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What Shall the Subject be?

who provokes discussion. Any man that can talk can describe a case, it has been shown

AMONG the physicians present at the Bi-ennial Convention of the Jewish Theological Seminary Association, held last Sunday, in New York, were Dr. Cyrus Adler, of JohnsHopkin's University, Drs. S. Movails and S. Salis Cohen, of Philadelphia, and Drs. A. Friendenwald and H. W. Schueberger, of Baltimore. Times and Register.

When a physician is requested to furnish an how he may obtain a subject, and he is often article for a medical journal or a paper for his acting selfishly toward his confreres when society his first thought is, "What shall I he declines to do his share of work in society write about?" For the time being every topic meetings, or fails to record the results of his appears to furnish an equally unsatisfactory observations for the benefit of posterity. nucleus about which to gather his ideas. No matter how facile a writer he may be on some subject which has occupied his mind in the past, he is at a stand-still and any literary production forced from him at the time will have an unnatural and strained style, difficult to read, and generally unsatisfactory to all concerned. This difficulty in selecting a subject may be obviated in several ways. If, as secretary, you wish to obtain the title of the paper in a few moments sit down with your THE London Medical Recorder recently cited intended victim and talk to him on these medi- a case which illustrates the validity of the cal topics which lie nearest your own heart or much boomed Pasteurian performance. A describe to him some interesting case in prac-man was bitten in 1887 by a dog which was tice; the chances are ten to one that you will killed, an autopsy held and the animal prohardly finish your first case before your friend begins to describe his case or unfold his theory, which, committed to paper is the article desired. If, however, you yourself are the victim and are bewildered by lack of interest in any special subjects or by the multitude of interests, wait a few days, keeping in mind the choice to be made. If you come across a case you fail to comprehend or find yourself forgetting certain data, physiological or pathological, jot down the facts and after due study write out your conclusions as fully as possible. The chances are that your neighbors have also been puzzled by similar cases, or like you have forgotten or never comprehended the same subject and you help others while you help yourself.

In the days of many books and more journals it is not easy for one to contribute origiAs the preacher says, "there is no new thing under the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, see, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was before us." But the old idea presented with a new dress is attractive. It is not always the one who tells some new thing that instructs us most, but he who makes us think; nor is it always the one who reads the most finished article who benefits the society but the one

nounced to be rabietic. The man had the wounds cauterized with silver nitrate, and then went to Pasteur's Institute, where he was treated and later discharged as cured. Two years later, Dr. Desquin was called to see the man, and found he had symptoms of hydrophobia, from which he died two days later. Did he die from the dog bite, from Pasteur's inoculation, or from scare at Dr. Desquin's diagnosis?—Medical Standard.

Symmetrical Education.

The annual meeting of the American association for the advancement of physical education was held in Boston the fourth of this month. At the close of the meeting there were gymnastic exercises at Mechanic's hall in which six hundred pupils of both sexes, from various schools and gymnasia in and around Boston participated. The program consisted of dumb-bell and club-swinging, Swedish gymnastics with and without apparatus, hoop and wand exercises, chest weight and horizontal-bar exercises, tumbling, posturing, pyramids, parallel bar, vaulting horse and Roman ladder exercises. The exhibition was very entertaining and instructive, showing how under proper supervision school children

DR. VANEMAN of Kansas City, Mo., on behalf of the State Medical society of Missouri, at the meeting of the Eastern Kansas District Medical Society, held in Topeka, April 8, 1890, extended a pressing invitation to the physicians of Kansas, to attend the next annual meeting of that society, to be held at Excelsior Springs, May 6, 7 and 8, 1890.

can be developed symmetrically, the physical system keeping pace with the mental. This meeting furnished one more opportunity for the optimist to say "I told you so," and gratifies all humanity-loving people by the spectacle of a generation bidding fair to excel their parents in full, rounded, evenly balanced manhood and womanhood. The West is competing with the East in introducing in our schools, physical exercise, lectures, practical work in THE Wichita Medical College has terminatlaboratories and museums, in the field and in ed one year of its college life and is very well the cabinet which will result in more manly satisfied with its beginning. Owing to unavoidand womanly graduates, more practical and able delays the session last year begun a valuable members of society than were dream-month too late, but another year the session ed of by the educators of thirty years ago. will begin on time and everything promises Let the good work go on. The human race as a whole is improving in spite of the weakness and degradation so fully shown up in the daily press, and the reformation is largely due to the philanthropic physician.


