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physiology expressed in one of the aphorisms handed down by Hippocrates, "Sanguinis moderater nervorum."

The blood is the great pabulum of the nervous system. If the blood can be kept at


Read before the Leavenworth Medical Society
March 31, 1890.

a high physiological state, the functions of the BY W. D. BIDWELL, M. D., LEAVENWORTH, KAS. nervous system will correspondingly approach the normal.

Investigators seem to establish the fact that in the pregnant state, the red corpuscles of the blood are much reduced below the physiological arrangement. Hence the many morbid manifestations of the nervous system often are the result of an anæmic condition, rather than

a plethoric, as has been sometimes supposed. Consequently the administration of an iron tonic would perhaps be more judicious than the lance.

The dietary and sanitary means should be carefully looked after. The secretions and excretions must receive prompt and continued attention. The urine should be frequently examined and the indications met. Lacing, tight clothing, and such as is sometimes supported upon the hips, should be prohibited. Clothing should be such as will protect well from colds and coughs. The nipples and breasts should in due time receive attention, with appropriate applications to elongate the nipples if needed, and prepare for lactation. All contagious diseases should be carefully


A pendulous abdomen should be supported by an abdominal supporter.

When the existence of the bacillus tubercu

losis was demonstrated by Koch, enthusiasts
believed that this scourge which causes more
deaths than all other diseases combined would
soon be a thing of the past.
soon be a thing of the past. All that remained
to be done was to administer to each patient
some germicide that would prove fatal to Mr.
Bacillus, and the work was done.

But as time went on and it became evident that patients would succumb to the germicides before the bacilli were rendered uncomfortable, the enthusiasts became less hopeful, although sulphuretted hydrogen, oxygen, balsamic va

pors and the air of different localities were still experimented with, giving more or less satisfaction. Heretofore the influences of heredity had been insisted upon as the most efficient cause in producing the disease although the possibility of infection had been suggested by

a few writers. But the demonstration that many cases of the disease have arisen from infection has roused a new interest in methods of prevention rather than in methods of curing phthisis.

The disease is most frequently communicated by the bacilli from dried sputum and from the milk and meat of diseased cattle, with,

Careful protection from mental anxiety and perhaps, a few cases communicated directly worry. Moderate exercise in the open air from one person to another where they when weather is pleasant. As a rule, traveling by railway or roughly going vehicles should be prohibited.

are living and sleeping together constantly. Consumptive parentage entails the inheritance of an enfeebled constitution and And last, but not least, a word of encourage- these children are more susceptible than those ment is often needed and appropriate to re- of healthy parentage to infection. Their store confidence, bring cheer, dispel despond-greatest danger, however, lies in the fact that ency and gloom, and frighten away the horrid they may be infected by the milk they nurse specters foreshadowed by the startling stories from their mothers or by particles of dried and suggestions with which the patient is sputum containing bacilli which may be floatoften favored at the frequent visits of mothering in the air. gossip.

THE Convention for the revision of the United States pharmacopoeia, will be held in the city of Washington, May 7, at noon.

Dr. Bush has stated as the result of a number of investigations that from five to twentyfive per cent. of all dairy cows are tuberculous. This fact is startling and at first sight appears almost incredible, but the reason is not far to

seek. In the immense herds of cattle in the lies and the repeated reinfection of the patient. Argentine Republic tuberculosis is unknown. All expectoration should be received in spitIt is also rare among the beef cattle of our toons or spit cups containing a disinfecting Western States. Why then should the well solution, preferably carbolic acid with five fed dairy cattle be so affected? It is a well per cent. of tartaric or hydrochloric acid. known fact that to get cows that will give When flies are present the spit cup should be large quantities of rich milk the practice of covered. Spit cups and spittoons should be inbreeding is resorted to, and the higher grade emptied and cleansed frequently with boiling the cow the more closely inbred is she. But water and potash soap. The contents should this inbreeding is at the expense of hardihood be emptied into the water closet or buried in and this class of cows isolated and inbred for ground which will not be turned up soon, generations are more delicate and predisposed never thrown out near inhabited places where to tuberculosis than the hardy cattle of the animals may get them. If it is necessary to plains which secrete milk less in quantity and wash clothes soiled with the sputum, they in cream, and as a rule only for a short time should be boiled as soon as possible and before after calving. Dr. Bush claims further, that drying. Such things, however, are better tuberculosis prevails in any community in burned. The floors, woodwork and furniture exact proportion to the perfection and distri- of rooms in which consumptive patients stay bution of the dairy cow. should be wiped with a damp cloth, not dusted in the usual way. The patients clothing should be kept by itself and thoroughly boiled at the washing.

