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A Lame Law.

THE JOURNAL is in receipt of the following questions:

"Has Kansas any medical practice act, or law regulating qualification?"

"Is there any law regulating physician's


The legislature of 1879 enacted the following law:

cent until proved guilty, this law was evidently intended to deceive. While it would seem to prevent ignorant pretenders from tampering with the lives of the people by providing for graduation, after two full courses, at some respectable medical college, it also provides that a certificate from a medical society is equally good evidence of qualification, though the medical society might have been composed of men without qualification or character, and organized for the express purpose of issuing certificates.

There are no legal regulations governing fees. Medical services usually bring what they are worth in the market, or what the party rendering them believes them worth.

"It shall be unlawful for any person within the limit of the state of Kansas, who has not attended two full courses of instruction, and graduated at some respectable school of medicine, either of the United States or some foreign country, or who cannot produce a certificate of qualification from some state or county Regular medical associations usually commedical society, and is not a person of good ply with Article VII. of the Code of Ethics: moral character, to practice medicine in any "Some general rules should be adopted by of its departments, for reward or compensa- the faculty in every town or district, relative tion, for any sick person in the state of Kan-to pecuniary acknowledgments from their pasas; Provided, that in all cases when any per- tients; and it should be deemed a point of son has been continuously engaged in the honor to adhere to these rules with as much practice of medicine for a period of ten years uniformity as varying circumstances will or more, he shall be considered to have complied with the provisions of this act; and that when persons have been in the continuous practice of medicine for five years or more, they shall be allowed two years to comply with its provisions."

Of this law the late Attorney General Bradford gave the following opinion:


It is presumed that the members of these societies appreciate "a point of honor."

Having answered our correspondent's queries, we add a few suggestions. While every one may appreciate the fact that a knowledge of the art and science of medicine is a necessary pre-requisite to successful practice; that "A wise physician, skilled our wounds to heal, "In prosecution under chapter 68, laws of Is more than armies to the public weal," 1870, it will not be necessary for the state to prove, and that the people, ignorant of the qualificain the first instance, that the person charged tions of physicians, should be protected against has not attended the full course of instruction incompetent pretenders, as the intelligent and graduated in some school of medicine. physician most fully recognizes the importIt is a rule covering the admission of evidence ance of such protection, though his motives where the special matter of a negative avermay be misjudged he should persevere in his ment lies peculiarly within the knowledge of efforts to secure such legislation as will prothe other party, the averment is taken as true tect the people against disease and quackery. unless disproved by that party." Kansas has never had a law looking to the health of the people that did not bear upon its face evidence of inefficiency or fraud.

While this opinion will hold in civil cases, in criminal the courts of Kansas hold otherwise, and it would be practically impossible The law we have quoted was not intended to prove that a practitioner has not graduated to protect. The law of 1879, making three somewhere, or that he has not a certificate of boards' of examiners, with concurrent jurisqualification from some medical society, or diction, was pronounced unconstitutional, and that he has not been in continuous practice the act creating a state board of health gives for five or ten years. it only advisory authority.

But if the accused was not considered inno

There is in every representative and sena

torial district enough intelligent physicians, to enable final judgment intelligently to be with an influence among the people that, passed upon it. No one, however, need be at properly exercised, would secure legislators a loss to explain why a bill repealing it has who would listen to those whose education passed the senate. The law interferes with makes them competent advisors.

the revenues of fee schools, ambitiously known as medical colleges. It tends to check the number of ignorant and incompetent persons who desire to become, or to be called doctors. It correspondingly threatens the loss of tuition

Let every county and district society discuss this matter, and every physician use the influence he possesses, and Kansas will cease to be the haven of incompetents. As Virginia, Minnesota and other states have abundantly and graduation fees to such fee schools. It demonstrated, every state should pass upon the qualifications of those who assume the care of her sick.

creates in them an interest for the repeal of the laws, irrespective of the benefit an improved standard of knowledge and culture Every physician should demand of his rep- among students for medical degrees would resentative legislation in the matter of fees. confer upon the community. A bonded peYou may ride day and night, and tax both cuniary interest, directly contrary to the safety body and mind to their full power of endur- and welfare of society and moved in the name ance, but the law decides it is not labor; and of the schools of a profession which insists on from half the people you attend you cannot being called a profession, has thus been able collect a bill by legal process; but if you put to carry a repeal of this measure through the a bill into the hands of an attorney for collec-senate."

tion, his work is labor, for if he chooses he The New York schools who have thus decan file a lean upon your judgment for his meaned themselves, may well tune their services, and he will consider collecting more harps to valuable labor than curing at best. Every physician must render a large amount of gratuitous, charitable service. The law should provide for the collection of bills from those who are able to work and pay.

