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If its rapid growth be a favorable omen, we predict for the society a prosperous future.

Dr. J. H. Emmert, of Atlantic, Iowa, president, the successor of Dr. Donald McRae, of Council Bluffs, the father of the society. In the absence of the secretary, Dr. James Carter of Grand Island, Nebraska, who was detained by serious sickness in his family, Dr. Jacob Geiger, of St. Joseph, was chosen secretary pro tem.

list of the members present; a list promised us by the secretary pro tem, by an oversight has failed to reach us.

Academy of Medicine and Surgery.

At the hall of the Topeka Academy of Medicine and Surgery April 1, 1890, the academy met in regular session.

The sessions were held in the court rooms The members present were Drs. Minney, of the county. Three sessions were held on Wall, McGuire, Lindsay, Green, Stewart, Thursday and one on Friday. Some able pa- Jones, McClintock, W. E. McVey, Alexander, pers were read and well discussed, among Plummer, Ward, Munn, Rodgers, Teft, Donwhich were the following: "Suprapubic Lith- aldson, Longshore and Lewis. Visitors, Drs. otomy," Dr. Lewis Schooler, of Des Moines, Cooper and Bradley, Mrs. Anna Henshaw and Iowa; "Ether as an Anæsthetic," by Dr. J. Mr. Gilbert, medical students, and Revs. Ray M. Richmond of St. Joseph, (see paper and and Smith. discussion in this number of the JOURNAL); "Sexual Neurasthenia, with especial reference to Rational Treatment," by Dr. Bransford Lewis of St. Louis, editor of the Weekly Medical Review; "Chronic Catarrh of the Cervix Uteri and Cervical Canal," by Dr. H. C. Crowell of Kansas City, Mo.. "Trachoma," by Dr. Barton Pitts, of St. Joseph, Mo.; "Uses and Contraindications of Cocaine in Ophthalmic Practice" by Dr. Gifford of


By a unanimous vote the rules were suspended and Rev. Ray read the following communication from the ministerial union:

At a meeting of the Ministeral Union of Topeka, March 17, 1880, the following paper was adopted, and the Rev. Messrs. Ray, Blakesley and Smith were appointed a committee to present it before the medical societies of this vicinity:

WHEREAS, At funerals in this city officiating ministers, bearers and male relatives and friends are accustomed to show their sympathy and respect by uncovered heads while passing between the house or church and the carriages, and while standing about the grave during the interment services; and

Thursday night we were royally banquetted by the St. Joseph physicians. The guests numbered about one hundred, comprising some of the leading physicians of the West. Toasts were responded to by President Em- WHEREAS, Christ is "Lord of the body almert, Drs. McClintock of Topeka, Donald Mc-so;" and our bodies being his, should not be Crae of Council Bluffs, Crowell and Tyree of Kansas City, Schooler of Des Moines, Brandsford Lewis of St. Louis, until the "wee sma' hours beyan' the twa'l" began to dawn, when we rolled off to our couches to sleep.

Nine o'clock next morning we were given a beautiful drive over the city to see the sights. Dr. A. L. Fulton, of Kansas City, Mo., editor of the Kansas City Medical Record, was present.

We came away fully convinced that the hospitality of Missouri is no longer a proverbial myth but a substantial reality.

The convention adjourned to meet in Council Bluffs in September.

We are sorry we are unable to publish a full

exposed to injury without sufficient reason; and self-injury is not a Christian but a pagan mode of showing sorrow, sympathy or respect: and as we protest against Hindoo widows exhibiting sorrow by offering themselves in suttee on the burning pyres of their deceased husbands, so we should protest against customs, however ancient or universal, which may produce needless disease or suffering;


Resolved, That we respectfully request the medical societies of this vicinity to express officially their views as to the safety or danger of the custom of exposing the uncovered head in unfavorable weather at funeral services, that this ministerial union may have authoritative scientific knowledge to guide it in deciding whether to approve or protest against the custom mentioned; and

Resolved, That a committee of three be ap

pointed to present this paper before the medi-ed at intervals through the uterus until the cal societies of this vicinity.

A true copy.



present. The patient came under the care of Dr. McClintock in October, 1888, and up to January 1, 1890, had five or six attacks of In order to give the matter the considera- peritonitis. After much time and constant tion which its importance deserves, a com- observations the doctor diagnosed suppuration mittee of three, consisting of Drs. Minney, of the fallopian tubes and advised an operaStewart and Jones, were appointed to report as soon as convenient. To show their appreciation of the movement the society voted unanimously that "the sentiment expressed in the communication be endorsed as the sentiments of the society."

