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a light diet may be ordered for a few days, meatus being slit up if too small to admit it and a teaspoonful of compound tincture of Phimosis and redundant prepuce always indigentian, with fifteen drops of dilute phos-cate circumcision.

phoric acid given in water after each meal. In some cases it becomes necessary to apThe bowels must be kept loose by appropri- ply nitrate of silver to the deep urethra to ate means I prefer cascara cordial at bed- overcome the chronic inflammation. This time, or a pill of aloes, nux vomica and bel- may be accomplished with an Ultzmann's ladonna. syringe and solutions of silver in increasing After the complications have been attended strengths (sometimes as much as Ag NO, SS to, direct curative measures are to be insti- ad H2O 3i) or by means of a Lallemand's tuted. For one week five drops of the tinc-porte-coustique with the solid stick. Such apture of nux vomica may be given in half a plications should not be made more often than glass of water before each meal, then a pill twice weekly sometimes only three or four are containing two grains of quinine and gr. of needed. They must be applied to the prosarnica may be substituted, particularly if the tatic urethra, it being essential to reach the tongue is foul and moist, and there be a want mouths of the ejaculatory ducts where the inof appetite and energy. These two prescrip- flammatory trouble resides. If there be other tions may then be alternated each week. points of great tenderness they must also be Upon tincture of the sesquichloride of iron, touched. however, we pin our faith so far as internal medication is concerned; the initial dose is twenty minims (measured in a minim glassnever dropped) ordered to be taken in water "Galvanism is o: much service if impotence one hour after meals. This dose is increased has already resulted-in fact, in impotence it to forty minims the second week, and to sixty is second only to the sound. The Faradic minims the third week. Some patients require even larger doses than this, one hundred minims often causing no discomfort when continued for weeks. If coldness at the stomach, or an uncomfortable sensation arise after taking the iron, a tablespoonful of good whisky added to each dose will overcome the difficulty. The laxative pill at bedtime must be continued if the iron cause constipation.

This treatment must be kept up from eight to twelve weeks in all cases; in those particularly severe it must be continued for many


Associated with it local measures must be employed if indicated. When there is great tenderness of the deep urethra, or when there is a stricture of large calibre near the meatus, a steel sound must be used every other day for weeks. At first a small size should be passed-one that will produce little pain-and left but a minute. At the next sitting it is left a little longer; at the third still longer, and so on, until at last it remains about ten minutes. The size is also gradually increased until a No. 18, American scale is reached, the

In conclusion, I beg to quote from an article by myself in the September, 1890, number of the Kansas City Medical Index:

current does much good when the mind of the
patient is greatly disturbed. The negative
electrode is to be placed over the lumbar ver-
tebræ, the positive to the sound already in the
urethra; the current is then turned on and
slowly increased to the point of toleration.
Five minutes suffices for each seance.
may be used each time the sound is intro-
duced during the first four weeks of treat-
ment; and then discontinued.


"Certain general rules should be insisted upon. The patient must sleep upon a hard bed with light cover. He must eat a plain but nutritious diet-meat of great importance. A light supper only must be ordered. No liquors, save beer, should be allowed. Exercise to fatigue must daily be taken, but the patient should never become over-fatigued. Walking and athletics are the best forms of exercise. The subject must go into society and keep the mind pleasantly occupied. Above all, total sexual rest must be enforced unless the desire becomes unbearable.

'Sometimes there is atrophy of the prostate; rarely enlargement, except after forty. But prostatic gleet, or prostatorrhoea is quite

common when there has been an abnorm ternation with a solution of eserine, in glauirritation of the genitals. One or two drops comatous conditions of children, when eserine of thick mucus may be discharged while at does not agree with the patient.-L'Union stool or at the close of urination. This is not Medicale. semen and of this the patient must be assured. The trouble yields to the general treatment.

"As for the popular idea that semen is discharged, finds its way back into the bladder and is then expelled with the urine-' gradual wasting' as it is called-I do not believe such a thing is possible. I certainly have never seen an instance.

PIETY A LA HERODE.-A milkman in Biddeford has suffered a prosecution for selling milk on Sunday. In connection with such senseless Pharisaical Sabbath observance as this movement favors, we plead for the babies, and recommend the reading of Luke vi. as well as Exodus xx, 8, and the revised statutes. "The discharge during the day of a consid- Milk, and especially city milk, often becomes erable quantity of glairy, tenacious, milky dangerous to infants in less than twenty-four fluid, while at stool, is of frequent occurrence hours, but what think you of the attempt to in people suffering from nocturnal emissions. slaughter the bottle-fed ones by cutting off This is vesicular gleet. This is a catarrhal fresh supplies of milk for forty-eight hours. condition of the seminal vesicles brought on We are glad that the newspapers exonerate by venereal excesses, masturbation or gonor- the public, and state that the pious plaintiff rhea. The mucus is pressed out by the act in this case is a rival milk peddler. The deof defecation—a mere mechanical effect of fendant should turn the tables by entering constipation upon the irritable seminal ves-action against him for feeding his cows and icles. It is almost totally harmless. Sperma pigs of a Sunday, if he does so, for the cows tozoa in a limited number may be found in and pigs will not be endangered so much by the discharge, but it is not spermatorrhoea. Sabbath fasting as the babies.-Sanitary InThe condition disappears under the line of spector. treatment just outlined."