THE body of a child who died of diphtheria in Chicago, was sent in a sealed casket to Zanesville, Ohio, for burial. The parents of the child opened the coffin and held a public THE Salina physicians are preparing for funeral at which many children were present, microscopical work and a display during the and soon after twenty-seven were taken down State Medical Society meeting. Physicians with the disease, and nineteen have died alhaving microscopes, histological or pathologi- ready. Some one ought to be held responsical specimens are earnestly requested to ble for this reckless, foolish exposure of bring them to the meeting. They will be children to the poison of malignant diphtheproperly cared for by Dr. Crawford, who has charge of the matter.

COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS OF THE STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY.-Dr. G. W. Newman, of Saiina, is chairman of the local committee of arrangements. The balance of the committee consists of the local physicians of Salina, who are members of the Central District Medical society.


DR. W. A. PHILIPS of Salina, one of the stockholders of this JOURNAL, attended the annual meeting of the stockholders and was elected a director, of whom there are eight, and also associate editor for Central Kansas. The doctor is one of the leading physicians in Kansas, and our readers may expect to hear from him often and profitably.

THE American Medical Association meets A DEATH from cocaine is reported by in Nashville, Tenn., May 20, and will continue Simes in Gaz. degli Ospitali, a gramme of a in session four days. The association of med- 20 per cent. solution of cocaine was injected ical editors meets on the 19th. Local societies into the urethra of a man twenty-eight years in affilliation with the State medical society of age preparatory to doing an internal urethroare entitled to one delegate for every ten members or fractional part thereof.

DR. R. W. HARRIS of Ames, Kas., one of the bright young M. D's. of Northwest Kansas, has removed to Albany, Ind. We admire his pluck in seeking larger fields, but regret our loss.

tomy. Immediately poisoning came on and the man died in about twenty minutes.

THE Kansas City Dental College held its eighth annual commencement in the Y. M. C. A. Hall March 12. Sixteen graduates-whole number enrolled seventy-three. The college closed a very successful year.

[blocks in formation]

Third-"Crime, Its Physiology and Pathogenesis, and what Medical Men can do for its Prevention," by R. E. McVey, M. D., Topeka. Fourth-"Ununited Fractures and their Treatment," by K. F. Purdy, M. D., Wichita. Fifth-" Dilatation of the Cervical Canal for the Permanent cure of Dysmenorrhoea and Sterility, with cases," by F. F. Dickman, M. D., Fort Scott.

Sixth-"The Relation of Formative Matter to Disease," by J. S. Foote, M. D., Wichita. Seventh- The Management of Surgical Injuries of the Abdomen," by A. H. Cordier, M. D., of McPherson.

Twentieth-" Advances of Orthopaedic Surgery," by J. P. Lewis, M.D., Topeka.

sonal solicitation by the secretary and can be These papers have been promised upon perdepended upon. Others have been written to

but have not had time to answer. There will be time for volunteer papers, reports of cases, etc. Railroad rates have been secured, (see article elsewhere.) Hotel accommodations ample-one hotel can accommodate one hunboarding houses. dred guests. There are several hotels, besides As before remarked, a more beautiful section of country has not been made. Let us all go to Salina May 13 and 14, C. C. GREEN, Pres.


J. E. MINNEY, Sec'y.

Stockholders Meeting.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL company was held in the office of the business manager, Dr. W. E. McVey, 723 Kansas avenue, March 27, 1890. The following stockholders were Eighth-" Pott's Fracture," by L. J. Lyman, elected directors for the ensuing year: M. D., of Manhattan.

Ninth "Recent Advances in Ophthalmology," by D. F. Longenecker, M. D., Exporia. Tenth-"Report of a case in Surgery with Remarks," by J. C. McClintock, M. D., To peka.

Eleventh—“ Climatology in the Treatment of Phthisis," by J. A. Lane, M. D., Leavenworth.

Twelfth "Report on Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis," by C. H. Shriner, M. D., Galena.

Thirteenth-"New Remedies," by John M. Scott. M. D., Holton.

Fourteenth-" Suppurative Hepatitis, with Report of Cases," by A. B. Peters, M. D., Mankato.

Drs. W. D. Bidwell of Leavenworth, W. A. Phillips, of Salina, S. G. Stewart, W. S. Lindsay, M. B. Ward, Theodore W. Peers, D. F. Rodgers and J. E. Minney of Topeka.