The board of censors reported favorably on the application for membership of Drs. D. R. Pelton and J. B. Hibben. By vote the secretary was instructed to cast a ballot for the above named applicants.

Charles C. Bradley Medical Department University, of Iowa, 1890, F. W. Bailey, Star

ling Medical College, Columbus, O., 1882, R. S. Magee, Kansas City Medical College, 1890, made applications for membership.

tion, which was at last consented to, and per-
formed in the usual way, due precaution as to
He was assisted
antisepsis being observed.
in the operation by Drs. Lindsay and Stewart
of Topeka, and Dr. Crowell of Kansas City.
The patient recovered from the operation
without shock and did well for two or three

weeks, and was able to walk about the room,
but about the fourth week developed an in-
flammation of the femoral artery, supposed at
first to be a phlebitis, as she said she had had
arteritis will probably keep her in bed for
phlebitis following operations before. The
some time. The reason the doctor gave for
operating so near the probable period of the
menopause was one given by Dr. Gill Wylie,
of New York; that frequently in those cases
the menopause was delayed and there was
more danger in waiting than in operating.


Dr. Ward thought the operation was nicely done and demanded.

Dr. J. C. McClintock, reported a case of removal of the ovaries and appendages, by request. The case reported was familiar to the medical world as it had been treated by leading men in foreign countries as well as at home. Patient began menstruating at the age of fourteen, and at each menstrual period sufDr. Lewis thought the case interesting from fered severe pain before and during the flow, the circuitous route it had taken among emithe pain before menstruating suggesting some nent men. The question is were these men mistaken? ovarian disease. At the age of fifteen a severe Might it not have been caused by coxalgia developed lasting two years and the various operations on the cervix? Could which has returned at different periods to the it be that she had salpingitis from the age of present time. She was first treated by Sir fifteen? James Simpson, afterwards by such men as Cruveillier, Bischof, Liebermeister and Veit. After coming to this country she was treated by Engleman, who was the first to diagnose the ovarian trouble, and recommended the radical operation which was refused. She next appeared in New York and was treated by Drs. Lusk and Thomas. In Chicago she He thought it of much interest and somewhat was treated by Drs. Jenks and Ludlam. In obscure. His experience is that the disease St. Paul by Dr. Stone. Drs. Engleman, Lud- is more liable to extend from the uterus, than lam and Stone, were the only ones to suggest from the tubes down. ovarian disease. She was treated for various supposed diseases in a varied manner and finally the cervix was amputated, followed by cellulitis, since which time pus has discharg

Dr. McGuire asked in regard to the two operations, Battey's and Tait's. and thought we should as a matter of patriotism call it Battey's. Complimented Dr. McClintock. Referred to the similarity of the names and was sorry he had not the honor of the operation. Dr. Jones had not heard of the case before.

Dr. Green spoke of the present status of the antiseptic part of the operation. Thinks there was an ovaritis in the beginning.

Dr. Lewis spoke of operations of this kind.

being done for several years without the use of antiseptic solutions with the best results.

per diem. The patient whose case was reported to-night passed from four to six pints of urine a day for some time.

Dr. Wall read a paper entitled "Remarks on Steven's Operation," which see on page 466 in this number of the JOURNAL


Dr. Jones said the best operators used antiseptic solutions. He was inclined to think the time had not come for abandoning them. He would use sublimate solutions where he was going to operate in the abdominal cavity. Dr. Ward said he had not thought of saying Dr. Minney had heard Dr. Stevens report at anything, but when a fire brand like the Cincinnati and at Newport, and thought the above was thrown out, he felt like saying doctor was over sanguine. The commission something. He denies that antiseptic solu- appointed by the New York Neurological sotions, such as carbolic acid and corrosive sub-ciety did not confirm the claim of Dr. Stevens. limate were used by the best operators at the In the majority of cases glasses will accompresent time. Said nothing was used in the plish what Dr. Stevens claims. There are abdominal operations but pure distilled or some cases of nervousness benefitted by an boiled water. Had not the time to give a operation and it is a curative agent when an minute detail of the technique of the opera- equilibrium is secured. tions, but at some future time we should hear from him. Thought the use of water alone not an old custom but very recent. In regard to this case he thought the eminent men who had treated the lady did make a mistake in diagnosis.

