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but two years, it has enrolled all the regular will restore the hair. Arnica oil is also an physicians of the county excepting three, and its sessions are marked by a degree of interest and good feeling which promises well for its future usefulness.

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admirable remedy to promote the growth of hair. A small quantity well rubbed into the scalp three or four times a week, can be tried with expectation of benefit.—Clinical Reporter.

THE result of extensive experiments in the German army as to the best treatment for excessive sweating of the feet has been to prove the great superiority of chromic acid over all other applications. Of 18,000 cases in which chromic acid was used 42 per cent. were reported "cured," 50 per cent. "improved," and only 8 per cent. "unrelieved." The method is first to bathe the feet, and after being thoroughly dried a 5 per cent. solution of the acid is applied with a brush. Two or three applications suffice as a rule, but the treatment has sometimes to be repeated after a fortnight.

This he gives with no other treatment ex- ANTIFEBRINE IN TONSILLITIS AND SCARcept inunction from the outbreak until defer- LATINAL SORE THROAT.-Dr. Sahli has found His experience with the drug ex- from personal experience and from numerous tends over a period of seven years. It quiets observations on patients, that moderate doses delirium and restlessness; acts slightly as an of the antifebrine, seven grains, will almost antiseptic, and prevents by its antiseptic and invariably give great ease in cases of acute diuretic properties albuminuria. Each dose tonsillitis.-Weekly Medical Review. should be followed by the administration of nourishment.

PARALDEHYDE AS A HYPNOTIC.-The uses of the above drug are, I believe, becoming extensively known, and its qualities appreciated. I find it a perfectly safe, and, if given in large enough doses, a very effective remedy. The usually known dose is practically useless, anything less than one drachm and a-half producing little or no effect. The immediate observed effects are quiet and refreshing sleep. It is of the greatest use in all forms of maniacal excitement, with extreme restlessness, and in cases of restlessness with dementia, whether paralytic or otherwise.-Lancet.

LAVAGE for irritation of the stomach should be given a trial in every case of chronic dyspepsia which does not yield readily to the ordinary method of treatment.


CHLORLAMID, a combination of chloral and formamid, is recommended as a powerful, reliable and harmless hypnotic. From fifteen to thirty grains is a dose.

QUINSY. In the early stages of quinsy, chloral hydrate is nearly a specific, three or four grains to the ounce of glycerine being used as a gargle. It is locally antiseptic, astringent and sedative.-Medical Record.

CHLORAL FOR DANDRUFF.-A solution of chloral hydrate, five grains to the ounce of A BACILLUS has been discovered in sections water, will clear the hair of dandruff, and pre- of warts, which is always present in the prickle vent its falling out from that cause. In many layer. It has distinctive qualities as regards instances where the patient is nearly bald, the its capacity for color, and is found both beapplication of the above mentioned solution tween and in the cells.--Journ. A. M. A.

Kansas Medical Journal. eighth day. If bled later than the second day



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death was the result. It was extremely fatal and in some cities the entire population was affected.

In 1580, a severe epidemic spread from the south-east over Asia, Africa and Europe. In $2.00 Italy, Spain and England it raged simultaneously during the latter part of August and the early part of September, and often appeared in distant places at the same time. Its force was expended chiefly upon the respiratory organs, shortness of breath continuing far into convalescense, which was marked by free perspiration. Recovery, though tedious, was the rule, excepting where the practice of depletion prevailed.

accessible, remittances may be made at the risk of the publishers, by forwarding in REGISTERED LETTER. Address Kansas Medical Journal,

Editorial Committee:

723 Kansas Avenue.

W. L SCHENCK, M. D., Osage City, Kas.
J. E. MINNEY, M. D., Topeka, Kas.
S. G. STEWART, M, D., Topeka Kansas.


THE Business Office of the KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL is now located at 723 Kansas avenue, up stairs.

Epidemic Catarrh.

There has been no regularity in the recurrence of the epidemics or in their extent. They have been endemic, epidemic and pandemic, and seem to have been little affected by season, climate or location, at times prevailing simultaneously in the opposite climates of the two sides of the equator, on different continents and in mid-ocean, and they have been of every grade of severity, the mildest causing many deaths from complication with diseases from which the patient might have recovered but for the complication, it proving "the straw that broke the camel's back."