"Had some pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us."

Fumigate Tuberculous Houses.

Fumigation of houses where there are or have been tuberculous diseases should not be neglected.

During the past month, Dr. S. G. Stewart

We would suggest that a slight change, which the legislature could easily be induced to make, would make the law of 1869 practical, and secure fair protection to the people against ignorance and quackery. Strike out the clause providing for certificates from med-reported to Topeka board of health a death the clause providing for certificates from med- from tuberculosis, and asking that the house ical societies, and require those possessing a be fumigated. The board of health had the diploma, or having had ten years of consecu- house fumigated in their usual thorough mantive practice to produce the proof.

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ner, and have set an example to the health ‘A BILL TO ALLY ILLITERACY AND MED- boards of other cities that we hope will be ICINE.-A bill has lately passed the senate to followed. Physicians should make it a rule repeal the act of July 13, 1889, requiring in- to observe all necessary precautions to pretending medical students, in advance of their vent their cases becoming a source of infecentrance on their medical studies, to undergo tion. If every physician would simply do an examination in academic studies. The his duty in instructing the people in the prelaw is a partial protection of the public from medical ignorance, graduated incompetency, and licensed quackery. The motive of the act was undoubtedly excellent. In actual operation for less than a year, the law has certainly produced no results to bring it into condemnation. It should have a longer life,

cautions necessary for the prevention of infection from this scourge, it would be only a few years until the mortality from tuberculosis would be greatly lessened.

DR. LYMAN of Manhattan was a welcome caller at the JOURNAL office last month.

Oh, Fie.

"A bill to repeal the statute requiring the prelimina

ry education of medical students has already passed to

The American Medical Association.

The forty-first annual meeting of the A. M.

its third reading in the New York legislature. This A., held at Nashville, May 20 to 24 inclusive, repeal is called for by Dr. Austin Flint and others in was one of the most successful in the history the interests of certain colleges on the ground that a large portion of the medical students graduated in the of the association. About one thousand phymedical colleges of this country are from New York sicians registered, and thirty-eight States and colleges; that the students spend here over a million Territories were represented. dollars every winter, and that the act requiring a preliminary examination drives students to colleges out of the State and should therefore be abolished."

We bow our heads in shame when we read the above, to think that our great Empire State should be the first to lead off in this direction-a State to which we have been taught to look as our peer in educational matters. We are opposed to any move which in any way has a tendency to lower the standard of education, medical, literary or otherwise. The above law already had given promise of excellent results, and now to ask its repeal simply because there is a possibility of diminish

ing the funds in college treasuries, is mercenary in the

extreme.-Kansas Med. Jaurnal.

The next meeting will be held in Washington, D. C., in 1891, the first Tuesday in May. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz.: President, Dr. Briggs of Nashville; 1st vice-president, Dr. Lindley of Yale; 2d vice-president, Dr. Moore of Omaha; 3d vice-president, Dr. Wyman of Detroit; 4th vice president, Dr. Gibson of Little Rock.

Trustees of the American Medical Journal: Dr. J. B. Hamilton of the marine service, Dr. John V. Shoemaker of Philadelphia, and Dr. Well and bravely said by our Kansas con- Nelson of Chattanooga. Members of the Jufrere. The remedy for such indications of lo- dicial Council: Drs. Scott of Ohio, Peck of comotor ataxia as are noted above in the case Iowa, Murphey of Minnesota, Lane of Kanof Dr. Flint, can be relieved, if not perma-sas, Roberts of Tennnessee, Garcelon of nently cured, by active antiphlogistic treat

men-a withholding of supplies (Western Maine, and Happell of Tennessee.
students) counter-irritants in the way of spiced
protests, and the dissemination of evidence
that the medical schools and colleges located
in the large cities of the Central and Western
States offer just as good advantages to the
student as may be found in the Atlantic Me-
tropolis, where so many of the leading lights
in our profession have their eyes congenitally
set bias, and unfortunately suffer from a pe-
culiar form of myopia.

