preparing a budget submission. A change reflecting fluctuations in the exchange rate may be recorded as a disbursement is made. (4) The Secretary each year shall report to Congress on funds made available under this subsection. (Added Pub. L. 97-258, § 2(b)(8)(B), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1056.) The Defense Mapping Agency is an agency of the Department of Defense. The Defense Mapping Agency shall improve means of navigating vessels of the Navy and the merchant marine by providing, under the authority of the Secretary of Defense, accurate and inexpensive nautical charts, sailing directions, books on navigation, and manuals of instructions for the use of all vessels of the United States and of navigators generally. (Added Pub. L. 97-295, § 1(50)(C), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1299.) § 2792. Maps, charts, and books The Secretary of Defense may (1) have the Defense Mapping Agency prepare maps, charts, and nautical books required in navigation and have those materials published and furnished to navigators; and (2) buy the plates and copyrights of exisiting maps, charts, books on navigation, and sailing directions and instructions. (Added Pub. L. 97-295, § 1(50)(C), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1299.) § 2793. Pilot charts (a) There shall be conspicuously printed on pilot charts prepared in the Defense Mapping Agency the following: "Prepared from data furnished by the Defense Mapping Agency of the Department of Defense and by the Department of Commerce, and published at the Defense Mapping Agency under the authority of the Secretary of Defense". (b) The Secretary of Commerce shall furnish to the Defense Mapping Agency, as quickly as possible, all meteorological information received by the Secretary that is necessary for, and of the character used in, preparing pilot charts. (Added Pub. L. 97-295, § 1(50)(C), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1299.) § 2794. Prices of maps, charts, and navigational publications All maps, charts, and other publications offered for sale by the Defense Mapping Agency shall be sold at prices and under regulations that may be prescribed by the Secretary of Defense. (Added Pub. L. 97-295, § 1(50)(C), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1299.) II. Military Family Housing 2821 III. Administration of Military Construction and Military Family Hous 2806. 2807. 2808. Unspecified minor construction. Contributions for North Atlantic Treaty Organization Infrastructure. Construction authority in the event of a declaration of war or national emergency. § 2801. Scope of chapter; definitions (a) The term "military construction" as used in this chapter or any other provision of law includes any construction, development, conversion, or extension of any kind carried out with respect to a military installation. (b) A military construction project includes all military construction work, or any contribution authorized by this chapter, necessary to produce a complete and usable facility or a complete and usable improvement to an existing facility (or to produce such portion of a complete and usable facility or improvement as is specifically authorized by law). (c) In this chapter: (1) "Facility" means a building, structure, or other improvement to real property. (2) "Military installation" means a base, camp, post, station, yard, center, or other activity under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of a military department or, in the case of an activity in a foreign country, under the operational control of the Secretary of a military department or the Secretary of Defense. (3) "Secretary concerned" includes the Secretary of Defense with respect to matters concerning the defense agencies. (4) "Appropriate committees of Congress" means the Committees on Armed Services and on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives. (d) This chapter does not apply to the Coast Guard or to civil works projects of the Army Corps of Engineers. (Added Pub. L. 97-214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 153.) 22-241 0 84 37 4 シレブンのary construction subita Aрихии Congress on that ッパ the pastication for the 17819, WI апатия med he cost of the project, 2 the harrying on the project under this section, and 31 и вакилия Ava wef the finds to be used to carry out the yuper The proper may then be carried out only after the end of hobinying on the date the notification is received мужиком, or after each such committee has approved the ширея, я чи ummittees approve the project before the end of Montmories The maximum amount that the Secretary concerned may Angola in any fiscal year under this section is $30,000,000. (2) A proyect carried out under this section shall be carried out within the total amount of funds appropriated for military construction that have not been obligated. (Added Pub. L. 97 214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 154.) § 2804. Contingency construction (a) Within the amount appropriated for such purpose, the Secretary of Defense may carry out a military construction project not otherwise authorized by law, or may authorize the Secretary of a military department to carry out such a project, if the Secretary of Defense determines that deferral of the project for inclusion in the next Military Construction Authorization Act would be inconsistent with national security or national interest. (b) When a decision is made to carry out a military construction project under this section, the Secretary of Defense shall submit a report in writing to the appropriate committees of Congress on that decision. Each such report shall include (1) the justification for the project and the current estimate of the cost of the project, and (2) the justification for carrying out the project under this section. The project may then be carried out only after the end of the 21-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by such committees, or after each such committee has approved the project, if the committees approve the project before the end of that period. (Added Pub. L. 97-214, § 2(a), July 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 155.) § 2805. Unspecified minor construction (a) Within the amount authorized by law for such purpose, the Secretary concerned may carry out minor military construction projects not otherwise authorized by law. A minor military construction project is a military construction project (1) that is for a single undertaking at a military installation, and (2) that has an approved cost equal to or less than the amount specified by law as the maximum amount for a minor military construction project. (b)(1) A minor military construction project costing more than 50 percent of the amount specified by law as the maximum amount for a minor military construction project may not be carried out under this section unless approved in advance by the Secretary concerned. (2) When a decision is made to carry out a minor military construction project to which paragraph (1) is applicable, the Secretary concerned shall notify in writing the appropriate committees of Congress of that decision, of the justification for the project, and of the estimated cost of the project. The project may then be carried out only (A) after the end of the 21-day period beginning on the date the notification is received by the committees, or (B) after each such committee approves the project, if the committees approve the project before the end of that period. (3) A project for the relocation of any activity from one installation to another that involves 25 or more full-time civilian employees of the Department of Defense but that is not subject to paragraph (1) may not be carried out under the authority of this section until the appropriate committees of Congress have been notified by the Secretary concerned of the intent to carry out such relocation under the authority of this section. (c) Only funds authorized for minor construction projects may be used to accomplish unspecified minor construction projects, except that the Secretary concerned may spend from appropriations available for operation and maintenance amounts necessary to carry out an unspecified military construction project costing not more than 20 percent of the amount specified by law as the maximum amount for a minor military construction project. (d) Military family housing projects for construction of new housing units may not be carried out under the authority of this sec |