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Dr. J. H. McCasey presented a case of a lady who was having frequent and copious membranous discharges from the bowels, and specimen of the discharge was shown.

A committee, consisting of Drs. Cullimore, Daily and Marcotte, were appointed to examine the case and report to the society.

Committee reported Lumbricoides Treatment Santonin as the doctor had already been giving with improvement.

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Dr. R. S. Magee-The rupture occurred when the distension disappeared. An operation at that time offered the only hope. If the doctor had been called prior to the rupture, a trocar or aspirator should have been used, and the urine drawn, supra' pubic. No blame can be attached to the doctor's treatment in the case. Knew of a case recently where the urine had been drawn off with a trocar, and a silver catheter inserted and allowed to remain, with good results. Patient using a cork in the mouth of the catheter, and drawing off the urine at stated intervals.

Dr. W. F. Sawhill reported an interesting case of dysphagia, as a result of paralysis following diphtheria. Had to be fed by rectal

enemas for four weeks. Had now commenced to swallow small mouthfuls of liquid food but would vomit almost immediately. A report of the case will be given when a termination

Dr. Cullimore read a paper on cataract, congenital and zonular.


Dr. Lowe presented the following case: Boy, aged 14, diarrhoea two weeks, treated by the family. Bowels became distended, which parents thought was gas as he suffered se- is reached. vere colicy pains. Breath was foul and of a decidedly ureamic odor. After four days he complained to his parents that he had not. passed any urine. This alarmed them, and I was called. Found him vomiting, with perDr. R. S. Magee-Nothing elicits the symsistent thirst. The distention of the abdomen pathy more than congenital blindness. The had disappeared. Tried to pass catheter, but diagnosis is somewhat difficult, and should be This was in the morning; patient made with care. The operation of discission died the following night. Autopsy showed is not at all difficult, and can be done entirely. rupture of the bladder. About one quart of antiseptically. If the cataract is monocular, mucus, tinged with blood, was found in the and vision good in the other eye, would not peritoneal cavity. Two weeks previous had operate unless there was pain, as patient has been kicked by his stepfather in the thigh become accustomed to seeing with one eye, with sufficient force to cause him to reel, but and if lens is removed it will necessitate the post-mortem examination revealed no vis- wearing of glasses. ible lesion in this region.


Dr. F. M. Daily-The discission operation

should be done early. It is safe and comparatively easy.

Dr. Blush said he had seen cocaine used in three cases before the passage of the sound,

The paper was further discussed by Drs. with good effects. Daily, Sawhill and Jeannotte.

This completed the program.

Dr. Hazlett. of Abilene, then read an excellent paper entitled, "A few remarks on Stra

Two questions were proposed for general bismus." discussion, as follows:

1. Why is atropine used by the oculists in correcting error of refraction?

2. How would you detect whether a muscular defect of the eyes was causing headaches?

These questions were discussed at length by Drs. Daily, Jeannotte, Sawhill, Cullimore and Magee.

The convention was a valuable one for the

practical work done, and not for the number of its papers.

Adjourned to meet in Concordia First Tuesday in April, 1891.

Secretary, pro tem.

Motion to adjourn till 7:30, p. m.



Meeting called to order at 7:30, p. m., President Daugherty in the chair.

By invitation of Dr. Dewees, Salina was selected as the next place of meeting.

Dr. McClintock, of Topeka, read a paper entitled, "Surgical Treatment of the Prostate." He selected three very interesting cases, where he had performed perinal prostatonomy, removing a U or V shaped piece from the prostate, with excellent results in two cases.

Dr. Ketchersid, of Hope, then read a paper entitled "Surgical Treatment of Empyema." He used the aspirator as a means of diagnosis principally, and directed the after treatment

The Golden Belt District Medical Society. according to the nature of the fluid found.

The Golden Belt District Medical Society held its fall meeting in Abilene, Kansas, Thursday, October 2, 1890.

Meeting called to order at 4 o'clock, p. m., President P. Daugherty, M. D., in the chair.

Drs. Buck, Felty, King and McClintock, complimented the paper highly, and confirmed the treatment.

Dr. Guibor, of Topeka, who was to have read a paper on 'Acute Nasal Catarrh," was prevented from attending by illness.

