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Since 1850 the number of persons of foreign birth has been ascertained at each census of the United States.

In 1870 the number of persons, whether themselves born abroad or in the United States, one or both of whose parents were foreigners, was sought to be ascertained. The results showed that, while there were in that year 5,567,229 persons resident in the United States who were born in other countries, there were 10,521,233 residents who had a foreign father, 10,105,627 who had a foreign mother, 9,734,845 who had both parents foreign, and 10,892,015 who had one or both parents foreign. It will, of course, be understood that the last four sums are not to be added together for any statistical purpose. For example, the third sum, 9,734,845, is repeated four times, constituting a part of each of the other three sums given. The outside limit of foreign parentage is the last sum, 10,892,015, which comprises all persons either of whose parents were of foreign birth, and this number, it will be observed, includes all, or very nearly all, the 5,567,229 persons who were themselves born in other countries. If we say all, then there were 5,324,786 persons resident in the United States in 1870, and themselves born in the United States, who had a foreign father and a native mother or a foreign mother and a native father, or had both parents foreign.

The statistics of foreign parentage for 1870, however, gave no clew to the contribution made to this total by the several foreign countries appearing in the tables of foreign birth; i. e., there was nothing to show how many persons had German fathers or German mothers, how many Irish fathers or Irish mothers, etc.

In compiling the census of 1880 a very elaborate tabulation was undertaken, in order to secure the ratios of contribution to the popu lation foreign in the second degree made by each principal foreign country. For this purpose the populations of 28 states, 7 territories, and the District of Columbia were tallied according to a highly com plicated form in order to secure the ratios desired. The results appear in the following table. A proper analysis and discussion of these fig. ures would demand a space not consistent with the limits of the present publication, and the details will therefore be incorporated in the quarto volume on population.

The main facts are that in the body of population embraced in this table, comprising, as it does, 26,354,124 of the 50,155,783 inhabitants of the United States, there were 5,529,331 persons who had a foreign father, 5,223,497 who had a foreign mother, 4,994,017 who had both parents foreign, and 5,758,811 who had one or both parents foreign. The entire foreign element having been included in this tabulation, there appear 13,307 persons of foreign birth residents of the United States who had parents both native born.

It appears that for every 1,000 persons born in Ireland there were 2,442 who had an Irish father and 2,387 who had an Irish mother; of


every 1,000 persons born in Germany there were 2,483 who had a German father and 2,306 who had a German mother; of every 1,000 persons born in Great Britain there were 2,223 who had a British father and 1,941 who had a British mother; of every 1,000 persons born in Scandinavia there were 1,690 who had a Scandinavian father and 1,671 who had a Scandinavian mother; of every 1,000 persons born in British America there were 1,310 who had a British American father and 1,292 who had a British American mother; and of every 1,000 persons born in all other foreign countries there were 1,559 who had a father and 1,439 who had a mother born in countries other than those designated.

The application of these ratios to the total number of persons residing within the United States who were born in each of the specified foreign countries, according to the table of nativity (Table XXX), would indicate that throughout the United States there were, at the date of the census of 1880, persons having one or both parents foreign born, or foreignborn persons having parents both native born, as follows:

Total number of persons having Irish fathers -
Total number of persons having German fathers
Total number of persons having British fathers..
Total number of persons having Scandinavian fathers...
Total number of persons having British American fathers....
Total number of persons having fathers born in countries
other than those specified..

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Total number of foreign persons having both parents native.

Total number of persons having native fathers and foreign

573, 434

33, 252


14,955, 996

Total number of persons having Irish mothers
Total number of persons having German mothers

4, 448, 421.
4,557, 629

Total number of persons having British mothers..
Total number of persons having Scandinavian mothers..
Total number of persons having British American mothers..
Total number of persons having mothers born in countries
other than those specified

1,790, 200

631, 309

931, 408

1,226, 113

Total number of persons having native mothers and foreign

Total number of foreign persons having both parents native.

1,337, 664


33, 252 14,955, 996

The following table contains the results of the compilation of the statistics of foreign parentage in the states of Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin; in the territories of Arizona, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Washington, and Wyoming, and in the District of Columbia, embracing an aggregate population of 26,354,124, and a total foreign population of 2,673,217, distributed among the sev eral principal foreign nationalities as follows: Irish, 686,322; Germans, 661,369; British, 302,484; Scandinavians, 218,165; British Americans, 340,656; and persons born in other countries, 464,221.

States and Territories.

TABLE CVII.-Parentage of the total number of persons in the United States having one or

born, with summaries for 35 states and territories

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Total for the United States. 573, 434 1, 337, 664

33, 252 13, 011, 646 4, 529, 523 4, 448, 421

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both parents foreign born; also number of foreign-born persons having both parents native and the District of Columbia: 1880.




4,883, 842 4, 557, 629 2, 039, 808 1, 790, 200 635, 405 631, 309

939, 247 931, 408 1, 321, 485 1,226, 112

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