The epidemic through which the world has just passed, though mild in most localities, is worthy a careful record and study. It is probable that epidemics of catarrh, under various names, have visited the earth at irregular in- The epidemics have usually traveled in a tervals since the creation of warm-blooded direction opposite the movement of the earth animals, sometimes affecting only the mon- upon its axis, and spread as though some inarchs of creation, at others the inferior ani- fluence that could not keep pace with the mals, often both. We find recorded evidence earth's motion had been left behind. But they of their existence as far back as 400 years B. have not always moved westward, nor with C., and systematic accounts of their presence the wind, nor along lines of travel, and before since 1510. The epidemic of that year started the advent of locomotion by steam seem to from Malta and spread rapidly north and west have moved with the same rapidity that has over Europe. Its prominent symptoms were since marked its movements, and occurring severe pain in the head, restlessness, hoarse- then as now simultaneously in cities and rural ness, difficulty of breathing, a straining cough, districts. Whilst most epidemics have spent often so violent as to threaten suffocation, fol- their force in from four to six weeks, there are lowed in a few days by a free expectoration of exceptions, such as in 1831, when the disease viscid mucus, and by loss of appetite and lingered in Paris for a whole year. At the strength. It was seldom fatal save in infancy. onset of an epidemic, many are simultaneously In 1557. an epidemic started in Asia and attacked. It rapidly reaches its acme and sudrapidly overran all Europe. It was accom- denly disappears, leaving no sporadic cases. panied with slight pain in the side, some As yet we can only speculate upon its etiology, cough, difficulty of breathing, and fever. Un- and are compelled to acknowledge, despite all less bled at the onset, those who suffered the that has been written upon its many epidemics, pain in the side usually died on the seventh or that its cause and mode of dissemination are

unknown. As neither individual isolation nor Called December 18th, 1889, to see Mrs. D, the isolation of location have afforded protec- American, aged 32, bilious temperament, but tion, its spread must be considered independ- nervous and frequently invalided from uterine ent of contagion. While instances are record- disease. Home comfortable, clean and healthed that seem to indicate contagion, and while ily located, weather mild and pleasant, and good men have believed it contagious, the general health good. Patient had had a chill general conclusion is that it is not, and that its during the night and complained of intense cause is not reproduced within the body. pain through the forehead and in the knees, While we are compelled to acknowledge a with a general ache of the limbs and body. specific cause, called into activity by some Temperature 103°, pulse 133, tongue coated, specific influence, we are also compelled to slight soreness of throat, bowels constipated, acknowledge that neither have been demon- nausea and vomiting, complexion sallow, strated. brows corrugated with a general expression of The present epidemic is chiefly remarkable pain. As yet we had hardly heard of the onfor the absence of many of the prominent con- coming epidemic, and did not diagnose epiditions of former epidemics, and, while many demic catarrh. We supposed we had a remitof them have been wide-spread and rapid in tent with catarrhal complication, and pretheir diffusion, this has been somewhat phe- scribed Hydrarg, sub-mur, gr. iij.; pulv. epicac, nomenal in these respects. While other epi- gr. 2, followed in three hours with a seidlitz demics have been characterized by catarrhal, powder. R. Fl. ext. Gelsemii f. 3j.; Norbronchial and pulmonary symptoms-coryza, wood's verat, viridi gtts. viij.; Potas. citras. 3ij. sneezing, sore throat, hoarseness, cough, short- Brom. Potass., 5j.; simple syr., 3j.; aquæ dist., ness of breath and pain in side-these have qs. ad. 3ij. M. Sig. D., a teaspoonful every been exceptional in the present epidemic. It hour while fever, and R. Sulph. quiniæ, 》j ; has been markedly and simultaneously pan- Brom. potass. ij. M. Ft. caps. No. 7. Sig. demic. We had scarcely heard of its presence D. One at 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 next morning. in Europe before it was in New York, Chicago, Kansas City and Osage City. In the last named place, the attacks, though sudden, were usually preceded by a short malaria, the onset often heralded by a more or less pronounced chill, and in children not infrequently by convulsions. Frontal headache, often intense,

Dec. 19, 10 a. m. Temperature 102, pulse 100, bowels moved but nausea continues. Continued treatment, directing the remaining capsula to be taken on the following morning and an epispastic over the stomach. Convalescent and discharged on the fourth day.

