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Halaman 50 - Association express its sympathy in the death of one of its members and extend condolences to his family, and be it further Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be spread upon the minutes of this Association and that a copy be sent to his family.
Halaman 342 - That not to exceed 3 per centum of this sum shall be available for the employment in the District of Columbia and in the field of necessary technical and clerical assistants at the customary rates of compensation, exclusively to aid in the preparation of the plans and specifications for the projects authorized herein and for the supervision of the execution thereof, and for traveling expenses, field-office equipment, and supplies in connection therewith.
Halaman 150 - That the said proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America be, and the same is hereby ratified by the Legislature of the State of Washington.
Halaman 122 - Whereas the association has been informed that there has been introduced in the Congress of the United States a bill, known as the...
Halaman 34 - And be it further RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Section and that A copy thereof be submitted to the Board of Directors.
Halaman 86 - The Congress of the United States hereby declares it to be the policy of our Government to provide sufficient beds in modern, sanitary, fireproof, Government hospitals, to care for all sick and disabled veterans entitled to hospitalization under the World War Veterans' act, 1924, as amended, and to this end requests the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs to submit annually to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the President of the Senate an estimate of the hospital construction necessary...
Halaman 73 - An act making appropriations for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1899, and for other purposes...
Halaman 110 - My suggestion is that there should be a hospital in the northern part of the State and one in the southern part of the State.
Halaman 311 - To authorize an appropriation to provide additional hospital, domiciliary, and out-patient dispensary facilities for persons entitled to hospitalization under the World War veterans...

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