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Kansas Medical Journal.



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.25 Cents.

would be reported for the sake of State pride, the State would get the credit for it and the profession be benefited when otherwise it would be lost.

Medicine knows no State lines but medical men are human beings and the socialistic plan or throwing in their might in a general way does not bring out work from the mass of physicians. To elevate the profession each man in it must work for the common good.

$200 Subscription may begin at any time. The safest mode of remitttance is by bank check or postal money order drawn to the order of the undersigned. When neither is accessible, remittances may be made at the risk of the pub-To do the best work and to bring out all

lishers, by forwarding in REGISTERED LETTER. Address

Kansas Medical Journal,


723 Kansas Avenue.

J. E. MINNEY, A. M., M. D., Topeka, Kas.

Assistants :

that is in a man he must be directly interested in the work. The best citizen is loyal to his home, to his State, to his nation. This is a business principle also. He does not love his State less but his home more. His nation less but his State more. The metropolitan journal less but his State journal more. W. A. PHILLIPS, M. D., Salina. physician who is interested in his home socie

W. L SCHENCK, M. D., Osage City, Kas.
S. G, STEWART, M, D., Topeka Kansas.
Associate Editors:

W. D. BIDWELL, M. D., Leavenworth.

W. F. SAWHILL, M. D., Concordia.

T. W. PEERS, M. D., Topeka.


ty, works for it and is a prime factor in its success. A number of such physicians in a community or city have a successful medical society. These same workers are found in the State and National Associations. They This is a try, and do first build up home. They enlist as many in the work as they can. Suggestions looking to the advancement of the profession are put into execution, the good ones are retained and the failures discarded.

THE State Medical Society of Arkansas has established a Medical journal. move in the right direction. The medical profession should not depend upon manufacturers for its periodical literature.

A monthly medical journal can be published for one year for about three times the cost of getting the transactions published in bound volume and it will contain three or four times as much other original matter from the physicians during the year. Coming monthly, the work of the Society will benefit others than members of the society. Three or four times the membership of the society will be reached and informed of the work being done in the State. Seeing what their neighbors are doing

will stimulate them to action.

If a district society could afford to publish its own transactions in a neat monthly journal it would be a means of development above price to it. The profession would see the ability in that society, and soon it would prove its fitness to be a leader or a follower of the medical profession. It is work, systematic work, done and reported which attracts the attention of medical men and sets them to thinking and establishes a healthy rivalry, especially if the work is done near home.

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A bound volume of transactions is placed on the shelf and it is seldom read or referred too, but the physician who will refer to it will have the journal in which the transactions are published bound and it serves the same purpose. He has read it all or looked over it carefully, and several of his own articles appear in it, which lends interest to it for him. The pages of the journal are open to any physician in the State at any time to write a paper or report a case. Often cases of interest Kansas will do herself credit.

THE next meeting of the South Kansas District Medical Society, will be held in Peabody November 19, 1890. A good attendance is expected. Among others Dr. S. S. Hall of Augusta, will read a paper on Procidentia Uteri" with report of a case. Dr. W. C. Nolder of Newton, a paper on "Morphineism." The program could not be arranged in time for this issue of the JOURNAL, but the South

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Eighty-eight by supra-pubic cystotomy, mortality 16 per cent.

Four by combined perineal and supra-pubic incision, none fatal,

with stone; excluding these-since it might be objected that the cure resulted rather from the calculus extraction then from the prostatic operation-there remained 41 cases of uncom

plicated prostate operations; of these 32 (four fifths) recovered the power of urination, in nine this ability was not recovered.

Three Double Births.

The wife of John Bean of Valley Falls, aged 65 years, gave birth to twins on Monday evening. Her daughter, Mrs. Stratton, who lives in a neighboring township, presented her husband with twins the same evening. Mrs. Stratton's daughter Eva was married a year ago and lives in Arrington. The friends. of Mrs. Stratton and her mother were not yet through congratulating them over the interesting natal coincidence in their families when Mrs. Stratton received a letter from her sonin-law that her daughter had given birth to twins herself on Monday evening. The three double births occurred within ten minutes of each other.