Dr. Dewees, of Salina, then volunteered a


The following members responded to roll call:-Drs. Austin, Hazlett, Felty, King, Ross, paper on "Digitalis; Indications for the use Kauffman, of Abilene; Daugherty, Hays, King, of Junction City; Dewees, Browne and Harvey of Salina; Ketchersid and Blush of Hope; Hatman of Manchester: McClintock of Topeka.

In view of the theory recently advanced by Dr. H. C. Wood, of Philadelphia, in his article read at the International Medical Congress, at Berlin, advocating digitalis in collapses, from

The minutes of last meeting read and ap- the effects of an anæsthetic, Dr. Dewees proved.

Dr. Browne, of Salina, read a paper entitled "The Formation of Urethral Stricture, with special reference to its Treatment." He advanced the theory of urine leakage as a causative factor in urethral stricture. He advocated the treatment of gradual dilatation as being best and safest, if any instrument could be used at all. But if not, the continued method of internal and external urethrotomy.

Under discussion, Drs. Felty, Dewees, Blush and Daugherty complimented the paper, and confirmed the treatment.

thought it proper to study its general action and use. He advocated the old theory of Rosunsteim, that when the arteries were empty and the veins full, then digitalis was always indicated.


Drs. Felty and Blush had never used digitalis under these circumstances, considering it too slow, but preferred ammonia and alcohol.

Dr. Ketchersid said that digitalis increased arterial tension, and thereby decreased nutrition, and ammonia and alcohol increased it.

Dr. Daugherty said he used digitalis with


extreme caution, owing to the unreliability of Dr. R. E. McVey read a paper on "Neuthe preparations in the market. He said digi-ralgia and its Treatment." talis was indicated in dilatation of heart, when


compensatory hypertrophy was not present; Dr. Gibson, being called upon, complimentbut when it was, digitalis was contra-indi-ed the paper.


"Malarial Affections," being the subject for general discussion, it seemed the universal opinion that we knew little if anything of the cause of malaria.

Dr. S. G. Stewart thought most neuralgias were caused by mal-nutrition. All so-called neuralgias are not neuralgias. Reported a case of neuralgia of the orbital region treated successfully with a hypodermic injection of

The majority advocated larger doses of cold water; has often used this with success; quinine.

Dr. McClintock referred to the intra-venous injection of muriate of quinine, and also the hypodermic injection. Never had an abscess follow.

Dr. Hazlett had used the bisulphate of quinine hypodermically, and had numerous ab


Dr. Dewees had used the compressed tablets of quinine prepared by John Hyatt & Bro., for hypodermic use, and never had an abscess.

Dr. Felty favored small doses of quinine oft repeated. Never had given but one 20 gr. dose, and then the patient died.

On motion of Dr. Dewees, Dr. L. A. Buck, of Peabody, Kansas, who was present with us, was unanimously elected to honorary membership.

has used cocaine in neuralgia hypodermically with success.

Dr. G. O. Morgridge spoke of the term neuralgia being often a meaningless one. Cannot conceive of a pain without a lesion; the pain may be at a distance from the lesion, as the pain in the knee in hip-joint disease. It is said by some that every pain is a call from the nerve for more blood. Spoke of a lesson learned from an old doctor, who said while suffering from a headache at one time, he ate some frozen watermelon. A copious flow of urine followed and his headache was relieved. Always take into account in your treatment of neuralgia the lesion. The more we know of the pathology of this disease the fewer remedies we will use.

Dr. Lindsay spoke of the nerve endings that transmit sensations of pain alone. This is the

Meeting adjourned till the second Thursday only rational reason for the treatment of in January, 1891.

Dr. F. B. BROWNE, Secretary.

Topeka Academy of Medicine and Surgery.

The Topeka Academy of Medicine and Surgery met in regular session at Lincoln post hall, Tuesday evening, October 7, President Dr. L. H. Munn presiding.

There were present Drs. McGuire, Pelton, Uhls, Donaldson, Shelton, H. W. and G. O. Morgridge, R. E. and W. E. McVey, Mitchell, Green, Lewis, Magee, Minney, Stewart, Peers, Tefft, Longshore, Gibson, Williamson, Limmer, Lindsay and Righter; Mr. Walker, druggist, and Mr. Gilbert, medical student.

Drs. L. L. Uhls, graduate of Rush, 1884; W, R. Wallace, graduate of Starling, 1880, and G. O. Morgridge, Keokuk, 1870, were elected members of the Academy.

neuralgia, as it is generally treated. Anemia of the nerve is not the sole cause of neuralgia, for we have cases where there is hyperemia.

