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Kansas Medical Journal. system, is simple and tends to greater accura

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The American Association for the Advancement of Science, through their committee composed of Profs. Seaman and Warder of Washington and Dr. Hoffman of New York, have issued an address to physicians and professors of therapeutics, materia medica and pharmacy, in which most cogent reasons are given for abolishing the use of the old system of weights and measures, and they state what is undeniably true, that physicians and pharmacists are in this respect behind the various arts of engineering.

cy than the old system of empirical weights and measures. If it were universally adopted at once there would perhaps be a little confusion, but this would only be temporary and of slight consequence.

The change from the old system will be made sooner or later, and the sooner it is made right here in Kansas, the better it will be for all concerned.

The change would be much less than that of the change made by the German government in the system of currency, yet that change was accomplished without any great friction.

The new system was taught in the schools from 1870 to 1875, and then, January 1, the change was made throughout the country and the disturbance to business was very slight.

Why is the metric system not more used at present? Simply because of indolence and ignorance. Indolence in declining to familiarize ourselves with the system, and ignorance of its convenience and value.

The educated representatives of medicine. and pharmacy in this country favor and would gladly adopt the metric system, but find their efforts in this direction constantly hampered and nullified by the opposition of a large number of both professions who, through conservatism or lack of education, fail to unite in any concerted effort for its more general adoption and use.

It is wholly unnecessary to defer the adoption of this much needed reform until the prejudices, fallacious arguments, or educational deficiencies manifested by a large contingent The metric weights and measures were le- of pharmacists and physicians shall have been galized in this country by Congress in 1866, overcome. Such a period must necessarily be and are now in actual use by most students of remote and indefinite. The proper method is natural history; by many civil and mining en- for all our professional schools to insist upon gineers, and especially by all scientists and the emyloyment of this system alone. No chemists throughout the world, without regard competent professor of to-day is supposed to to their mother tongue. It is nevertheless be ignorant of the metric system, and students greatly to be regretted that a large majority of brought up to employ it will prefer it to any our physicians, pharmacists and druggists still continue to ignore their merits or discountenance their adoption.


Again, the Pharmacopoeia does not now recognize the Troy system, and if the doses were The advantages of this system are too obvi- taught in metric terms only, the old system ous and have been too often enlarged upon to would die out with the passing off of the require any argument here. It is an universal present generation of practitioners. No in

convenience would be caused to any one; those who are too old to learn could go on using their present mode, and the new graduates would use that which they are taught.

mata, and still the patient refused to accept my diagnosis.

In October of the same year he visited my office, with the loss of hair, mustache, eyeAs the metric system is legal throughout the brows, and his mouth was full of the secondUnited States, any physician is entitled to pre-ary lesions of syphillis. He had come to a sent a metric prescription to the druggist. conclusion of his own when he discovered I All boards of examiners in medicine and was correct, and was ashamed to visit me pharmacy, whether State or collegiate, are again, but finally came and took my advice; justified by law to exact, and should demand became well apparently; moved to Kansas from every candidate for graduation or for a City where he now lives, and never has felt license, a knowledge of the metric system. grateful enough to the doctor to settle his bill. WM. H. RIGHTER.

The pharmacy laws ought to prescribe that all persons receiving a license to sell drugs and dispense medicines shall be required to provide themselves with a set of metric weights and measures.

These simple methods adopted at this time, when medical education in Kansas is in its in fancy, will indicate our intention to be abreas, of the times, and if we do not lead in reform we will at least be found in the front ranks.

Chancre of the Ear.

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The Kansas Medical College.