The patient should be made to understand that in neglecting these measures, he is imperiling his friends, and at the same time very much diminishing his own chances of recovery by reinfecting himself with the inhalation of his own dried and pulverized sputum. In case of death from this disease the apartment, clothing, etc., should be disinfected just as after death from any other infectious disease. Intimate association with persons sick with consumption is to be discouraged as much as possible, especially when one has an abrasion

In this connection I cannot forbear referring to an item in the Times and Register which reads: "In a sanitarium for consumptives, to be erected at Reinickendorf, near Berlin, the ground floors are to accommodate a number of milch cows, the exhalations from which will be conducted to the upper apartments, occupied by the patients." Two objections can be raised to this arrangement; first, if this class of cows is particularly predisposed to tuberculosis, unless great care is taken in the selection some of the animals kept there may be subjects of the disease and their exhalations would tend to reinfect the patients. On the other hand great care would have to be taken to avoid infecting the animals from patient's or wound of the skin or mucous membrane. secretions and thus endangering those who used the milk or flesh of these animals hereafter.

All animals to be slaughtered for food or whose milk is to be used, should be carefully inspected, and in all doubtful cases meat and Some authorities claim that vaccine matter milk should both be exposed to prolonged from a tuberculous animal will communi- high temperature. Tuberculous mothers cate tuberculosis, and in some establishments should, under no consideration, nurse their the animal is killed before any points prepared from it are sold, and if any evidences of disease are found by post mortem these points are destroyed. Prophylaxis therefore consists not in limiting offspring, but in protecting them after birth, as from other infectious diseases. The greatest danger is from sputa which becomes more dangerous as they dry, when particles laden with bacilli may be carried in the air or clothing to the undoing of whole fami

babies. Whatever has a tendency to undermine the general health increases the susceptibility to the infection and diminishes the power of recovery from incipient tuberculosis. Out-door life, residence in elevated localities, where the air is not only pure, but rarified, the occupancy of sunlit and well ventilated rooms, the avoidance of localities where the air is contaminated by the presence of others as in crowded schools or factories, and all

Who has not felt, as he has seen the victim of whooping cough struggling in its convulsive paroxysms, with its face purple, its eyes bloodshot and its hands thrown wildly about in agony, the poverty of his art and his science for any relief it could bring to his patient.

measures which promote the general health and appetite are prophylactic, as they are also, to a certain extent curative of tuberculosis. Just at present one method of preventing infection is receiving much attention in the medical journals, viz.: The establishment of hospitals for the treatment of consumptives exclusively. This is a step in the right Railroad Rates to the State Medical Society. direction and deserves every encourage

J. E. MINNEY, Secretary. KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 8, 1890.

ment, both as means of preventing the spread Physicians please read the following letter of the disease and of furthering the recovery and note the requirements of the railroads, as of those already sick. The available and de- their instructions must be complied with to sirable sites for such institutions are not con- secure reduced rates. fined to Colorado and Florida, although for certain cases these States offer peculiar advantages, but the Alleghany, Catskill and White J. E. MINNEY, 723 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Kas. mountains, the Berkshire hills, the pine forests Dear Sir:-In regard to your application of North Carolina and of Michigan, with other localities too numerous to mention possess attractions and advantages for the establishment of hospitals and sanitaria that sooner or later will be a blessing and a boon to all mankind. While we may not personally have a part in the development of these larger measures of relief, each individual can contribute his mite by seeing that the simple precautions, that have been described, are carried. out.

for reduction in fare in favor of persons atheld in Salina, Kansas, on May 13-15, I have tending the Kansas Medical Society, to be pleasure in advising you that the rate of a fare and one-third for the round trip, upon the certificate plan, from Kansas points have below. Certificates to be signed by yourself. been agreed upon by the railways mentioned

Reduction will not apply unless there are at least 100 people in attendance by rail from outside points.

