Atlantic Treaty Organization. To carry out this policy, the Secretary of Defense shall (1) assess the costs and possible loss of nonnuclear combat effectiveness of the military forces of the members of the Organization caused by the failure of the members to standardize equipment; (2) maintain a list of actions to be taken, including an evaluation of the priority and effect of the action, to standardize equipment that may improve the overall nonnuclear defense capability of the Organization or save resources for the Organization; and (3) initiate and carry out, to the maximum extent feasible, procurement procedures to acquire standardized or interoperable equipment, considering the cost, function, quality, and availability of the equipment. (b) Progress in realizing the objectives of standardization and interoperability would be enhanced by expanded inter-Allied procurement of arms and equipment within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Expanded inter-Allied procurement would be made easier by greater reliance on licensing and coproduction cooperative agreements among the signatories of the North Atlantic Treaty. If constructed to preserve the efficiencies associated with economies of scale, the agreements could minimize potential economic hardship to parties to the agreements and increase the survivability, in time of war, of the North Atlantic Alliance's armaments production base by dispersing manufacturing facilities. In conjunction with other members of the Organization and to the maximum extent feasible, the Secretary shall (1) identify areas in which those cooperative agreements may be made with members of the Alliance; and (2) negotiate those agreements. (c)(1) It is the sense of Congress that weapons systems being developed wholly or primarily for employment in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization theater should conform to a common Organization requirement in order to proceed toward joint doctrine and planning and to facilitate maximum feasible standardization and interoperability of equipment, and that a common Organization requirement should be understood to include a common definition of the military threat to the members of the Organization. (2) It is further the sense of Congress that standardization of weapons and equipment within the Organization on the basis of a "two-way street" concept of cooperation in defense procurement between Europe and North America can only work in a realistic sense if the European nations operate on a united and collective basis. Therefore, the governments of Europe are encouraged to accelerate their present efforts to achieve European armaments collaboration among all European members of the Organization. (d) Before February 1 of each year, the Secretary shall submit a report to Congress that includes (1) each specific assessment and evaluation made and the results of each assessment and evaluation, and the results achieved with the members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, under subsections (a)(1) and (2) and (b); (2) procurement action initiated on each new major system not complying with the policy of subsection (a); (3) procurement action initiated on each new major system that is not standardized or interoperable with equipment of other members of the Organization, including a description of the system chosen and the reason for choosing that system; (4) the identity of (A) each program of research and development for the armed forces of the United States stationed in Europe that supports, conforms, or both, to common Organization requirements of developing weapon systems for use by the Organization, including a common definition of the inilitary threat to the Organization; and (B) the common requirements of the Organization to which those programs conform or which they support; (5) action of the Alliance toward common Organization requirements if none exist; (6) efforts to establish a regular procedure and mechanism in the Organization to determine common military requirements; (7) a description of each existing and planned program of the Department of Defense that supports the development or procurement of a weapon system or other military equipment originally developed or procured by members of the Organization other than the United States and for which funds have been authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year in which the report is submitted, including a summary listing of the amount of funds (A) appropriated for those programs for the fiscal year in which the report is submitted; and (B) requested, or proposed to be requested, for those programs for each of the 2 fiscal years following the fiscal year for which the report is submitted; and (8) a description of each weapon system or other military equipment originally developed or procured in the United States and that is being developed or procured by members of the Organization other than the United States during the fiscal year for which the report is submitted. (e) If the Secretary decides that procurement of equipment manufactured outside the United States is necessary to carry out the policy of subsection (a), the Secretary may determine under section 2 of title III of the Act of March 3, 1933 (41 U.S.C. 10a), that acquiring that equipment manufactured in the United States is inconsistent with the public interest. (f) The Secretary shall submit the results of each assessment and evaluation made under subsection (a)(1) and (2) to the appropriate North Atlantic Treaty Organization body to become an integral part of the overall Organization review of force goals and development of force plans. (Added Pub. L. 97-295, § 1(30)(A), Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1294.) Sec. 2481. 