Dr. Sheldon thought often neuralgia could be relieved by phlebotomy near the seat of pain. Related a case of severe neuralgia relieved in this way by the patient accidentally cutting his foot.

Dr. Donaldson was surprised at the small doses of gelsemium used by the author of the paper. Said he had been in the habit of using larger doses. Had used quinine and phenacetine, 3 grs. of each, with good results.

Dr. Pelton asked, what is pain? Exalted sensibility. In some cases normal sensibility with exalted activity. In some cases we have a neuralgia of central origin with peripheral pain, and vice versa. Had often used electricity with good results. Had used phenacetine in 5 gr. doses with good results.

Dr. McVey, in closing, in answer to Dr. the lymphatics, and it will simply lie dormant Munn's query, whether 1⁄2 gr, morphia was and be ineffectual. More active means of not too much; said he usually combined it stimulation will have to be resorted to, and with atropia, then it was not too much, as the this we find in the cautery. atropia counteracted its bad effects, and helped to control pain. Said large doses of gelsemium, in his experience, produced disagreeable diplopia

Dr. R. S. Magee followed with a paper on "Corneal Ulcers, and their Treatment with Galvano-Cautery."


Dr. W. E. McVey said he had seen many of the cases mentioned in the paper, both before and after treatment with the cautery, and thought the results good and entirely satisfactory.

Dr. G. O. Morgridge said the galvano-cautery was used by many eminent oculists, but thought it had its bad features as well as many good ones. The cicatricial tissue remaining after the healing process was much less when the galvano-cautery was used than that following the use of any other plan of treatment. Had been in the habit often of using an ointment of iodoform, 20 grs. to the ounce of vaseline, in the treatment of these ulcers.

On motion a committee of three, consisting of Drs. Minney, Michell and McGuire, were appointed to arrange for the entertainment of the Eastern District Medical Society, which meets in this city Tuesday evening, Oct. 14. Papers for next meeting:

"Report of a Case of Rheumatism, with Choreic Complications," by Dr. S. G. Stewart. "Report of a Case of Gun-shot Wound of Abdomen," by Dr. C. C. Bradley.

Adjourned to meet first Tuesday evening in November, when the annual election of officD. F. RODGERS, Secretary.

ers occurs.

Eastern Kansas District Medical Society.

The Eastern Kansas District Medical Society met at Lincoln Post hall, Topeka, Kansas, October 14, 1890, at 8 p. m.

Present-Drs. G. P. Marner, Morganville; J. T. Scott, Holton; L. Reynolds, Horton; H. S. Pickard, Burlingame; F. E. Schenck, Harveyville; C. R. Carpenter, W. J. Van Emon, Dr. Wall thought the class of ulcers made and W. D. Bidwell, of Leavenworth; O. C. some difference. Those known as rodent McNary, Soldier's Home; W. C. Tyree, D. R. ulcers are best treated by the galvano-cautery. Porter, and J. D. Griffith, Kansas City, Mo., For simple ulcers prefers atropia, or cocaine, Geo. M. Gray, Kansas City, Kansas; W. L, with hot stimulating applications. Spoke of Schenck, Osage City; D. C. Jones, D. R. Pelmalarial keratitis being best treated with qui- ton, W. E. McVey, W. S. Lindsay, H. C. nine internally. He had found the yellow Miner, D. F. Rodgers, M. B. Ward, R. S. Maoxide of mercury an efficient agent in the in- gee, J. E. Minney, J. L. Owen, J. W. Redden, dolent ulcer, and highly recommended its use. Theo. W. Peers, R. E. McVey, J. W. DonaldDr. G. O. Morgridge spoke of the yellow son, J. P. Lewis, M. H. Cazier, M. R. Mitchell. oxide of mercury in the later stages being S. G. Stewart, J. C. McClintock, W. H. good, but not so efficient in the stage of hy- Righter, L. L. Uhls, H. K. Tefft, C. C. Green, peræmia. H. L. Alkire, H. T. McLaughlin, and J. D. Gibson, Topeka.

Dr. J. E. Minney said patients object to iodoform because of its disagreeable odor. Advocated strongly the use of the cautery, and in place of the iodoform uses a saturated solution of boracic acid.