Some changes have been made in the faculty of this college during the past month. Dr. Geo. L. Beers has resigned as a member of the faculty and his chair, the Theory and Practice of Medicine, has been filled by Dr. S. G. Stewart. The chair of Physiology, held by Dr. Stewart, has been filled by Dr. C. C. Green, formerly professor of Dermatology. The chair of Dermatology has been added to the chair of Syphilography held by Dr. W. H. In August, 1882, a gentleman came to con- Righter. Microscopy has been added to the sult me with his own diagnosis of "mumps." chair of Histology and Pathological Anatomy He had an enlargement of the left parotoid held by Dr. W. A. Williamson. In addition to the duties of demonstrator of anatomy, gland, resembling mumps. During the examination I found a sore upon the left auricle, Dr. C. C. Bradley will lecture on Topographwhich was covered with court plaster, which ical Anatomy. Dr. R. S. Magee was elected I removed. He, with a friend, spent three lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology. weeks together on a drunk in a neighboring city, and while they were drinking, embracing each other and telegraph poles, and smoking York counsel declared that doctors ought to cigars, this patient received a burn upon his be able to give an opinion of a disease without left auricle; a good Samaritan came along, making mistakes.. (the patient never knew who he was) licked a piece of court plaster and placed it upon the burn. My diagnosis was at once, a chancre upon the ear, with bubo of the parotoid gland. The patient could not believe such a diagnosis, or understand how an individual could contract such a disease unless his penis showed the first symptom of the disease. I was positive in my diagnosis, and instructed the patient to observe his skin from that time on. BROWN-SEQUARD REANIMATED.--This time I have forgotten exactly, but I will say that by the use of rectal injections of testicular in about three weeks from my first observa- fluid, claiming equally as good results as by tion he returned with the syphilitic exanthe- the sub-cutaneous injection.

WHILE Cross-examining Dr. Warren, a New

"They make fewer mistakes than lawyers," responded the physician.

"That's not so," said the counselor; "but doctors' mistakes are buried six feet under ground, and lawyers' are not."

"No," replied Warren, "but they are sometimes hung as many feet above ground.”Montreal Legal News.

fæcal matter, by enemata if possible, by a
good cathartic if necessary; tympanites must
be controlled by turpentine, either internally
or by stupes; and the strength must be main-
tained by milk, whisky, &c.
His conclusions are:

LANPHEAR, of Kansas City, in an article in the many terminal nerves of the periton(Medical Review, July 12, 1890) favoring the eum, to sustain the heart and prevent shock. cathartic treatment of peritonitis, says "that The bowel must be kept free from irritating opium possesses, really, but little curative power over the inflammatory process; that it retains within the bowels irritating fæcal matter that can but increase the trouble; that by completely checking peristaltic movements it leads to the formation of adhesions; that it stops excretion and so prohibits the elimination of the poisonous products of inflammation; and that by benumbing sensibility it gives the physician a feeling of (false) security, which is undesirable. Upon the contrary, the administration of the saline cathartic has the

1. The saline treatment should be adopted early in simple, acute peritonitis.


Small doses of calomel may be given to mild purgation in cases seen after the disease is fully developed.

3. Cases which fail to be relieved by cathartic measures should receive early operative


4. Whenever peritonitis has gone on to that stage where the formation of pus is known, or even suspected, to have taken place, abdominal section and drainage are imperatively indicated.

Two Interesting New Drugs.

power of arresting the disease if given in the stage of invasion; here the peritoneum is simply congested, or just taking on an inflammatory action-the pain is not very severe, the abdomen is not greatly distended, the fever is not high; but the physician is called, recognizes the danger and immediately gives the saline. If it be the initial stage of a simple 5. When the existence of tubercular periperitonitis; if it be the beginning of a puertonitis is diagnosticated, or strongly suspectperal peritonitis, or if it be the sthenic stage ed, an exploratory incision is justifiable. of a septic peritonitis, the indication for the 6. Opium is only indicated in the second cathartic is clear; in either instance the blood- stage of peritonitis, and then not because it vessels are turgid with blood—the circulation" forms a splint" but because it relieves pain, impeded; the taking away of a considerable sustains the heart and prevents shock-thus amount of serum from the abdominal viscera combatting the tendency to death.” must profoundly affect the peritoneal circulation and assist in restoring the normal state. Besides, the active peristaltic action prevents the formation of bands and adhesions if the inflammation goes on; and experience at the bedside demonstrates that as the inflamed surface is relieved from engorgement by the emptying of the intestinal vessels, the temperature and the pulse rapidly decline, while the pain disappears almost as speedily as under opium. If the disease has gone on to the second stage where the fever is high, the pain intense, the tympanites marked, and the pulse rapid and wiry, cathartics are not so strongly indicated, though small doses of sulphate of magnesia and tincture of belladonna may often be given with advantage; here the danger is collapse, Parke, Davis & Co., who have introduced and as vital force must be conserved, violent these remedies, offer samples of them to phypurgation is not justifiable and opium must be sicians desiring to test them clinically, also regiven not to check peristalsis, nor to "put prints of articles concerning them, free of the bowels in splints," but to deaden the pain charge.

