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dom we see such a practical carrying out of Sharp competition is a good thing for busithe idea as is described in the Times and Reg-ness, stimulating each to put forth his best ister of November 8. efforts, but when a man stoops to underhand There are many men producing abortions, methods to outstrip his competitors, or to and prostituting their knowledge of medicine make a little more money, he is immediately and surgery in other methods under the name compensated by falling in his own estimation, of physicians, and although conscientious phy- and is more than likely to pay dearly in the sicians may suspect them, or even be morally long run for any temporary success he may convinced of the turpitude of these individ- achieve. uals, very few can afford to, or are willing to go to the expense and trouble of exposing and convicting these pseudo benefactors of the race under the law.

The Times and Register, however, have done this very thing. Dr. Eastlake, of their editorial staff, carefully investigated the caseof Dr. Fackenthal of Easton, Pa., charged with procuring an abortion, and besides proving his guilt in the case charged, received assur

ances from Dr. Falkenthal that he would be willing to undertake another case, and had frequently performed the operation successfully.

Blood Pressure in the Brain.

An apparatus to demonstrate hyperæmia, or anæmia of the brain, is described in a paper read by Dr. William A. Hammond, at a recent

meeting of the New York Neurological so

ciety, viz:

"It consisted of a brass tube, which was screwed into a round hole made in the skull with a trephine. Both ends of this tube were open, but into the upper was screwed another brass tube, the lower end of which was closed by a piece of very thin sheet of india rubber, and the upper end with a brass cap, into By some technical defect Dr. Falkenthal which was fastened a glass tube. This miner was pronounced "not guilty" of the crime arrangement contained colored water, and to charged, but none the less is Dr. Eastlake entitled to the thanks not only of the profes-brass tube was screwed into the first till the the glass tube a scale was affixed. This second sion, but of all Christian communities, for his success in exposing, and his earnest endeavors to secure the conviction of a man who

was undoubtedly guilty of a crime all too common in this civilized age, and among the so-called higher classes.

Messrs. Wm. Hood & Co., publishers of medical works, figure in a disgraceful role in a letter from Dr. Wm. Murrell, of London, to the editor of the Times and Register. It seems that these publishers have not only pirated the works of foreign authors without consulting them, but have done so in face of the authors' protest. This is taking an unfair advantage of English writers, and as there is no legal redress possible, all that can be done is to expose the wrong-doers, and trust to each physician's innate sense of honesty and fair dealing to rebuke this piracy.

One very direct method of showing displeasure at the action of this firm, is to cease buying their works until they make redress: and this method we propose to employ, and commend it to our readers.

thin rubber pressed upon the duramater and the level of the colored water stood at o, which was the middle of the scale. Now, when the

animal went to sleep the liquid fell in the tube, showing that the cerebral pressure had been diminished, an event which could only take

place in consequence of a reduction in the quantity of blood circulating in the brain. As soon as the animal awoke the liquid rose. The experiment was performed on dogs and rabbits, and was in every instance the same""


batut, the oldest practitioner in the United States, died at New Orleans on Agust 2, in his ninety-eigth year. He received his education at a French medical college, graduating in 1813. He served in the French army as surgeon in Napoleon's later campaigns, and was present at the battle of Waterloo. Came to New Orleans in 1815, and practiced his profession for sixty years. His health was good to within a few days of his death.-Weekly Med. Review.

How Patent Medicine Business is Worked.

