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possessing both moral and physical superiority over the others, are the Micmacs-a tall and powerful race of men, who speak a dialect of the Algonquin language, and frequent the northern or gulf shore of the province. The less numerous and inferior body are the Milicetes, who speak a dialect of the Huron language, and frequent the river St. John and its tributary waters. The Micmacs are strongly attached to the seaside, near which they are generally found; hence the Milicetes call them "saltwater Indians." The Milicetes, on the contrary, have great aversion to salt water; they are thorough woodsmen, and confine themselves to the lakes and streams of the interior, for navigating which their light canoes are well adapted.

An enumeration of the Indians of the province was made by the writer, in 1841, when it was found that their numbers stood thus:Of Micmacs; adults-males, 229; females, 255; under 14-boys, 215; girls, 236; total, 935. Of Milicetes; 'adults-males, 111; females, 113; under 14-boys, 107; girls, 111; total, 442. The whole number of Indians in the province, in 1841, was, therefore, 1,377. By the census of 1851, it appears that the numbers then found amounted to 1,116 only; and there is reason to believe, from inquries recently made, that their numbers do not now reach 1,000. That they are steadily decreasing, is beyond a doubt; and this, in a great degree, is owing to the ravages made among their adults by small-pox and typhus fever, and among children by measles, whoopingcough, scarlet fever, and other diseases to which children are subject. Very few submit to be vaccinated, and hence small-pox is their great scourge. Their unwillingness to undergo regular medical treatment, is the reason why diseases are fatal among them, and not so to persons of European descent.

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The Micmacs subsist during the summer chiefly by fishing and fowling; during winter many of them find employment with lumbermen in the forest. On the Mira

michi and Richibucto rivers several Micmac families have turned their attention to the cultivation of the soil, and have comfortable houses, with some stock. The Milicetes hunt and trap during the winter; in summer they make baskets and other light articles, varying their labor with fishing and shooting. The people of both tribes live on the most friendly terms with their white neighbors; and they are often engaged by sportsmen as their attendants on excursions along the coast or up the rivers; an employment of which they are very fond.


The observations of Lord Durham, with respect to the capabilities and advantages of the British North American colonies, are specially applicable to New Brunswick. It possesses great natural resources for the maintenance of large and flourishing communities. A wide range of the best soil still remains unsettled, and may be rendered available for the purposes of agriculture. The wealth of forests of the best timber, and of extensive regions containing valuable minerals, yet remains untouched. Along the whole line of sea-coast, around each island, and in every river, are to be found the most productive fisheries in the world. The best fuel and most abundant waterpower are available for manufactures. Trade with other countries is favored by the possession of a large number of safe and commodious harbors. Numerous rivers, long and deep, supply the means of easy internal intercourse; the structure of the country, generally, affords the utmost facility for every species of communication by land. Unbounded materials of agricultural, commercial, and manufacturing industry are present. These elements of wealth and special advantages need only capital and labor to be turned to profitable account, and render New Brunswick, with a large and flourishing population, one of the fairest and richest portions of British colonial empire.


The total population of New Brunswick, in 1824, was 74,176 souls; in 1834, it was 119,457 souls; in 1840, it was 154,000 souls; and in 1851 (in the last census), it was 193,800 souls. At present the population is estimated at 210,000 souls, and upwards.

The increase of population in New Brunswick has been greater than that in the neighboring State of Maine, by 7.29 per cent.; than that of New Hampshire, by 11.79 per cent.; and than that of Vermont, by 16.07 per cent. ; and it has exceeded their aggregate and average ratio by 10.86 per cent.


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Immigrants arrived at the port of St. John in 1860, 315

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RESTIGOUCHE.-This is the northernmost county in the province. It has a large frontage on the Bay of Chaleur, and is bounded northerly by the forty-eighth parallel of north latitude, which is the dividing line between New

*A duty of 2s. 6d. currency, or 28. 1d, sterling, was imposed by an act of the Colonial Legislature on each immigrant arriving in the province. In the year ending 31st December, 1860, the sum of £40 78. 6d. currency was collected in this colony on account of immigrant duty.

Brunswick and Canada in that quarter. It abuts westwardly on Victoria county, and is bounded southerly by Gloucester and Northumberland.

Restigouché county contains 1,426,560 acres of which 156,979 acres are granted, and 1,269,581 acres are still vacant. The quantity of cleared land is 8,895 acres only.

The population, in 1851, was 4,161; of whom 2,353 were males, and 1,808 were females. Lumbering is carried on extensively in Restigouché, which will account for the excess of males. This county is divided into five parishes -Addington, Colborne, Dalhousie, Durham, and Eldon. The shire town is Dalhousie, a neat town at the mouth of the River Restigouché. It is built on an easy slope, at the base of a high hill; the streets are broad and clean. A crescent-shaped cove in front of the town is well sheltered, and has good holding ground for ships, in six and seven fathoms water. There are excellent wharves, and safe timber ponds at Dalhousie, affording every convenience for loading ships of the largest class. The eastern point of Dalhousie harbor is in latitude 48° 4' north, longitude 66° 22' west. Variation of the compass, 20° 45' west. Neap tides rise six feet, and spring tides nine feet. From Dalhousie to the village of Campbelton the distance by the river is about eighteen miles. The whole of this distance may be considered one harbor, there being from four to nine fathoms throughout, in the main channel. At Campbelton the river is about three-quarters of a mile wide; above this place, the tide flows six miles, but large ves sels do not go further up than Campbelton. In 1853, ninety vessels, of the burden of 18,217 tons, entered the port of Dalhousie.

The soil in this county is very fertile, and produces large crops; it is especially noted for the excellent quality of its grain. The best wheat grown there weighs sixty-five pounds per bushel; barley, fifty-six pounds per bushel; black oats, forty-two pounds per bushel; white oats, fortyseven pounds per bushel. The productiveness in Resti

gouché, although so far north, affirms the principle, that "climate, unless it be very severe, is by no means the most influential element in determining the agricultural capabilities of a country." The geological character of any country has more influence upon its economical prospects than climate, and should be equally, if not more carefully studied.

GLOUCESTER.-This county lies between Restigonché and Northumberland, and has a long range of sea-coast, in part on the Bay of Chaleur, and in part on the Gulf of St. Lawrence; it also includes the Islands of Shippagan and Miscon, which form the north-eastern extremity of the province.

Gloucester county contains 1,037,440 acres, of which 332,902 acres are granted, and 704,538 acres are yet vacant. The amount of cleared land is 19,812 acres. The population in 1851, was 11,704 souls, of whom 1,479 were males, and 1,434 were females. Owing to the extent of sea-coast and the facilities for prosecuting the fisheries, there are many fishermen in this county. The value of the catch, in 1851, was returned at £15,693.

There are six parishes in Gloucester-Bathurst, Beresford, Caraquet, New-Bandon, Saumarez, and Shippagan. Bathurst is the shire town. It is pleasantly situated between the Nepisiguit and Middle rivers, on a point of land which has a very easy slope to the harbor. The entrance to the harbor is between two low points of sand and gravel, and is about 230 yards across. Outside this entrance is the bar, on which, at spring tides, there is fifteen feet of water. Within the entrance, the harbor is a beautiful basin, about three and a half miles in length, and two miles in width, well sheltered from every wind. In the principal channel there is about fourteen feet at low water, and vessels drawing more than fourteen feet usually take in part of their cargoes outside the bar, in the roadstead, where there is from six to ten fathoms water, and good holding-ground. The entrance to Bathurst harbor is in latitude 47° 39′ north,

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