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Tight Collars and Vision.

The influence of tight collars in impe ding the circulation in the head by pressing on the jugular veins is well known to military sur geons with the troops in India; but the bad effects of such pressure in cooler climates has been demonstrated by the observations of Prof. Förster, of Breslau, who states that three hundred cases have come under his notice in which the eye sight has been affected by the disturbance of the circulation caused by wearing collars that were too small. A large number of these cases were probably subjects of myopia. Lancet.

[blocks in formation]

"In all cases of Neuralgic and Rheumatic pains accompanying the colds that predominate in this damp and malarial region, Tongaline seems to be a specific. I find it a safe, easy and efficient remedy.

C. W. PRINDLE, M. D., Grand Rapids, Michigan.


AND IMPOTENCE. By Dr. R. Metzmann,
Prof. of Genito-Urinary Diseases, Univer-
sity of Vienna. Translated by Gardner W.
Allen, M. D.. Surgeon in Genito-Urinary
Department Boston University. Published
by F. A. Davis, Philadelphia. Price $1.00.
I have just perused this small book. I find
it to be a very interesting work on the subject.
It is compact and comprehensive. I there-
fore recommend it to the student and general
practitioner of medicine. I accept the nom-
enclature of Professor Metzmann very favor-
ably, and commend it to the profession at

This collyrium is employed alone, or in al- large.

[blocks in formation]

and the treatment advised was the use of antipyrin, &c., in doses sufficient to keep the fever down to what was considered a safe point. Such advice as this, coming from sources that are respected, make us weary. We wish to characterize such advice as it deserves and yet maintain our dignity; and when we call it "Poppycock," we do so because this word seems to us to express the Worth of such advice. We believe that physicians, capable of studying the natural history of fever, and remembering physiological study, the knowledge of the pathological changes that take place, that directly contraindicate such crippling meddlesome medication, will not use means that have already sealed the fate of many unfortunate fever patients. When a physician prescribes medicine of so depressing a nature, he should remain with his patient, and watch and pray that no harm may be done. Do not allow yourselves to be beguiled by antipyretic folly.

S. G. S.

ITALY'S GOOD BEGINNING.-The organization of Italy under the new sanitary code is already bearing good frui', as shown by the following statement of the prevalence of the principal diseases for the years 1888 and 1889:

SUMMER DRINKS OF THE MOGULS.—A medical journal of India referring to the Moguls, who for luxury have no equal in Indian history, thinks their customs as regards summer drinks might be adopted with advantage by other people. Their drinks consist of milk, sweetened waters, or sherbets, prepared from subacid fruits, such as lemons, tamarinds, Small-pox, pomegranates, etc., flavored with rose or Measles, Keora essences, date juice, numerous vegeta- Scarlet fever, ble tisanes, and some infusions of glutinous Diphtheria, seeds flavored with sugar and essential oils. These were often cooled with ice collected in pits, where it was stored during the winter months. The Oriental races it is asserted, suffer from few of the diseases which are common to the copious meat-eating and winedrinking Europeans. For a hot day, a light vegetable diet is recommended, with a spare quantity of meat food and an abundance of cooling, non-alcoholic drinks.

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Typhoid fever,
Typhus fever,
Puerperal Fev. 9,019,

It is with pride that we notice the development of the silk industry in our State. The display at the State Fair was creditable and in every respect equal to the exhibit of States much older in this production. To Dr. L. A. Buck and his estimable wife, belongs the credit CONCERNING the treatment of fevers, we of the progress of this institution. The plant still see from month to month in the medical is located at Peabody, Kas. In conversation journals articles advising the use of the coal with the doctor, he told us that Kansas silk in tar antipyretics as the chief reliance. We New York markets brought $1.00 per pound have just read an article on typhoid fever-a more than any other silk in the market. We eprint sent far and wide to the profession, take off our hats to Kansas.

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"THE HEALTH MONITOR," published in "New Methods of Performing Pylorectomy, Denver, Colorado, is replete with suggestions with Remarks upon Intestinal Anastomotic as to prevention, believing that prevention is Operations." By A. V. L. Brokaw, M. D., St. worth more than a pound of cure. Health is Louis. Illustrated. always a welcome guest, but bad on the doctor.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

"Manual Treatment in Gynecology."

H. J. Boldt, M. D., New York.

"Treatment of the Insane as Related to Science and General Conditions of Humanity, Historically Considered." By Orpheus Everts, M. D., College Hill, Ohio.

"An Explanation of the Phenomena of ImBy munity and Contagion based upon the Action of Physical and Biological laws." By. J. W. McLaughlin, M. D., Austin, Texas.


"The Cause, Prevention and Treatment of the Summer Diarrhoeas of Infants." By C. C.

Salpingo-oophorectomy and its Results." Green, M. D., Topeka, Kansas, Professor of

By H. J. Boldt, M. D., New York.

