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A Column of Little Things.

THE November No. of the JOURNAL contained an article by R. E. McVey, of Topeka,

COCAINE is recommended in the vomiting read before the E. K. D. M. Society, at Leavof pregnancy.

enworth, in which from purely physiological reasons, he advocated the use of albuminous

DR. H. T. MCLAUGHLIN has located at 529 foods in the dietetic treatment of Bright's disKansas avenue.

ease. Dr. McNary, of the Soldiers' Home, THE eucalyptus tree is said to be a prevent- confirmed the plan of treatment by experience in some reported cases:

ive of musquitoes.

"Prof. Schreiber, of Königsberg, experimented on eight people suffering from kidney disease, to whom he gave along with their DR. C. M. MUTZ has hung out his shingle ordinary diet six to ten eggs daily. Before

SOMNAL is a new soporific. The dose is from 20 to 30 grains.

at 606 W. Sixth street.

THE separation of the placenta is favored by tying the cord.-H. St. C. Gray, M. D., in


DR. PHILLIPS, of Salina, was a Capitol visitor last week. He is President of the Central Kansas District Medical Society.

UNCONTROLLABLE vomiting of pregnancy, when all other means have failed, may be overcome by dilatation of the cervical canal by the finger.

FREQUENT examinations during labor, especially during the first stage, after the presentation has been diagnosed as normal, is deprecated by all accoucheurs.

CHLORALAMIDE is the name of the latest

new hypnotic. It is a combination of chloral and formanide, and is given in doses of 15 to 60 grains.-N. Y. Med. Record.

Dr. G. A. COGGERSHALL, formerly of Ellsworth, Kansas, has removed to Washington, D. C. We are sorry to part with the doctor, as he was in the front rank.

DEATH FROM SULPHONAL.-Dr. R. R. Petitt, of Dayton, Ohio, reports in the Medical News a death from the administration of two 15 gr. doses of sulphonal, given one and a quarter hours apart, to a woman aged 28, who was suffering from melancholia.

ABORTION OF ACUTE CORYZA.-According to Dr. Bishop, of Chicago, a tablet containing grain of morphine and 6 gr. of atropia, divided into four equal parts, and are given every hour until the effects of the atropia is induced, will break up or abort almost any attack of acute coryza.

the beginning of the experiment they had been under observation from tour to eight days, on the usual diet, until the fluctuations in the amount of the albumen in the twenty-four hours had been determined; the estimations being likewise made for several days after the eggs were discontinued. In four of the cases the eggs were administered boiled; in the others raw. In the former group the patients received six eggs daily and in none of them during the period of administration of the nitrogenous food could any fluctuation or increase in the amount of albumen be determined. In the second group, six to ten raw eggs daily, not only did not show an increase in the excretion of albumen, but actually led to a considerable diminution. Similar results

have also recently been recorded from Leyden's wards. These observations also agree with those of Oertel, who has stated that the addition of a great quantity of albuminous food may affect albuminuria favorably."-Med. Record.

The above agrees with the ideas expressed to us by Dr. McVey for a long time, in the treatment of Bright's disease, and contained. in his paper to which reference has been made. More particularly was this noted from the teaching as we believed being opposed to such diet. His reasoning we could not overthrow, but thought the weight of authority against him, and rested content. We are glad to note from time to time, brethren in our midst who are capable of leading in advanced thoughts in medicine.

J. E. M.

DR. DAVID PRINCE, of Jacksonville, Ill., one of the best known surgeons in the West, died at his home of pneumonia, December 19, 1889.

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CURETTING FOR DYSMENORRHOEA.-The operation may be performed upon the bed, THE following communication from the without assistance and without narcosis. After Health Monitor, of Denver, Colorado, has been thorough washing out of the vagina, the uterus is drawn down by a bullet forceps, and the uterine cavity is gradually curetted by a longhandled sharp spoon. Then the cavity is washed out with Bozeman-Fritzch's catheter, when an injection of ferrum chloridum is made. The curetting must be performed thoroughly and systematically. The patient must remain in bed a week after the operation, with water-compresses or ice-bags upon the abdomen. Contra-indications-para and perimetritis; incomplete knowledge of antiseptics by the operator.-Arch. Gynecology.

EDITOR KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL:-The Health Monitor would be pleased to exchange with the KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL. If all your numbers are as good as the one I saw, it is one of the best journals published. Very respectfully, &c.,

THE publisher not having room in the December number of the JOURNAL, for all matter furnished by the editors, took out the proceedings of the South Kansas Medical Society, Notes from Kansas City, Notes on Rheumatism, &c., without our knowledge, and hence references and omissions which refer to nothing, and seemingly careless omissions are accounted for. Hereafter unison of thought will prevail in making up the subject matter of the JOURNAL.

THE N. Y. Medical Times says: "The oil of bay is used by the butchers of Switzerland to keep their shops free from flies. After a coat of oil has been applied to the walls none venture to appear. It also prevents gilt frames, chandeliers, &c., from becoming soiled by the flies."

We are anxious for the fly season to come again to prove the correctness of the above.


