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cars, boats, engines and machinery, as may be necessary or useful for the mining, transportation, and sale of coal.


LAWS 1865, P. 288.

MARCH 9, 1865.

AN ACT to incorporate the Cambrian Mining Company.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

That (certain named persons) be and they are hereby incorporated, and made a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the Cambrian Mining Company, with a capital stock of one million of dollars, divided into twenty thousand shares of fifty dollars each, and by that name, shall have perpetual succession, and be capable, in law, of receiving, holding and conveying such real and personal property as may be necessary for the objects of said corporation, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of law and equity; and may have a common seal, which they shall have power to alter and renew at pleasure; and may receive, execute and deliver all such instruments of writing, and do such acts and things, necessary to promote the objects, interests, and designs of said company, as authorized by this act, namely, to open and mine the coal, iron ore, oil and other minerals, in the lands belonging to said company, in the county of Cambria, to sell and dispose of the same, or to make lease, or leases, for mining and selling said minerals, to make and construct a railroad, not exceeding ten miles in length, to connect with the Pennsylvania Railroad, or the Ebensburg and Cresson Railroad, and generally to do and perform all things pertaining to the leasing, mining, preparing for, and the selling and disposing of the minerals found on the lands of said company, with full power, also, to sell, or mortgage, said lands, with the improvements thereon, or any part thereof.

LAWS 1865, P. 413.


MARCH 17, 1865.

AN ACT in relation to the Cameron Coal Company.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.

That the Cameron Coal Company may increase its capital stock five hundred thousand dollars.

SEC. 2. The said company is authorized to acquire, hold, lease and convey, in addition to the amount of land now held and owned by them, four thousand acres of land.

SEC. 3. For the purpose of developing the lands owned, or to be acquired, by the said company, it shall be lawful for them to construct any lateral railroads, of not more than nine miles in length, to connect the same with any railroad, now built, or hereafter to be built, and to transport coal, minerals and merchandise, over said lateral railroads; and for the purpose of locating and constructing the said railroads, the said corporation shall have the same powers as are granted, by the act of May 5, 1832, entitled "An act regulating lateral railroads," and all damages for the entry upon, and occupation of, any land, for the purpose of constructing the said lateral railroads, shall be assessed in the manner provided by said act.

SEC. 4. That the said Cameron Coal Company shall, in addition to the rights, powers and privileges, conferred by their charter, have the right to mine iron

ore, and manufacture the same, for all commercial and mechanical purposes; to cut and manufacture lumber, and fit the same for market, as they may deem desirable; to bore for salt, petroleum, and to make and vend, sell and dispose of, all such iron and lumber, petroleum, materials and articles, as they may deem proper, or necessary, in the prosecution of their business; and for that purpose, shall have power to hold such real and personal property, as may be necessary, or convenient, for the prosecution of their business, and to sell and dispose of the same: Provided, That the quantity of land, owned and held by this company, shall, at no time, exceed ten thousand acres.


LAWS 1855, P. 688; (APPENDIX).

APRIL 21, 1854.

AN ACT to incorporate the Central American Mining Company.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc. :

That (certain named persons) their associates, successors and assigns, be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate, by the name, style and title of the Central American mining company, and by such title shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable to hold and improve lands in Central America, and to obtain therefrom all minerals or other valuable substances, whether by mining or working, or by the leasing or disposing of privileges to mine or work such lands, as aforesaid; to construct and open for use any and all kinds of roads to and from all portions and bodies of the lands of the said company; to have and possess all necessary powers to colonize the said lands, to erect houses, mills and manufactories thereon, and to use and work the same; to hold and possess the means of communicating therewith, and to dispose of the products of all such lands, mines, manufactories, mills, roads and privileges as may be to the interest of said company.

LAWS 1851, P. 872.


APRIL 10, 1851.


incorporating the Central Coal Company.


SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.: SEC. 5. That (certain named persons), or any four of them, and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate by the name, style, and title, of "The Central Coal Company," for the purpose of mining coal, and for the transacting the usual business of companies in mining, transporting to market, and selling of coal and the other products of coal mines.


SEC. 6. The said company shall have the right to hold either by purchase or lease not exceeding three thousand acres of land at any one time in the county of Sullivan and Luzerne, in this Commonwealth, and the same or any part thereof to sell or otherwise dispose of as the interest of the company may require: Provided, that the said company may hold as above such lot or lots of land not exceeding five acres in any one place, as may be found convenient, as places of deposit in the transportation and sale of the products of their mines.


SEC. 14. That it shall not be lawful for the said president, directors, and company, nor any of their agents, nor any other person whatever employed by or under them or any of them for the purpose contemplated in this act, to enter upon any land which they shall deem necessary for the construction and completion of the said railroad or railroads, or any part thereof, either by the mak125672°-2032

ing of any excavation or embankments, or for the mere purpose of searching for stone, earth, or gravel, or for the felling of timber for the construction and completion of the said road or roads, until the rate of compensation for injury sustained by reason of the construction thereof shall have been previously ascertained and paid, or the amount thereof secured in such manner as shall prove satisfactory to the owner or owners of such land.


SEC. 16. That the said company hereby incorporated shall have power to construct plank roads or railroads with one or more tracks from any point or points on their lands, to intersect the North Branch Canal or any other of the State improvements or works connected therewith: Provided, That the said company shall not prevent any person or persons, company or companies hereafter incorporated, being the owners of land bordering on the said railroad or railroads or adjacent thereto, from making lateral railroads, and connect them with the said lands as the said person or persons, company or companies, may conceive necessary for the purpose of transporting their coal or produce upon said railroad or railroads.


LAWS 1853, P. 272.