January 1, 1890, 9 a. m. Called to see Ella was always present. Pain in the knees, hips E., Swede, aged 24. Was in usual health the and back, sometimes very severe, was com- previous evening, had a chill during the night. mon. Fever, present in most cases, was mild, Temperature 104°,pulse 140, skin hot and dry. often, however, with a temperature of 103 and Pain in forehead severe, pain in knees and 104° and a pulse of 120 to 140, and when high usually accompanied with delirium. Pulse often irregular and intermittant. Skin hot and dry when the fever was active, but frequently normal or moist. Face usually flushed. Urine slightly changed, the usual sparsity,

color and excess of urates and uric acid that


marks fever. Tongue slightly covered with light colored coat. Appetite impaired or wanting. Nausea and vomiting common. Bowels slightly constipated. The symptoms at the onset of the disease often grave enough to por

tend serious results.

The characteristics of the disease may be seen best through the report of a few cases:

hips very severe and tender on pressure, tongue coated, bowels constipated, nausea and vomiting. Ordered sinapism to epigastrium, hours, and eight grains of salycil. soda every a small dose of calomel, a seidlitz powder in 3, three hours, and during fever. R. Brom. potass. Norwood's verat. gtts. viij., simple syr. 3j., citrat. potass, aa Jij. Fl. ext. gelsemii, gtts. xxx. aquæ dist., qs. ad 3ij. M. S. D. A dessert spoonful every hour while fever.

January 2, 10 a. m. Pulse 90, temperature 100°, skin moist. little pain anywhere. Continued bromide mixture once in three hours.

January 3. Convalescent; directed a grain of

quinine and three of brom. potass. in a cap. and four children. They occupied a small, three times a day.

January 1, 10 a. m. John Ec, Swede, robust butcher. Had a chill during night, followed by fever and delirium. Intense pain in forehead, aching in limbs and back, with slight soreness of throat. R. Sulpho carbolate soda 5j. Brom. potass, Div. Spts. nitre dulc. 3ij. Fl. ext. gelsemii, 5i. Norwood's verat. gtts. viij. glycerine, 3j. Aquæ Dist. qs. 3ij. M. S. D. Half table spoonful every hour while fever. January 2. Convalescent and discharged.

January 2, 8 p. m. Saw a child 14 months old. Had fever during the day, and had been in a convulsion since 7:30. Anæsthetized with chloroform and gave a full dose of bromid. potass. and chloral by enema, left three grains bromide potass. to be taken every hour during the night if awake. No more fever or convulsions. No further treatment.

January 3. N. S. Taken during the night with intense pain in the ear. Applied a little sulph. atropia in glycerine on absorbent cotton. January 4, 8 a. m. Pain in forehead severe, general aching and active fever and nauGave bromo cafiene every two hours, and every hour while fever, a teaspoonful of the following: R. Fl. ext, gelsemii f5j. Norwood's verat. gtts. xvj.; Fl. Ext. belladonna, gtts. iv; Potass. citras, 5ij.; aquæ 3ij. M. January 5. Convalescent.


dist. qs. ad.

January 6, 9 a. m. aged 14 years. Previous health good. Had complained of headache during the evening previous, had chilled during the night, and when seen was comatose, eyes bloodshot, and

Called to see Milton F.,

illy ventilated, dark and extremely dirty room, with cracks in the floor that permitted the accumulation of the filth beneath. They all lay on a bed on the floor, and had the appearance of being on short rations. The father had intense pain in the head, high fever and delirium. The mother had high fever, vomited frequently and had a kind of hysterical insanity. The oldest child, aged 9 years, had an occasional convulsion; the other children, headache and mild fever. Reporting them to those messengers of mercy, the Grand Army Relief Corps, for cleansing, and prescribing about as indicated above, they were discharged on the third day. This was the only instance where we found a whole family taken simultaneously,, and we report it to show that, though not a filth disease, like other diseases it fattens on filth. Many cases are too mild for treatment, and a marked peculiarity of the epidemic was that cases of the gravest import melted away like dew beneath the sun, either under the treatment indicated above, antiperine antifibrine, hydrobromic acid and quinine, or merely prudential measures. In Kansas the epidemic appeared in the midst of general health, and at the elose of the mildest December known for more than two score of years. The mean temperature being 44.78 degrees, which was 15.32 degrees above the December average, with a rainfall of 0.08 inch, which was 1.54 inches below the average for the month, and a mean cloudiness of 3.33 per cent. clearer than usual in December. Under

such conditions it is not a little difficult to determine causation. During the early part of the patient irresponsive. Put five grains of January there was a sudden change in temcalomel on tongue, sinapisms over epigastrium Perature and moisture which will account for

and upper spine and gave bromides per rectum. Jan. 7. Could be roused but delirious, pulse 130, temperature 102, frequent vomiting. Prescribed, Fl. Ext. Gelsem. gtts. iij. Norwood's verat. gtts. j.; Fl. Ext. ipecac gtts. 4; Potass. citras gr. viij. Brom. potass. grs. v.; aquæ dist. 5ss. Every hour while fever.