Sad, Indeed.

Dr. Robert Bartholow, one of the world's greatest therapeutists, the secular press says has two marked delusions. He imagines he is under the surveilance of the police and the

other the alienation of his wife's affections.

On every other topic he appears to be rational.
The trustees will declare his chair vacant on
Monday, October 7.

Among the candidates spoken of as Dr.
Bartholow's successor, are Dr. S. Solis Cohen,
Dr. James C. Wilson, Dr. Henry Morris, Dr.
T. J. Mays, and Dr. Samuel Potter, of San

DR. W. K. HARRIS of Mulvane, Kas., uses

In 56 of these cases the essential facts before and after operation are furnished; they had been the subjects of cystitis and dependent upon the catheter for periods varying from one to ten years. In all the cystitis was for dyspeptic vertigo: cured; in 38 (two-thirds) voluntary urination was restored and continued during the time of observation, six months to two and onehalf years; in eighteen this function was not recovered.

Acidi nitrici

Acidi muriatici

Aqueæ camphoræ


gtt 1 x. gtt. c. f 3 viij.

Sig. Shake. Take one tablespoonful

in one-half cup of water thirty minutes before

Fifteen of these 56 cases were complicated each meal.

Bee Sting for Rheumatiam.

coming on it was alleged, as the result of a railroad accident. Her suit for damages was

J. T. Shepherd of Osage City, Kas., says, pending against the railroad company when he had been troubled with articular rheuma- an operation was deemed necessary. The tism since he came out of the army, until surgeon was somewhat surprised on opening about four years ago when he began to keep to discover a dead fœtus at full term. The bees. For the past two years he has been enrailroad disclaims all responsibility for the tirely free from the disease. He attributes tumor.-Medical Record. the cure to the poison of the bee. He gets stung almost every day and sometimes fifteen to twenty times a day. The pain and swelling following the sting is not great but in about an hour afterwards it causes an intolerable itching of the whole limb.

(What is the poison of the bee?—ED.)

THIRTEENTH semi-annual session of the Northern Kansas Medical Society, will be held at the rooms of the Commercial Club, Seneca, Kansas, Thursday, November 13, 1890.


President's Address.”

R. Hawkins, M. D., Marysville.
"Puerperal Convulsions."

M. A. Brawley, M. D., Frankfort.
"Modern Surgery."

A. J. Best, M. D., Centralia.
"Disease of Dorsal and Lumbar Vertebra, with
Special Reference to Treatment of
Psoas Abscess."

Jacob Geiger, M. D., St. Joseph, Mo.
Standard Therapeutics."

N. Hayes, M. D., Seneca.
"Vaso-Motor Coryza."

Geo. C. Irwin, M. D., Sabetha.
"Glaucoma, as seen by the General

Grant Cullimore, M. D., Atchison.
"The Prevention of Shortening in Fracture
of the Femur; Demonstrated with
the use of Apparatus."
S. Murdock, M. D., Oneida.
"Report of an Interesting Case in Practice."
W. F. Richardson, M. D., Havensville.
Afternoon session begins promptly at 3
o'clock. Evening session at 7:30 o'clock.
R. HAWKINS, M. D,, Pres.

M. M WACHTER, M. D., Sec'y.

SUEING THE WRONG PARTY.-A young . woman in Summit County, Ohio, was supposed to be suffering from an ovarian tumor,

THE thirteenth semi-annual session of the Northern Kansas Medical Society will be held in Seneca on Thursday, November 13. Among other things, the programme provides for the presentation of the following subjects: "Disease of Dorsal and Lumbar Vertebræ, with special reference to treatment of Psoas Abscess," Jacob Geiger, M. D., St. Joseph, Mo.; "Modern Surgery," A. J. Best, M. D., Centralia; "The Prevention of Shortening in Fracture of the Femnr," S. Murdock, M. D., Oneida; "Vaso-Motor Coryza," Geo. C. Irwin, M. D., Sabetha; "Glaucoma, as seen by the General Practitioner," Grant Cullimore, M.D., Atchison; "Standard Therapeutics," N. Hayes, M. D., Seneca; "Puerperal Convulsions," M. A. Brawley, M. D., Frankfort. There will be special clinics, and the reports of interesting cases in practice. A cordial invitation is extended to members of the profession to be present. Any information concerning the society and its meetings can be secured by addressing the secretary, M. M. Wachter, M. D., Baileyville, Kas.