APRIL 2, 1853.

AN ACT to authorize the Central Coal Company to construct a railroad. SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc:

That the Cental Coal Company is hereby authorized to construct a railroad from any point upon their lands in the townships of Pittston, Lackawanna, Providence or Blakely, in Luzerne County, to connect at the nearest eligible point in said county with the Delaware, Lehigh and Wyoming Valley Railroad, or the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and for the purpose of constructing such road, and any road from their said lands to the North Branch Canal, and stocking the same, and for no other purpose, the said company are authorized to increase their capital stock any amount not exceeding four thousand shares, of fifty dollars each.

SEC. 6. That the said company shall construct all railroads and branches to be built by it under and subject to all the provisions, conditions and restrictions of the tenth and succeeding sections of the act entitled "An act regulating railroad companies," approved the 19th day of February, 1849.


LAWS 1850, P. 939.

MARCH 3, 1850.

AN ACT to incorporate the Chartiers Coal Company, in the county of Allegheny. SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

That (certain named persons), and their associates, successors, and assigns be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of "The Chartiers Coal Company," for the purpose of mining of coal, and for transacting the usual business of companies engaged in the mining, transporting to market, and selling of coal and the other products of coal mines *

SEC. 2. The said company shall have the right to hold either by purchase or lease, not exceeding one thousand acres of land at any one time, upon and near

the waters of Chartiers Creek, in the county of Allegheny, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the same or any part thereof to sell or otherwise dispose of as the interest of the company may require: Provided, That the said company may hold as above two lots of land not exceeding five acres each, as may be found convenient as places of deposit in the transportation and sale of the products of their mines.

SEC. 11. The company hereby incorporated shall have power to construct a railroad with one or more tracks from any point or points on their lands, so as to connect their improvements and mines with the Ohio River at such place as they may deem most convenient: Provided, That in the construction of said railroad the company shall be governed, empowered and restricted as is provided in the act, entitled “An act regulating railroad companies," approved the 20th day of February, 1849.


LAWS 1851, P. 135.

MARCH 11, 1851.

AN ACT to incorporate the Chestnut Hill Iron Ore Company.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

That (certain named persons) and their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style, and title of "The Chestnut Hill Iron Ore Company," for the purpose of mining iron ore and transacting the usual business of companies engaged in mining, transporting to market, and selling iron ore, or other products of their mines, and working and smelting the same. And provided further, That the said company shall not hold more than one thousand acres of land, which shall be situated in Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania, except such portions thereof as may be necessary or convenient as places of deposit in the transportation and sale of their products not exceeding twenty-five




LAWS 1854, P. 838.

APRIL 18, 1853.

AN ACT to incorporate the Clinton County Coal Company.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

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That (certain named persons) and their associates, executors, administrators, heirs and assigns be and they are hereby constituted a body corporate and politic, by the name, style and title of the Clinton County Coal Company," for the purpose of constructing a railroad or railroads from their mines and lands in Clinton County, to the west branch of the Susquehanna River, mining coal, and for transacting the usual business of companies engaged in the mining, transporting to market, and selling of coal, and the other products of coal mines.

SEC. 2. That the said company shall have the right to hold, either by purchase or lease, not exceeding two thousand acres of land at any one time, the whole to be within the county of Clinton, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the same, or any part thereof, to sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of, as the interest of the company may require: Provided, That the said company may hold elsewhere, as above, such lot or lots of land not exceeding ten acres, as

may be found necessary as places of deposit, in the transportation and sale of the products of their mines.

SEC. 3. That the capital stock of said company shall be and consist of five hundred thousand dollars, * which capital stock shall only be employed

in the holding and purchasing the land aforesaid, with the improvements thereon, and in constructing such other improvements, railroads, cars, engines and machinery, boats, and buildings as may be necessary or useful for the mining, transportation or sale of coal.

SEC. 9. That it shall not be lawful for the said president, directors, and company, or any of their agents, nor any person whatever, employed by or under them, for the purpose contemplated in this act, to enter upon any land which they shall deem necessary for the construction and completion of a railroad or railroads, or any part thereof, either by the making of any excavation or embankments, or for the mere purpose of searching for stone, earth, gravel, for the construction or completion of said road or roads, until the rate of compensation for injury sustained or to be sustained and paid by reason of the construction thereof shall have been previously ascertained and paid, or the amount thereof secured in such manner as shall prove satisfactory to such owner or owners of such land.

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LAWS 1863, P. 577.


APRIL 24, 1863.

A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act to incorporate the Clinton County Coal Company, approved April 18, 1853, and changed to the name of the Eagleton Coal Company, by act of March 24, 1859.

SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

That the name, style, and title, of the Eagleton Coal Company, from and after the passage of this act, is hereby changed to the Eagleton Coal and Iron Company, with all the powers, privileges, and authorities, heretofore granted to the Eagleton Coal Company, by the act of March 24, 1859, and the several supplements thereto, and subject to all the liabilities, and restrictions, of the same, except as herein otherwise provided.

SEC. 2. That the said Eagleton Coal and Iron Company are hereby authorized to extend their railroad, to form a connection with the railroad of the Farransville company, at such point as they may determine, and to construct such lateral branches, to their road, as they may, from time to time, deem necessary, in operating, and developing, the mines of said company.


LAWS 1851, P. 143.

MARCH 11, 1851.

AN ACT TO incorporate "The Coal Run Improvement Company." SEC. 1. Be it enacted, etc.:

That (certain named persons) and the other equitable owners of certain land in Coal Township, Northumberland County, their associates, successors, and assigns, be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name, style, and title, of "The Coal Run Improvement Company, and as such shall have power to take and hold land and real estate in fee simple

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