Whether the theory of infection is conceded to be proven or not, the precautions are so simple and easily followed that they should be adopted in every case where tuberculosis is known to exist. It is better to be blamed for being over cautious than for being negli-a


PHENACETIN IN WHOOPING COUGH.-The New York Medical Times says that if there is any remedy which will control a disease in a few days which if left to run its natural course, would last an average, of ten weeks, it may be safely said that in one disease science has accomplished something. In a typical case of whooping cough in a child eight months old, which had passed through its catarrhal stage and was well on in the second, or convulsive stage, the paroxysms coming on every hour of a violent character, the action of the drug was almost magical. Under the influence of a grain and a half doses every three hours the paroxysms in three or four days were reduced to half a dozen light ones during twenty-four hours, and in a week had entirely disappeared.

Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad,
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad,
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railway,
Kansas City, Fort Scott & Memphis Railroad
Missouri Pacific Railway,

St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad,
Union Pacific Railway.

On the certificate plan, the passenger pays
full fare in going to the meeting, and secures
certificate (or receipt) therefor from the
ticket agent, by request, at the time of pur-
chase, and this certificate (or receipt), when
countersigned by the proper official at the
meeting, becomes authority for sale of a re-
turn ticket over the same road, between same
points, at one-third fare, thus making one fare
and a third for the round trip. Where the
ourney is made over more than one line, it is
frequently necessary for the passenger to pur-
chase separate local ticket and procure certifi-
cate thereof for each of the lines in this terri-
meeting, as many of these lines do not honor
tory over which he travels in going to the
the certificates of any other line. Passengers
should therefore ascertain from the ticket
agent what portion of their journey can be
covered by the certificate procurable of him,
and purchase tickets and secure certificates
filled in accordingly.
Yours truly,

W. W. FINLEY, Chairman.

Kansas Medical Journal.




Per Annum, in advance..
Single Copies......

that it requires greater care and knowledge in carrying out its technique than the former method (antisepsis). If the surgeon could be sure that everything used in the operation and about it was aseptic, he could be almost certain as to the results. But until the surgeon $200 has acquired that perfection, it is better to cling to the cleansing obtained by the use of antiseptics.

..25 Cents. Subscription may begin at any time. The safest mode of remitttance is by bank check or postal money order drawn to the order of the undersigned. When neither is accessible, remittances may be made at the risk of the publishers, by forwarding in REGISTERED LETTER. Address Kansas Medical Journal,


J. E. MINNEY, M. D., Topeka, Kas.


723 Kansas Avenue.

W. L SCHENCK, M. D., Osage City, Kas.
S. G. STEWART, M, D., Topeka Kansas.


Asepsis versus Antisepsis.

The periods of progress have been those marked by controversy and inquiry, especially the latter. This is true in all ages of the world and in all the professions.

Inquiry and controversy resulted in freeing

There are a few exceptions spoken of at present regarding antiseptics worth considering:

A wound that is aseptic cannot be made more so by the use of an antiseptic.

Aseptic serous surfaces are said to be intolerant to antiseptic agents, such as carbolic acid, and especially the bi-chloride.

The use of antiseptic washes in the abdominal cavity, where a septic condition does not obtain, is clearly contra-indicated.

While every precaution should be taken to render the part to be operated upon aseptic, by the use of germicides, as well as the hands of the operator and assistants, and every thing to be used, when the abdominal cavity is opened and a septic condition is present; in ovarian cyst, the best results we believe are the case, for example, of an uncomplicated

religion of its demoniacal phase. The same active spirit has resulted in the betterment of obtained by withholding the antiseptic wash our laws. Medicine is no exception to the from the cavity and using distilled boiled water, or water pure as can be obtained, rule. Antisepsis marked the beginning of an boiled and used as hot as can be endured. epoch in medicine. This period stands out in bold relief from that of every other period. By it results have been attained bordering on the marvelous. Resections of joints and amputations have been made and the wounds

[ocr errors]

The antiseptic dressing should be used as a precautionary measure. In an amputation where the wound is aseptic the same condition is present, and aside from the preparatory done up, hermetically sealed with antiseptic cleansing the dressing should contain the andressings and let alone for some days, a few tiseptic, and the germicide should be kept weeks at most without disturbing them, and from the exposed aseptic tissue. when finally examined healing had taken. place without a drop of pus. These results are proof positive of the good resulting from

the method.