The delegates in attendance in the associa-
tion from Kansas were Drs. W. L. Schenck,
F. F. Dickman, R. Aikman, J. A. Lane, L.
- Dailey, A. H. Cordier, W. E. Mc-
Vey, McNary and J. E. Minney.
Dr. Schenck was placed on the committee
for State Medicine for Kansas, and Dr. Horner
on necrology:

The citizens of Nashville and the physicians were eminently successful in entertaining the association.

We are not without hope that a judicious course of treatment, as above outlined, will affect a permanent cure. The medicine will be hard to take, and is described as bitter, The meeting of American Medical Editors nauseating and weakening; but that is the on Monday evening, the 19th, was well atonly way to get down to a bed-rock foundation on which to build up a new constitution with tended and the KANSAS MEDICAL Journal the old imperfections eliminated. All pap not was for the first time represented and initiated native should be withheld.-Lancet and Clinic. into the fold. We hope to see the medical profession of the United States rise in their majesty, and in language that will not be misunderstood, condemn such efforts as the above, to lower the standard of medical education whether made by men in high or low position. Such actions indicate that "the scepter is departing from Judah."

THE KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL receives two credits on the roster of the Times and Register for April.

The meeting of the Medical College representatives, in response to the circular of the Baltimore physicians, issued in March 1890, convened in the senate chamber of the capitol in the afternoon and evening of the 21st. Fifty-five colleges were represented. An association was organized to be known as The National Association of Medical Colleges, with Dr. N. S. Davis as president. Letters soliciting membership will be sent to all the medical colleges of the United States.

The object of the association is to raise the

A Case

standard of education, literary and medical,
and to have a uniform requirement for matric-
ulates and graduates. These subjects will be OF INTRA-OCCULAR SARCOMA
more fully discussed in the JOURNAL.

The Kansas State Medical Society.


J. L.



The last meeting of this society, held at Sa- married. lina May 13 and 14, 1890, was a success in every particular. Our brightest expectations

were realized. The attendance was far above

the average, and the character of the papers has never been excelled. The address of the president, Dr. C. C. Green, Dr. Foote's and Dr. McVey's articles are all in this number of the JOURNAL, and each one has to be studied to be appreciated.

Dividing the society into sections as sug

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aged 37, white, German, laborer, Early in January, 1890, while engaged in quarrying rock near Lawrence, Kas., was struck by a flying spall in the right eye, producing slight pain and considerable discomfort, but he continued work until evening, at which time the pain became intensely severe. The much used and vaunted "home remedies," hot teas and baths were applied, but of no avail. Flax-seed poultices were also used.

The appendages became much swollen; gested by the president and patterning after the globe reddened and as he said became

the American Medical Association is an innovation, but a good one.

The Salina physicians and their assistants deserve great credit for perfecting arrangements, which was a material factor in the suc

cess of the meeting. In fact, the only criticism we have to offer is, they put themselves to too much trouble, although the society appreciated their work. Sometimes we have felt that our enthusiasm for the Kansas physician had led us to make exaggerated statements respecting the advance made by him; but our fears have all been dispelled and our conscience set at rest. During the past year there is evidence of greater progress having been made as demonstrated at this meeting, in medicine in Kansas, than for the same period in her history before. Our assertions have been demonstrated beyond a peradventure.

The next meeting will be held in Wichita, and since the Wichita and south Kansas physicians aided so materially in the success of the Salina meeting, we will all join hands and complete the circuit, and so light up the medical heavens another year, that Kansas will

attract the attention of the whole medical world.

ALCOHOLIC insanity in Paris has increased judging by the number of insane admitted to the special infirmary for such purpose from 3,084 in 1872 to 4,419 in 1888. It is said to be twice as frequent as it was fifteen years ago.

very large and swollen. The pain continued for several days. After a lapse of two weeks he said something like a chunk of matter came out, and with this, vision failed. The pain in a great measure ceased, although the eye was always afterwards tender to the touch. Examination showed the lids to be swollen. Phthisis bulbi. There was also marked tenderness in the ciliary region and slight pressure gave pain. The pericorneal vessels were more or less injected all the time and a blur would come over the vision of the good eye at frequent intervals.

