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An Act to prevent the Retailing of strong Liquors, in the Town of York, in small quantities.


WHEREAS divers people in the town of York, in the county of York, do practise the retailing of strong liquors, in small quantities, without licence, not only to the meaner sort of people, but even to servants and slaves, often adulterating or mixing the same with water, whereby they can afford to sell it the cheaper; evading the penalties of the acts of assembly, in that case provided, by not suffering them to be drank in their houses: For prevention whereof,

II. Be it enacted, by the Lieutenant-Governor, Council and Burgesses, of this present General Assembly, and it is hereby enacted, by the authority of the same, That from and after the passing of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person whatsoever, residing or being within the limits of the said town, merchants only excepted, to sell, by retail, any rum, brandy, or other distilled spirits, or any strong liquors whatsoever, or any mixture of the said spirits or liquors; although the same be not drank at his or her house, in any quantity less than two gallons, at any one time; on penalty of forfeiting twenty shillings, for every offence: To be recovered, by the informer, before any justice of the peace of the said county.

III. Provided, That nothing therein contained, shall be construed to affect any apothecary selling any spirits, or other strong liquors, or any mixture thereof, in the course of his business only; nor to give any liberty to any merchants to sell, by retail, any of the said spirits, or liquors, or any mixture of the same, to be drank at his or her house, or store, or elsewhere, other than he or she had, by law, before the making of this act; any law, custom, or usage, to the contrary, notwithstanding.

Historical Documents from 1711 to 1788.

Seal of the

By her Maj'ts. Lieut. Governor, and Commander in Chief of the Colony and Dominion of Virginia.

nies, to en

tain, and of

WHEREAS it hath been represented unto me by Proclamaher Maj'ties Attorney Generall, that it would be high tion appoint ly serviceable for her Maj'tie and for the benefit of ing attor this her colony that all Penall acts of Assembly here- force penal of, and all other statutes of the Realm of Great Bri statutes of tain (Extending hereunto) should be put in Execution, Great Bri and duly prosecuted against offenders thereof: And he this colony. haveing Intimated to me that thro' the Default of an Appointm❜t of proper persons for the Execution and due prosecution of the same (Composition has been often made with the Informer for his Moiety, the suit Dismist and her Maj'tie Defrauded of her Just share of y'e ffines forfeitures and amerciam'ts) in the severall and Respective County Courts of this Colony where he cannot possibly attend: ffor the future prevention and Remedy whereof I Doe hereby Authorise and Impower you for and in her Maj'ties behalf to appear and likewise (unless her said Maj'ties Attorney Generall shall personally Attend) to prosecute all offenders against the Laws of Great Brittain: The particular Acts of Assembly of this Colony and all other matters or things relating to the Crown, the Dignity of her Maj'tie, or against the Peace, as shall appear to be or Arise within Cognizance or Jurisdiction of the Perticular County Courts hereafter mentioned Viz:—&

-the which Courts (I am by her Maj'ties Attorney General Informed) you attend, And I doe hereby likewise require you to take care that the Clerk of each of the said Courts return the Judgments and all fines & amerciam'ts: w'ch which shall be obtained in his Respective Court for the use and benefit of her Ma'tie unto the Secretaries office, that her Maj'ties Treasurer may by virtue thereof Give orders for the Due Levying of the same. And Likewise to Give Notice unto her said Maj'ties Attorney Generall of any Appeales obtained upon any such Prosecutions that he W 3-Vol. 4.

may be prepared to Defend the same. Given under my hand and the seal of the Colony the 2d day of November 1711 In the Tenth year of her Maj'ties Reign.



lands in controversy be

tween Virginia and

North Caro

way and Me

herin rivers.

Virginia sc:

Seal of the

By her Maj'ties. Lieut. Governor and
Commander in Chief of this Dominion.

A PROCLAMATION restraining Seating on out
Lands dureing this time of Danger.

WHEREAS notwithstanding my Proclamation Istion prohibi- sued the 8th day of December 1710 whereby all perting the seatsons were prohibited to Enter for or take up any ing on the Land between Nottoway and Maherine Rivers within Ten Miles of the Mouths of the said Rivers or on the south side of Maherine River within the bounds in controversie between this Government and Carolina lina, beyond Yet diverse persons have seated and continue to seat the Notto sundry Tracts of Land within the said bounds in contempt of the orders of the Government and thereby created misunderstandings with the Indians in those parts as well as Exposed themselves to the Insults of fforeign Indians by seating so remote from the other Inhabitants and puting themselves out of the protection of the Rangers appointed for the Defence of the ffrontiers For preventing of w'ch dangers and Inconveniencys I have with the Advice of her Maj'ties Council thought fitt to Issue this proclamation in her Maj'ties name prohibiting and forbidding all persons in any of the Countys herein after named to take up or Seat any Land beyond the bounds hereafter specifyed viz't. In the county of Nansemond beyond the Nottoway River and in the countys of Isle of Wight Surry and Prince George beyond the Maherine River And I Doe require all persons allready seated on any Lands beyond the said Limits or within Three Miles of any Town of the Tributary Indians forthwith to re

tire and withdraw themselves and their stocks on pain of being prosecuted for the same And for the better Effecting thereof, and bringing to punishment such persons as shali obstinately persist in their Illegall Encroachments on her Majesties Lands I Doe require the Sheriffs of the Respective County's aforesaid to take all such persons into Custody untill they Give Bond with Good Security for their Appearance before me in Council on the 4th day of the next General Court to Answer their Contempt and that the said Sherifs return the Bail Bonds taken of such persons to the Council Office And I Doe further require the Surveyors of the said Countys to observe this proclamation and to receive no Entrys for Land out of the limits aforementioned untill further order And I Doe appoint this Proclamation to be published at all Churches and Chappells within the said Countys on the first Sunday after the Receipt thereof and thereafter to be Published and affixed at the court houses of the said Countys Given under my hand and the Seal of the Colony at Wmsburgh this Twenty Eighth day of January 1711 In the Tenth Year of her Majesties Reign. A: SPOTSWOOD.

God save the Queen.


Virginia sc:

TO ALL TO WHOM these presents shall come I Alex- Form of freeander Spotswood her Majesties Lieut. Governor and doms for Commander in Cheif of the Colony and Dominion of ships. Virginia Doe Certifye and make known that Skinner Wallop of the County of Accomack came before me and

These freedoms, as they were then called, were obtained, in order that the owners of vessels might be entitled to the privileges of Virginia owners, which were very early granted, and of which there is frequent mention in our ancient laws. For these privileges, See Vol. I. pa. 402, 480, 537 Vol. II. pa. 134, 272. Vol. III. pa. 347, 348, 352, 494 For the the Secretary of the colony, for a freedom for a ship, see ante pa. 408, of this volume.

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