Antisepsis was baptized with fire, and came to the front after having withstood the test in

the crucible.

Asepsis has never had outspoken enemies. It has never been controverted theoretically. Practically, according to modern views, it has been neglected. It is all that is required in a surgical operation.

It is reported of Tait and a few others that they do not use germicides, and that their success is equally as great as those who do. Cleanliness, asepsis, is the secret of their success. When surgeons in general learn how to secure such cleanliness, and practice it, then may antiseptics be done away with. For one, we are willing to admit such attainment we do not possess, and we will have to be classed with the dirty doctors for the present.

ABSOLUTE rest is an important factor in the

It should be remembered treatment of tetanus.



A SCARCITY of doctors is reported in Hayti. BREWERS yeast is recommended in diphthe

DR. HUIDEKOPER, a leading veterinary authority in medicine, says that half the consumption in the country is due to tuberculous cattle.

DR. S. G. STEWAT, one of the editorial committee of the JOURNAL, was called to Ohio the

PETROLEUM for scabies-annoint the whole first of April, by the serious sickness of his


PANBOTANO.-The new anti-malarial specif

ic in place of quinine.


DR. KLIPPEL of Hutchison, Kas.,after taking a course on the eye and ear under Dr. Minney. FEMALE practitioners in Russia are forbid- has also taken a course on the same specialty den to attend male adults. in Chicago.

DR. THOMAS F. RUMBOLD, formerly of St. Louis, is located in San Francisco.

THE St. Joseph Herald gives the wrong date of the meeting of the Kansas Medical

DR. W. R. WALLACE of New Concord, Ohio, Society. See this number of the JOURNAL and the program.

has located at No. 721 Kansas avenue.

THE faculty of the Kansas Medical college begun preliminary lectures April 7, 1890, at 8

p. m.

DR. M. H.CAZIER, of Burlingame, has located at No. 603 Kansas avenue, with Dr. L. Y. Grubbs.

DYERS, of Hanover, employs venesection in small quantities, oft repeated in obstinate cases. of chlorosis.

THE latest is a pneumatoscope by means of which an exact differential diagnosis of the lungs is possible.

THE National association of railway surgeons meets in Kansas City, Mo., on the first Thursday in May.

IN many cases of coccygodynia, Parvin, claims, the hypodermic injection of warm water gives great relief.

It is probable that the good results obtained by lime-water, in gastro-intestinal disorders, are due to its antiseptic action.

MRS. DONOVAN, of Baltimore, left $100,000 to Johns-Hopkins University, and $10,000 to Washington and Lee University.

DR. C. C. Green, president of our State Medical Society, is the happy father of a daughter. Truly his Topeka investment has proven a success.

OUR genial rhinologist, Dr. C. H. Guibor, moved his family to Topeka from Beloit the second week in April, purchasing a residence

at 822 Buchanan street.

Too much reading and too much meditation may produce the effect of a lamp inverted, which is extinguished by the excess of the oil

whose office it is to feed it.

Dr. SHAW of Osage City, Kas., has removed to Kansas City, Mo. The doctor had a splendid practice in Osage, but well enough does not satisfy the progressive physician.

A ST. LOUIS actress recently by mistake took a draught of carbolic acid, which nearly caused her death. If it had been in Kansas

the mistake would have been pardonable.

To diagnose with certainty gonorrhoea in the female, remember the pus of specific vaginitis is alkaline. Litmus paper will instantly decide.--DR. CHAPMAN in the Medical Era. THE International Medical Congress meets THE Faith-curists of Brooklyn have ac- in Berlin, August 4, 1890. The round trip knowledged their mistake, and agreed to con-ocean-passage is first cabin $90 per full ticket sult physicians when ill hereafter.

DRS. J. H. BRIERLY, of Glasco, W. A. Sawhill, of Concordia, and C. F. Leslie, of Clyde, are the pension examiners of Cloud county.

in inside rooms, and $105 per ticket in outside


PATENT MEDICINES.-The much advertised "Cuticura Ointment" consists of a base of WE are pleased to note the appointment on petroleum jelly, colored green, perfumed with the editorial staff of the London Ophthalmic oil of bergamot, and containing two per cent. Review, Dr. Edward Jackson, of Philadelphia. of carbolic acid.

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