DR. KROGUIS, of Paris, has made some experiments on the puriform urine of ten persons suffering with chronic stricture or catarrh of the bladder and pyelo nephritis. In one of these cases a bacillus was found which when cultivated, and injected into the tissues a of rabbit caused death in a few hours, and in no case was death delayed longer than two days. High fever, extensive gangrene extending very rapidly and gave off a strong ammoniacal odor, and is called by the author "Liquefacieus Septicus."

PADDOCK in the Archives says, ergot of rye is useful in all forms of chronic congestion and vascular dilatation in the eye, particularly episcleritis and chronic conjunctivitis. It should be given in maximum doses.


KANSAS as usual is ahead on babies-read report on page 737.

DR. J. K. MILLER of Jetmore, Kas., spent

a few hours with us last month.

AMONGST many of the good reports read those of Dr. Cordier and Dr. Reynolds.

THE Eastern Kansas District Medical Society held the best meeting in its history October 14, 1890.

THE District Medical Societies are doing good work now. Read the reports in this and in the next number of the JOURNAL.

ALBOCYTE-The new blood corpuscle is described as spherical, colorless and about one third the diameter of the red blood corpuscle. DR. M. B. WARD has been elected by a unanmous vote at a late meeting at Philadelphia, to fellowship in the American Association of Obstetricians Gynaecologists.

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on Intubation of the Larynx," discards the mouth gag and extractor. The accidents liable to occur while attending or introducing the tube will suggest themselves to those having experience in intubating the larynx. First, to the operator a bitten finger: second, the danger of lacerating the tissues of the child, should the mouth be shut too soon, and other disadvantages that are apparent. We think we will still use the mouth gag and the extractor, until something better offers.

GONE.-Dr. M. H. Cazier, Professor of

Physicial Diagnosis and Disease of the Chest, in the Kansas Medical College,


from this state and entered the state of matrimony at Racine, Wis., Oct. 9, 1890, with one of the Badger states fair daughters, Miss Lillian Hart. The doctor has made amends in full by returning to Topeka with his fair help-meet and will gladly receive friends at 1112 Topeka avenue. The JOURNAL's best wishes are with Bachelor doctors-go and do likewise.

THE class in attendance at the "Kansas you. Medical College" is, take it altogether, above the average in a literary point of view.

THE faculty of the Kansas Medical College extends a cordial invitation to the profession when visiting Topeka to visit the college.

A 1 per cent. solution of the dried toad poison, the secretions of its glands, it is claimed, produces complete anæsthesia of the corneal and conjunctiva, lasting four or five hours.

STANLEY seems to have great belief in vaccination. He says his Zanzibar followers escaped variola because they were vaccinnated, and Stanley knows something of smallpox in


THE saline treatment of peritonitis, is relegating the opium plan to its proper place, viz: the relief of pain; the day of splinting the bowels with opium is happily passing away, and we seldom hear of it any more.

A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR THE RIGHT MAN. In a town of 3,500 inhabitants, one of the most desirable cities, as a home in the State-a physician who desires to make a change on account of health, will introduce the physician by taking him in as a partner for six months and withdrawing, leaving at the expiration of that time. For particulars adddres, B. A., care KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL, Topeka, Kas.

THE celebrated Larry was called to the court to attend the King's daughter in confinement. The king said, ah, you should be pleased to attend my daughter in such a case, it will make your reputation, will it not? To which Larry replied, sire, I should not be here as accoucheur were my reputation not already

established.-Lancet and Clinic.

