SCHEDULE “B.” Name and Residence of the Person or the Title and the Person. Location of the Corpora- Relationship of The foregoing marked "Schedule A" shows the decedent's name, date of death and place of residence, whether the taxable property was transferred by will or the intestate laws, date of letters, and the names, titles and addresses of the legal representatives. The foregoing marked "Schedule B" shows the name of the person or the title of the corporation to whom the taxable property was transferred, and opposite thereto the relationship of such person, a general description of the property transferred, and the nature of the interest, whether absolute or otherwise, and the fair market value of the property or interest at the time of the transfer. The foregoing marked "Schedule C" contains a statement of other facts relative to the property transferred. I do further report that the depositions of the witnesses examined before me in this proceeding are hereto annexed and marked "Schedule D." "Schedule E" hereto attached contains other facts in relation to the tax on said estate reported for the information of the surrogate. I do hereby further report that I have been actually and necessarily employed........days in making said appraisals, etc., and that actual and necessary traveling expenses, including the fees paid witnesses and postage amount to $.... Dated... .189 Appraiser. |