flag hanging down at left side of face; carry thus during closing march. Pass from center of front in a diagonal line to center of right side, to center of back, then to center of left side, then to center of front, then in couples up stage to center of rear, then dividing and passing off at left and right.




CAN be given by boys alone, but is prettier when given by six boys and six girls or can be given very nicely by all girls.

COSTUMES: Boys wear dark caps with band of red, white and blue around them, dark suits and sash of red, white and blue bunting passing diagonally across chest, around waist and knotted at left side, ends hanging to knee. Each member carries a gun, preferably a twenty-two rifle, as they are light. Girls wear white gowns, sash same as the boys and white caps with red, white and blue band. They also carry guns. In giving directions for the march we will assume that six boys and six girls are taking part.


UPILS enter at left corner front, single file, alternating, a boy, then a girl, etc. March up left side of stage, across to center of back, down center of stage, where the boys turn to right, girls to left and march back as shown in diagram:


Form couples at center of back, march in couples to right corner of back, down right side, across to center of front, up to center of stage, where first couple goes to right, second to left, and pass according to diagram following.

On reaching center of back, the three couples march down center of stage to front, and at the same time the couples that reached center of front pass to back of stage,


one of each couple going to the right and the other to the left of the line of couples coming down to front, thus:


At center of back one of the middle couple steps up with the first couple, while the other one steps back with the last couple; at the same time, on reaching center of front, one of the middle couple steps up with the first couple, while the other steps back with the last couple. This makes four groups of three each, part of them having two girls and one boy, the others having two boys and a girl. Where there is just one girl, she stands between the two boys, and where there is one boy, he stands between two girls. One group of three at the back passes to right corner of back and halts, and the other three pass to left corner and halt; while the two groups at the front halt at the right and left corners of front of stage. The threes on left side march forward

to center of left side, three from front swing so as to face right side of stage, other three take place just back of them and they march to center of stage, while at the same time the two groups on right side march forward to center of right side, then march to center of stage. At center of stage three from right go first, then three from left, then three from right, etc., and they march down to front of stage, position and line of march according to the following diagram:


When they reach front of stage, first three go to left and pass up to left corner of back, second three go to right, march to corner and up right side, halting at right corner of back; third three go to left and halt at left corner front, while last three halt at right corner front, all standing according to position in diagram below. Then all march to center and take position in following manner:


Rotate once, keeping form of the X while marching, standing close together and marching slowly. Having rotated once, the two at ends of X lead to the right and left corners of front, six going on each line. Pass up sides of stage and when almost to back, turn and form two lines across stage, facing front, boys on back row, girls in front, standing thus:



During the march the guns are carried in right hand, nearly vertical, and resting against hollow of right shoulder. The members now give a drill, the commands being given in quick tone by someone at side of stage. Have well-marked 4/4 time for music during drill. As far as possible use four counts in executing the command, then hold during four


Salute: Raise left hand until the forefinger touches the forehead above left eye, thumb and fingers extended, palm to the right. Drop hand to side.

Order, Arms: Rest butt of gun on floor, arms hang at sides, right hand holding gun with thumb and fingers, first two fingers in front, others in rear.

Carry, Arms: Gun is raised vertically with right hand, at same time grasping barrel with left hand above right, rest barrel against right shoulder, arm hanging nearly full length at side. Drop left hand.

Present, Arms: Bring gun with right hand to position in front of center of body, grasping it at same time with left hand in manner to bring forearm in horizontal position; lower right hand slightly.

Carry, Arms: As before.

Right Shoulder, Arms: Gun is raised vertically with right hand, grasp it with left and raise this hand till on level with the chin; right hand grasps butt of gun, raising it till hammer rests on shoulder, and barrel, pointing somewhat to left, touches back of head, then drop left hand at side. Carry, Arms: As before.

Order, Arms: As before.

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