Among new drugs recently investigated are two of much promise, Cocillano and Naregamia Alata.

The evidence thus far obtained from clinical experience would indicate that these remedies are likely to prove an important addition to the expectorants and respiratory stimulants now employed. In the spasmodic cough of acute bronchitis, in the hacking cough of phthisis, and wherever there is marked interference with the respiratory function through accumulation of secretion of the inflamed membranes, these remedies are likely to prove efficient.


THE Medical College of Indiana is fixed. Dr. William Lomax, an aged and wealthy

THE Indiana Medical Journal bears acquain- physician of Marion, Indiana, has given his estate, valued at $100,000, to this college.


AMONG the JOURNAL callers last month were Dr. C. E. Nelson, of Kensington, Smith

CHOLERA in the East is getting in its work fairly well. PYOKTANIN, or the pus killer, shows symp- county, and Dr. E. R. Cheney, of Garfield, toms of early decay. Kansas. They both subscribed for the Jour

THE Kansas Medical College has joined the American Medical College Association. THE original package packers have packed their packages and pathetically petered out.

PURE beech-wood creosote is Dr. R. E. McVey's favorite therapeutic agent in phthisis, HOT water is recommended for ivy poisoning. The intolerable itching is controlled im


DR. HUTCHISON of Kansas City, has located at 1208 West Twelfth street. We wish him


CACTUS GRANDFLORUS is recommended in heart disease where digitalis, convalaria and strophanthus fail.

ETHER and chloroform produce the same effects of drowsiness upon the irritability of sensitive plants as upon animals.

ANDUS says that "fifteen grains of resorcin, in a gill of water, given during an attack of asthma, is attended with prompt relief."

DR. WILLIAM BRODIE, of Detroit, and expresident of the American Medical Association, died in that city July 30, 1890.

THE American people are anxious to develop the mental powers of their children at the expense of their physical organization.

DR. H. Z. HISSEM, of Ellsworth, called on

us during the last week of July. The doctor attended the New York Polyclinic last winter.

DR. D. R. PELTON of this city is lying very low with pneumonia. We hope to see the doctor around soon and in his usual health.

FANCY DISEASES.-"Diseases is very various,” says Mrs. Partington. "Now old Mrs. Hayze has got two buckles on her lungs, and Mary Simmes is dying of hermitage of the lungs. One person has tonsors of the throat and another finds himself in a jocular vein. New names and new nostrils everywhere!"


DR. W. E. ASHBY, of Quenemo, Kansas, was a capital visitor during the month of August. The doctor was in consultation with some of the brethren on a case which simulated epilepsy.

"THE big headed man," says Lapthorn Smith, "and not the strong armed one, has the best chance for survival. Art steps in to save those big-headed children whom nature used to exterminate."

OFFICERS of the Northern Kansas Medical

Association are: R. Hawkings, M. S., M. D., Marysville, President; Grant Cullimore, M.D., Atchison, Vice President; M. M. Wachter, M. D., Baileyville, Secretary.

THE new medical law of New York, which goes into effect September, 1890, provides that examinations of medical students will not be held unless candidates have first taken three annual courses of lectures.

DR DAYWATT, of San Francisco, (Canada Medical Record,) ascribes failure of the creosote treatment of tuberculosis to the employment of impure creosote, as determined by direct personal investigation of the article used for the purposes of inhalation.