'Erythroxylon Coca-Its Value as a Medicament." By Marc Laffont, M. D., Paris.

"The Animal Suture-Its place in Surgery." By Henry O. Marcy, M. D., of Boston. "Treatment of Posterior Displacements of the Uterus." By. H. J. Boldt, M. D., New York.

"Uric Acid Diathesis in Affections of the Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose." By W. Cheatham, M. D.

"Functional Nervous Diseases of Reflex Origin." By Albert Rufus Baker, M. D., of Cleveland, Ohio.

"Stricture of the Rectum-Intestinal Obstruction-Inguinal Colotomy." By Charles B. Kelsey, M. D. New York.

[ocr errors][merged small]

Physiology in the Kansas Medical College.

"Crime-Its Physiology and Pathogen esis、 and what Medical Men can do for its Preven-, tion." By R. E. McVey, M. D., Topeka, Kas., Clinical Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Kansas Medical College.

"The Treatment of Torticollis." By Chas. F. Stillman, M. Sc., M. D., Chicago; also by the same author, "A Practical Splint for Inflammatory Conditions of Joints." Both of the above well illustrated. .

"Case of Corneal Transplantation from the Rabbit's to the Human Eye." By Wm. F. Smith, M. D., Chicago, Illinois; also, by the same author, "A Singular Case of Injury— Blindness from a Penetrating Wound of Cheek and Orbit."

"Local Treatment of Syphilitic Phenomena." Ry G. Frank Lydston, M. D., of Chicago; also, by the same author, "Remarks on

Hypertrophy and Atrophy of Tissue;" also,

AN eminent critic pronounces Pelstois "A Lecture on Sexual Perversion, Satyriasis Kreutzer Sonata, the most foolish book ever and Nymphomania;" also, "Apparent Can- printed. He says it has no plot, reads like a cerous Transformation of Syphiloma of the small man's nightmare, and is not even decentTongue-Excision of the Tongue by the Gal- ly improper. The postmaster's expulsion of vano-Cautery." it from the mails, he considers, the reason of

"Syphilis of the Eye and its Appendages." its extended sale. This is pleasing to our By Leartus Connor, A. M., M. D., Detroit, medical mind, for Pelstoi gives us collectively Michigan; also, by the same author, "Total a bad name. There are such doctors as he Deafness from Mumps;" also, "Hot Water in denounces, but, thank fortune, they are but a the Treatment of Diseases of the Eye;" also, small minority. We would recommend pep"Tobacco Amblyopia;" also, "Acute Inflam- sin and light suppers to the Count's consideramation of the Middle Ear-Destruction and Reproduction of the Entire Membrana Tympani;" also, "American Medical Journal of the Future, as Indicated by the History of American Medical Journals of the Past."


BEWARE OF DOG CARTS.-In a certain city in this State which shall be nameless, three wives were either thrown from dog carts or stumbled and fell while getting out of one, resulting in the delivery of remarkably well COCAINE AND TOBACCO SMOKE.-A patient developed babies in from six to eight months under treatment for chronic naso-pharyngeal after the wedding day. A fourth lady marcatarrh sprayed each nostril with a four per ried five years, attributes nervousness and cent. solution of hydrochlorate of cocaine and congestion of the spine to the rocking motion immediately afterwards went out driving of her husband's cart. Strange to relate many with a friend who was smoking. Accidentally young married ladies still ride in carts and some of the smoke was inhaled and set up an intense irritation, copious secretion of mucus, abundant lachrymation, swelling of the mucous membranes and hoarseness, associated

dealers report the trade as brisk, even with carts not free from horse motion.


Times and Register," of September 6:
THE following clipping appeared in "The


with severe pain in the naso-pharynx, as if the whole surface were raw. The pain was so great that it produced faintness and vomiting Mr. Brudenell Carter's violent letter, in a recent and was not allayed during the whole evening. number of the Lancet, in reference to the acThe following morning all pain had disap- tion of the Ophthalmological society on a peared, but a sub-acute coryza persisted. motion of his reflecting on the relations beCocainizing the nasal mucous membrane shrinks the tissues, allowing the external air free access to the air passages, hence it is customary to caution patients about exposing

themselves to cold air too soon after treatment; but in this instance there supervened also the irritation of the tobacco smoke, which may possibly have formed some irritating chemical compound with the cocaine. Whatever the cause the moral is obvious and contact with an irritating vapor should be particularly avoided after using cocaine in this vicinity.

W. D. B.

tween a certain surgeon and a homœopathic
practitioner, has not met with the support he,
On the contrary he is
roundly "slated" by four different corrrspond-
perhaps expected.
ents among them that doughty champion of
into the merits of the case, and will content
homœopathy, Dr. Dudgeon. We cannot go
ourselves with echoing the words of our con-
temporary, that "the day is probably not far
remote when persecution, ostracism, or cen-
sure for difference of opinion in behalf, will
be regarded as not only immoral but absurd.
We believe that the best-and, indeed, the
only-plan of getting rid of the objectionable

THE latest definition of kleptomania—a features of the legendary homœopathist, taking form of insanity.

would be to absorb and assimilate the sect.

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