DR. G. W. EARLE in the Br. Gyn. Journal, in summing up the treatment of eclampsia during labor says: "With the present light on the subject, it appears to me that for convulsions at full term the hot bath, anæsthetics, and a termination of labor as rapidly as could be done without injury to the soft parts, is the treatment for to-day.

AGAIN. The Times and Register of Philadelphia, in its weekly list of important and practical articles, gives the KANSAS MEDICAL JOURNAL credit for two such articles in October, viz.: "Tertiary Syphilis and Treatment-Dr. McVey; "Uterine Hyperplasia”— Dr. McCandless.

A CHICAGO professor has found in that city that the hair on the mons veneris of sterile women is straight. He does not advise curling the hair as a cure for sterility.-Arch. Gynecology.

IN the vomiting of pregnancy, Prof. Sharp recommends small and repeated doses of dilute hydrocyanic acid.

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GUNPOWDER FOR CRIMINAL ABORTION The Kansas City Medical Record says that "Dr. world without end-vsky-reports two curious cases of criminal abortion caused by the internal use of gunpowder, in the dose of a small sized wine glass full. The foetus was expelled in a few hours after the injection of a single dose."

A case of criminal abortion came under the writer's observation in which a tablespoonful each of gunpowder and iron filings (the woman's husband was a blacksmith,) was taken with equal effect. A two months fœtus was expelled within four hours from the time of ingestion. The woman recovered in the usual time without any complications, contrary to our prognosis.

J. E. M.

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PROF. S. S. TODD of Kansas City, and Miss

ALARMING Results from a Single Dose OF ANTIPYRIN.-Mrs. S- was suffering from a severe headache, and diagnosing her case to be similar to Mrs. F————————————'s she took one of the powders which had been ordered, one every four hours, for Mrs. F———————————'s headache. The powders were antipyrin, fifteen grains in each. Within five minutes she began to sneeze violently and a free watery discharge came from the nose. The throat seemed to swell and close up and the patient had fears of suffocation and impending death. Emesis was promptly secured by mustard and hot water, and half an hour later the only symptom remaining was hoarseness.

Mrs. S. is of a nervous disposition and had been very much worried during the day, which doubtless augmented her sufferings.

sensation in the throat, but this is the most Some patients experience a sharp pricking severe case of the kind that has come under my observation.

W. D. B.

SINCE the elixir discovery, the faculty of the Kansas City Medical College has been stimulated to greater exertion. Drs. Todd, Halley and Beattie have all committed matriThe JOURmony. This is as it should be. NAL extends congratulation. The world would be more nearly evened up if one or two more of the faculty would do likewise.

"DR." DIAMOND DICK, one of the most successful Western peripatetic, cash-in-advance cure-all medicine venders has rented a large hall in Kansas City and will give the M. D.'s of that burg a lesson in transferring money from the pockets of the dear people to his own.

THE Topeka Academy of Medicine and Surgery meets in Lincoln post hall the first Tuesday evening of each month. Visiting physicians cordially invited to attend.

LEAVENWORTH has a colored physician to whom most of the practice among the colored people is turned over.

One of the best gargles in acute sore throat Frances Williams of Lucas county, Iowa, is hot claret wine. It is agreeable as well as were married on the evening of November 9. astringent.


CORYZA-KARA, THE HEAD, AND ZEO, I LIVE. In the treatment of coryza a great variety of remedies have been used and recommended, more than a careful study of its etiology and pathology approves.

The causes of coryza are numerous. Among the most common are a partial application of cold to the body, or to the feet, the hands, the head, &c., especially when there is the feeble cardiac action following exhaustion. The ballroom furnishes many victims, especially among the ladies, who, after the exhaustion of the dance expose their half-clad bodies to the cold. In its day the skating-rink furnished its share among those who took its vigorous indoor exercise and then went out into the cold, or sat in a draft to cool off. Paper-soled shoes are a prolific cause of coryza. A sudden change from an extreme cold to a warm atmosphere causes the disease in much the same way that it produces chilblains. Specific poisons, as of rubeola, irritants; irritants, as tobacco, acrid vapors and powders; epidemic influences, climatic changes, idiosyncracy, &c., all tend to produce local irritation and hyperæmia of the nasal membrane, which manifests itself by obstructed nasal respiration, fullness, heat and pain, with such reflexes as sneezing, headache, &c., speedily followed by a watery mucoid discharge.

The pathological expression is amenable to a variety of treatment, but the first care should be to remove the cause. Apply warm clothing to the whole body, especially the feet, and avoid extreme and sudden changes in temp


Among the remedial agents we mention cocaine, applied topically in a two to four per cent. solution.

A better prescription is, R, opü, ipecac., āā. grs. j, brom. potass. gr. x., m. s. d. at bed-time, preceded by a saline cathartic and a hot pediluvium. Many physicians give at bed-time quinine and Dover's powder, ää. grs. x.

In domestic practice a good substitute is found in a bowl of hot bone-set (eupatorium perfoliatum) tea, fluid ext. gelsiminum gtta. xv. at bed-time often acts like a charm.