DR. W. L. SCHENCK, of Osage City, has located in Topeka. His morning office will These firms of manufactures of proprietary be No. 7, in 723 Kansas avenue, afternoon at medicines, nine out of ten, live solely by the his home office, corner 7th and Brigham avennewspapers and sometimes are admirably ue. It is not necessary for us to introduce the managed. I know some establishments in doctor to the physicians of Topeka or to the which a regular staff is employed; I know State of Kansas or of the United States, for something about them, because they try to he is probably better known to the profession bribe me to certify to the value of their con- at large than any other Kansas physician. He coctions. So I say there is a regular staff has been president of the State Medical SocieThere is the literary man who writes the let-ty, and two years ago was first vice president ters giving marvelous accounts of marvelous of the American Medical Association, and he cases. There is the artist who shows the is one of three selected to deliver a general patient before and after taking twenty-two address before this society at Washington in bottles of the medicine; there is the poet, 1891. He is also a member of the State Board who composes poems upon the subject; there of Health and Professor of Preventive Mediis the liar, who swears to what he knows is cine and Pathology in the Kansas Medical not true, and the forger, who produces testi- College, and associate editor of the Journal. monials from his own imagination. Without exaggeration, I should say that nine out of ten of these proprietary medicines are frauds, pure and simple; the real business is advertising for dupes. The medical part of it is a side issue. I am pretty sure, if I were to pound up brick bats and spend $100,000 in offering it at a dollar an ounce, as a sure cure for some disease that cannot be cured, I should get at least $110,000, thus giving me $10,000 for my trouble. Nine-tenths of the medicines sent out in this fashion have no more curative properties than brick bat dust.

Medical Record.

Medical Society of the Missouri Valley.

Koch's Method.

The public and professional press are full of Koch's method of treating consumption. Would it not be well to wait until the grass is green over the Bourgeon treatment, before we adopt a new fad." Koch proposes inoculation. So did Jenner, but he awaited the abundant proof of twenty years before he announced vaccination as the prophylaxis of variola, and his fame will grow brighter through each succeeding century, Koch does not wait for centuries, but prefers the fleeting glory of the passing hour.

Consumption, unlike variola, is due to hereditary or acquired tissue degeneration, which, The next meeting of the Medical Society under certain malign influences tends to of the Missouri Valley will convene at Kansas excessive cell proliferation and differentiation, City, Mo., December 18th, at 10 a. m. An to the formation of tubercle, the strangulation interesting programme is promised. This of the circulation through cell accumulation meeting will be well worth attending. Two and pressure, the consequent death of central hundred and thirty members are now on our cells, their cessation or suppuration. rolls and large additions promised at this meeting. The society is destined to become the best in the west. Programme and arrangements regarding transportation will be sent you prior to meeting. Titles of papers must be sent the secretary before November 20, for a place on programme.

F. S. THOMAS, Sec'y. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, Nov. 1, 1890.

Will innoculation with this, or any other, diseased matter arrest the tendency to tuberculosis or its development?

Dr. H. B. Callahan one of the oldest physicians in Leavenworth and a decided prohibitionist is a member of the newly organized board of police commissioners of that city.

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Dr. Wentworth spoke of having received a letter of inquiry as to the factor of rheumatism in choreic cases of insanity. Thought many of these cases had a rheumatic diathe


following members, Drs. Wall, Baily, Lewis, Lindsay, Uhls, McLaughlin, Jones, Bradley, Wentworth, Righter, Minney, W. E. McVey, Ward, Cazier, McClintock, Green, Peers, Pelton, Stewart, Sheldon, McGuire, Alexander, Dr. Pelton thinks chorea generally a funcMitchell, Hogeboom and R. E. McVey. Visit- tional disease. Has seen chorea in a patient ors, Dr. Limmer. Dr. H. W. Morgridge, a with bronchitis of rheumatic origin. By regraduate of Keokuk medical class of '90 was lieving the bronchitis with alkaline remedies elected to membership. the chorea disappeared.

This being the annual meeting for the election of officers, the election resulted in Dr. T. W. Peers being chosen for president, Dr. Reid Alexander, vice-president. Drs. D. F. Rodgers and R. E. McVey, were elected to the offices of secretary and treasurer respectively.

Dr. C. C. Bradley reported in writing, a case of "Pistol shot wound of the abdomen, with laparotomy."

Dr. Stewart thought he would not have given so much opium.

Dr. Pelton thought the treatment followed the proper one. Has seen a number of wounds of this character. Related a case of a man being shot in the abdomen four inches to the right of the umbilicus. Saw him in twenty hours and advised an operation; was refused. Patient died and a post mortem showed the ball to have penetrated four loops of the intestine, cut the ureter and lodged in the pelvis.