Drs. Jones, Schenck and Lewis were appointed censors.

The following were elected to membership: H. M. Downs, Kansas City, Kansas, graduate Dr. Magee, in closing, said he had been un- of University of Michigan, 1880; G. O. Morgable to find any authority who outlined the ridge, Topeka, graduate of Keokuk, Iowa, variety of ulcers to which the galvano-cautery 1870; Geo. L. Limmer, Topeka, graduate of should be applied. Does not think that in the Kansas City Medical College, 1888; Edmund indolent ulcer the yellow oxide of mercury Longley, Burlingame, graduate of McGill Colwould be absorbed because of the occlusion of lege, Montreal, Canada, 1866.

A. H. Fabrique, Wichita, was elected honor- though it could be brought to a potable conary member. dition by a moderate expenditure of time and

Dr. Carpenter read a paper on "The Water money. Supply of Leavenworth."


Discussion was opened by Dr. Schenck, in the absence of Dr. Terwilliger. He endorsed the statements of the author, speaking especially of the necessity of doing away with typhoid fever, which is a human filth disease. He remarked that up to ten years ago typhoid was almost unknown in the state, but now, especially in older cities, like Leavenworth, human excrement, has entered the soil and is accomplishing its work. He thought Dr.

Carpenter's conclusions were almost identical
with those of Dr. Milroy, of Omaha. The an-
alysis of wells used by private individuals, es-
pecially those within 100 feet of privies, should
be attended to as well as the analysis of reser-
voirs for public use, and the majority of them
condemned, for they cannot be purified.
doctor enlarged upon the duty of the physician
to preserve health as well as to heal such cases
of disease, as in fact send for them.


Dr. Porter, of Kansas City, was interested in the paper, because it came near home. He admired Murchison, because he believed that typhoid fever originated de novo in many cases, and that was his own opinion. In his opinion cistern water was not as safe as Missouri river water, the stirring up of the current being most efficacious for its purification.

Dr. Jones stated that all except possibly one of his cases of typoid fever this year, had used hydrant water.

Dr. Schenck spoke of the greater danger of using Kaw than Missouri river water.

Dr. McNary stated that the water used at the Soldier's home was pumped one and onehalf miles below the outlet of the Fort sewer. He stated that they had had no cases of typhoid fever at the Home; had few cases of dysentery, and had almost no winter cholera when it prevailed.

Dr. Carpenter closed the discussion. He was careful to state that cistern water was safe

only so long as the cistern remained tight. The paper was received.

Dr. Reynolds read a paper on a "Case of Femoral Herniotomy."


Dr. Van Emon, of Leavenworth, was invited to open the discussion. He advocated early operation, mentioning a similar case operated on eight years ago, in which the patient has remained well since.

Dr. Griffith spoke of the difficulty of diagnosis of lumps in this vicinity in many cases, describing a case he took for hernia, but after taxis under chloroform for twenty minutes he made an incision, and out rolled a quantity of pus. The bowels had been very constipated. Dr. Griffith, of Kansas City, stated that he vomiting had been severe, and even stercorawas on the state board of health, and hence ceous. The diagnosis of femoral from inguinhad an interest in this subject. Memphis al hernia was often impossible until an incision alone has good cistern water, and that is due was made. to the absence of cesspools in the city. The Dr. Schenck said that Sir Astley Cooper had average cistern has cracks, through which had a similar experience to Doctor Griffith. sewerage will seep very easily. Hydrant Dr. Lindsay inverted a patient to accompwater can be purified by the Pasteur filter, or by additional heating to 212°. Dr. Davis had informed him that the sewerage emptying into the Hudson river had to be thoroughly disinfected, and Dr. Griffith thought the time was coming when the Missouri river water would have to be similarly treated.

Dr. Bidwell was of opinion that typhoid did not originate de novo, and that in the case of Leavenworth, at least, the hydrant water was worse than the well and cistern water, al

lish reduction, and when Dr. Stewart cut down he found a quart of pus, and the patient died that night.

Dr. Rodgers spoke of a case of hernia he took for epididymitis or orchitis. Vomiting of stercoraceous matter occurred. Operation by another surgeon later showed a gangrenous bowel, and death ensued.

Dr. Righter referred to the case spoken of by Dr. Lindsay, stating that there was no question of hernia when he saw it, and he had given no such opinion.

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