DR. J. D. VAN NUYS, Professor of Physical

Diagnosis in the Wichita Medical College, in company with Dr. J. W. Donaldson of this city, honored us with a visit last month. The professor is on his way home from visiting in the East. He says the class prospect for the Wichita Medical College is encouraging. Quite a number of students have signified their intention of attending. Dr. Van Nuys and Dr. Donaldson formerly practiced in neighboring towns in Indiana, meeting frequently in consultation. It is pleasant to meet our old friends in this way and swap stories of our earlier professional experience.

DR. W. D. BIDWELL gave a very enjoyable very hot in summer and very cold in winter. private party at his office last evening to a Malaria, rheumatism and pneumonia are comparty of gentlemen friends, in honor of the mon. Leprosy is rife; and the great scourge fifth anniversary of his settlement in the city. is syphilis.-Times and Register. The occasion was also the doctor's birthday anniversary. Leavenworth Times.

Whether it is the doctor's thirtieth or sixtieth birthday is not stated; but from our intimate acquaintance with him we would guess the former.-ED.

THE International Medical Congress is a thing of the past. About 5,000 physicians attended the meeting, five hundred from America. The next meeting will be held in Rome. We hoped Chicago, in 1893 would be selected. The scientific proceedings, it is claimed, were interesting and instructive, and that the American contributors were not behindhand. A little fun was sandwiched in amongst the labor, for it is said a constant succession of banquets, balls, receptions, &c., were given.

A KANSAS editor has recently been granted a pension of seventy-two dollars a month for indigestion.

He will soon recover from his indigestion, now that he has the means of buying something to digest.—Times and Register, (Phil.)

He has recovered, and is keeping the Pennsylvania man who tried to get a pension for straining his back-jumping the bounty.

IT WAS stated in the journals that sciatica grew out of a paresis of the ilium, and by the administration of croton oil the ilium became so stimulated that the sciatica was cured. The above is good treatment theoretically, but not practically. Where sciatica is due to constipation, unloading the bowel will cure the disease, but where due to some cause other than constipation it is a failure.

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In the treatment of the diarrhoeas in infants, remember that creosote is a valuable remedy, also in the looseness of the bowels in typhoid fever.

DR. C. KLIPPEL, of Hutchinson, was a capital visitor August 4, on his return from Olathe where he had been summoned to see his sister who was thrown from a carriage and sustained a Potts' fracture and some other injuries. The doctor contemplates a Rocky Mountain tour in the latter part of this month.

HOW TO CURE INSOMNIA.-A very simple method of inducing sleep in cases of persistent insomnia, and one that has succeeded where many drugs have failed, is simply to administer a moderate amount of liquid food before the patient goes to bed. This diverts theblood from the brain to the abdominal organs, and takes away the cerebral excitement that precludes sleep.

THE obstetric binder is one of the few appliances that has stood the test of all ages. It is, when properly applied, a comfort; it is not detrimental, it is sensible. When we refuse to apply a binder we neglect to do all we can for the comfort and safety of our patient.

R. Benzoic acid,



Bi-borati sodæ Aquæ distil qs.

3 j. 3 ij. 3 vi.

Sig. Give one teaspoonful three times

The above prescription is said to be preventive of scarlet fever. It should be given those who have been exposed to the contagion., DRESS REGULATIONS. - In China these T. DE WITT TALMAGE says that no one can changes are settled by superior authority. In do with less than six or seven hours sleep per the Imperial Gazette of April 15, is the follow-day; and warns his audience against the fairy ing notice:-Court circular.-The board of ceremonies requests that a day be fixed for the change from winter to summer heats. script-Let it be on May 2.


tales of great men who slept but three or four hours per night. Americans need more sleep than they get, and the lack of it is one of the elements which render insanity and nervous diseases frequent. No man or woman ever yet kept healthy in body and mind for a number of years with less than seven hours sleep.

THE VALE OF CASHMERE is not quite as nice in reality as it is in poetry. The people are filthy; parasitic skin diseases are common, as well as intestinal worms. The climate is -Times and Register.

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