Dr. Sheldon thinks chorea and rheumatism

have a common origin. Thinks chorea hereditary. Has often seen chorea in children of drunkards. Spoke of having seen five cases of chorea in one family, said to have been caused by drunkenness of the grandfather. All the children recovered. Has had good results in the treatment of chorea by means of full doses of blue cohosh.

Dr. Stewart in closing said mal-nutrition of the nerve centers was a cause of chorea.

Heredity also a cause. Where there is a hyaline degeneration syphilis is the cause.

Papers for the next meeting by Drs. Lewis and McLaughlin. Adjourned to meet December 2, 1890, at 8 p. m. D. F. RODGERS, Sec'y.

Leavenworth Medical Society.

another case where a policeman was At the annual meeting of the Leavenworth shot in the abdomen, and in five or six days Medical society held Monday evening, Octothe ball was passed per rectum. The opium ber 27, the following officers were elected for treatment was used in this case alone. the ensuing year: L. L. Terwilliger, M. D., of Dr. Ward was glad to hear that clear water Lansing, President; W. D. Bidwell, M. D., of alone was used in the case.

Leavenworth, Vice-President; W. W. Walter,

Dr. Wentworth spoke of the possibility of M. D., of Leavenworth, Secretary and Treasinsanity being an element in the case.

Dr. Bradley in closing spoke of the use of opium in such cases and thought its use proper.

Dr. S. G. Stewart reported in writing a case of rheumatism with chronic complications.


Dr. Terwilliger read a very practical paper on "Hyperidrosis Pedium, its cause and Treatment," recommending as the most satisfactory remedy, cleansing the feet with warm water, drying them quickly, putting on a pair of

clean socks and thoroughly saturating them This is a most valuable little work for inwith ninety-five per cent. alcohol, relief was struction and assistance in those points where obtained by this method when all others failed. the average physician is most lacking, i. e., A very interesting and spirited discussion the correct and grammatical construction of arose as to the policy for the coming year and prescriptions; giving a thorough and systemit was noticeable that far more liberal and en- atic course in the Latin particularly adapted lightened views were held by the members to the use of physician and pharmacist. than in previous years. POST-MORTEMS; WHAT TO LOOK FOR AND HOW TO MAKE THEM. By A. H. Newth, London. Edited with numerous notes and additions, by W. F. Owen, M. D., formerly Demonstrator of Anatomy, Detroit College of Medicine. Cloth, 12mo.; postpaid, $1 00. The Illustrated Medical Journal Co., Publishers, Detroit, Michigan.

The society is small and is not encouraged by some of the older members of the profession as it should be, but the loss is rather to the absentees than to the society, the latter evidently shaping medical thought and opinion more and more and incidentally coming in for an increasing amount of the material benefits.

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"RAILWAY SURGERY."—A practical work on the Special Department of Railway Surgery, For Railway Surgeons, and Practitioners in the General Practice of Surgery. By C. B. Stemmen, A. M., M. D., L.L.D., Professor of Surgery in the Fort Wayne College of Medicine, &c. Illustrated. Cloth, octavo, 316 pages. St. Louis: J. H. Chambers & Co.

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These Compends are already so well known, and have taken such an important place in the The first work on this special subject publish- equipment of the medical student that further ed and for which there has been a great demand. comment is unnecessary. We may say, howThe subjects, under this special branch are ever, that the last edition shows much imwell treated and the work should be in the provement over former ones. library of every general and local railway of a large number of plates and diagrams is only one of the important features of the new surgeon in the country. work.

In future editions such subjects as "Temporary Treatment in cases of Railway Injury," should not be dismissed in three pages; they are good, therefore we ask for more.

We also ask the publishers to be a little more liberal in the matter of original cuts; such engravings as that of the old shoe shown on page 147 tells its story better than words can describe, even though the artist had apparently done his work in a saw-mill.


LATIN GRAMMAR OF PHARMACY AND MEDICINE. BY D. H. Robinson, Ph. D., Profof Latin Language and Literature University of Kansas, with Introduction, by L. E. Sayre, Ph. G., Prof. of Pharmacy in, and Dean of Department of Pharmacy, University Kansas. Published by P. Blakiston, Son & Co.

