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HOWARD J. McLean Moulder, G. B. Scott, J. B. Moore, Wm. Scott, E. A. Armstrong, J. W. Martin.

HUNTINGTON-N. F. Carson, G. D. Trembly, Isaac A. Smith.

JACKSON-T. S. Galbraith, J. A. Stillwell, R. A. Woods, L. S. Oppenheimer, N. N. Shipman.

JAY-Chas. W. Mackey, David S. Kinsey.

JEFFERSON—W. A. McCoy, W. T. S. Cornett.
JENNINGS-J. A. Spencer, Orville Gaddy.

JOHNSON-Z. Carnes, B. Wallace, H. J. Hall, W. A. Webb, E. E. Whitesides.
KNOX-B. F. Keith, J. H. Hensley, F. M. Harris, J. C. Bever, W. B. Grigsby.
KOSCIUSKO-C. W. Burket, F. M. Pearman, H. O. King, E. P. Gilpin.
LAGRANGE-John Dancer, E. G. White, C. H. Niman.

LAWRENCE-E. D. Laughlin, C. E. Rariden, J. C. Pearson, J. L. W. Yost, S. W. Smith, Ben. Newland, G. W. Burton.

MADISON-S. W. Edwins, A. J. Perry, I. M. Van Meter, William Suman, N. L. Wickersham.

MARION-A. W. Brayton, E. Hadley, F. C. Ferguson, Sarah Stockton, John H. Oliver, Geo. J. Cook, Daniel Thompson, Edward Porter, Marie Haslep, Frank Morrison, L. S. Henthorne, S. E. Earp, W. F. Hays, J. H. Taylor, G. V. Woolen, J. W. Kitchen, H. O. Pantzer, T. B. Harvey.

MARSHALL-G. R. Reynolds, R. B. Short, A. B. Younkman.
MARTIN-I. N. Plummer, S. H. Brittain.

MIAMI-J. H. Helm, B. R. Graham.

MONROE-Robert M. Weir, James Dodd, Wm. L. Whitted.

MONTGOMERY-A. P. Fitch, L. F. Whitesides, W. J. Hurt, B. F. Hutchings. MORGAN-H. C. Robinson.

NOBLE-E. W. Knepper, J. L. Gilbert, H. G. Sucker, Norman Teal.

OWEN-F. M. Wiles, Allan Pierson, Walker Schell.

PARKE-H. J. Rice, A. D. Tomlinson, R. H. McKey, B. F. Hudson.

PIKE-R. R. Kime, R. W. Harris, J. T. Hornbrook.

PORTER-J. C. Carson, A. P. Letherman.

POSEY-O. T. Shultz, C. Hicks, S. H. Pearse, T. B. Young.

PUTNAM--G. C. Smythe, Levi Hanna, W. F. Batman, E. B. Evans, Geo. M. Mc

Nutt, L. C. Cline, C. E. Scott.

RANDOLPH-W. G. Smith, J. L. Contie, N. T. Chenowith, J. E. Markle.

RUSH-John Moffett, S. C. Thomas, J. W. Greene, J. H. Spurrier.

STEUBEN-H. D. Wood, T. F. Wood, T. R. Morrison.

SWITZERLAND -L. J. Woollen, Wm. Freeman.

TIPPECANOE--Joseph Baker, Sam'l R. Seawright, J. C. Webster.
VANDERBURGH-A. M. Hayden, L. D. Base, J. W. Compton.
VIGO-E. E. Glover, J. D. Mitchell, A. W. Spain, E. F. Stetson.
WABASH-S. G. Thompson, Louisa F. Jessup, J. W. Brown, T. R. Brady,
Hall, J. H. Ford.

WAYNE S. S. Boyd, N. H. Ballard, C. S. Bond, M. F. Dwiggins.

WELLS-L. A. Spaulding, J. Q. Nutts, M. W. Newman.

WHITLEY-S. S. Austin, Wm. Weber, C. Souder, M. Ireland.

WHITE-J. T. Smith, R. M. Delzell.

M. M.

The President-The report of the Committee on Arrangements was passed this morning because the chairman of that committee was not present. Is Dr. Jameson present? He is not present, and the paper of. Dr. George J. Cook, of Indianapolis, on "Pruritus Ani," will now be heard.

Dr. Cook read his paper, which was discussed and referred to the Committee on Publication. (See page 164.)

The President-Dr. Hibberd, Chairman of the Committee regarding the publication of the transactions of this Society in a journal, may make his report now.

Dr. Hibberd read his report as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT—Your select committee to consider the matter of publishing the transactions of this Society in the Indiana Medical Journal instruct me to report that they are unanimously of the opinion that it is desirable to make the change suggested, but deem it proper to ascertain the sentiment of the Society as to the general proposition involved, before proceeding to consider details, and your committee offer the following resolution to test the sense of the Society:

Resolved, As the sense of this Society, that the select committee should proceed at once to prepare the draft of a contract with the proprietor of the Indiana Medical Journal for issuing for the next ensuing year the transactions of this Society in his said Journal, provided that the expense shall not exceed sixty cents per capita of the entire membership of this Society.

Dr. Hibberd—I move the adoption of this report I have read. Dr. Wood, of Steuben county—I am opposed to the resolution. I would prefer the transactions as now published, in book form, and I think outside of Indianapolis the members would prefer it as it has been done. I am opposed to patronizing one enterprise in the State without giving other publishers a chance. am opposed to the change.