Officers of the directors-Dr. Bidwell, president; Dr. Ward, vice president; Dr. Rodgers, secretary; Dr. W. E. McVey, business manager; and Dr. Lindsay, treasurer; and assistant business manager.

Dr. Minney was elected editor-in-chief, and Drs. Schenck and Stewart, assistant editors.

Associate editors-Dr. Bidwell for the Eastern Kansas District Medical society, and the Leavenworth City society. Dr. Phillips for the Central Kansas District and Dr. Sawhill for the Republican Valley Medical societies. Dr.

Fifteenth-"Intussusception," by W. L. Peers for the Topeka Academy of Medicine and Schenck, M. D., Osage City.

Sixteenth-"Treatment of Puerperal Fever" by W. G. Hope, M. D., Lanexa, Kas.

Seventeenth-" Albuminuria and some of the Results of its Neglects," by C. W. Ewing, M. D., Edgerton, Kas.

Eighteenth-"Neurasthenia," by W. S. Lindsay, M. D., Topeka, Kas.

Nineteenth-" Hypertrophy of the Lateral Walls of the Pharynx," by Hal Foster, A. B. M. D., Kansas City, Mo.

Surgery. The editor-in-chief was instructed to appoint associate editors when he could do so to the advantage of the JOURNAL.

The meeting was a pleasant one and the financial condition of the JOURNAL encouraging, it being free of debt.

Dr. S. R. MILLEN, of Clarinda, Iowa, one of the JOURNAL'S subscribers, has invented an invalid's bed. He will be pleased to send circulars to those desiring further information.

About Our Journal.

paper. Its true merit will be seen and rewarded.

The various medical societies vie with each other in friendly strife for the prize.

THE KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL has reachWe begin this, our second year of JOURed and passed its first mile stone in the jour- NAL life, with everything seemingly in our ney of life. Like all births it was accom- favor. Unity prevails in our JOURNAL housepanied with the usual amount of anxiety and hold. In our state peace and good will among suffering, despite the directions of Dr. Mitch- the brethren prevail. ell, found in this number of the JOURNAL, had been carefully followed out. But it is alive, vigorous, and growing nicely, owing to the food supply which has been furnished by the brains of the Kansas physicians in the main. An occasional savory dish has been served up by our neighbors, and the exchanges all are a constant source of information and pleasure. In the twelve numbers, four hundred and Depending then upon the brethren, and the fifty pages of reading matter have been fur- energy and ability of the JOURNAL staff, we nished to our readers, or thirty-seven and one-launch off into the second year of journalistic half pages in each number. From one-half to three-fourths of each number has been

original matter, in the ordinary sense of original. The JOURNAL has, in a measure, been an epitome of the standing of the practitioners of the state.

The physicians are learning that the sentiment expressed in our salutatory is being carried out in spirit and letter. They are anxious to see the JOURNAL prosper, and cooperate with us as brethren should, not only in brain work but in U. S. currency. It makes us very happy to hear them calling it our, (meaning their) JOURNAL, which it is.

While we desire to make the JOURNAL selfsustaining, yet it was not a financial scheme in any sense of the word. As has been remarked of it, there is no clique or faction for which it works. It is entirely untrammeled. Its purpose is to subserve the best interests of the profession in Kansas, and by so doing benefit medicine in general.

There are more district, county and city medical societies in Kansas to-day than ever before in her history. Their success is the JOURNAL'S success. The physicians of the state are the fountain, the JOURNAL is what flows from it.


"A bill to repeal the statute requiring the preliminary education of medical students has already passed to its third reading in the New York Legislature. This repeal is called for by Dr. Austin Flint and others in the interests of certain colleges on the ground that a large portion of the medical students graduated in the medical colleges of this country are from New York colleges; that the students spend that the act requiring a preliminary examinahere over a million dollars every winter, and tion drives students to colleges out of the State, and should therefore be abolished."

We bow our heads in shame when we read the above, to think that our great Empire State should be the first to lead off in this direction -a State to which we have been taught to look as our peer in educational matters.

We are opposed to any move which in any way has a tendency to lower the standard of education, medical, literary or otherwise. The above law already had given promise of excellent results, and now to ask its repeal simply because there is a possibility of diminishing the funds in college treasuries, is mercenary in the extreme.