AFTER July 1, 1893, the Colorado State Board of Health will accept the diplomas of

ANY physician who desires to read a paper before the section of Ophthalmology, Otology, no school which does not have an obligatory etc., at the Kansas State Medical Society, would confer a great favor by notifying the secretary as soon as possible.

G. A. WALL, Secy.

three years' course of instruction of five months each in three different years. Dr. T. A. Hughes, of Denver, the efficient secretary, has so notified all medical colleges of the country.

Dr. Guido Bell, of Indianapolis, in a paper read before the American Medical Association DRS. L. A. BUCK, of Peabody; T. H. Hall,


Republican Valley Medical Society.

of Alma; B. F. Morgan, of Riley; W. W. SOCIETY
Morgan, of Clay Center; A. B. Sellards, of
Scranton; A. D. Smith, of Wamego; and W.
C. Bower, of Lebanon, were callers at the
JOURNAL office during the last month. They
came to do honor to our Nation's chief, Presi-
dent Harrison, who visited our city at that

STANLEY'S recent Emin Expedition was equipped entirely with Fairchild's Digestive Ferments in preference to any others, and in the recent attack of gastritis from which Mr. Stanley suffered, he was entirely sustained upon foods previously digested with Fair

child's Extractum Pancreatis.

DIVIDING the capsicle during the corneal section, in extraction of cataract has been practiced to some extent, but we believe the advantages of the method are more than counterbalanced by the disadvantages to be


THAT cancer on the body politic "The original package house" which was removed about two months ago, has again made its appearance. This early recurrence shows its malignancy. In our opinion the actual cautery should be applied.

THE last meeting of the Eastern Kansas District Medical Society, at Topeka, was a very interesting and profitable session. The society is full of life and doing good work under the administration of the worthy president, and secretary, Dr. M. B. Ward and Dr. W. D. Bidwell.

The Republican Valley Medical Society, convened Thursday, October 2, 1890, at 2 p. m., in Dr. Leterneau's office, Concordia, Kansas. Dr. J. A. Jeannotte, of Clyde, president, in the chair.

Dr. J. H. Brierly, of Glasco, was chosen secretary, pro tem.

Members present-Drs. N. Udell, W. F. Sawhill, J. H. McCasey, A. Leterneau, W. R. Priest, R. Marcotte of Concordia; J. A. Jeannotte, of Clyde; F. M. Dailey, of Scottsville; J. H. Brierly, Glasco; Leslie, of Clyde; G. A. Wall, of Topeka; Grant Cullimore, of Atchison; McLaughlin, of Clyde.

The following new members were enrolled : Drs. G. M. Lowe, of Randall; W. H. Lee, of Glasco; Louis B. Michaud, of Ames. R. S. Magee, of Topeka, correspondent of KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL, elected member of the society by acclamation.

Committee on credentials Drs. F. M. Daily and Marcotte.

Dr. Brierly, of Glasco, presented a very interesting case, with the following history: Male, aged about 55, white, suffered with constipation. In May prescribed for him. Disappeared until in September. In the meantime he had gone to Emporia, where some one recommended Dr. Wilford Hall's hot water injection as a panacea. He was becoming much emaciated and suffering from dysentery. After his return I treated him; thought he showed a cachexia; still loss of appetite; when lying on his back a large lump showed in the abdomen; the lump could be rolled from side to side but not downwards, showing pretty "How often should the baby nurse its conclusively by exclusion that it was a tumor mother," is the subject of a desertation by a of the omentum, situated just below the stomrecent author. We have not arrived at the ach. An opportunity was here given for every precise schedule on this point, but we should one present to examine the case, after which think not quite so often as the mother should the following discussion took place. nurse the baby.- Weekly Medical Review.

THE Civil, military and naval departments of the Brittish Government are supplied with the Fairchild Digestive products and the Fairchild preparations for the predigestion of milk, etc.. are especially preferred in India.

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Dr. Daly endorsed the diagnosis of Dr. Brierly of its being an omental tumor, and that an operation is justifiable.

Dr. Leterneau-Have you made a stomachic or rectal injection, to see if any extension of the abdomen could be made?

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