Dr. J. H. Bersh, of Kokomo—I, too, am opposed to the change. That little red book is a very valuable document in my office. I like to have the transactions of the Society altogether. It is hardly possible for every member to be present at every meeting, and to have the transactions published in book form will much better enable such members who were absent to keep the run of the Society.

Dr. Hall, of Johnson county-I rise to say I think it is hardly fair for us to vote on this when so few outside members are here. For instance, Johnson county has thirty members and

but two or three are present. There are other reasons why the change should not be made. The book is valuable as a book of reference. It is a directory of the profession in the State. Change is not always reform, and I do not think it would be in this case.

Dr. Woollen, of Switzerland county-I oppose the motion not because I wish to do anything against the Journal. I think it would be well to publish it both in the Journal and book form also. When the matter is up in type for the paper I should think it would be a small matter to put it in book form also. I think a compromise might be had in that manner.

Dr. T. B. Harvey, of Indianapolis-It seems to me we have some reasons why the motion should be carried. The plan is, as I understand it, to publish the transactions of this Society as the American Journal does for the National Association, and I know, in Washington, my friend Dr. Wood assented to that with a loud aye, and I don't see why he should refuse to assent here. The Indiana State Journal is as good, I believe, as the one publishing the transactions of the National Association, and it can't be done cheaper than is proposed; indeed, I am surprised that Dr. Ferguson proposes to have it done at sixty cents per capita. It gives you the transactions monthly, and besides you will get a journal as good as the American Association have to publish their transactions. It has been said this is an effort to sustain an Indianapolis paper. I don't understand it so; I think it is really a disadvantage to Dr. Ferguson to publish it at such a price. My name is on that journal, but not by my consent. My only interest in it is that I want to see a medical journal established in Indiana. I have no pecuniary interest in the matter. We should take a pride in our State. We are constantly keeping ourselves down by fighting each other at home.

Dr. Wood-I wish to say a word by permission. My friend, Dr. Harvey, refers to my vote at.Washington. This was on a report by the minority of the committee, and the question involved was whether to publish in New York or Philadelphia, and that N. S. Davis, of Chicago, should not be the publisher. I don't believe Dr. Ferguson wishes to publish this for less than

it is worth. When fifteen hundred or more doctors send to get copies, it calls to aid advertisements that will more than pay him for the extra work. That is why others might offer to do it cheaper than Dr. Ferguson.

Dr. Hibberd, of Richmond-I should like to say a word. The report in the Journal will be as full as it has been in book form. We will have everything we have now. The only difference being it will come to us in four or five monthly installments. It will cost no more. By taking an average of the past four years, we found the cost of publishing in book form, and you will have it as full and complete for the same money.

Dr. C. B. Stemen, of Fort Wayne-I think that it is to the interest of the Society that this resolution should not be adopted. Every publisher knows that the Journal would get more than enough advertisements to pay for the extra work. The subscription would be very valuable. The transactions would run through the entire year, and instead of having them at once in the neat volume we have at present, the articles would be all mixed through with other matter. I publish a medical paper myself, and I would be very glad, and no doubt Dr. Ferguson would, to have the Society give me $600 a year and furnish the articles for the paper. Most any man would be willing to publish a journal under such circumstances.

Dr. Weist, of Richmond—I am surprised at some of this discussion. The only argument that seems to be advanced is that this manner of publication would give the Journal a great deal of valuable advertising. This is not simply a question of making money for any paper. It is the business of this Society to determine as wisely as it can, what course to follow that will do most to advance the interests of the Society.

Dr. Austin-I shall vote against this motion, because I don't know what the reasons are for making the change.

Dr. Lomax, of Grant county-I would suggest that this is rather a new proposition to the profession of Indiana, and although the proposition seems to be a fair one, we don't know that it would meet the wishes of the physicians generally throughout the State. I think it would be well to defer the proposition for a year and refer it to our county societies. I

move that this resolution be referred to the next annual meeting of the State Society, and in the meantime referred to the auxiliary societies.

The motion was carried.

The President-The Committee on Ethics is now ready to report. Dr. C. N. Blount is Chairman.

Dr. Blount submitted the following report:

To the Indiana State Medical Society:

INDIANAPOLIS, June 10, 1884.

The Committee on Ethics begs leave to submit the following report:

In the case of Dr. W. W. Vinnedge's appeal from the Tippecanoe County Medical Society the action of the Society is sustained.

In the case of Dr. E. T. Mendenhall, of Henry County Medical Society, no action can be taken, as his case had not been presented in legal form.

The Committee unanimously recommend the following by-laws be adopted by all the county societies, viz.:

First. Any member who has been dropped for non-payment of dues or assessments shall be restored to full membership by the payment of such dues or assessments on or before the first annual meeting of the Society after he has been dropped from its roll.

Second. If such member fails to reinstated by a majority vote of the against him by the Society.

comply with the above section, he may be
Society on the payment of all claims held
C. N. BLOUNT, Chairman of Committee.
F. S. NEWCOMER, Secretary.



Dr. Edwins, of Frankton-I move that the part of the report referring to Dr. Vinnedge and Dr. Mendenhall be received by this Society.

The motion was carried.

Dr. Edwins-I move the indefinite postponement of the rest of the report.

The motion was carried.

The President-The next is a paper, "Four Cases of Ovariotomy," by Joseph Eastman, M. D., of Indianapolis.

Dr. Eastman read his paper, which was discussed and referred to the Publication Committee. (See page 82.)

The President-The next is a paper, "Post-Partum Hemorrhage," by Dr. J. F. Hibberd, of Richmond.

Dr. Hibberd read his paper, which was discussed and referred to the Publication Committee.

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