2482. CHAPTER 147-UTILITIES AND SERVICES Utilities and services: sale; expansion and extension of systems and facilities. Commissary stores: private operation. § 2481. Utilities and services: sale; expansion and extension of systems and facilities (a) Under such regulations and for such periods and at such prices as he may prescribe, the Secretary concerned or his designee may sell or contract to sell to purchasers within or in the immediate vicinity of an activity of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, as the case may be, any of the following utilities and related services, if it is determined that they are not available from another local source and that the sale is in the interest of national defense or in the public interest: (1) Electric power. (2) Steam. (3) Compressed air. (4) Water. (5) Sewage and garbage disposal. (6) Natural, manufactured, or mixed gas. (7) Ice. (8) Mechanical refrigeration. (9) Telephone service. (b) Proceeds of sales under subsection (a) shall be credited to the appropriation currently available for the supply of that utility or service. (c) To meet local needs the Secretary concerned may make minor expansions and extensions of any distributing system or facility within an activity through which a utility or service is furnished under subsection (a). (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 141; Aug. 14, 1959, Pub. L. 86156, § 1, 73 Stat. 338.) § 2482. Commissary stores: private operation Private persons may operate commissary stores under such regulations as the Secretary of Defense may approve. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 141.) (465) Sec. 2511. CHAPTER 149-ISSUE TO ARMED FORCES Reserve components: supplies, services, and facilities. § 2511. Reserve components: supplies, services, and facilities (a) The Secretary concerned shall make available to the reserve components under his jurisdiction the supplies, services, and facilities of the armed forces under his jurisdiction that he considers necessary to support and develop those components. (b) Whenever he finds it to be in the best interest of the United States, the Secretary concerned or his representative may issue supplies of the armed forces under his jurisdiction to the reserve components under his jurisdiction, without charge to the appropriations for those components for the cost or value of the supplies or for any related expense. (c) Whenever he finds it to be in the best interest of the United States, the Secretary of the Army or the Secretary of the Air Force, or his representative, may issue to the Army National Guard or the Air National Guard, as the case may be, supplies of the armed forces under his jurisdiction that are in addition to supplies issued to that National Guard under section 702 of title 32 or charged against its appropriations under section 106 or 107 of title 32, without charge to the appropriations for those components for the cost or value of the supplies or for any related expense. (d) Supplies issued under subsection (b) or (c) may be repossessed or redistributed as prescribed by the Secretary concerned. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 141.) (466) CHAPTER 151-ISSUE OF SERVICEABLE MATERIAL OTHER Sec. THAN TO ARMED FORCES 2541. Equipment and barracks: national veterans' organizations. Equipment for instruction and practice: American National Red Cross. 2542. 2543. Equipment: Inaugural Committee. 2544. 2545. 2546. Equipment and other services: Boy Scout Jamborees. Shelter for homeless; incidental services. § 2541. Equipment and barracks: national veterans' organizations (a) The Secretary of a military department, under conditions prescribed by him, may lend cots, blankets, pillows, mattresses, bed sacks, and other supplies under the jurisdiction of that department to any recognized national veterans' organization for use at its national or state convention or national youth athletic or recreation tournament. He may, under conditions prescribed by him, also permit the organization to use unoccupied barracks under the jurisdiction of that department for such an occasion. (b) Property lent under subsection (a) may be delivered on terms and at times agreed upon by the Secretary of the military department concerned and representatives of the veterans' organization. However, the veterans' organization must defray any expense incurred by the United States in the delivery, return, rehabilitation, or replacement of that property, as determined by the Secretary. (c) The Secretary of the military department concerned shall require a good and sufficient bond for the return in good condition of property lent or used under subsection (a). (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 142.) § 2542. Equipment for instruction and practice: American National Red Cross The Secretary of a military department, under regulations to be prescribed by him, may lend equipment under the jurisdiction of that department that is on hand, and that can be temporarily spared, to any organization formed by the American National Red Cross that needs it for instruction and practice for the purpose of aiding the Army, Navy, or Air Force in time of war. The Secretary shall by regulation require the immediate return, upon request, of equipment lent under this section. The Secretary shall require a bond, in double the value of the property issued under this section, for the care and safekeeping of that property and for its return when required. (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 142.) 22-241 Ο 84 34 |