Ten grains of antifebrine, or seven of antipiryne, are in fashion now.

More complicated formula, one often used is
R. Potass. nitras.
Aqua pur.
f zij.

Dissolve and add listerine-Lamberts, f.3j.m.
Sig. Use with an atomizer three times a
day. A sure cure for nose cold and nasal
catarrh.-Phil. Med. Bulletin.
R Roasted coffee,

50 parts.

2 parts. 50 parts. Triturate together into a fine powder and use as a snuff.-Post Graduate Journal. R Carbolic acid, alcohol, āā. 10 parts. 20 parts.


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M Sig. D. A teaspoonful every 3 hours.

Good medication without medicine will be found in a dry-bath-free friction with a coarse towel until the whole body feels like polished ivory.

Dr. Williams recommends total abstinence from liquids.

For the same purpose Dr. Physic recom- The logic of this treatment is improved by mended the inhalation of the vapor of laud- adding total abstinence from food for a few anum and Hoffman's anodyne, ää., and Des- meals. The stimulating quality as well as champ's snuffing into the nostrils a solution of extract of opium, one grain to the ounce. Chloroform, (chlorodyne) poured into the hand and inhaled frequently, often give prompt and perfect relief.

Dr. Chapman prescribed a full dose of opium

at bed-time.

quantity of the circulation will thus be diminished. This is good treatment in the first stage of many diseases, as the organism thus relieved of the ordinary duty of digesting, appropriating and eliminating can perform the extra duty of depurating.

Instead of this course we sometimes find the

opposite commended-"stuff a cold"-force a balance. Very good if it succeeds, if not there will be opportunity to "starve a fever." Inhaling aqua ammonia acts locally upon the same plan.

if the case be one of remittent fever. Dr. Naylor cites a long list of cases cured by gas.


Phenacetin is one of the latest antipyretics Where there is predisposition to coryza, a that has come into professional favor; and alcold bath to the neck, chest and back every though it is closely allied in action and in morning, will be found an excellent prophy- chemical composition to its twin sisters anlaxis. tipyrin and antifebrin, clinical experience

AN "INFALLIBLE ANTIDOTE" FOR MALARI- teaches that it possesses certain peculiarities


Dr. Charles G. R. Naylor, Civil Surgeon, of Burmah, India, addresses a report to the Deputy Surgeon-General of British Burmah in which he asserts that carbonic acid gas is an infallible antidote to malarial fevers of all types and durations. Dr. Naylor's report is re-published in Edinburgh. It was first made eight years ago, but is now put forth again in an enlarged form and with the emphasis and confidence drawn from a fuller experience.

Dr. Naylor does not claim originality for his treatment. It was devised or discovered by Dr. John Parkin, of London, who tested its value while visiting the malarial districts of Italy, Spain, and West Africa.

The rationale of the gas treatment is expounded by Drs. Parkin and Naylor, but it is far from being satisfactory or scientific and it need not occupy our space.

The gas is administered in solution and is got in its cheapest form by dissolving bicarbonate of soda, gr. xxx., in three ounces of cold water, and throwing into the solution tartaric acid, gr. xx., in a powdered state, the mixture to be stirred rapidly once, and swallowed as soon as possible in a state of effervescence. The patient must be made to lie down immediately after, to prevent eructation and escape of the gas, so apt to occur in a sitting posture.

which places it in the front rank of this class of remedies. Like the two latter, it is not only useful as a fever reducing agent, but it also displays a remarkable beneficial influence in diseases of the nervous system. It is indeed very probable that all these substances exert their therapeutic properties by virtue of their strong affinity for the nervous system; notwithstanding the fact that this feature was altogether unobserved when they were first introduced to the profession. It is always a cause for much congratulation, because it is an indication of normal development, when, as in this instance, independent researches, carried on in the different branches of the same science, yield evidence of a reciprocally confirmatory character. Previous to the discovery of the antipyretic action of these coaltar products, there were investigations in progress which showed both from an experimental and a clinical standpoint, that the essential lesion of fever consisted in a disordered state of the heat-regulating centres of the nervous system. So long as fever was believed to be due primarily to super-oxidation of the bodily tissues, as was taught by the older pathology, the modus operandi of every antipyretic was more or less enshrouded in a cloud of darkness; but when subsequent observation demonstrated that phenacetin and its allies produced antipyresis by reason of their marked affinity for the nervous system, the neurotic theory of fever was so much richer on account of the additional evidence which it received from this quarter.

The doses of soda and acid must be decreased to suit the different ages of children, as gr. xxx. of bicarbonate of soda are not soluble in the small quantity of water suitable for administration in one dose to very young Whatever its manifestation may be, therechildren. fore, it is clear that the fundamental action of Sometimes the soda is given first and fol- phenacetin is concentrated on the nervous lowed by the acid.

The remedy is best administered just before the paroxysm is expected, or in the remission

system, and it is well to bear this feature of its action in mind while administering it. As an antipyretic it is in many respects superior to

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