Dr. Stewart spoke of a remark made by Dr. Dunlap in the early days of abdominal sections "that he was afraid of a blood clot being left in the abdominal cavity," so he mopped out the abdomen with pure water. After the operation fifteen or twenty days the patient began to decline and died on the twenty-fifth day, death being caused as he thought by the excessive flow of urine. This, Dunlap thought was an effort of nature to get rid of the serum. Spoke of the excessive flow of urine in fifteen days in the case reported by Dr. McClintock, and on examination, the urine was found to be diabetic. Diabetes, he thought was the cause of death in Dr. Dunlap's case, and that patients operated upon frequently die in this


Dr. Stewart-I have some faith in it but do not think we should expect too much from it. We should not expect to cure epilepsy and all other nervous disorders by it. Reported a case of epilepsy seemingly caused by a defect of vision operated upon by Dr. Ranney with great benefit. It is one of the means to an end. The main point is in the diagnosis.

Dr. Lindsay-The operation is one that has a bright future. It will do much to clear up the diagnosis now classed as neurasthenia.

Dr. McGuire has known of six cases operated upon by Dr. Stevens. Two of the cases received no benefit. Knew of the case reported by Dr. Minney which had been operated upon by Dr. Stevens with seeming benefit, but it is difficult to say how much the operation had to do with present improved condition as she has learned to take better care of herself and avoids those things that used to bring on her bad symptoms.

Dr. Minney-The object of the operation is to established perfect ocular parallelism or equilibrium. This cannot be secured, and hence the practical difficulty. In many of the cases the operation acts on the mind as a placebo.

Dr. McClintock in closing said that he did not know the cause of the salpingitis in this case. The most frequent cause is abortion. Other causes, use of instruments, intrauterine applications, passing sound, &c. He is inclin- Dr. Wall said in closing, that most of the ed to favor antiseptics, but would rather keep cases operated upon had already used glasses them out of the abdominal cavity. Cases of and had failed in getting entire relief. Thinks cellulitis are almost always cases of salpingitis. the operation gives relief. Says that it is Spoke of a case where the patient operated up- claimed that Dr. Stevens aims to exact parallelon in the ischio-rectal region passed enormous ism but he has not found that statement in any quantities of diabetic urine, perhaps a gallon of his writings. He thought the report of the

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Eastern Kansas District Medical Society.

The tenth annual meeting of the Eastern Kansas District Medical Society, convened in Lincoln Post hall, Tuesday, April 8, at 3 o'clock, p. m., J. P. Lewis, M. D., in the chair.

There were present Drs. J. H. Van Eman, Kansas City, Mo.; W. J. Van Eman, W. D. Bidwell, J. A. Lane, of Leavenworth; L. L. Terwilliger, Lansing; I. D. Burdick, Carbondale; J. C. McClintock, W. E. McVey, M. R. Mitchell, S. E. Sheldon, L. H. Munn, Theo. W. Peers, W. S. Lindsay, J. E. Minney, D. F. Rodgers, G. A. Wall, R. E. McVey, J. P. Lewis, M.B.Ward, J.W. Donaldson, of Topeka.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:

The Leavenworth Medical Society held its regular monthly meeting at Dr. Walter's office, March 31, Dr. Phillips, the president, in the chair. Dr. Bidwell read a paper on "Phthisis," which is published in this number Drs. J. T. Scott, Holton; T. Reynolds, Horof the JOURNAL. The discussion of the paper ton; W. S.Packard, Burlingame; M. H. Cazier, was very free. Dr. Carpenter inquired what D. R. Pelton, C. C. Green, R. S. Magee, of advantages were to be gained by quartering Topeka, were present and elected to membercows in the same building with consumptives, ship. and was of the opinion that such association was to be avoided for the reasons given in the paper. Dr. McNary stated that phthisis was President-M. B. Ward, Topeka. destroying the Indian tribes very rapidly, yet Vice President-G. A. Wall, Topeka. they were a people who lived largely in open Treasurer-L. L. Terwilliger, Lansing. air. Dr. Walter replied to this that the pres- Secretary-W. D. Bidwell, Leavenworth. ent condition of the Indian is much worse than Dr. J. T. Scott read a paper on the "Recent formerly from an hygienic standpoint. Thirty Advancements in the Treatment of Abdomyears ago the tribes were continually roving inal Surgeries." The Doctor reported an inand engaged most of the time in active out-teresting case in his practice, to illustrate his door life, now they live for months in one local- subject. He demonstrated how difficult it ity, and their provision for the disposal of camp refuse and excrement being of the most unsatisfactory nature, they are exposed to unhygienic influences which debilitate the system and when phthisis exists, to infection and reinfection. Drs. Moates,Neely and Sharp spoke of the frequency of consumption among colored people, particularly mulattoes and quadroons, while Dr. Phillips was of the opinion that there were more cases among full blooded negroes. Dr. Bidwell described one of the sanitaria for consumptives in Germany, where patients are kept in the air and sun-light as much as possible, their exercise kept within the limit of fatigue, and are fed frequently, abundantly and with the most nourishing food.

often is to diagnose the extent of the lesion, and recommended opening the abdomen under most careful antiseptic precautions where the injury indicates a fatal termination if left to nature.