The trouble in the good eye was evidently sympathetic, and an enucleation was advised, to which consent was given.

I removed the phthisical globe March 28, which was about the size of a large hazel nut and as firm to the touch as solid flesh.

On section the vitreous chamber was found

to contain a grayish mass, fibrous in structure, cutting like elastic tissue. The denser portion of the mass being in the center, extending from the posterior surface of the capsule of the lens, to the fundus in the direction of the hyaloid (Stilling's) canal. There was entire absence of the normal vitreous.

Being somewhat suspicious of a malignant growth, a microscopical examination was made which showed the choroid to be involved; in places the inner layers of this tunic were apparently absent, the remaining layers were pressed together and the lumina of its ves

sels closed. The retina in these places was not discernible, being degenerated and in an atrophic condition to that extent that its identity was poorly defined.

Notes on Infant's Food.

Contrary to the popular opinion, few foods affect seriously the milk, while the nervous influences or the mental disturbances of the mother, do affect the quality of the milk.

Pregnancy, menstruation, and all things tending to impair the mother's health, have a deleterious influence on the milk.

Grouped together between the connective tissue trabeculæ, there was a limited number of oval and spherical, pigmented cells and coarse pigment granules. The stroma varied considerably throughout, in places separated and the interspaces thickly filled with cells, while in The following drugs affect the milk: bellaothers it appeared as thin hair-like bands, close donna, opium and iodide of potassium. together with but few cells lying between them. In feeding children cow's milk, one of the Two stains were used, first, picrolithio-car- most serious objections has been, the coagulamine. second, hæmatoxylum. The cell con- tion of the albumen. While the curds of the tour with its nucleus and nucleolus were mother's milk are fine and flaky and easily brought out much more distinctly with the latter staining. An objective of % power was used.


Melano-sarcoma of the choroid, with degeneration of the retina. The lids, principally the upper one somewhat swollen, conjunctiva considerably injected, slight tenderness on pressure, were manifiest symptoms at time of enucleation.

No history of cancer in the family. Parents living. Patient has always enjoyed good health. No apparent ill effects followed the operation. A slight discharge of pus escaped from the palpebral fissure for a few days.

At the close of the second week, fitted him with an artificial eye, with the permission to wear it only occasionally until six or eight weeks would elapse, before wearing permanently.

The remaining eye is losing its sensibility to light and apparently gaining strength.

Has enjoyed the best health since, showing no signs of sarcoma of the orbit or any other part of the system.


R. S. MAGEE, M. D.

DR. F. M. ZANE who purchased the practice of T. B. Shaw, of Osage City, was a caller at the JOURNAL, office recently.

THERE were 40,321 physicians in the Japanese empire at the beginning of the year.

You are doing good work on your JOURNAL.
Sincerely, J. W. SHUMAKER

digested, those of cow's milk are apt to be large and firm, and digested with great difficulty. We have often tried preventing this by the addition of lime-water. In reality, it is the water and not the alkali which has prevented the coagulation. Dilution of one part of cow's milk with four parts of water, will give a curd very similar to that of mother's milk. A better infant's food than any ready prepared, is the formula originated by Dr. Meigs of New York, made of milk and cream three parts, sugar-water three parts, lime-water eight parts, and this gives on chemical analysis, the same result as mother's milk. It is prepared by taking a quart of milk, allowing it to stand three hours in a tall vessel, and using the upper half, which contains the richest part of the milk; the lower pint in the vessel being discarded. The sugar-water is made of sixteen heaping teaspoonfulls of sugar of milk, dissolved in a quart of hot water, and

allowed to cool.

Children should be fed with regularity, and the amount given and frequency of feeding, should of course vary with the age of each child. A graduate should be used for exact measurement, and a child of one week old should have ten meals a day, not exceeding one ounce each in quantity. A child from two to six weeks of age, should have eight meals per day, of one and a half to two ounces each meal. At four months, six meals, of four ounces each, At six months, six meals, of five ounces each. A child of one year of age will need five meals of eight ounces each.

KEOKUK has another medical college.

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