Journalism is a profession of itself, and has to be learned. With experience we are enabled to better our work. Typographical errors from omission in proof reading, and printers unacquainted with medical language, WHILE in St. Joseph recently we had the have occurred too often-but experience and pleasure of meeting our friend Dr. Bransford effort will, in a great measure, remedy this Lewis of the Weekly Medical Review of St. fault. To authors of papers this is very an- Louis. He was for six years first assistant noying, as well as to the editor; but credit surgeon in the St. Louis City hospital. He is will always be given by the man whose opinion a young man, a good physician and a live we value, to the thought contained in the journalist.



Dr. Pigman-Is phthisis a sequelae of pneumonia? I have had some cases in which the

Republican Valley District Medical Society. lung broke down and cavities were formed.

The Republican Valley District Medical Society met in Dr. Letourneau's office, Concordia, Kan., April 3, 1890.

Present, Dr. J. H. Brierly, of Glasco, president; Dr. W. F. Sawhill, of Concordia, secretary; Drs. L. R. White, of Scandia, J. A. Jeannotte, A. G. Sexton and C. F. Leslie of Clyde, Grant Cullimore of Atchison, C. M.

Arbuthnot of Belleville, Geo. F. Beatty of Miltonvale, S. C. Pigman, J. H. McCasey. N. Udell, W. R Priest of Concordia, L. H. Munn,

G. A. Wall, J. C. McClintock and J. E. Minney of Topeka.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The following physicians were elected to membership in the society, viz.: Dr. Grant Cullimore of Atchison, Dr. C. M. Arbuthnot

of Belleville, Dr. C. F. Leslie of Clyde, and Drs. G. A. Wall, L. H. Munn, J. C. McClintock and J. E. Minney of Topeka.

"Does the Practice of Medicine Pay?" was the subject of the retiring president's (Dr. Brierly) address, found in this number of the JOURNAL.

The following were elected officers for the ensuing year: Dr. J. A. Jeannotte, president; Dr. McCasey, first, and Dr. L. R. White, second vice president; Dr. S. C. Pigman, secretary;

and Dr. A. Letourneau treasurer.

The secretary was authorized to issue creIdentials to members who wished to attend as delegates, the American Medical Association, which meets in Nashville, Tenn., May 20, 1890.

Dr. White presented a report on Pneumo

nia, see page 461.


Dr. Leslie-Is there any difference in pneumonia here and in the Atlantic Eastern seaboard States? I think there is a greater fatality in the east.

Dr. Pigman-Large doses of quinine, morphine and whisky are contraindicated in pneumonia. In the early stages I prefer digitalis to aconite. Pneumonia is not so fatal here as in the eastern States.

Dr. McCasey-Read a paper on "Pneumonia," see page 458.

Dr Sawhill-The fatality of pneumonia here is greater than the remarks of the gentlemen would lead us to believe. A number of fatal cases have occurred in this community during the past year.

Dr. McCasey reported a case of pneumonia in a plethoric man in which he drew ten ounces of blood, and the temperature was re

duced two degrees and the pulse fifteen beats

in two hours. This treatment was followed

by aconite and antipyrin. The doctor thought there were more deaths from pneumonia last year than this year with the la-grippe.

Dr. Leslie favored a large dose of calomel followed by a large dose of quinine, in the early stages of pneumonia.

Dr. Priest-I use chloroform inhalations in

the first stage of pneumonia. If that fails to give relief, I use pilocarpine. The chloroform gives temporary relief and shortens the inflammatory process, I think, in some cases. The report was received,

Dr. Jeannotte reported two cases of fracture of the cervical vertebra, presenting one specimen. The report will be published in the next issue of the JOURNAL.

Dr. Cullimore read a paper on otorrhoea as a sequelae of the exanthematous diseases, which will be published, together with the discus

sion, in the next number.

Dr. W. F. Sawhill reported a case of bilious calculi cured by drachm doses of phosphate of soda three times a day for two weeks. The society adjourned to meet in Concordia the first Thursday in July, 1890.

W. F. SAWHILL, Secretary.

Missouri Valley Medical Society.

The Medical Society of the Missouri Valley convened in the city of St. Joseph, March 20 and 21, 1890. This association was organized a little over a year ago in Council Bluffs, and now numbers over two hundred members. The membership is made up of the profession of the States bordering on the Missouri river.

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