Dr. Burdick opened the discussion. said surgeons are not entitled to the name unless they can do abdominal surgery successfully. In gunshot wounds we are justified in opening the abdomen.

Dr. Sheldon was pleased with the paper, but thought abdominal surgery still in its infancy. The results from interference in penetrating wounds of the abdomen are not satisfactory. A more thorough acquaintance with methods is necessary in order to reduce the

Society adjourned to meet in Dr. Carpen- mortality. ter's office, April 28.


Dr. Terwilliger thought the least interference in these cases the better.

Dr. Munn said the views of Drs. Sheldon

and Terwilliger were at variance with modern surgical science.

Dr. J. H. Van Eman thought no one should operate on a case of traumatic injury when there is shock. Unless there are indications of hemorrhage or perforation of the intestine, no operation is required. Does not believe in operating in typhoid fever. Abscess of the abdominal cavity should always be opened. Thinks laparotomy may be justified in cases of painful menstruation, or convulsions. Operate for removal of appendages in cases of profuse and persistent hemorrhage from the uterus, when all other means have failed. Peritonitis is another class of cases where abdominal section is justifiable. Can never tell what will be found in small tumors of the pelvis until you get inside. In cases of intussusception an operation is always demanded.

Dr. T. Reynolds reported an interesting case in which abdominal section revealed a mistaken diagnosis.

Dr. Green thinks we are more guilty of omission than commission. Nature is a good surgeon, but often nature is left to do too


Dr. McClintock said his experience with Jewish women was contrary to the idea advanced by Dr. Peers.

Dr. Terwilliger reported a case of fractured patella successfully treated by the application of a figure-of-eight bandage. The dressing was applied within fifteen minutes after the injury, and retained seven weeks.

Dr. Munn reported a case of fractured patella into three pieces, treated by figure-ofeight bandage first, later by inclined splint. There was ligamentous union with separation one-half-inch, but an anchylosed knee-joint. Dr. Rodgers thought Dr. Terwilliger's method was better.

Dr. Sheldon reported a case in his practice, in which he had perfect union by the use of sole-leather splints.

Dr. Peers described a drill with screw and nut attachment, used by Dr. T. G. Morton of Philadelphia, giving good results.

Dr. Packard reported a case of fracture of the same patella the third time, and cured by the use of an elastic ligature made by moleskin plaster and elastic straps.

Dr. Bidwell described a splint used with

Dr. Sheldon said indiscriminate abdominal pins, on which were bound strips of plaster, surgery should be condemned. one running above the other below the plates. Dr. Munn reported a case of a man 51 years old, struck on tibia by kick of horse, causing fracture of tibia in lower third, and dislocation

Dr. Scott, in closing the discussion, said he had seen deaths from wounds of the abdomen when operations might have saved life.

Dr. Mitchell read a paper on "Preparation for Motherhood," which is published in this (May,) number of the JOURNAL.

Dr. J. H. Van Eman said it is, after all, the "survival of the fittest."

Dr. Bidwell said much blame is attached to the habits of the more wealthy classes, which he thinks is rather unjust, as they are improving their manner of dress and way of living in a very creditable degree.

Dr. Burdick thinks the poor classes are more subject to menstrual troubles.

Dr. W. J. Van Eman thinks we are quite mistaken regarding the suffering among the savages. They show signs of great suffering, if their dilapidated appearance means anything.

Dr. Peers thinks one special cause of great suffering in child-birth, is the mixing of the


of tibia backwards; asking for treatment.

Dr. J. H. Van Eman advised Bavarian dressing.

Dr. Rodgers advised the use of rubber dressing and application of cold.

Dr. Lewis introduced the subject of headache in school children.

the most frequent cause. Dr. Wall thought that errors of refraction

Dr. Van Eman, (J. H.) agreed with Dr. Wall, and thought better hygiene methods should be inaugurated in our schools.

school-house was the cause of many of the Dr. Minney thought the construction of the

errors of refraction.

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