January 8. No fever, no headache, no vomiting. Says he is well but has no legs-weak. R. Sulph. quin. grs. iij.; Brom. Potass. grs. M. Ft. chart. 3. S. D. One 3 times a day. January 8, Saw J. V. and family, self, wife


the increased amount of pneumonia without the presence of the epidemic.

THE Kansas Medical Catalogue, Vol. 1, No. 1, a monthly journal published at Fort Scott, Kas., and edited by F. F. Dickman, formerly editor of the Kansas City Medical Index, assisted by Drs. J. B. Carver and J. M. Poindexter, is on our table. It has a pretty face and wears nice clothes, and like Kansas productions in general, it is a creditable periodical.

all cases.


THE Southern Medical Record now in its twentieth year, and published in Atlanta, Ga., We are undergoing a visitation of influenza, has changed hands. Drs. T. S. Powell and or "la grippe." Many have been prostrated R. H. Ward retiring, and Dr. H. Howell asby it. The symptoms are much the same in suming control as business manager, with Drs. There is an absence of the severe A. W. Griggs, Wm. Perrin Nicolson and Frank catarrhal symptoms that were characteristic O. Stockton as editors. The valedictory of of the epidemic of 1847, and later in 1873. the retiring editors is very pretty, sentimental The prodromal symptoms are of short dura- and appropriate. The salutatory of the trio tion (two or three hours), and consists of shiv- of new editors contains the true spirit of ering; headache, generally frontal, followed by progress. The last proposition which is "We fever; pains in the muscles of the trunk and will urge the establishment of inebriate asylimbs; sharp pains in the chest like pleuritic lums to suppress and prevent crime and repains; temperature from 100° to 104° F.; eyes claim and restore to society such unfortunates congested, slight catarrhal trouble, bronchial as may be possibly cured," is highly comand intestinal. These symptoms, with greater mendable in Georgia, but would come under or less severity, continue about two days-the the head of preventive medicine in Kansas. pains in head subside and the fever falls, and Begin on the cause brethren, as you would the patient is left quite weak. In some cases in stamping out any disease and your efforts the violent symptoms continue longer, seldom will be more availing. The KANSAS MEDICAL more than four or five days. Relapses are JOURNAL, extends greetings and a God speed very common, and an attack of pneumonia is with a desire to x. apt to supervene; this, in many epidemics, has been very fatal. The young, and old, and A QUOTATION from the Med. Zeitung, in invalids, are usually most seriously affected. the Times and Register, describes the method of induction of artificial labor as recently bath, the application of mustard to the spine brought out by Pugliatti, but practised by the and over the chest; the bowels should be translator for many years, viz., the introduckept open with mild cathartics; hot drinks, tion of an aseptic elastic bougie into the such as hot milk, &c.; antipyrin to relieve the uterus, as though it were not generally known. pain-this is not required in large doses, from To correct such a misapprehension on the 21⁄2 grains for children to 15 grains for adults, part of any, I would state that this is the repeated in two hours if necessary; quiniæ in free doses, if prostration is great; stimulants, whisky, ammonia, &c. The patient should be cautioned against early exposure.

The most effectual treatment is a hot foot

THE Medical Mirror, due notice of its conception having been given some months ago, has been born. From its appearance it went to full term. It is not according to the stereotyped formula. Its mechanical make up is very good. The artistic display is unique. The reading matter is up to the times. The editorials remind us of the honeymoon of a man with his second wife, which is accounted for by the editor resuming. Many kind words are spoken which will ever be remembered and the only break is on page 49. Taken all in all it is worthy its editor and may it continue to reflect so long as there is anything to mirror. J. E. M.

method described and recommended by Profs.
Reynolds and Richardson at Harvard for
many years past, and it looks as though our
Italian friends were behind the times rather
than setting the fashion.
W. D. B.

ANTISEPTIC CARPENTERY.-The American druggist says, "there appears to be such a thing as a diagnosis of disease in wood, and the botanical physicians profess to know that it may be botanic or sporadic. Dry rot is called contagious, and it is said that the germ of that disease may be communicated to sound wood by tools which have been at work in diseased. It is thought possibly that the theory accounts for many otherwise incomprehensible breakages of timber. The suggestion is that sound timber should not be cut with the saw that has passed through wood. affected by dry rot without cleaning."

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