The addition

SURGICAL HAND BOOK-For the Use of Prac-
titioners and Students. By Francis M.
Caird, M. D., F. R. C. S., and Chas. W.
Cathcart, M. B., F. R. C. S. Published by
P. Blakiston, Son & Co.

This is a most convenient book, and well adapted for emergency cases where the young practitioner, or even the old ones, may need a little freshening up. It contains a vast amount of useful information in such a convenient form that a moment's investigation might settle a grave doubt. Being well bound in oil cloth, is adapted for constant and rough


In treating chronic forms of eczema especially where there are crusts, scales, excoriations and fissures, do not forget the value of the tarry preparations, oil of cade and the like.

MEDICAL MISCELLANY. tacks of a nervous, convulsive character and his sleep was much disturbed with dreams. He seemed delirious at times and at those

A Case of Poisoning from Cigaret Smoking. times people were after him trying to get in

On July 20, of the present year, I was first called to see the young man whose case I am about to report.

to the room to injure him.

When I saw him his face was slightly flushed, his eyes bright, and there was a nervous jerking to his movements, that were choreic The patient is seventeen years of age, in character. His tongue was coated, temperrather slender; tall of his age, rosy cheeks ature normal, and his pulse forty, weak and large red lips. His parents have been and prolonged. His bowels were irregular. dead for a number of years, and he has been He had no appetite, and it was with difficulty living with some relatives for two years past. that they got him to eat at all. His feet and He is rather reckless and willful, and resents hands are cold. He complained of great any suggestions of restraint from them, and weakness. for a year or more he has, from time to time, He had attacks in which he would stretch indulged in the excessive use of intoxicants, himself out in tonic spasms, without cry, or and all the time has been using much tobacco. frothing at the mouth and without loss of His favorite form is cigaret smoking, though consciousness. These attacks came on from

and lasted from three minutes to two hours. While they lasted he was unable to speak.

cigars and chewing tobacco have frequently one to six times during the twenty-four hours solaced him. Indeed, tobacco tasted better than food and he eat very little, and that little was of the dainties rather than good wholesome food. His daily allowance of cigarets was from fifteen to thirty; but on July 4 he had more leisure for smoking and sucked the smoke out of ninety cigarets.

From July 4 to July 14, he was not feeling at all well, but did not call in medical attendance until the latter date. This physician attended him until July 18. On that day he called and proceeded to examine his patient. This was åttended with difficulty, as the doctor was very much intoxicated, and in his unsteady efforts to catch the pulse, he lost his balance and tumbled over upon his patient and the bed. He gathered himself together however, and began to dilate on the wonderful virtues of a favorite prescription which he put up himself, not daring to risk it in the hands of ignorant druggists. But it was expensive. Five dollars was his usual price. The present necessity, however, was so great, that three dollars would enable the patient to avail himself of this wonderful compound. They gave him some money and he hurried off for the drugs with which to make his medicine. He may still be at work on it for ought they know, as he has never put in an appearance since.

The symptoms were irregular and not wholly like tobacco poisoning, but I think largely due to cigarets. I gave him a tonic containing arsenic, strychnia, and quinine. I also gave him a diuritic, and aromatic spirits of Under this treatment and no ammonia. tobacco in any form, his pulse became more nearly normal, the convulsive attacks diminished, became less convulsive, and, I thought, inclined to be hysterical. In about ten days he began to work part of the day, and by August 1, was in average health.

There were several symptoms and incidents of interest, after he was able to be about.

The first day he went down to the office he found a friend had proved false to him. It made him so melancholy and distressed that he locked himself up in a room, dressed himself all up, and got a pistol to blow his brains out, but was opportunely prevented. His melancholia lasted several days.

A few days after this, he became angry at some little thing, and said he was going down town. His relatives tried to persuade him to stay, but he left about.6:30 p. m., and at 10 p. m., returned, frightened and much exhaused. He stated that he could remember nothing from the time he left the supper table till he

During this time, the young man had at- found himself on the outskirts of the city, a

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